854 resultados para Learning of languages
This paper focusses on attracting and retaining young people into technical disciplines. It introduces a new model of technical education from age 14 that the UK Government initiated in 2008. A concept of University led Technical Colleges (UTCs) for 14-19 year olds. These state supported schools, sponsored by a University, have technical curricula, technologically enabled learning environments and strong engagement with employers. As new schools they have been able to recruit outstanding staff that are conversant with the use of technology to enhance learning and all students have their own iPads. The Aston University Engineering Academy opened in September 2012 and a recent survey of staff, students and parents has provided both qualitative and quantitative data on the benefits to motivation and learning of these embedded iPads. The devices have also had advantages for the management of data on student achievement from a leadership, teaching staff and parental view point.
The ability to recognize individual faces is of crucial social importance for humans and evolutionarily necessary for survival. Consequently, faces may be “special” stimuli, for which we have developed unique modular perceptual and recognition processes. Some of the strongest evidence for face processing being modular comes from cases of prosopagnosia, where patients are unable to recognize faces whilst retaining the ability to recognize other objects. Here we present the case of an acquired prosopagnosic whose poor recognition was linked to a perceptual impairment in face processing. Despite this, she had intact object recognition, even at a subordinate level. She also showed a normal ability to learn and to generalize learning of nonfacial exemplars differing in the nature and arrangement of their parts, along with impaired learning and generalization of facial exemplars. The case provides evidence for modular perceptual processes for faces.
Les formes du passé constituent un écueil pour l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère ; même les apprenants les plus avancés échouent à maîtriser leur emploi. Si le manque d'équivalence forme à forme entre les temps des langues constitue une difficulté évidente, la complexité sémantique et distributionnelle des tiroirs français ne doit pas être négligée. Grammairiens et linguistes se sont efforcés de fournir des descriptions des tiroirs du passé mais leur travail, comme celui des didacticiens, s'est révélé inégal. Les contributions retenues dans ce volume invitent à la réflexion critique en ce qui concerne les descriptions existantes des temps et les approches de leur enseignement. Sont envisagées la structuration du système ainsi que la constitution des tiroirs du point de vue synchronique, évolutif et contrastif, à partir de corpus de différentes variétés de français. La question de l'enseignement de ces notions à des apprenants du français langue étrangère et maternelle est aussi considérée dans les divers contextes de l'acquisition. C'est dans l'esprit d'un dialogue de plus en plus nécessaire entre application et modélisation qu'est proposé cet ouvrage, qui retiendra l'intérêt tant des praticiens que des théoriciens. The forms of the past constitute a stumbling block for learning foreign language French; even the most advanced learners fail to master their jobs. If the lack of shape to form equivalence between the time of languages is an obvious difficulty, complexity, semantics and distributional drawers French should not be neglected. Grammarians and linguists have tried to provide descriptions of the drawers of the past but their work, such as educationalists, has been uneven. The contributions included in this volume invite critical thinking regarding the existing descriptions of time and approaches to their teaching. Envisaged the structure of the system and the constitution of the drawers of synchronic point of view, evolutionary and contrasts, from corpora of different varieties of French. The issue of teaching these concepts to learners of French foreign language and tongue is also considered in various contexts of acquisition. In the spirit of dialogue increasingly required between application and modeling what this proposed structure, which will retain the interest of both practitioners and theorists.
Object-oriented programming is seen as a difficult skill to master. There is considerable debate about the most appropriate way to introduce novice programmers to object-oriented concepts. Is it possible to uncover what the critical aspects or features are that enhance the learning of object-oriented programming? Practitioners have differing understandings of the nature of an object-oriented program. Uncovering these different ways of understanding leads to agreater understanding of the critical aspects and their relationship tothe structure of the program produced. A phenomenographic studywas conducted to uncover practitioner understandings of the nature of an object-oriented program. The study identified five levels of understanding and three dimensions of variation within these levels. These levels and dimensions of variation provide a framework for fostering conceptual change with respect to the nature of an object-oriented program.
In Spring 2009, the School of Languages and Social Sciences (LSS) at Aston University responded to a JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) and Higher Education Academy (HEA) call for partners in Open Educational Resources (OER) projects. This led to participation in not one, but two different OER projects from within one small School of the University. This paper will share, from this unusual position, the experience of our English tutors, who participated in the HumBox Project, led by Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS) and will compare the approach taken with the Sociology partnership in the C-SAP OER Project , led by the Centre for Sociology, Anthropology and Politics (C-SAP). These two HEA Subject Centre-led projects have taken different approaches to the challenges of encouraging tutors to deposit teaching resources, as on ongoing process, for others to openly access, download and re-purpose. As the projects draw to a close, findings will be discussed, in relation to the JISC OER call, with an emphasis on examining the language and discourses from the two collaborations to see where there are shared issues and outcomes, or different subject specific concerns to consider.