987 resultados para IT consulting


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With the level of digital disruption that is affecting businesses around the globe, you might expect high levels of Governance of Enterprise Information and Technology (GEIT) capability within boards. Boards and their senior executives know technology is important. More than 90% of boards and senior executives currently identify technology as essential to their current businesses, and to their organization’s future. But as few as 16% have sufficient GEIT capability. Global Centre for Digital Business Transformation’s recent research contains strong indicators of the need for change. Despite board awareness of both the likelihood and impact of digital disruption, things digital are still not viewed as a board-level matter in 45% of companies. And, it’s not just the board. The lack of board attention to technology can be mirrored at senior executive level as well. When asked about their organization’s attitude towards digital disruption, 43% of executives said their business either did not recognise it as a priority or was not responding appropriately. A further 32% were taking a “follower” approach, a potentially risky move as we will explain. Given all the evidence that boards know information and technology (I&T***) is vital, that they understand the inevitably, impact and speed of digital change and disruption, why are so many boards dragging their heels? Ignoring I&T disruption and refusing to build capability at board level is nothing short of negligence. Too many boards risk flying blind without GEIT capability [2]. To help build decision quality and I&T governance capability, this research: • Confirms a pressing need to build individual competency and cumulative, across-board capability in governing I&T • Identifies six factors that have rapidly increased the need, risk and urgency • Finds that boards may risk not meeting their duty of care responsibilities when it comes to I&T oversight • Highlights barriers to building capability details three GEIT competencies that boards and executives can use for evaluation, selection, recruitment and professional development.


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Pain is recognised as a problem of significant concern worldwide and in the latest Global Burden of Disease Study, low back pain was identified as the biggest contributor worldwide to Years Lived with Disability. There is evidence to suggest that people who accept their chronic pain have a higher quality of life, lower levels of disability and distress, and function better emotionally, socially and physically. Findings on the specific pathways linking pain acceptance to quality of life outcomes are less clear. the two widely accepted pain acceptance factors, pain willingness and activity engagement, have not been well explored in qualitative studies on acceptance of chronic pain. To address this deficit in the literature, the current study has two related aims: 1) to explore pain willingness and activity engagement in the lives of people with chronic pain, and ; 2) to find out what people believe helps them to successfully get on with life in spite of chronic pain.


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The Australian government has recently pledged a reduction in GHGs emissions of 26–28% below the 2005 level by 2030. How big is the challenge for the country to achieve this target in terms of its present emissions profile, recent historical trends, and the contributions to those trends from key proximate factors contributing to emissions? In this paper, we attempt a quantitative judgement of the challenge by using decomposition analysis. Based on the analysis it appears the announced target will be quite challenging to achieve if the average annual mitigating effects from economic restructuring, energy efficiency improvements and movement towards less emissions-intensive energy sources in evidence over 2002–2013 continued through to 2030; however, if the contribution from these mitigating sources in evidence over 2006–2013 can be sustained, achievement of the target will be much less challenging. The challenge for government then will be to provide a policy framework to ensure the more pronounced beneficial impacts of the mitigating factors evidenced during 2006–2013 can be maintained over the years to 2030.


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The purpose of this research is to examine whether short-term communication training can have an impact on the improvement of communication capacity of working communities, and what are prerequisites for the creation of such capacity. Subjects of this research were short-term communication trainings aimed at the managerial and expert levels of enterprises and communities. The research endeavors to find out how communication trainings with an impact should be devised and implemented, and what this requires from the client and provider of the training service. The research data is mostly comprised of quantitative feed-back collected at the end of a training day, as well as delayed interviews. The evaluations have been based on a stakeholder approach, and those concerned were participants to the trainings, clients having commissioned the trainings and communication trainers. The principal method of the qualitative analysis is that of a data-driven content analysis. Two research instruments have been constructed for the analysis and for the presentation of the results: an evaluation circle for the purposes of a holistic evaluation and a development matrix for the structuring of an effective training. The core concept of the matrix is a carrier wave effect, which is needed to carry the abstractions from the training into concrete functions in the everyday life. The relevance of the results has been tested in a pilot organization. The immediate assessment and delayed evaluations gave a very differing picture of the trainings. The immediate feedback was of nearly commendable level, but the effects carried forward into the everyday situations of the working community were small and that the learning rarely was applied into practice. A training session that receives good feedback does not automatically result in the development of individual competence, let alone that of the community. The results show that even short-term communication training can promote communication competence that eventually changes the working culture on an organizational level, provided that the training is designed into a process and that the connections into the participants’ work are ensured. It is essential that all eight elements of the carrier wave effect are taken into account. The entire purchaser-provider -process must function while not omitting the contribution of the participants themselves. The research illustrates the so called bow tie -model of an effective communication training based on the carrier wave effect. Testing the results in pilot trainings showed that a rather small change in the training approach may have a signi¬ficant effect on the outcome of the training as well as those effects that are carried on into the working community. The evaluation circle proved to be a useful tool, which can be used while planning, executing and evaluating training in practice. The development matrix works as a tool for those producing the training service, those using the service as well as those deciding on the purchase of the service in planning and evaluating training that sustainably improves communication capacity. Thus the evaluation circle also works to support and ensure the long-term effects of short-term trainings. In addition to communication trainings, the tools developed for this research are useable for many such needs, where an organization is looking to improve its operations and profitability through training.


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As an emerging research method that has showed promising potential in several research disciplines, simulation received relatively few attention in information systems research. This paper illustrates a framework for employing simulation to study IT value cocreation. Although previous studies identified factors driving IT value cocreation, its underlying process remains unclear. Simulation can address this limitation through exploring such underlying process with computational experiments. The simulation framework in this paper is based on an extended NK model. Agent-based modeling is employed as the theoretical basis for the NK model extensions.


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Suitable pin-to-hole interference can significantly increase the fatigue life of a pin joint. In practical design, the initial stresses due to interference are high and they are proportional to the effective interference. In experimental studies on such joints, difficulties have been experienced in estimating the interference accurately from physical measurements of pin and hole diameters. A simple photoelastic method has been developed to determine the effective interference to a high degree of accuracy. This paper presents the method and reports illustrative data from a successful application thereof.


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Open access is a new model for the publishing of scientific journals enabled by the Internet, in which the published articles are freely available for anyone to read. During the 1990’s hundreds of individual open access journals were founded by groups of academics, supported by grants and unpaid voluntary work. During the last five years other types of open access journals, funded by author charges have started to emerge and also established publishers have started to experiment with different variations of open access. This article reports on the experiences of one open access journal (The Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction, ITcon) over its ten year history. In addition to a straightforward account of the lessons learned the journal is also benchmarked against a number of competitors in the same research area and its development is put into the larger perspective of changes in scholarly publishing. The main findings are: That a journal publishing around 20-30 articles per year, equivalent to a typical quarterly journal, can sustainable be produced using an open source like production model. The journal outperforms its competitors in some respects, such as the speed of publication, availability of the results and balanced global distribution of authorship, and is on a par with them in most other respects. The key statistics for ITcon are: Acceptance rate 55 %. Average speed of publication 6-7 months. 801 subscribers to email alerts. Average number of downloads by human readers per paper per month 21.


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The World Wide Web provides the opportunity for a radically changed and much more efficient communication process for scientific results. A survey in the closely related domains of construction information technology and construction management was conducted in February 2000, aimed at measuring to what extent these opportunities are already changing the scientific information exchange and how researchers feel about the changes. The paper presents the results based on 236 replies to an extensive Web based questionnaire. 65% of the respondents stated their primary research interest as IT in A/E/C and 20% as construction management and economics. The questions dealt with how researchers find, access and read different sources; how much and what publications they read; how often and to which conferences they travel; how much they publish, and what are the criteria for where they eventually decide to publish. Some of the questions confronted traditional and electronic publishing with one final section dedicated to opinions about electronic publishing. According to the survey researchers already download half of the material that they read digitally from the Web. The most popular method for retrieving an interesting publication is downloading it for free from the author’s or publisher’s website. Researchers are not particularly willing to pay for electronic scientific publications. There is much support for a scenario of electronic journals available totally freely on the Web, where the costs could be covered by for instance professional societies or the publishing university. The shift that the Web is causing seems to be towards the "just in time" reading of literature. Also, frequent users of the Web rely less on scientific publications and tend to read fewer articles. If available with little effort, papers published in traditional journals are preferred; if not, the papers should be on the Web. In these circumstances, the role of paper-based journals published by established publishers is shifting from the core "information exchange" to the building of authors' prestige. The respondents feel they should build up their reputations by publishing in journals and relevant conferences, but then make their work freely available on the Web.


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Flaviviruses have been shown to induce cell surface expression of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) through the activation of NF-kappa B. Using IKK1(-/-), IKK2(-/-), NEMO-/-, and IKK1-/- IKK2-/- double mutant as well as p50(-/-) RelA(-/-) cRel(-/-) triple mutant mouse embryonic fibroblasts infected with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), we show that this flavivirus utilizes the canonical pathway to activate NF-kappa B in an IKK2- and NEMO-, but not IKK1-, dependent manner. NF-kappa B DNA binding activity induced upon virus infection was shown to be composed of RelA: p50 dimers in these fibroblasts. Type I interferon (IFN) production was significantly decreased but not completely abolished upon virus infection in cells defective in NF-kappa B activation. In contrast, induction of classical MHC-I (class 1a) genes and their cell surface expression remained unaffected in these NF-kappa B-defective cells. However, MHC-I induction was impaired in IFNAR(-/-) cells that lack the alpha/beta IFN receptor, indicating a dominant role of type I IFNs but not NF-kappa B for the induction of MHC-I molecules by Japanese encephalitis virus. Our further analysis revealed that the residual type I IFN signaling in NF-kappa B-deficient cells is sufficient to drive MHC-I gene expression upon virus infection in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. However, NF-kappa B could indirectly regulate MHC-I expression, since JEV-induced type I IFN expression was found to be critically dependent on it.


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Utvecklingen inom informationsteknologin (IT) har under de senaste decennierna bidragit till stora förändringar i vårt samhälle och i våra industrier. Tillgången till bland annat persondatorer, mobiltelefoner och Internet har förändrat vårt sätt att hantera information och att kommunicera. Att IT också ökat företags och industriers produktivitet och effektivitet har kunnat mätas. Detta har utgjort bakgrunden till avhandlingens frågeställning, nämligen hur IT har påverkat bygg- och fastighetssektorn. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur och i vilken utsträckning IT används inom sektorn, samt varför användningen inom sektorn sker på det sättet och i den utsträckningen. Fem datainsamlingar har utförts för att uppfylla forskningens syfte. Tre har utförts kvantitativt genom enkätundersökningar och två kvalitativt genom intervjustudier. Den kvantitativa delen inleddes med att skapa enkätverktyget, vilket sedan använts tre gånger. Datainsamlingarna har skett under perioden 1998 till 2009 och de skapar därmed, förutom ögonblicksbilder, ett longitudinellt perspektiv på utvecklingen. Tre fokusområden har identifierats som särskilt intressanta ur ett sektorsperspektiv: elektroniska affärer (EDI), elektronisk dokumenthantering (EDM) samt byggnadsinformationsmodeller (BIM). Dessa har studerats både kvantitativt och kvalitativt. Undersökningarna visar att tillgången till IT-infrastruktur inom sektorn är god, men att IT huvudsakligen används för att effektivisera befintliga arbetssätt och processer med fokus på administration. IT har också bidragit starkt till bättre kommunikationer. Dock används IT i liten omfattning för att skapa nya produkter, processer eller affärsmodeller. Entreprenörerna är de som använder IT i lägst utsträckning. Bygg- och fastighetssektorns starkt projektbaserade organisation medför svårigheter för innovationsspridning, särskilt när innovationerna kräver engagemang från flera aktörer. Tre sådana innovationer, EDM, EDI och BIM har under de senaste åren börjat spridas inom sektorn där EDM hittills nått högst användning och BIM lägst. Olika modeller för införande och implementering av IT i företagen inom sektorn har använts för att studera vilka faktorer som påverkar beslut på olika nivåer. Den praktiska nyttan eller det förväntade resultatet av varje innovation är en starkt pådrivande faktor för beslut. Initiala beslut för införande har visat sig ske på olika nivåer. För EDM sker detta i projekt, för EDI i de enskilda företagen och för BIM hos individer. EDM har tydligast fullföljt implementeringsmodellens steg, följt av EDI och därefter BIM. Fokusområdet BIM har störst potential att skapa positiva effekter samt påverkar processer och metoder i störst utsträckning. Tidiga tillämpare bland företagen har börjat tillsätta resurser för dessa förändringar, men det har ännu inte skett i samma omfattning som för de två andra områdena.


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The purpose of this study was to deepen our knowledge of the combined use of estramustine and radiotherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is a common disease, with a high variability between subjects in its malignant potential. In many cases, the disease is an incidental finding with little or no clinical significance. In other cases, however, prostate cancer may be an aggressive malignant disease, which, if the initial treatment fails, lacks an effective cure and may lead to severe symptoms, metastasis, and death despite all treatment. In many cases, the methods of treatment available at the moment provide cure or significant regression of symptoms, but often at the cost of considerable side effects. Estramustine, a cytostatic drug used for treating advanced cancer of the prostate, has been shown to inhibit prostate cancer progression and also to increase the sensitivity of cancer cells to radiotherapy. The goals of this study were, first, to find out whether it is possible to use either estramustine or an antibody against estramustine binding protein as carrier molecules for bringing therapeutic radioisotopes into prostate cancer cells, and, secondly, to gain more understanding of the mechanisms behind the known radiosensitising effect of estramustine. Estramustine and estramustine binding protein antibody were labelled with iodine-125 to study the biodistribution of these substances in mice. In the first experiment, both of the substances accumulated in the prostate, but radioiodinated estramustine also showed affinity to the liver and the lungs. Since the radiolabelled antibody was found out to accumulate more selectively to the prostate, we studied its biodistribution in nude mice with DU-145 human prostate cancer implants. In this experiment, the prostate and the tumour accumulated more radioactivity than other organs, but we concluded that the difference in the dose of radiation compared to other organs was not sufficient for the radioiodinated antibody to be advocated as a carrier molecule for treating prostate cancer. Mice with similar DU-145 prostate cancer implants were then treated with estramustine and external beam irradiation, with and without neoadjuvant estramustine treatment. The tumours responded to the treatment as expected, showing the radiation potentiating effect of estramustine. In the third experiment, this effect was found without an increase in the amount of apoptosis in the tumour cells, despite previous suggestions to the contrary. In the fourth experiment, we gave a similar treatment to the mice with DU-145 tumours. A reduction in proliferation was found in the groups treated with radiotherapy, and an increased amount of tumour hypoxia and tumour necrosis in the group treated with both neoadjuvant estramustine and radiation. This finding is contradictory to the suggestion that the radiation sensitising effect of estramustine could be attributed to its angiogenic activity.