820 resultados para Job Quality, Public Sector, Equity
In April 2015, the Ukrainian parliament passed a long-awaited law on the gas sector which paves the way for the extremely difficult process of reforming and de-monopolising the Ukrainian gas sector. The law will come into force on 1 October 2015 and involves the break-up of the state-owned company Naftogaz, the current monopolist, and the gradual creation of a competitive gas market in line with the so-called Third Energy Package. At the same time, a threefold increase in the price of gas paid by individual customers and the public sector was introduced. The price had been subsidised for years and no previous government had ever decided to raise it.
Introdução: A Educação Inclusiva surge como um modelo de escola que fomenta o ingresso e permanência de todos os alunos em um único sistema de ensino. Particularmente, no que compete à educação física inclusiva, esta é a Educação Física Adaptada, aplicada em condições especiais, visando uma população especial que necessita de estímulos particulares de desenvolvimento motor e funcional. Objetivo geral: Compreender as práticas de ensino de Educação Física Inclusiva em escolas públicas de Maceió. Como objetivos específicos pretende-se saber o que pensam os professores e gestores pedagógicos sobre a educação inclusiva e Educação Física Inclusiva; Conhecer as estratégias e estruturas escolares para a sua implementação; Identificar a preparação dos professores para desenvolver educação física inclusiva; Saber se reconhecem benefícios na sua implementação; Descrever o apoio fornecido pela escola e município. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo de abordagem fenomenológica, realizado com uma amostra constituída por quatro professores de educação física e quatro gestores pedagógicos com idades entre 33 e 50 anos, que integravam o quadro ativo das escolas públicas do município de Maceió, Brasil, no ano de 2014. O instrumento de colheita de dados utilizado foi a entrevista semiestruturada, recorrendo-se ao método de análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Em linhas gerais os professores concordam com a escola inclusiva e apontam benefícios psicossociais e a nível do convívio social, contudo referem não possuir preparação adequada para trabalhar com alunos que têm necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE), assumindo alguns investimentos na formação contínua e na adaptação nos conteúdos e nas metodologias de ensino. A falta de material apropriado para lecionar e a situação estrutural precária que as escolas oferecem aos alunos são outros aspectos negativos que enfrentam, além deles não participarem da elaboração dos documentos legais da escola. Os gestores apontaram como principais dificuldades, a falta de apoio da secretaria municipal de educação (SEMED) para com os profissionais que trabalham diretamente com esses alunos, a falta de capacitação na área da inclusão e consequentemente o ensino fornecido por eles. Os profissionais acreditam que essa disciplina tem um papel importante no processo de inclusão dos alunos com NEE, pois contribui para a socialização, reforça a autoestima e a qualidade de vida, além de ajudar no desenvolvimento cognitivo, afetivo e psicomotor. Conclusões: O processo de inclusão ainda está caminhando a passos lentos, e particularmente nas aulas de educação física. São poucos os alunos com NEE que frequentam as escolas regulares e, menos ainda, os que participam das aulas de educação física. Entendemos que são necessárias mudanças para que a inclusão nas aulas de educação física possa realmente favorecer os alunos com NEE. Enfatizamos contudo, que a educação física não é a base para a inclusão escolar, porém, um bom acolhimento e uma boa qualidade de ensino podem ter efeitos significantes na vida desses estudantes. Palavras-chave: Inclusão Escolar. Educação Física. Necessidades Educacionais Especiais.
Este estudo procurou analisar a Lx Factory, concretamente as empresas residentes que enquadram no conceito da DCMS UK de indústrias criativas, um cluster de indústrias criativas. Foi realizado um inquérito a uma amostra não aleatória objectiva/intencional de 50 empresas de actividades artísticas, culturais ou criativas residentes na Lx Factory com o objectivo de analisar a percepção destas de certo tipo de apoios facultados pelo sector público e as diferenças de características entre as diferentes actividades. Concluiu-se, através da análise a 5 hipóteses de investigação que as empresas inquiridas, como um todo, relevam cada vez menos o financiamento público, que há diferenças de percepção destes apoios consoante as suas características e que as empresas criativas mostram maior desprendimento do sector público que as empresas artísticas e culturais.
Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass.
Cover title.
CETA works--for business : a selection of employment and training programs with the private sector /
Includes index.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This paper is based on 'The perennial ugly duckling-public sector education in tertiary institutions before and after Coombs, an invited contribution on management education delivered at the Sydney Academics Symposium on the Coombs Commission in Retrospect, IPAA National Conference, 28 November 2001.
This article provides an economy-wide perspective on the changing role of the public sector in developing economic and social infrastructure in Australia. It analyses the scale and macroeconomic significance of the key economic and social infrastructure sectors - communication services, electricity, gas and water supply, transport, education, health and community services, government administration and defence. It then canvasses the major policy issues that have arisen in the progression from public to private infrastructure provision and considers why concerns about the trend fall in traditional public works spending may be misplaced in light of recent economic and institutional changes.
and human capital externalities. Because of such externalities, education investment is too low and fertility is too high. While education subsidies are the conventional means to deal with these problems, we show that the optimal policy also comprises debt even when distortionary taxes are used. The reason is that debt tips the usual trade-off between children's quantity and quality in favor of the latter by increasing the bequest cost of children. The optimal debt-output ratio exceeds 10% for plausible parameterization. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This research tested a model that classifies change uncertainty into three interrelated types: strategic, structural, and job-related. We predicted that control would mediate the effects of job-related uncertainty upon psychological strain, and that management communication and participation in decision-making (PDM) would reduce uncertainty and increase feelings of control. The model was tested in a public sector organization and the results supported it. Control was found to mediate the effects of job-related uncertainty upon psychological strain. Management communication was negatively related to strategic uncertainty, whereas PDM was negatively related to structural and job-related uncertainty, suggesting different mechanisms to deal with the types of uncertainty during change. Finally, PDM was positively associated with feelings of control and negatively associated with psychological strain. These results suggest that PDM can short-circuit the damaging effects of uncertainty by allowing employees to have a say in change related organizational affairs, thereby instilling a sense of control over their circumstances.
This article examines the development of two distinct models of organising allied health professionals within two public sector health service organisations in Australia. The first case illustrated a mode of organising that facilitated a culture that focused on asset protection and whose external orientation was threat oriented because its disparate multiple identities operated as a fractured, fragmented and competitive set of profession disciplines. In this milieu, there was no evidence of entrepreneurial approaches being used. In contrast, the second case study illustrated a mode of organising that facilitated an entrepreneurial culture that focused on asset growth and an external orientation that was opportunity oriented because of the evolution of a strong superordinate allied health identity that operated as a single united health services stakeholder. This evolution was coupled with the emergence of a corporate boardroom model of management that is consonant with Savage et al. (1997) IDS/N model of management. Once this structure and strategy were in place, corporate entrepreneur ship became the modus operandi. Consequently, because the case study was a situation where corporate entrepreneurship existed in the public sector, it was possible to compare the factors that stimulate corporate entrepreneurship in Sadler's (2000) study with factors that were observed in our study.
Excessive volatility of asset prices like that generated in the 'noise trader' model of De Long et al. is one factor that plausibly might contribute to an explanation of the equity premium. We extend the De Long et al. model to allow for privatization of publicly-owned assets and assess the welfare effects of such privatization in the presence of excess volatility arising from noise traders' mistaken beliefs.