993 resultados para Martin, John, 1826-1892.


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Editors: 1876-1879, J. P. Mains; 1881-1886, L. P. McCarty


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Each volume has individual title-page.


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Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Leipzig, 1892.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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El concurso de transformación mágica, esquema narrativo difundido en la tradición popular, se presenta en dos variantes principales: los hechiceros que compiten pueden metamorfosearse en varios seres o crear esos seres por medios mágicos. En cualquier caso el concursante ganador da a luz criaturas más fuertes que superan las de su oponente. La segunda variante fue preferida en el antiguo Cercano Oriente (Sumeria, Egipto, Israel). La primera se puede encontrar en algunos mitos griegos sobre cambiadores de forma (por ejemplo, Zeus y Némesis). El mismo esquema narrativo puede haber influido en un episodio de la Novela de Alejandro (1.36-38), en el que Darío envía regalos simbólicos a Alejandro y los dos monarcas enemigos ofrecen contrastantes explicaciones de ellos. Esta historia griega racionaliza el concurso de cuento de hadas, transfiriendo las fantásticas hazañas de creaciones milagrosas a un plano secundario pero realista de metáfora lingüística.


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Tras mi reciente edición de los pseudo-aristotélicos Pepli Epitaphia, el presente trabajo se centra en los apochrypha a dichos epitafios que compuso Juan Tzetzes en el siglo xii, un conjunto de ocho dísticos elegíacos para los héroes que consideró meritorios de tal tarea, y para quienes no pudo encontrar un epitafio conservado en las fuentes manuscritas a las que tuvo acceso. Para lograr dicho propósito, también se investiga el grado de conocimiento y la transmisión de ese corpus epigramático en la literatura bizantina, además de considerar las lecciones y el sentido mismo de dos códices guardados en la Biblioteca Nacional de España (M y Md). En ellos, Constantino Láscaris copió, directamente a partir de Tzetzes, dos breves antologías de dichos componentes.


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Following and contributing to the ongoing shift from more structuralist, system-oriented to more pragmatic, socio-cultural oriented anglicism research, this paper verifies to what extent the global spread of English affects naming patterns in Flanders. To this end, a diachronic database of first names is constructed, containing the top 75 most popular boy and girl names from 2005 until 2014. In a first step, the etymological background of these names is documented and the evolution in popularity of the English names in the database is tracked. Results reveal no notable surge in the preference for English names. This paper complements these database-driven results with an experimental study, aiming to show how associations through referents are in this case more telling than associations through phonological form (here based on etymology). Focusing on the socio-cultural background of first names in general and of Anglo-American pop culture in particular, the second part of the study specifically reports on results from a survey where participants are asked to name the first three celebrities that leap to mind when hearing a certain first name (e.g. Lana, triggering the response Del Rey). Very clear associations are found between certain first names and specific celebrities from Anglo-American pop culture. Linking back to marketing research and the social turn in onomastics, we will discuss how these celebrities might function as referees, and how social stereotypes surrounding these referees are metonymically attached to their first names. Similar to the country-of-origin-effect in marketing, these metonymical links could very well be the reason why parents select specific “celebrity names”. Although further attitudinal research is needed, this paper supports the importance of including socio-cultural parameters when conducting onomastic research.


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L'éducation morale peut-elle répondre au défi et au besoin d'une éthique personnelle et sociale? Comment l'école peut-elle mettre en branle un processus de socialisation chez les jeunes? Permet-elle d'éclairer, d'élargir et d'approfondir le contenu social des enjeux éthiques chez l'enfant quand celui-ci est aux prises constamment avec le devoir du rendement et des notes? La pédagogie de l'enseignement moral telle que vécue dans nos écoles ouvre-telle les portes à la socialisation ou au narcissisme et à l'individualisme? Y a-t-il, en fait, entre l'organisation scolaire et l'organisation sociale, une continuité grâce à laquelle la formation morale à l'école permet au jeune de s'engager dans le processus social tout en développant des connaissances et des aptitudes nécessaires pour comprendre les enjeux éthiques collectifs et proposer des pistes de solutions? Pour favoriser cette continuité, l'organisation scolaire ne devrait-elle pas être à l'image de l'organisation sociale? Ultimement, quel lien existe-t-il entre l'école québécoise et notre société? Ce rapide survol de la problématique de l'éducation morale nous permet de distinguer actuellement trois niveaux d'interrogation: la conception de l'être humain sous-jacente aux programmes, la finalité de l'enseignement dans les écoles du Québec, ainsi que son enjeu social. Soulever ainsi cette problématique nous aide à mieux réfléchir sur la situation et à proposer des pistes de solutions pour faire de l'éducation morale une théorie et une pratique toujours plus conformes aux expériences individuelles et sociales de chez nous. C'est à partir de ce questionnement global que le philosophe et pédagogue américain John Dewey (1859-1952) nous semble très pertinent. Face à la problématique de l'éducation morale au Québec, la référence spécifique à John Dewey nous semble crédible pour plusieurs raisons. […]


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This thesis examines three key moments in the intersecting histories of Scotland, Ireland and England, and their impact on literature. Chapter one Robert Bruce and the Last King of Ireland: Writing the Irish Invasion, 1315- 1826‘, is split into two parts. Part one, Barbour‘s (other) Bruce‘ focuses on John Barbour‘s The Bruce (1375) and its depiction of the Bruce‘s Irish campaign (1315-1318). It first examines the invasion material from the perspective of the existing Irish and Scottish relationship and their opposition to English authority. It highlights possible political and ideological motivations behind Barbour‘s negative portrait of Edward Bruce - whom Barbour presents as the catalyst for the invasion and the source of its carnage and ultimate failure - and his partisan comparison between Edward and his brother Robert I. It also probes the socio-polticial and ideological background to the Bruce and its depiction of the Irish campaign, in addition to Edward and Robert. It peers behind some of the Bruce‘s most lauded themes such as chivalry, heroism, loyalty, and patriotism, and exposes its militaristic feudal ideology, its propaganda rich rhetoric, and its illusions of freedom‘. Part one concludes with an examination of two of the Irish section‘s most marginalised figures, the Irish and a laundry woman. Part two, Cultural Memories of the Bruce Invasion of Ireland, 1375-1826‘, examines the cultural memory of the Bruce invasion in three literary works from the Medieval, Early Modern and Romantic periods. The first, and by far the most significant memorialisation of the invasion is Barbour‘s Bruce, which is positioned for the first time within the tradition of ars memoriae (art of memory) and present-day cultural memory theories. The Bruce is evaluated as a site of memory and Barbour‘s methods are compared with Icelandic literature of the same period. The recall of the invasion in late sixteenth century Anglo-Irish literature is then considered, specifically Edmund Spenser‘s A View of the State of Ireland, which is viewed in the context of contemporary Ulster politics. The final text to be considered is William Hamilton Drummond‘s Bruce’s Invasion of Ireland (1826). It is argued that Drummond‘s poem offers an alternative Irish version of the invasion; a counter-memory that responds to nineteenth-century British politics, in addition to the controversy surrounding the publication of the Ossian fragments. Chapter two, The Scots in Ulster: Policies, Proposals and Projects, 1551-1575‘, examines the struggle between Irish and Scottish Gaels and the English for dominance in north Ulster, and its impact on England‘s wider colonial ideology, strategy, literature and life writing. Part one entitled Noisy neighbours, 1551-1567‘ covers the deputyships of Sir James Croft, Sir Thomas Radcliffe, and Sir Henry Sidney, and examines English colonial writing during a crucial period when the Scots provoked an increase in militarisation in the region. Part two Devices, Advices, and Descriptions, 1567-1575‘, deals with the relationship between the Scots and Turlough O‘Neill, the influence of the 5th Earl of Argyll, and the rise of Sorley Boy MacDonnell. It proposes that a renewed Gaelic alliance hindered England‘s conquest of Ireland and generated numerous plantation proposals and projects for Ulster. Many of which exhibit a blurring‘ between the documentary and the literary; while all attest to the considerable impact of the Gaelic Scots in both motivating and frustrating various projects for that province, the most prominent of which were undertaken by Sir Thomas Smith in 1571 and Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex in 1573.


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Raman spectra of chillagite, wulfenite, stolzite, scheelite and wolframite were obtained at 298 and 77 K using a Raman microprobe in combination with a thermal stage. Chillagite is a solid solution of wulfenite and stolzite. The spectra of these molybdate minerals are orientation dependent. The band at 695 cm-1 is interpreted as an antisymmetric bridging mode associated with the tungstate chain. The bands at 790 and 881 cm-1 are associated with the antisymmetric and symmetric Ag modes of terminal WO2 whereas the origin of the 806 cm-1 band remains unclear. The 4(Eg) band was absent for scheelite. The bands at 353 and 401 cm-1 are assigned as either deformation modes or as r(Bg) and (Ag) modes of terminal WO2. The band at 462 cm-1 has an equivalent band in the infrared at 455 cm-1 assigned as as(Au) of the (W2O4)n chain. The band at 508 cm-1 is assigned as sym(Bg) of the (W2O4)n chain.