922 resultados para IMML and Visual IMML


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Purpose: Several studies have suggested accommodative lags may serve as a stimulus for myopic growth, and while a blurred foveal image is believed to the main stimulus for accommodation, spectral composition of the retinal image is also believed to influence accommodative accuracy. Of particular interest is how altering spectral lighting conditions influences accommodation in the presence of soft multifocal contact lenses, which are currently being used off-label for myopia control. Methods: Accommodative responses were assessed using a Grand Seiko WAM-5500 autorefractor for four target distances: 25, 33, 50, and 100cm for 30 young adult subjects (14 myopic, 16 emmetropic; mean refractive errors (±SD, D) -4.22±2.04 and -0.15±0.67 respectively). Measurements were obtained with four different soft contact lenses, Single vision distance (SVD), Single vision near (SVN), Centre-Near (CN) and Centre-Distance (CD) (+1.50 add), and three different lighting conditions: red (peak λ 632nm), blue (peak λ 460nm), and white (peak λ 560nm). Corrections for chromatic differences in refraction were made prior to calculating accommodative errors. Results: The size of accommodative errors was significantly affected by lens design (p<0.001), lighting (p=0.027), and target distance (p=0.009). Mean accommodative errors were significantly larger with the SV lenses compared to the CD and CN designs (p<0.001). Errors were also significantly larger under blue light compared to white (p=0.004) and a significant interaction noted between lens design and lighting (p<0.001). Blue light generally decreased accommodative lags and increased accommodative leads relative to white and red light, the opposite was true of red light (p≤0.001). Lens design also significantly influenced direction of accommodative error (i.e. lag or lead) (p<0.001). Interactions with or between refractive groups were not found to be statistically significant for either the magnitude or direction of accommodative error (p>0.05 for all). Conclusions: Accuracy of accommodation is affected by both lens design and by wavelength of lighting. These accommodative lag data lend some support to recent speculation about the potential therapeutic value of lighting with a spectral bias towards blue during near work for myopia, although such treatment effects are likely to be more subtle under broad compared to the narrow spectrum lighting conditions used here.


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Jelen cikk a szervezeti identitás különböző tudományos értelmezéseit, elemeit mutatja be és kapcsolja össze a gyakorlattal. A szerzők értelmezése szerint a szervezeti identitás nem azonos a köznyelvben elterjedt arculattal (sem image-zsal), hanem egy holisztikus, menedzsment-szakirodalmakon átívelő fogalomként értelmezhető, mely a külső tényezők hatására a szervezeti kultúra és a szervezeti stratégia alapján alakítható ki. A szervezeti identitás három alkotóelem-csoportból áll (nevezhetjük ezt identitásmixnek is): a munkáltatói márkázásból, az integrált marketingkommunikációból és a vizuális identitásból. Mivel a változó környezet szükségessé teszi, a szervezeti identitás menedzselése egy véget nem érő „spirálfolyamat”, mely a felmérés, a meghatározás, a bevezetés és értékelés szakaszok ismétléséből áll addig, amíg az ideális identitás ki nem alakul. Melyet talán soha nem ér el a vállalat. _____ In this article the different scientific interpretations and elements of organizational identity are presented and combined with practice. According to the authors’ interpretation the organizational identity is not the same as the corporate image, but it can be interpreted as a holistic management literatures panning notion which can be formed by the effect of external factors on basis of the organizational culture and organizational strategy. The organizational identity consists of three component-groups (also called this identity mix) the employer branding, integrated marketingcommunications and visual identity. Due to the changing environment makes it necessary the management of organizational identity is a never-ending ”spiral process”, which consists of repetitions of the survey, the definition, the introduction and the assessment phases until the ideal identity will be formed. Which may be never achieved by the corporate.


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The purpose of this research was to compare the academic performance and attitudes of students at the instructor-based site of a televised course and the distant site. An earlier pilot program indicated the need for certain technical and structural interventions at the distant site such as multiple "press-to-touch" microphones, a site-administrator and participative seating arrangements. At the beginning of the class, demographic data were collected from the students at both sites through a questionnaire and supplemented with information from students' records. Factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, number of children, current class status, major, work status and CLAST scores (achievement tests) were examined. There were no significant differences between the students at the sites except ethnicity and reading CLAST scores. The instructor-based site had a higher percentage of Hispanic students and the distant site had a larger percentage of Caucasian and Black Americans. The distant site scored significantly better on the reading section of the CLAST achievement test. An evaluation instrument was distributed to both sites, at the midpoint of the semester, measuring their attitude toward the organizational, technical, and pedagogical factors of the course. A second evaluation instrument, measuring similar factors, but more in-depth, was distributed to both sites near the end of the term. Nine students at the distant site were interviewed along with the site administrator to collect additional information.^ Course completion rates, dropout rates, pass rates and final grades of students at both sites were compared. There were no significant differences in academic performance between the students at both sites, however, there were significant differences in their attitudes. Those at the instructor-based site gave better ratings to most of items in the evaluation instruments. Problems at the distant site included audio and visual clarity, lack of available assistance, too much nonrelated talking, not enough opportunities to ask questions or to interact with the instructor during class. ^


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This dissertation establishes a novel data-driven method to identify language network activation patterns in pediatric epilepsy through the use of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A total of 122 subjects’ data sets from five different hospitals were included in the study through a web-based repository site designed here at FIU. Research was conducted to evaluate different classification and clustering techniques in identifying hidden activation patterns and their associations with meaningful clinical variables. The results were assessed through agreement analysis with the conventional methods of lateralization index (LI) and visual rating. What is unique in this approach is the new mechanism designed for projecting language network patterns in the PCA-based decisional space. Synthetic activation maps were randomly generated from real data sets to uniquely establish nonlinear decision functions (NDF) which are then used to classify any new fMRI activation map into typical or atypical. The best nonlinear classifier was obtained on a 4D space with a complexity (nonlinearity) degree of 7. Based on the significant association of language dominance and intensities with the top eigenvectors of the PCA decisional space, a new algorithm was deployed to delineate primary cluster members without intensity normalization. In this case, three distinct activations patterns (groups) were identified (averaged kappa with rating 0.65, with LI 0.76) and were characterized by the regions of: (1) the left inferior frontal Gyrus (IFG) and left superior temporal gyrus (STG), considered typical for the language task; (2) the IFG, left mesial frontal lobe, right cerebellum regions, representing a variant left dominant pattern by higher activation; and (3) the right homologues of the first pattern in Broca's and Wernicke's language areas. Interestingly, group 2 was found to reflect a different language compensation mechanism than reorganization. Its high intensity activation suggests a possible remote effect on the right hemisphere focus on traditionally left-lateralized functions. In retrospect, this data-driven method provides new insights into mechanisms for brain compensation/reorganization and neural plasticity in pediatric epilepsy.


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Novel predator introductions are thought to have a high impact on native prey, especially in freshwater systems. Prey may fail to recognize predators as a threat, or show inappropriate or ineffective responses. The ability of prey to recognize and respond appropriately to novel predators may depend on the prey’s use of general or specific cues to detect predation threats.We used laboratory experiments to examine the ability of three native Everglades prey species (Eastern mosquitofish, flagfish and riverine grass shrimp) to respond to the presence, as well as to the chemical and visual cues of a native predator (warmouth) and a recentlyintroduced non-native predator (African jewelfish). We used prey from populations that had not previously encountered jewelfish. Despite this novelty, the native warmouth and nonnative jewelfish had overall similar predatory effects, except on mosquitofish, which suffered higher warmouth predation. When predators were present, the three prey taxa showed consistent and strong responses to the non-native jewelfish, which were similar in magnitude to the responses exhibited to the native warmouth. When cues were presented, fish prey responded largely to chemical cues, while shrimp showed no response to either chemical or visual cues. Overall, responses by mosquitofish and flagfish to chemical cues indicated low differentiation among cue types, with similar responses to general and specific cues. The fact that antipredator behaviours were similar toward native and non-native predators suggests that the susceptibility to a novel fish predator may be similar to that of native fishes, and prey may overcome predator novelty, at least when predators are confamilial to other common and longer-established non-native threats.


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This paper offers an overview of existing definitions and theoretical frameworks for digital literacy. The researcher makes recommendations for an agreed upon definition and theoretical framework and discusses implications for a relationship between digital and visual literacy skills.


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This dissertation establishes a novel data-driven method to identify language network activation patterns in pediatric epilepsy through the use of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A total of 122 subjects’ data sets from five different hospitals were included in the study through a web-based repository site designed here at FIU. Research was conducted to evaluate different classification and clustering techniques in identifying hidden activation patterns and their associations with meaningful clinical variables. The results were assessed through agreement analysis with the conventional methods of lateralization index (LI) and visual rating. What is unique in this approach is the new mechanism designed for projecting language network patterns in the PCA-based decisional space. Synthetic activation maps were randomly generated from real data sets to uniquely establish nonlinear decision functions (NDF) which are then used to classify any new fMRI activation map into typical or atypical. The best nonlinear classifier was obtained on a 4D space with a complexity (nonlinearity) degree of 7. Based on the significant association of language dominance and intensities with the top eigenvectors of the PCA decisional space, a new algorithm was deployed to delineate primary cluster members without intensity normalization. In this case, three distinct activations patterns (groups) were identified (averaged kappa with rating 0.65, with LI 0.76) and were characterized by the regions of: 1) the left inferior frontal Gyrus (IFG) and left superior temporal gyrus (STG), considered typical for the language task; 2) the IFG, left mesial frontal lobe, right cerebellum regions, representing a variant left dominant pattern by higher activation; and 3) the right homologues of the first pattern in Broca's and Wernicke's language areas. Interestingly, group 2 was found to reflect a different language compensation mechanism than reorganization. Its high intensity activation suggests a possible remote effect on the right hemisphere focus on traditionally left-lateralized functions. In retrospect, this data-driven method provides new insights into mechanisms for brain compensation/reorganization and neural plasticity in pediatric epilepsy.


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Over the past 30 years, Art Education in interface with disabilities has been a subject of increasing interest in research in academia, especially with regard to Special Education, but still has some shortages in terms of socialization studies to discuss this type of teaching from the perspective of inclusive education. In this scenario, this paper presents an analysis from the field of teaching Visual Arts in the context of school inclusion, with emphasis on teaching drawing to the visually impaired. The conducted literature indicates a number of authors who discuss teaching drawing to people with visual disabilities, who are dedicated primarily to the Special Education context. In this sense, the shortage of research that discuss this teaching from the perspective of inclusive education, this research aimed at the inclusive approach to teaching drawing in the school context. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop a proposal for a pedagogical intervention in Visual Arts, with reference to drawing and its construction process, with the participation of seeing and unseeing students. Therefore, the methodological approach, which was qualitative, was the intervention research, in the light of the Bakhtinian principles of dialogism and otherness, with exploratory study characteristics. The locus of the research was the State School Admiral Newton Braga Faria, which is located in Alecrim, on the East Zone of Natal / RN and is near the Institute for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind - IERC / RN. The class chosen for intervention was the 7th grade “C” afternoon shift, which had children aged 12 to 16, with 27 students enrolled, three students with disabilities: 02 blind girls and 01 deafblind boy with light hearing and visual loss. As interlocutors of the research, we could also count on the Art teacher who served as a collaborator, as well as teacher in the school’s Multifunction Resource Room. The instruments and research procedures were observation, semi-structured interview, field diary and the photo / video recording. In the development of research, we conducted 10 workshops with multisensory teaching sequences, articulating the physical, tactile and graphical expressions as intrinsic to the reading and production of drawing for both seeing and unseeing students. The process and data built on research allowed for a reflection on cultural experiences with drawing in the school context and on the interactions between seeing and unseeing students in the production and analysis of tactile-visual drawings. They also point out the construction of a teaching approach to drawing, in the context of the common class, from educational workshops that enable artistic and aesthetic interactions from the perspective of school inclusiveness. Thus, we argued that the mobilization of the tactile, physical and graphical expressions can be adopted in a multisensory approach that enables a pedagogical focus that involves all students and is not restricted to the presence of students with visual impairment.


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Purpose: Traditionally, it has been thought that no binocular combination occurs in amblyopia. However, there is a growing body of evidence that there are intact binocular mechanisms in amblyopia rendered inactive under normal viewing conditions due to imbalanced monocular inputs. Georgeson and Wallis (2014) recently introduced a novel method to investigate fusion, suppression and diplopia in normal population. We have modified this method to assess binocular interactions in amblyopia. Methods: Ten amblyopic and ten control subjects viewed briefly-presented (200 ms) pairs of dichoptically separated horizontal Gaussian blurred edges. Subjects reported one central edge, one offset edge, or a double edge as the vertical disparity was manipulated. The experiment was conducted at a range of spatial scales (blur widths of 4, 8, 16, and 32 arc min) and contrasts. Our model, based Georgeson and Wallis (2014), converted subjects’ responses into probabilities of fusion, suppression, and diplopia. Results: When the normal participants were presented equal contrast to each eye the probability of fusion gradually decreased with increasing disparity, as the probability of diplopia gradually increased. In only a small proportion of the trials, normal participants experienced suppression. The pattern was consistent across all edge blurs. Interestingly, the majority of amblyopes had a comparable pattern of fusion, i.e. decreasing probability with increasing disparity. However, with increasing disparity the amblyopes tended to suppress the amblyopic eye, experiencing diplopia only in a small proportion of trials particularly at large blurs. Increasing the interocular contrast offset favouring the amblyopic eye normalized the pattern of data in a way similar to normal participants. There were some interesting exceptions: strong suppressors for which our contrast range was inadequate and one case in which diplopia dominated. Conclusions: This task is suitable for assessing binocular interactions in amblyopic participants and providing a way to quantify the relationship between fusion, suppression and diplopia. In agreement with previous studies, our data indicate the presence of binocular mechanisms in amblyopia. A contrast offset favouring the amblyopic eye normalizes the measured binocular interactions in the amblyopic visual system.


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Purpose: We have reported that the changes in the pupillary shape in response to electrical stimulation of the branches of the ciliary nerves in cats. (Miyagawa et al. PLoS One, 2014). This study investigates the changes in the pupillary shapes in response to electrical stimulations of the sclera of peripheral cornea in cats and porcines. Methods: Two enucleated eyes of two cats and three enucleated porcine eyes were studied. Trains of biphasic pulses (current, 3 mA; duration, 2 ms/phase; frequency, 40 Hz) were applied using a tungsten electrode (0.3mm diameter). The stimulation was performed at every 45 degree over the entire circular region on the sclera near the cornea. The pupillary images were recorded before and 4 s (cat) and 10 s (pig) after the stimulation and the change in the pupil diameter (Δr) was quantified. The pupillary images were obtained with a custom-built compact wavefront aberrometer (Uday et al. J Cataract Refract Surg, 2013). Results: In a cat eye, the pupil was dilated by the electrical stimulation at six out of eight orientations (before stimulation pupil diameter r=10.10±0.49 mm, Δr=0.33±0.12 mm). The pupil dilated only toward the electrode (relative eccentricity of the pupil center to the pupil diameter change amount rdec=1.15±0.28). In the porcine eyes, the pupils were constricted by the electrical stimulations at the temporal and nasal orientations (r=10.04±0.57 mm, Δr=1.52±0.70 mm). The pupils contracted symmetrically (rdec=0.30±0.12). Conclusions: With electrical stimulation in the sclera of the peripheral cornea, asymmetric mydriasis in cat eyes and symmetrical miosis in porcine eyes were observed. Under the assumption that the electrical stimulation stimulated both muscles that contribute to the pupil control, our hypothesis proposed here is that the pupil dilator is stronger than the pupil sphincter in cat, and pupil sphincter is stronger than pupil dilator in porcine.


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Purpose: We have reported that the changes in the accommodative response to electrical stimulation of the branches of the ciliary nerves in cats. (Miyagawa et al, PLoS One, 2014). We have also reported that no robust accommodative responses to the electrical stimulations of the sclera of peripheral cornea (SSPC) were observed in enucleated porcine eyes (Mihashi et al, VPOptics, 2014). In this study, accommodative responses to SSPC stimulation in cats and porcines were investigated. Methods: Two eyes of two cats under anesthesia and after they were sacrificed were studied. Three enucleated porcine eyes obtained from a local slaughterhouse were also studied. Trains of biphasic pulses (current, 3 mA; duration, 2 ms/phase; frequency, 40 Hz) were applied using a tungsten electrode (0.3mm diameter) from several orientations. Wavefront sensing with a compact wavefront aberrometer (Uday et al J Cataract Refract Surg, 2013) were performed before and 4 s (cat) and 10 s (pig) after the stimulations and wavefront aberrations including spherical errors were analyzed over a 4-mm pupil area. Results: In the first cat under anesthesia, at three out of seven stimulus positions, 0.2 D hyperopic accommodative responses were observed and in two orientations, myopic responses were observed. For the other cat, weak accommodative responses including astigmatic changes were observed. In the sacrificed condition of the second cat, 0.1 D myopic response was observed for one stimulus orientation and the smaller responses were observed at six out of eight stimulus positions. No accommodative responses were elicited for the enucleated porcine eyes. Conclusions: In the anesthetized cats, electrical stimulation of the SSPC induced accommodative responses; the responses were unstable and weaker than the responses by the ciliary nerve stimulations we observed in our previous study. Small accommodative responses were observed after one of two cats had been sacrificed, but no accommodative responses were detected in the enucleated porcine eyes. Further studies are needed to confirm difference in the accommodation functions in the two species.


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Purpose: Recent studies have documented a link between axial myopia and ciliary muscle morphology; yet, the variation in biometric characteristics of the emmetropic ciliary muscle are not fully known. Ciliary muscle morphology, including symmetry, was investigated between both eyes of emmetropic participants and correlated to ocular biometric parameters. Methods: Anterior segment optical coherence tomography (Zeiss, Visante) was utilised to image both eyes of 49 emmetropic participants (mean spherical equivalent refractive error (MSE) ≥ -0.55; < +0.75 D), aged 19 to 26 years. High resolution images were obtained of nasal and temporal aspects of the ciliary muscle in the relaxed state. MSE of both eyes was recorded using the Grand Seiko WAM 5500; axial length (AXL), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and lens thickness (LT) of the right eye were obtained using the Haag-streit Lenstar LS 900 biometer. A bespoke semi-objective analysis programme was used to measure a range of ciliary muscle parameters. Results: Temporal ciliary muscle overall length (CML) was greater than nasal CML, in both eyes (right: 3.58 ± 0.40 mm and 3.85 ± 0.39 mm for nasal and temporal aspects, respectively, P < 0.001; left: 3.65 ± 0.35 mm and 3.88 ± 0.41 mm for nasal and temporal aspects, respectively, P < 0.001). Temporal ciliary muscle thickness (CMT) was greater than nasal CMT at 2 mm and 3 mm from the scleral spur (CM2 and CM3, respectively) in each eye (right CM2: 0.29 ± 0.05 mm and 0.32 ± 0.05 mm for nasal and temporal aspects, respectively, P < 0.001; left CM2: 0.30 ± 0.05 mm and 0.32 ± 0.05 mm for nasal and temporal aspects, respectively, P < 0.001; right CM3: 0.13 ± 0.05 mm and 0.16 ± 0.04 mm for nasal and temporal aspects, respectively, P < 0.001; left CM3: 0.14 ± 0.04 mm and 0.17 ± 0.05 mm for nasal and temporal aspects, respectively, P < 0.001). AXL was positively correlated with ciliary muscle anterior length (AL) (e.g. P < 0.001, r2 = 0.262 for left temporal aspect), CML (P = 0.003, r2 = 0.175 for right nasal aspect) and ACD (P = 0.01, r2 = 0.181). Conclusions: Morphological characteristics of the ciliary muscle in emmetropic eyes display high levels of symmetry between the eyes. Greater CML and AL are linked to greater AXL and ACD, indicating ciliary muscle growth with normal ocular development.


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Purpose: To determine whether the ‘through-focus’ aberrations of a multifocal and accommodative intraocular lens (IOL) implanted patient can be used to provide rapid and reliable measures of their subjective range of clear vision. Methods: Eyes that had been implanted with a concentric (n = 8), segmented (n = 10) or accommodating (n = 6) intraocular lenses (mean age 62.9 ± 8.9 years; range 46-79 years) for over a year underwent simultaneous monocular subjective (electronic logMAR test chart at 4m with letters randomised between presentations) and objective (Aston open-field aberrometer) defocus curve testing for levels of defocus between +1.50 to -5.00DS in -0.50DS steps, in a randomised order. Pupil size and ocular aberration (a combination of the patient’s and the defocus inducing lens aberrations) at each level of blur was measured by the aberrometer. Visual acuity was measured subjectively at each level of defocus to determine the traditional defocus curve. Objective acuity was predicted using image quality metrics. Results: The range of clear focus differed between the three IOL types (F=15.506, P=0.001) as well as between subjective and objective defocus curves (F=6.685, p=0.049). There was no statistically significant difference between subjective and objective defocus curves in the segmented or concentric ring MIOL group (P>0.05). However a difference was found between the two measures and the accommodating IOL group (P<0.001). Mean Delta logMAR (predicted minus measured logMAR) across all target vergences was -0.06 ± 0.19 logMAR. Predicted logMAR defocus curves for the multifocal IOLs did not show a near vision addition peak, unlike the subjective measurement of visual acuity. However, there was a strong positive correlation between measured and predicted logMAR for all three IOLs (Pearson’s correlation: P<0.001). Conclusions: Current subjective procedures are lengthy and do not enable important additional measures such as defocus curves under differently luminance or contrast levels to be assessed, which may limit our understanding of MIOL performance in real-world conditions. In general objective aberrometry measures correlated well with the subjective assessment indicating the relative robustness of this technique in evaluating post-operative success with segmented and concentric ring MIOL.


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Purpose: The exact nature of the relationship between Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is still the subject of debate. One factor attributed to the aetiology of both conditions is vascular dysfunction. This study aimed to investigate the similarities and differences in retinal microvascular function between mild AD patients, early stage POAG patients and healthy controls Methods: Retinal vessel reactivity to flickering light was assessed in 10 AD, 19 POAG and 22 healthy age matched control patients by means of dynamic retinal vessel analysis (DVA, IMEDOS, GmbH, Jena, Germany) according to an established protocol. All patients additionally underwent BP measurements and blood analysis for glucose and lipid metabolism markers Results: AD and POAG patients demonstrated comparable alterations in retinal artery reactivity, in the form of an increased arterial reaction time (RT) to flicker light on the final flicker cycle (p=0.014), which was not replicated in the healthy age and cardiovascular risk matched controls (p>0.05). Furthermore, the sequential changes in RT on progressing from flicker one to flicker three were found to differ between healthy controls and the two disease groups (p=0.001) Conclusions: AD and POAG patients demonstrate comparable signs of vascular dysfunction in their retinal arteries at the early stages of their disease process. These comparable signs may reflect similarities in the pathophysiological processes that occur in the development of both conditions


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Purpose: Given the ageing UK population and the high prevalence of activity-limiting illness and disability in the over 65s, the demand for domiciliary eye care services is set to grow significantly. Over 400,000 NHS domiciliary eye examinations are conducted each year, yet minimal research attention has been directed to this mode of practice or patient needs amongst this group. The study aimed to compare clinical characteristics and benefits of cataract surgery between conventional in-practice patients and domiciliary service users. Methods: Clinical characteristics were compared between patients in North-West England receiving NHS domiciliary eye care services (n = 197; median age 76.5 years), and an age-matched group of conventional in-practice patients (n = 107; median age 74.6 years). Data including reason for visit; logMAR uncorrected and best corrected distance (UDVA and CDVA) and near acuities (UNVA and CNVA); presence of ocular pathology and examination outcome were documented retrospectively. To compare the benefit of cataract surgery in terms of functional capacity between the patient groups, individuals undergoing routine referral for first-eye surgery completed the VF-14 questionnaire pre-operatively, and at 6 weeks post-operatively. Results: UDVA was similar between the two groups (median 0.48 and 0.50 logMAR in the domiciliary and practice groups, P = 0.916); CDVA was significantly worse in the domiciliary group (median 0.18 vs 0.08 logMAR, P<0.001), who were more likely to have clinically-significant cataract. Both groups showed similar improvements in VF-14 scores following cataract surgery (mean gains 24.4 ± 11.7, and 31.5 ± 14.7 points in the in-practice and domiciliary groups, respectively. P = 0.312). Conclusions: Patients receiving domiciliary eye care services are more likely to have poorer corrected vision than in-practice patients of a similar age, partly due to a higher prevalence of significant cataract. Despite limitations in their activities due to illness and disability, domiciliary patients experience similar gains in self-reported functional capacity following cataract surgery