591 resultados para ISI
For manufacturing firms in developing countries, there are high barriers to entry and to catching up with competitors in their global production networks (GPNs). This paper examines the case of a Mexican auto-parts manufacturer that succeeded in catching up in the automotive GPN. The author proposes that the door to GPNs is open thanks to frequent changes in the boundaries of firms, and also stresses the importance of the necessary conditions that generate opportunities, including institutional settings that facilitate market entry and catching up, and capability building by firms hopeful of entry.
This article presents the model and implementation of a multiagent fuzzy system (MAFS), to automate the search of solutions of incidents in telecommunications, expressed by the users in an imprecise way and, later, registered in a a knowledge base keeping their original vaguenesses and the relationships between the incidents considered as ancestors and descendants. The process of the fuzzy incidents, no matter their causes, is based on the application of a formula which transforms the intervals of the fuzzy incidents to a computational language and in the interaction between the different kinds of software agents and the humans. To search and suggest solutions of the incident originally stated, a search algorithm is used and illustrated with an example. The preliminary results obtained show the users' satisfaction, in a great percentage of the presented cases. The system is adaptive and allows to record new solutions for future users.
El proyecto que se va a implementar es el diseño, construcción y puesta en marcha de un instrumento de medida del comportamiento de las lentes de Fresnel a distintas temperaturas. Dicho proyecto se desarrollará en el grupo de Integración de Sistemas e Instrumentos (ISI) del Instituto de Energía Solar. Las lentes de Fresnel se emplean en la tecnología de concentración fotovoltaica (CPV), siendo una parte imprescindible en este campo. La necesidad de este instrumento se justifica ya que al variar la temperatura de estas lentes, estando fabricadas con Silicona Sobre Vidrio (SOG), varía su distancia focal y por ello baja considerablemente la eficiencia de las células de concentración. La parte a implementar físicamente en este proyecto es una cámara térmica en la que se puedan introducir estas lentes primarias con el objetivo de ponerlas a una determinada temperatura. Para poder mantener un rango de temperaturas entre 5ºC y 60ºC se van a utilizar dos módulos peltier. Por lo tanto, es necesario que dicha cámara térmica tenga tanto en la parte frontal como en la trasera, unas ventanas de vidrio de alta transmitancia que permitan el máximo paso de luz, afectando lo menos posible a la medida. El diseño de la cámara térmica incluye unas cámaras en cada pared en las que se introducirá un aislante térmico para minimizar las pérdidas mencionadas anteriormente. Con este objetivo, las ventanas admiten la opción de un doble acristalado, adquiriendo un compromiso entre aislamiento térmico y transmisión de luz. La caja estará formada por tres cámaras, una central en la que se va a colocar la lente que se quiere medir y dos cámaras laterales en las que se van a introducir ambos peltier respectivamente. El objetivo de estas cámaras laterales es que, al estar comunicadas con la central a través de pequeñas rendijas, el aire a una cierta temperatura llegue de la forma más uniforme posible a la lente. En cuanto a la cámara central, tiene varios carriles en los cuales se pondrá la lente que se quiere medir, permitiendo de esta forma medir lentes de distancias focales muy diferentes además de poder fijar con la menor incertidumbre posible la posición de dicha lente. En este proyecto se procederá también a realizar el diseño teórico de una parte móvil posterior en la que habrá una célula de concentración sobre la que se realizarán las medidas.
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o impacto dos Sistemas de Gestão Integrados (SGI) no desempenho organizacional sob a óptica do Triple Bottom Line (TBL), verificando se esta implementação auxilia a empresa a se tornar mais sustentável. A abordagem multi-método utilizada está dividida em três partes. A primeira compreende uma revisão sistemática da literatura, tendo como base a abordagem bibliométrica. A base de dados escolhida para a seleção dos artigos que compõem a amostra foi a ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science). As análises conduzidas sugerem lacunas na literatura a serem pesquisadas de modo a relacionar a integração dos sistemas de gestão como meio para as organizações tornarem-se mais sustentáveis, auxiliando assim na elaboração de um modelo teórico e das hipóteses de pesquisa. Os resultados parciais obtidos ressaltam a lacuna na literatura de estudos nessa área, principalmente que contemplem a dimensão social do Triple Bottom Line. Lacunas na literatura foram identificadas também no que se refere à análise do impacto da adoção dessas abordagens normativas no desempenho organizacional. A segunda etapa da metodologia é composta por estudos de casos múltiplos em empresas de diferentes setores e que tenham implantado sistemas de gestão de maneira integrada. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a certificação auxilia no desenvolvimento de ações sustentáveis, resultando em impactos econômicos, ambientais e sociais positivos. Nesta etapa, testou-se o modelo e as hipóteses levantadas na abordagem bibliométrica. A terceira etapa da metodologia é composta por análises estatísticas de dados secundários extraídos da revista Exame ?Maiores e Melhores\'. Os dados do ano de 2014 das empresas foram tratados por meio do software MINITAB 17 ®. Por meio do teste de mediana de mood, as amostras foram testadas e apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas para o desempenho das empresas em diferentes setores. De maneira geral, as empresas com SGI apresentam melhor desempenho econômico do que as demais. Com a mesma base de dados, utilizando o modelo de equações estruturais e o software Smart PLS 2.0, criou-se um diagrama de caminhos analisando os constructos (SGI) com variáveis de desempenho (Endividamento, Lucratividade, Patrimônio, Crescimento e Retorno). O modelo de equações estruturais testado apresentou força para a relação entre SGI com Endividamento, Lucratividade, Patrimônio e Crescimento. As diferentes metodologias apresentadas contribuíram para responder a hipótese e afirmar com base na amostra deste trabalho que o SGI leva as empresas a terem melhor desempenho econômico, ambiental e social (baseado no TBL).
The way in which the quality of life related to health (HRQoL) is affected by the nutritional status of the patient is a subject of constant interest and permanent debate. The purpose of the present paper is to review those studies that relate HRQoL to nutritional status and examine the tools (questionnaires) that they use to investigate this relationship. A critical review of published studies was carried out via an investigation of the following databases: MEDLINE (via PubMed); EMBASE; The Cochrane Library; Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL); Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Science; Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS); Spanish Health Sciences Bibliographic Index (IBECS). The search was carried out from the earliest date possible until July 2007.The medical subject heading terms used were ‘quality of life’, ‘nutritional status’ and ‘questionnaires’. The articles had to contain at least one questionnaire that evaluated quality of life. Twenty-eight documents fulfilling the inclusion criteria were accepted, although none of them used a specific questionnaire to evaluate HRQoL related to nutritional status. However, some of them used a combination of generic questionnaires with the intention of evaluating the same. Only three studies selectively addressed the relationship between nutritional status and quality of life, this evaluation being performed not by means of specific questionnaires but by statistical analysis of data obtained via validated questionnaires.
Introduction: The nutritional registries are data bases through which we obtain the information to understand the nutrition of populations. Several main nutrition societies of the world have these types of registries, outstanding the NADYA (Home artificial and Ambulatory nutrition) group in Spain. The object of this study is to determine by means of a systematic review, the existent scientific production in the international data bases referred to nutritional support registries. Methods: Descriptive transversal study of the results of a critical bibliographic research done in the bioscience data bases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, The Cochrane Library, ISI (Web of Sciences), LILACS, CINHAL. Results: A total of 20 original articles related to nutritional registries were found and recovered. Eleven registries of eight countries were identified: Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Sweden, United Status and United Kingdom. The Price Index was of 65% and all the articles were published in the last 20 years. Conclusions: The Price Index highlights the innovativeness of this practice. The articles related to nutritional support are heterogeneous with respect to data and population, which exposes this as a limitation for a combined analysis.
OBJETIVO: Analizar la opinión que los usuarios tienen sobre alimentos genéticamente modificados y su información en el etiquetado. MÉTODOS: Realizada revisión sistemática de la literatura científica sobre los alimentos transgénicos y el etiquetado a partir de la consulta de las bases de datos bibliográficas: Medline (vía PubMed), EMBASE, ISIWeb of Knowledge, Cochrane Library Plus, FSTA, LILACS, CINAHL y AGRICOLA. Los descriptores seleccionados fueron: «organisms, genetically modified» y «food labeling». La búsqueda se realizó desde la primera fecha disponible hasta junio de 2012, seleccionando los artículos pertinentes escritos en inglés, portugués y castellano. RESULTADOS: Se seleccionaron 40 artículos. En todos ellos, se debía haber realizado una intervención poblacional enfocada al conocimiento de los consumidores sobre los alimentos genéticamente modificados y su necesidad, o no, de incluir información en el etiquetado. El consumidor expresa su preferencia por el producto no-genéticamente modificado, y apunta que está dispuesto a pagar algo más por él, pero, en definitiva compra el artículo que está a mejor precio en un mercado que acoge las nuevas tecnologías. En 18 artículos la población se mostraba favorable a su etiquetado obligatorio y seis al etiquetado voluntario; siete trabajos demostraban el poco conocimiento de la población sobre los transgénicos y, en tres, la población subestimó la cantidad que consumía. En todo caso, se observó la influencia del precio del producto genéticamente modificado. CONCLUSIONES: La etiqueta debe ser homogénea y aclarar el grado de tolerancia en humanos de alimentos genéticamente modificados en comparación con los no modificados. Asimismo, debe dejar claro su composición, o no, de alimento genéticamente modificado y la forma de producción de estos artículos de consumo. La etiqueta también debe ir acompañada de un sello de certificación de una agencia del estado y datos para contacto. El consumidor expresa su preferencia por el producto no-genéticamente modificado pero señaló que acaba comprando el artículo que está a mejor precio en un mercado que acoge las nuevas tecnologías.
Objetivo General: Revisar sistemáticamente, la literatura científica indizada en las principales bases de datos de ciencias de la salud, en tomo a las actividades o programas de salud aplicados en personas mayores de 65 años. Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal de los trabajos recuperados en la revisión bibliográfica mediante técnica sistemática. Se estudiaron ensayos clínicos aleatorizados publicados en revistas indizadas en bases de datos internacionales sujetas a revisión por pares y cuyo texto completo pudo ser recuperado. Las bases de datos consultadas fueron: MEDLINE, EMBASE, ISI, CINAHL, COCHRANE y LILACS. En la búsqueda se emplearon descriptores del Thesaurus de la Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), que fueron utilizados como Major Topic en las bases que lo permitieron. Las ecuaciones de búsqueda se limitaron a humanos y a personas mayores de 65 años, fueron desarrolladas en la base de datos MEDLINE, vía PubMed, usando conectores booleanos y adaptándose posteriormente a las otras bases de datos anteriormente mencionadas. Resultados: Las modalidades terapéuticas que han sido utilizadas para la promoción, mantenimiento o restauración de la salud física de las personas mayores de 65 años, se ven reflejadas en los 27 ensayos clínicos aleatorizados que fueron seleccionados y revisados. De los cuales surgen los 3 artículos científicos que forman el cuerpo principal de esta tesis y que han sido previamente publicados. En términos bibliométricos, dichos artículos presentaron una obsolescencia promedio de 6,33 años y un índice de Price de 40%. Conclusiones: - La implantación de programas de promoción en salud dirigidos a la población mayor que tienen en cuenta la condición de salud, han demostrado ser eficaces para fomentar cambios en el estilo de vida y producir una mejoría tanto en la condición física de los ancianos, como en el mantenimiento de su autonomía; repercutiendo así sobre su calidad de vida. - Para mejorar la eficacia de los programas, deberían realizarse por un tiempo mínimo de un año. - El entrenamiento con ejercicio excéntrico en personas mayores es una opción, para la disminución y prevención de la pérdida de estructura muscular y su consecuente disminución de fuerza y discapacidad. - Combinar el suplemento con ejercicio físico, refuerza los efectos que independientemente, cada una de estas intervenciones puede tener sobre la mejora de la masa y fuerza muscular, el balance y la velocidad, contribuyendo a la prevención de la sarcopenia y prolongando la independencia y autonomía de las personas mayores de 65 años.
Introduction – Based on a previous project of University of Lisbon (UL) – a Bibliometric Benchmarking Analysis of University of Lisbon, for the period of 2000-2009 – a database was created to support research information (ULSR). However this system was not integrated with other existing systems at University, as the UL Libraries Integrated System (SIBUL) and the Repository of University of Lisbon (Repositório.UL). Since libraries were called to be part of the process, the Faculty of Pharmacy Library’ team felt that it was very important to get all systems connected or, at least, to use that data in the library systems. Objectives – The main goals were to centralize all the scientific research produced at Faculty of Pharmacy, made it available to the entire Faculty, involve researchers and library team, capitalize and reinforce team work with the integration of several distinct projects and reducing tasks’ redundancy. Methods – Our basis was the imported data collection from the ISI Web of Science (WoS), for the period of 2000-2009, into ULSR. All the researchers and indexed publications at WoS, were identified. A first validation to identify all the researchers and their affiliation (university, faculty, department and unit) was done. The final validation was done by each researcher. In a second round, concerning the same period, all Pharmacy Faculty researchers identified their published scientific work in other databases/resources (NOT WoS). To our strategy, it was important to get all the references and essential/critical to relate them with the correspondent digital objects. To each researcher previously identified, was requested to register all their references of the ‘NOT WoS’ published works, at ULSR. At the same time, they should submit all PDF files (for both WoS and NOT WoS works) in a personal area of the Web server. This effort enabled us to do a more reliable validation and prepare the data and metadata to be imported to Repository and to Library Catalogue. Results – 558 documents related with 122 researchers, were added into ULSR. 1378 bibliographic records (WoS + NOT WoS) were converted into UNIMARC and Dublin Core formats. All records were integrated in the catalogue and repository. Conclusions – Although different strategies could be adopted, according to each library team, we intend to share this experience and give some tips of what could be done and how Faculty of Pharmacy created and implemented her strategy.
T. IV incluye Nomenclatura biográfica de los principales teólogos y de sus obras teológicas desde S. Juan Damasceno hasta nuestros días (p.549-586)
High-impact, localized intense rainfall episodes represent a major socio-economic problem for societies worldwide, and at the same time these events are notoriously difficult to simulate properly in climate models. Here, the authors investigate how horizontal resolution and model formulation influence this issue by applying the HARMONIE regional climate model (HCLIM) with three different setups; two using convection parameterization at 15 and 6.25 km horizontal resolution (the latter within the “grey-zone” scale), with lateral boundary conditions provided by ERA-Interim reanalysis and integrated over a pan-European domain, and one with explicit convection at 2 km resolution (HCLIM2) over the Alpine region driven by the 15 km model. Seven summer seasons were sampled and validated against two high-resolution observational data sets. All HCLIM versions underestimate the number of dry days and hours by 20-40%, and overestimate precipitation over the Alpine ridge. Also, only modest added value were found of “grey-zone” resolution. However, the single most important outcome is the substantial added value in HCLIM2 compared to the coarser model versions at sub-daily time scales. It better captures the local-to-regional spatial patterns of precipitation reflecting a more realistic representation of the local and meso-scale dynamics. Further, the duration and spatial frequency of precipitation events, as well as extremes, are closer to observations. These characteristics are key ingredients in heavy rainfall events and associated flash floods, and the outstanding results using HCLIM in convection-permitting setting are convincing and encourage further use of the model to study changes in such events in changing climates.
We investigated whether a physiological marker of cardiovascular health, pulse pressure (PP), and age magnified the effect of the functional COMT Val158Met (rs4680) polymorphism on 15-years cognitive trajectories [episodic memory (EM), visuospatial ability, and semantic memory] using data from 1585 non-demented adults from the Betula study. A multiple-group latent growth curve model was specified to gauge individual differences in change, and average trends therein. The allelic variants showed negligible differences across the cognitive markers in average trends. The older portion of the sample selectively age-magnified the effects of Val158Met on EM changes, resulting in greater decline in Val compared to homozygote Met carriers. This effect was attenuated by statistical control for PP. Further, PP moderated the effects of COMT on 15-years EM trajectories, resulting in greater decline in Val carriers, even after accounting for the confounding effects of sex, education, cardiovascular diseases (diabetes, stroke, and hypertension), and chronological age, controlled for practice gains. The effect was still present after excluding individuals with a history of cardiovascular diseases. The effects of cognitive change were not moderated by any other covariates. This report underscores the importance of addressing synergistic effects in normal cognitive aging, as the addition thereof may place healthy individuals at greater risk for memory decline.
Semantic priming occurs when a subject is faster in recognising a target word when it is preceded by a related word compared to an unrelated word. The effect is attributed to automatic or controlled processing mechanisms elicited by short or long interstimulus intervals (ISIs) between primes and targets. We employed event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) responses associated with automatic semantic priming using an experimental design identical to that used in standard behavioural priming tasks. Prime-target semantic strength was manipulated by using lexical ambiguity primes (e.g., bank) and target words related to dominant or subordinate meaning of the ambiguity. Subjects made speeded lexical decisions (word/nonword) on dominant related, subordinate related, and unrelated word pairs presented randomly with a short ISI. The major finding was a pattern of reduced activity in middle temporal and inferior prefrontal regions for dominant versus unrelated and subordinate versus unrelated comparisons, respectively. These findings are consistent with both a dual process model of semantic priming and recent repetition priming data that suggest that reductions in BOLD responses represent neural priming associated with automatic semantic activation and implicate the left middle temporal cortex and inferior prefrontal cortex in more automatic aspects of semantic processing.