989 resultados para Muñoz Borrero, Eduardo.
This paper presents a simple mathematical model to estimateshadinglosses on PVarrays. The model is applied directly to power calculations, without the need to consider the whole current–voltage curve. This allows the model to be used with common yield estimation software. The model takes into account both the shaded fraction of the array area and the number of blocks (a group of solar cells protected by a bypass diode) affected by shade. The results of an experimental testing campaign on several shaded PVarrays to check the validity of model are also reported.
This paper presents a review of back-tracking geometry not only for single axis but also for two-axis tracking and analyses the corresponding energy gains. It compares the different back-tracking strategies with the ideal tracking in terms of energy yield concluding, on the one hand, that back-tracking is more useful for single horizontal axis than for the single vertical one, and on the other hand, that back-tracking is more efficient when applied in the primary axis of a two-axis tracker
El contenido de este artículo representa el eslabón que falta en la historia publicada por la revista Informes de la Construcción sobre el proyecto y construcción de la nueva sede del Instituto, que fue el hábitat de investigación más innovador jamás construido por la Modernidad. Su difusión completa y cierra esta historia, a la vez que potencia el mensaje que Eduardo Torroja quiso transmitir agrupando los artículos que relatan esta historia, bajo un mismo título común; “El Instituto es Así”, seguramente porque durante mucho tiempo (1949-1953), defendió que no podía ser de otra manera.
A focusing system for a 300 GHz radar with two target distances (5m and 10m) is proposed, having 1cm resolution in both cases. The focusing system is based on a gaussian telescope scheme and it has been designed using gaussian beam quasi-optical propagation theory with a homemade Matlab analysis tool. It has been translated into a real focusing system based on two elliptical mirrors and a plane mirror in order to have scanning capabilities and validated using the commercial antenna software GRASP
With the advent of the Universal Technical Standard for Solar Home Systems, procedures to test the compliance of SHS fluorescent lamps with the standard have been developed. Definition of the laboratory testing procedures is a necessary step in any lamp quality assurance procedure. Particular attention has been paid to test simplicity and to affordability, in order to facilitate local application of the testing procedures, for example by the organisations which carry out electrification programmes. The set of test procedures has been applied to a representative collection of 42 lamps from many different countries, directly acquired in the current photovoltaic rural electrification market. Tests apply to: lamp resistance under normal operating conditions; lamp reliability under extreme conditions; under abnormal conditions; and lamp luminosity. Results are discussed and some recommendations for updating the relevant standard are given. The selected technical standard, together with the proposed testing procedures, form the basis of a complete quality assurance tool that can be applied locally in normal electrical laboratories. Full testing of a lamp requires less than one month, which is very reasonable on the context of quality assurance programmes
Inverter features are reviewed from a PV systems perspective, with a view to contributing to possible codes, procurement specifications and testing procedures, in order to assure the technical quality of these systems. A laboratory testing campaign has been carried out on a representative set of sixteen currently available inverters and a set of the most common AC appliances. The results of the tests are discussed with the aim of divulging the particular features of operating AC appliances in PV systems and the provisions to be taken into account in PV system design. The development of testing procedures has followed the motto ?keep it as simple as possible?, in order to make their application easier in conventional laboratories in developing countries.
This paper describes the practical design of a portable capacitive load based on insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), which is used to measure the I–V characteristics of PV arrays with short-circuit currents up to 80 A and open circuit voltages up to 800 V. Such measurement allows on-site characterization of PV arrays under real operating conditions and also provides information for the detection of potential array anomalies, such as broken cells or defective connections. The presented I–V load is easy to reproduce and low-cost, characteristics that are within the reach of small-scale organizations involved in PV electrification projects.
In October 2002, under the auspices of Spanish Cooperation, a pilot electrification project put into operation two centralised PV-diesel hybrid systems in two different Moroccan villages. These systems currently provide a full-time energy service and supply electricity to more than a hundred of families, six community buildings, street lighting and one running water system. The appearance of the electricity service is very similar to an urban one: one phase AC supply (230V/50Hz) distributed up to each dwelling using a low-voltage mini-grid, which has been designed to be fully compatible with a future arrival of the utility grid. The management of this electricity service is based on a “fee-for-service” scheme agreed between a local NGO, partner of the project, and electricity associations created in each village, which are in charge of, among other tasks, recording the daily energy production of systems and the monthly energy consumption of each house. This register of data allows a systematic evaluation of both the system performance and the energy consumption of users. Now, after four years of operation, this paper presents the experience of this pilot electrification project and draws lessons that can be useful for designing, managing and sizing this type of small village PV-hybrid system
This paper details an investigation into the appearance of hot-spots in two large grid-connected photovoltaics (PV) plants, which were detected after the visual inspection of trackers whose energy output was decreasing at anomalous rate. Detected hot-spots appeared not only in the solar cells but also in resistive solder bonds (RSB) between cells and contact ribbons. Both types cause similar irreversible damage to the PV modules, but the latter are the main responsible for the detected decrease in energy output, which was confirmed in an experimental testing campaign. The results of this investigation, for example, how hot-spots were detected or their impact on the output power of PV modules, may be of interest for the routine maintenance of large grid-connected PV plants.
This paper presents a simple mathematical model to estimate shading losses on PV arrays. The model is applied directly to power calculations, without the need to consider the whole current–voltage curve. This allows the model to be used with common yield estimation software. The model takes into account both the shaded fraction of the array area and the number of blocks (a group of solar cells protected by a bypass diode) affected by shade. The results of an experimental testing campaign on several shaded PV arrays to check the validity of model are also reported.
La presente tesis doctoral propone un conjunto de ensayos de corta duración destinados a cubrir la ausencia de estándares internacionales específicamente adaptados a la tecnología y al panorama fotovoltaico actual que indiquen como realizar los procedimientos de control de calidad para comprobar que las grandes centrales fotovoltaicas ejecutadas responden a las expectativas establecidas durante la fase de proyecto. Dichos ensayos buscan, desde el punto de vista estrictamente técnico, obtener en un corto periodo de tiempo (típicamente una semana) resultados altamente repetitivos y representativos del comportamiento de la instalación bajo análisis, a la vez que minimizar al máximo la incertidumbre global, aspectos fundamentales para los procedimientos de control general de la calidad de una central. Los ensayos propuestos comprueban tanto el comportamiento general de la central, en términos de su capacidad de producción energética, como el de sus principales componentes, generadores fotovoltaicos e inversores, en términos de potencia máxima y eficiencia, respectivamente. También se aconseja una revisión de la calidad y seguridad de la instalación y de los materiales empleados en la ejecución de la central para evitar un envejecimiento prematuro de los mismos. Todos los ensayos recogidos en el texto se apoyan en la experiencia recopilada por el “Grupo de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos del Instituto de Energía Solar de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid”, que ha estado involucrado en procedimientos de control de calidad de unas 50 centrales fotovoltaicas, con una potencia acumulada cercana a 250 MW, la mayoría de ellas instaladas en España. ABSTRACT This PhD thesis proposes a set of short-duration tests to establish quality control procedures to ensure that large photovoltaic plants fulfil the initial expectations. The motivation for this work is the lack of international standards specifically adapted to the present photovoltaic technology and its state of the art. From a strict technical point of view, these tests seek to obtain highly repetitive and representative results about the behaviour of the installation under study in a short period of time (typically one single week); and to minimize the global uncertainty. These are the two keys aspects required in quality control procedures. The proposed tests evaluate the general behaviour of the photovoltaic plants, in terms of energy production, as well as the particular behaviour of their main devices, photovoltaic arrays and inverters, in terms of maximum power and efficiency, respectively. A review of the installation quality and safety, and the employed materials in its execution to avoid premature aging is also recommended. The tests here presented are based on the experience accumulated by the “Grupo de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos del Instituto de Energia Solar de la Universidad Politecnica de Madrid”. This group has been involved in quality control procedures of about 50 photovoltaic plants, with an accumulated power close to 250 MW, most of them installed in Spain.
This paper analyses the influence of lubricant behaviour on the appearance of pitting. It attempts to study the effect of viscosity?pressure relation, compressibility, film thickness?roughness relation and friction coefficient on pitting failure of the contacting elements.To explain these effects, we first deal with the influence of the oil on the lubrication of the contact using elastohydrodynamic theory and secondly two multiaxial fatigue criteria are used, Crossland criterion and Dang Van criterion, to evaluate the influence of the rheology on the appearance of pitting. Finally, different applications are presented together with a discussion on the results obtained.
This paper presents a new form of the one-dimensional Reynolds equation for lubricants whose rheological behaviour follows a modified Carreau rheological model proposed by Bair. The results of the shear stress and flow rate obtained through a new Reynolds–Carreau equation are shown and compared with the results obtained by other researchers.
Este artículo presenta diferentes alternativas de ensayo para caracterizar en campo grandes generadores fotovoltaicos. Las medidas de curvas I-V con trazadores electrónicos, previa desconexión de la planta, son rápidas y permiten detectar anomalías del generador fotovoltaico como puntos calientes, polarización y sombreados. Sin embargo, la medida de potencia correspondiente engloba demasiada incertidumbre como para ser tomada en cuenta contractualmente. Las medidas de potencia continua usando un vatímetro, tomadas de manera simultánea al funcionamiento normal de la planta, proporcionan mayor precisiónen los resultados, especialmente si se siguen algunas precauciones para disminuir la incertidumbre. Los resultados presentados proceden de los ensayos efectuados en unas 50 centrales fotovoltaicas comerciales, representativas de una potencia cercana a 250 MW.