881 resultados para MODEL (Computer program language)


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In the past many different methodologies have been devised to support software development and different sets of methodologies have been developed to support the analysis of software artefacts. We have identified this mismatch as one of the causes of the poor reliability of embedded systems software. The issue with software development styles is that they are ``analysis-agnostic.'' They do not try to structure the code in a way that lends itself to analysis. The analysis is usually applied post-mortem after the software was developed and it requires a large amount of effort. The issue with software analysis methodologies is that they do not exploit available information about the system being analyzed.

In this thesis we address the above issues by developing a new methodology, called "analysis-aware" design, that links software development styles with the capabilities of analysis tools. This methodology forms the basis of a framework for interactive software development. The framework consists of an executable specification language and a set of analysis tools based on static analysis, testing, and model checking. The language enforces an analysis-friendly code structure and offers primitives that allow users to implement their own testers and model checkers directly in the language. We introduce a new approach to static analysis that takes advantage of the capabilities of a rule-based engine. We have applied the analysis-aware methodology to the development of a smart home application.


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设计了一个激光光斑实时监测与光路自动准直装置,能够实时监测激光光斑并自动准直激光输出方向。基于透镜成像原理,使用CCD探测器获得光斑的二维成像,并根据两点确定一条直线原理和使用压电陶瓷电动调整架实现光路自动准直;监测控制程序采用虚拟仪器开发软件Lab View编写,可以实时监测激光光斑模式与光斑位置抖动情况,并进行反馈控制。经测试,设计装置的调整精度达0.5μrad,反馈控制频率约1 Hz,完全可降低或消除抖动周期在1 s以上的光斑飘移。


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[ES]Este trabajo tiene como objetivos realizar la auditoria energética de un edificio de viviendas y planificar un proyecto de posibles mejoras para aumentar la nota obtenida. La certificación se ha llevado a cabo mediante el programa CE3X, programa homologado por el Ministerio de Industria. La calificación del edificio ha sido 89.8 G y tras implantar las mejoras se ha conseguido una puntuación de 14.8 C, de acuerdo con la actual normativa europea. También, se adjuntan varias imágenes sobre el funcionamiento del programa CE3X además del certificado real obtenido. La planificación y el presupuesto de las mejoras están incluidos en este documento.


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Experimental measurements of rate of energy loss were made for protons of energy .5 to 1.6 MeV channeling through 1 μm thick silicon targets along the <110>, <111>, and <211> axial directions, and the {100}, {110}, {111}, and {211} planar directions. A .05% resolution automatically controlled magnetic spectrometer was used. The data are presented graphically along with an extensive summary of data in the literature. The data taken cover a wider range of channels than has previously been examined, and are in agreement with the data of F. Eisen, et al., Radd. Eff. 13, 93 (1972).

The theory in the literature for channeling energy loss due to interaction with local electrons, core electrons, and distant valence electrons of the crystal atoms is summarized. Straggling is analyzed, and a computer program which calculates energy loss and straggling using this theory and the Moliere approximation to the Thomas Fermi potential, VTF, and the detailed silicon crystal structure is described. Values for the local electron density Zloc in each of the channels listed above are extracted from the data by graphical matching of the experimental and computer results.

Zeroth and second order contributions to Zloc as a function of distance from the center of the channel were computed from ∇2VTF = 4πρ for various channels in silicon. For data taken in this work and data of F. Eisen, et al., Rad. Eff. 13, 93 (1972), the calculated zeroth order contribution to Zloc lies between the experimentally extracted Zloc values obtained by using the peak and the leading edge of the transmission spectra, suggesting that the observed straggling is due both to statistical fluctuations and to path variation.


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A review article detailing the background, development and functionality of the Windermere Profiler, a multi parameter environmental monitoring instrument for use in lakes, reservoirs and rivers. The article explains the requirement for regular data collection by the Freshwater Biological Association at Windermere. The article covers the requirements of a profiling instrument, the design considerations, the electronic circuitry, the computer program, the operation of the computer software, the profiler in use and further developments to the design. A number of figures and images accompany the article.


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The different coding methods concerning artisanal collective fishing in the Ebrié lagoon, are exposed. For each computer program one example is proposed.


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A computer program has been written in order to generate a population of fishes following a Von Bertalanffy growth curve with a random Gaussian variability for birth dates and growth parameters K and L ∞. Standard deviations for these 3 parameters are chosen separately for each run. Fishing and natural mortalities are applied to this population. Using as an input parameters usually taken for yellowfin in the eastern Atlantic, the simulation suggests a standard deviation between 1 and 2 months for the birth dates in this population. It also indicates that increasing levels of fishing mortalities must produce a better agreement between age and length for the larger fish.


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Nesta dissertação desenvolve-se um estudo sobre o comportamento estrutural de lajes nervuradas de concreto armado, tendo em mente o emprego destas em sistemas estruturais na engenharia civil, de forma viável sob o ponto de vista técnico e econômico. No cenário atual, diversos tipos de sistemas estruturais têm sido desenvolvidos, dentre estes as lajes nervuradas de concreto armado com base no sistema Reduzcon. Essas lajes nervuradas têm como principais características o baixo consumo de material e o peso próprio bastante reduzido. Este sistema utiliza cubas cilíndricas invertidas metálicas denominadas BRC (Barrote Redutor de Concreto), que suportam o concreto da laje. Assim sendo, este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta um estudo acerca da resposta estática e dinâmica do sistema estrutural em questão, em relação aos deslocamentos translacionais verticais e tensões; e, bem como, da resposta dinâmica do sistema sob o ponto de vista de conforto humano. Ênfase especial é dada às atividades humanas rítmicas, com base no emprego de modelos de carregamento que representem as ações inerentes à ginástica aeróbica. A definição das ações dinâmicas atuantes sobre os modelos estruturais foi feita com base em resultados de testes experimentais que levam em conta os efeitos de multidão. A análise numérica fundamenta-se na modelagem computacional do sistema, através do Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF), de forma a representar apropriadamente o comportamento estrutural das lajes Reduzcon. São empregadas técnicas usuais de discretização, por meio do programa ANSYS. As vigas de bordo, nervuras e a laje de concreto são simuladas por elementos finitos sólidos tridimensionais.


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Ag films with different thickness from 8.2nm to 107.2nm were prepared by DC sputtering deposition and analyzed by X-ray diffraction with the help of optimization program on computer. Microstructrue analysis shows that the films are made of fcc-Ag particles. With the increase of thickness, the mean size of Ag particles increases and the interplaner spacing decreases gradually. The optical constants computed by computer program shows that n value decreases quickly with the increasing thickness below 17.5nm and k value changes in reverse, and then go steadily when the thickness is larger than 17.5nm at the wavelength of 550mn.


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Background: The European mink (Mustela lutreola, L. 1761) is a critically endangered mustelid, which inhabits several main river drainages in Europe. Here, we assess the genetic variation of existing populations of this species, including new sampling sites and additional molecular markers (newly developed microsatellite loci specific to European mink) as compared to previous studies. Probabilistic analyses were used to examine genetic structure within and between existing populations, and to infer phylogeographic processes and past demography. Results: According to both mitochondrial and nuclear microsatellite markers, Northeastern (Russia, Estonia and Belarus) and Southeastern (Romania) European populations showed the highest intraspecific diversity. In contrast, Western European (France and Spain) populations were the least polymorphic, featuring a unique mitochondrial DNA haplotype. The high differentiation values detected between Eastern and Western European populations could be the result of genetic drift in the latter due to population isolation and reduction. Genetic differences among populations were further supported by Bayesian clustering and two main groups were confirmed (Eastern vs. Western Europe) along with two contained subgroups at a more local scale (Northeastern vs. Southeastern Europe; France vs. Spain). Conclusions: Genetic data and performed analyses support a historical scenario of stable European mink populations, not affected by Quaternary climate oscillations in the Late Pleistocene, and posterior expansion events following river connections in both North-and Southeastern European populations. This suggests an eastern refuge during glacial maxima (as already proposed for boreal and continental species). In contrast, Western Europe was colonised more recently following either natural expansions or putative human introductions. Low levels of genetic diversity observed within each studied population suggest recent bottleneck events and stress the urgent need for conservation measures to counteract the demographic decline experienced by the European mink.


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O objetivo do estudo foi compreender quais as estratégias de preparação de voluntários para a atuação em megaeventos esportivos no Brasil. A pesquisa foi de natureza qualitativa e de cunho exploratório, tendo como técnica para a coleta de dados a entrevista com roteiro de perguntas semiestruturado e o caderno de campo. A entrevista foi realizada com o responsável pelo programa de treinamento dos voluntários do V Jogos Mundiais Militares (2011) sobre a organização realizada. A análise do conteúdo (BARDIN, 2011) foi utilizada para análise das experiências relatadas de acordo com 3 categorias: perfil do voluntariado esportivo e do líder de voluntários; dificuldades em se trabalhar, compreender e valorizar o voluntariado no esporte e modelo de treinamento e de gestão do programa de voluntários esportivos. Os resultados desta pesquisa contribuíram para a literatura nesta temática, bem como ponto de partida para o design e coleta de dados de pesquisas sobre voluntários para os próximos megaeventos esportivos que serão sediados no Brasil, Copa do Mundo de 2014 e Jogos Olímpicos de 2016.


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O presente trabalho aborda o efeito de sobrecargas assimétricas em estacas, através do estudo de caso de encontros da Ponte do Rio Capivari nas obras do Arco Metropolitano. Neste caso específico as estacas foram construídas previamente a execução de aterros em terra armada e para minimizar o efeito de Tschebotarioff o solo foi reforçado com colunas de brita. Com embasamento na revisão bibliográfica apresentada foi realizada a análise pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos. Esta análise, realizada pelo programa computacional Plaxis, teve como foco principal a obtenção dos deslocamentos e momentos fletores nas estacas para os dois casos analisados: sem colunas de brita e com solo homogêneo equivalente (com colunas de brita). Foi possível verificar a influência da introdução das colunas de brita na redução dos momentos fletores e deslocamentos horizontais nas estacas dos encontros. Realizou-se ainda uma simulação em que as estacas seriam construídas após a realização dos aterros em terra armada onde pode-se constatar que o efeito de sobrecargas assimétricas seria mitigado. Foi efetuada também a comparação entre os deslocamentos provenientes de dados coletados da instrumentação de campo (inclinômetros) e os obtidos pelas análises numéricas, estando os mesmos compatíveis entre si, demonstrando que a metodologia adotada para simulação das colunas de brita no Método dos Elementos finitos foi adequada.


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Population parameters of Lepturacanthus savala from the trawl catches in the north-eastern part of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh were investigated based on length frequency data, using complete ELEFAN computer program. The asymptotic length (Lα) and growth constant (K) were estimated to be 106.50 cm (total length) and 0.80/year respectively. Based on these growth parameters, the total mortality (Z) was estimated to be 1.89. The estimated values for natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F) were 1.08 and 0.81 respectively. The estimated value for the exploitation rate (E) using the length converted catch curve was 0.43. The recruitment pattern showed two peaks per year. The estimated sizes of L. savala at 25, 50 and 75% probabilities of capture were 57.49, 60.39 and 63.28 cm respectively. The estimated length weight relationship for combined sex was W=0.00093 TL(super)2.97


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This article investigates how to use UK probabilistic climate-change projections (UKCP09) in rigorous building energy analysis. Two office buildings (deep plan and shallow plan) are used as case studies to demonstrate the application of UKCP09. Three different methods for reducing the computational demands are explored: statistical reduction (Finkelstein-Schafer [F-S] statistics), simplification using degree-day theory and the use of metamodels. The first method, which is based on an established technique, can be used as reference because it provides the most accurate information. However, it is necessary to automatically choose weather files based on F-S statistic by using computer programming language because thousands of weather files created from UKCP09 weather generator need to be processed. A combination of the second (degree-day theory) and third method (metamodels) requires only a relatively small number of simulation runs, but still provides valuable information to further implement the uncertainty and sensitivity analyses. The article also demonstrates how grid computing can be used to speed up the calculation for many independent EnergyPlus models by harnessing the processing power of idle desktop computers. © 2011 International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).


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The creep effects on sequentially built bridges are analysed by the theory of thermal creep. Two types of analysis are used: time dependent and steady state. The traditional uniform creep analysis is also introduced briefly. Both simplified and parabolic normalising creep-temperature functions are used in the analysis for comparison. Numerical examples are presented, calculated by a computer program based on the theory of thermal creep and using the displacement method. It is concluded that different assumptions within thermal creep can lead to very different results when compared with uniform creep analysis. The steady-state analysis of monolithically built structures can serve as a limit to evaluate total creep effects for both monolithically and sequentially built structures. The importance of the correct selection of the normalising creep-temperature function is demonstrated.