997 resultados para Masses.
Dissertação de mestrado em História
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Geografia (área de especialização em Planeamento e Gestão do Território)
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Judiciário
Dissertação de mestrado em Ordenamento e Valorização de Recursos Geológicos
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Background: Cardiac tumors are rare, mostly benign with high embolic potential. Objectives: To correlate the histological type of cardiac masses with their embolic potential, implantation site and long term follow up in patients undergoing surgery. Methods: Between January 1986 and December 2011, we retrospectively analyzed 185 consecutive patients who underwent excision of intracardiac mass (119 females, mean age 48±20 years). In 145 patients, the left atrium was the origin site. 72% were asymptomatic and prior embolization was often observed (19.8%). The diagnosis was established by echocardiography, magnetic resonance and histological examination. Results: Most tumors were located in the left side of the heart. Myxoma was the most common (72.6%), followed by fibromas (6.9%), thrombi (6.4%) and sarcomas (6.4%). Ranging from 0.6cm to 15cm (mean 4.6 ± 2.5cm) 37 (19.8%) patients had prior embolization, stroke 10.2%, coronary 4.8%, peripheral 4.3% 5.4% of hospital death, with a predominance of malignant tumors (40% p < 0.0001). The histological type was a predictor of mortality (rhabdomyomas and sarcomas p = 0.002) and embolic event (sarcoma, lipoma and fibroelastoma p = 0.006), but not recurrence. Tumor size, atrial fibrillation, cavity and valve impairment were not associated with the embolic event. During follow-up (mean 80±63 months), there were 2 deaths (1.1%) and two recurrences 1 and 11 years after the operation, to the same cavity. Conclusion: Most tumors were located in the left side of the heart. The histological type was predictor of death and preoperative embolic event, while the implantation site carries no relation with mortality or to embolic event.
In the State of S. Paulo, Brazil, squash plants (Cucurbita spp.) are attacked by the Javanese nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) and by M. incognita acrita. Squash belongs to that group of plants in which the root-knot nematodes break through the root surface, so that the egg-producing females protrude from the root, showing yellowish or brow nish egg masses attached to them. Washed roots show numerous small dark spots, each corresponding to an ootheca, which is adhering to a mature female. A curious abnormal female of M. i. acrita was obtained from a sample of squash roots. This female's body showed two globular parts, separated by a deep constriction. The convoluted ovaries were found to fill both portions of the body.
The reproduction of Bothrops jararaca (Wied, 1824) in captivity in ordened to determine the intercourse period, births, number of neonates, proportion of males and females per litter were performed between 1989 and 1999. Fifty eight females were observed, 16 intercourses in captivity, 45 females arrived already fertilized from nature and 53 litters, resulting on the birth of 426 live neonates, 67 infertile egg masses, 18 stillborn neonates and 4 abnormal neonates. The intercourse period was from february to december and the births happened between february and may. From the two gestacional periods observed, the shortest one was 152 days and the longest 239. The average amount of live neonates per litter was 8,04. Among 323 neonates, 47,68% were males and 52,32% were females. During the first year of life, 75,71% of the females and 71,54% of the males died, and 2,31% of the females and 0,81% of the males reached the fifth year of life.
Definite hyperplasia of cells occurs in the skin lesions of the infectious myxoma of rabbits, more visible in such stages in which the intercellular basophilic substance is rather scanty (fig. 2). The increase in number of cells is the result of simplified forms of mitosis (modified type of mitosis, pseudoamitosis) which might readily be mistaken for amitosis in their final stages. Budding (figs. 20, 28, 29, 30) as well as constriction of the nucleus (figs. 18, 31, 32), and the formation of giant-cells (figs. 33, 34) are not rare. During the entire process the nuclear membrane does not desintegrate as in typical mitosis. Division of the cytoplasm following division of the nucleus has been demonstrated (fig. 17). Typical mitosis is practically absent. The cells which undergo hyperplasia present remarkable changes in their dimension, shape, and structure. The nucleus and cell-body are considerably enlarged (figs. 6, 7, 8). The shape of the nucleus is modified (figs. 8, 10, 15). Hypertrophy of nuclein, either as an intranuclear network (spireme?, figs. 9, 23), or in the form conspicuous, deeply staining masses which appear not to be homogeneous but to be composed of small particles closely clumped ("mulberries"?, figs. 12, 13, 14, 25, 26) occurs in most cells. While some of these pictures are probably related to necrosis of the cells as started by most of the previous workers, it is lekely that some of them may represent developmental stages of the modified mitosis (pseudoamitosis) here reported. In fact, fine cytological details not ordinarily preserved in necrotic cells (figs. 35, 36, 37) may be demonstrated in the socalled myxoma-cells subtted to approved cytological methods of study (fixation in B-15 and P. F. A.-3, staining in iron-hematoxylin).
In brackish waters of a creek of Guanabara Bay, the author points by the first time the presence of Chlamydomonas reinhardi, Eutreptia lanowi, Oscillatoria putrida, O. limosa, O. chlorina that were unknown in our waters; such biologic indicators proved themselves pollutional conditions, so bad a stark-mesosaprobic regime. Other news are plankton analysis by the Standar methods, of two most expressive samples of water masses;also the mobility of the plankters are measured in micra by second.
The main aim of this short paper is to advertize the Koosis theorem in the mathematical community, especially among those who study orthogonal polynomials. We (try to) do this by proving a new theorem about asymptotics of orthogonal polynomi- als for which the Koosis theorem seems to be the most natural tool. Namely, we consider the case when a SzegÄo measure on the unit circumference is perturbed by an arbitrary measure inside the unit disk and an arbitrary Blaschke sequence of point masses outside the unit disk.
La investigació emmarcada al camp de la seguretat vial, es dissenyà i dugué a terme des d’una perspectiva psicològica. L’objectiu del treball fou aportar informació sobre els efectes de la comunicació mitjançant telèfon mòbil a la conducció segura. Es presenta una amplia revisió bibliogràfica al voltant de l’ús del telèfon mòbil i les seves implicacions, i tot seguit l’experiment realitzat. Aquest es va desenvolupar amb un simulador de conducció que va permetre valorar i mostrar com rebre una trucada i conversar amb mans lliures afecta el control del vehicle quan s’afronten dues situacions de tràfic habituals.
Variational steepest descent approximation schemes for the modified Patlak-Keller-Segel equation with a logarithmic interaction kernel in any dimension are considered. We prove the convergence of the suitably interpolated in time implicit Euler scheme, defined in terms of the Euclidean Wasserstein distance, associated to this equation for sub-critical masses. As a consequence, we recover the recent result about the global in time existence of weak-solutions to the modified Patlak-Keller-Segel equation for the logarithmic interaction kernel in any dimension in the sub-critical case. Moreover, we show how this method performs numerically in one dimension. In this particular case, this numerical scheme corresponds to a standard implicit Euler method for the pseudo-inverse of the cumulative distribution function. We demonstrate its capabilities to reproduce easily without the need of mesh-refinement the blow-up of solutions for super-critical masses.
International markets are very competitive so innovation seems unavoidable. Some authors describe internationalisation as being an innovation of the firm. In this research these two phenomena will be studied, through a multiple case study method, focusing on the existence of a reciprocal relationship between the processes of internationalisation and innovation.
En la literatura de marketing se han propuesto diferentes modelos que analizan de manera parcial la relación entre la orientación al mercado (OM), la orientación empresarial (OE), la capacidad de innovación (CI) y los resultados organizacionales. El presente trabajo propone un nuevo modelo que se ajusta más a la reciente teoría sobre el tema. Utilizando ecuaciones estructurales se prueba el modelo entre una muestra de 156 pymes de reciente creación. Nunca hasta ahora se había trabajado con muestras de empresas de reciente creación en este tipo de investigaciones. El modelo propuesto presenta un mejor ajuste que otros modelos alternativos. Se comprueba que el marketing tiene un papel fundamental en el éxito de las empresas de nueva creación.