732 resultados para Hybrid computers
A systematic and comprehensive study of the interaction of citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles with triruthenium cluster complexes of general formula [Ru(3)(CH(3)COO)(6)(L)](+) [L = 4-cyanopyridine (4-CNpy), 4,4`-bipyridine (4,4`-bpy) or 4,4`-bis(pyridyl)ethylene (bpe)] has been carried out. The cluster-nanoparticle interaction in solution and the construction of thin films of the hybrid materials were investigated in detail by electronic and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy, Raman scattering spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles readily interacted with [Ru(3)O(CH(3)COO)(6)(L)(3)](+) complexes to generate functionalized nanoparticles that tend to aggregate according to rates and extents that depend on the bond strength defined by the characteristics of the cluster L ligands following the sequence bpe > 4,4`-bpy >> 4-CNpy. The formation of compact thin films of hybrid AuNP/[Ru(3)O(CH(3)COO)(6)(L)(3)](+) derivatives with L = bpe and 4,4`-bpy indicated that the stability/lability of AuNP-cluster bonds as well as their solubility are important parameters that influence the film contruction process. Fluorine-doped tin oxide electrodes modified with thin films of these nanomaterials exhibited similar electrocatalytic activity but much higher sensitivity than a conventional gold electrode in the oxidation of nitrite ion to nitrate depending on the bridging cluster complex, demonstrating the high potential for the development of amperometric sensors.
The photocatalytic performance of TiO(2)-SiMgO(x) ceramic plates for trichloroethylene abatement in gas phase has been evaluated under sun irradiance conditions. A continuous flow Pyrex glass reactor fixed on the focus of a compound parabolic collector has been used. The performance of the hybrid photocatalyst has been evaluated as the variation of TCE conversion and reaction products formation with the solar irradiance at different total gas flow, TCE concentration, and water vapour content. SiMgO(x) not only provides adsorbent properties to the photocatalyst, but it also allows the effective use of the material during low solar irradiance conditions. The adsorption-desorption phenomena play a pivotal role in the behaviour of the system. Thus, TCE conversion curves present two different branches when the sun irradiance increases (sunrise) or decreases (sunset). CO(2), COCl(2) and DCAC were the most relevant products detected. Meanwhile CO(2) concentration was insensitive to the branch analysed, COCl(2) or DCAC were not indicating the ability of these compounds to be adsorbed on the composite. An increase of the UV irradiation at total TCE conversion promotes the CO(2) selectivity. The excess of energy arriving to the reactor favours the direct reaction pathway to produce CO(2). The photonic efficiency, calculated as a function of the rate of CO(2) formation, decreases linearly with the solar irradiance up to around 2 mW cm(-2), where it becomes constant. For decontamination systems high TCE conversion is pursuit and then high solar irradiance values are required, in spite of lower photonic efficiency values. The present photocatalyst configuration, with only 17% of the reactor volume filled with the photoactive material, allows total TCE conversion for 150 ppm and 1 L min(-1) in a wide sun irradiance window from 2 to 4 mW cm(-2). The incorporation of water vapour leads to an increase of the CO(2) selectivity keeping the TCE conversion around 90%, although significant amounts of COCl(2) were observed. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hybrid photocatalysts based on an adsorbent SiMgOx and a photocatalyst TiO(2) were developed in a plate shape. The ceramic surface was coated with TiO(2) by the slip-casting technique. The effect of the support in the photocatalytic degradation of trichloroethylene (TCE) was analyzed by modifying TiO(2) loading and the layer thickness. Photocatalysts were characterised by N(2) adsorption-desorption, mercury intrusion porosimetry, SEM, UV-vis spectroscopy and XRD. A direct relationship between the TiO(2) content and the photocatalytic activity was observed up to three layers of TiO(2) (0.66 wt.%). Our results indicate that intermediate species generated on the TiO(2) layer can migrate through relatively long distances to react with the OH(-) surface groups of the support. By increasing the TiO(2) loading of the photocatalyst two effects were observed: trichloroethylene conversion is enhanced, while the efficiency of the oxidation process is decreased at expenses of increasing the selectivity to COCl(2) and dichloroacetylchloride (DCAC). The results are discussed in terms of the layer thickness, TiO(2) amount, TCE conversion and CO(2), and COCl(2) selectivity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The degradation of phenol by a hybrid process (activated sludge + photocatalysis) in a high salinity medium (50 g L-1 of chloride) has been investigated. The sludge used from a municipal wastewater facility was adapted to the high salt concentrations prior to use. The photocatalytic conditions were optimized by means of a factorial experimental design. TiO2 P25 from Degussa was used as the photocatalyst. The initial phenol concentration was approximately 200 mg L-1 and complete removal of phenol and a mineralization degree above 98% were achieved within 25 h of treatment (24 h of biological treatment and I h of photocatalysis). From HPLC analyses, five hydroxylated intermediates formed during oxidation have been identified. The main ones were catechol and hydroquinone, followed by 1,2,4-benzenetriol, 2-hydroxy- 1,4-benzoquinone, and pyrogallol, in this order. No formation of organochlorine compounds was observed. Therefore, the proposed hybrid process showed itself to be suited to treat phenol in the presence of high contents of salt. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This presentation will outline an effective model for a Hybrid Statistics course. The course continues to be very successful, incorporating on-line instruction, testing, blogs, and above all, a data analysis project driven trajectory motivating students to engage more aggressively in the class and rise up to the challenge of writing an original research paper. Obstacles, benefits and successes of this endeavor will be addressed.
The present work will explain a method to achieve a remote controlled (via IR LED) alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display. In modern times, the remote access of different devices has become quite popular, therefore, the aim of this project is to provide a useful tool that will integrate common and easy to access devices. The system includes a C language based user interface, an assembly language code for the AT89C51ED2 microcontroller instructions and some digital electronic circuits needed for the driving and control of both the LCD and the infrared communication, as well as the PC with a parallel port. The interaction of all the devices provides a whole system that can be helpful in different applications, or it can be separated into each one of its different stages to take the best advantage as possible.
A series of measurements on the performance of solar cell string modules with low-concentrating CPC reflectors with a concentration factor C ˜ 4X have been carried out. To minimise the reduction in efficiency due to high cell temperatures, the modules were cooled. Four different way of cooling were tested:1) The thermal mass of the module was increased, 2) passive air cooling was used by introducing a small air gap between the module and the reflector, 3) the PV cells were cooled by a large cooling fin, 4) the module was actively cooled by circulating cold water on the back. The best performance was given with the actively cooled PV module which gave 2,2 times the output from a reference module while for the output from the module with a cooling fin the value was 1,8.Active cooling is also interesting due to the possibility of co-generation of thermal and electrical energy which is discussed in the paper. Simulations, based on climate data from Stockholm, latitude 59.4°N, show that there are good prospects for producing useful temperatures of the cooling fluid with only a slightly reduced performance of the electrical fraction of the PV thermal hybrid system.
PV-Wind-Hybrid systems for stand-alone applications have the potential to be more cost efficient compared to PV-alone systems. The two energy sources can, to some extent, compensate each others minima. The combination of solar and wind should be especially favorable for locations at high latitudes such as Sweden with a very uneven distribution of solar radiation during the year. In this article PV-Wind-Hybrid systems have been studied for 11 locations in Sweden. These systems supply the household electricity for single family houses. The aim was to evaluate the system costs, the cost of energy generated by the PV-Wind-Hybrid systems, the effect of the load size and to what extent the combination of these two energy sources can reduce the costs compared to a PV-alone system. The study has been performed with the simulation tool HOMER developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for techno-economical feasibility studies of hybrid systems. The results from HOMER show that the net present costs (NPC) for a hybrid system designed for an annual load of 6000 kWh with a capacity shortage of 10% will vary between $48,000 and $87,000. Sizing the system for a load of 1800 kWh/year will give a NPC of $17,000 for the best and $33,000 for the worst location. PV-Wind-Hybrid systems are for all locations more cost effective compared to PV-alone systems. Using a Hybrid system is reducing the NPC for Borlänge by 36% and for Lund by 64%. The cost per kWh electricity varies between $1.4 for the worst location and $0.9 for the best location if a PV-Wind-Hybrid system is used.
A one year data analysis for a micro PV-Wind hybrid system (0.52 kW + 1 kW), installed in Borlänge/Sweden is presented in this paper. The system performance was evaluated according the guidelines of the IEC 61724 standard. The parameters obtained allow a comparison with similar systems. The measurement data are also used to evaluate the sizing and operation of the hybrid system. In addition, the system was modelled in HOMER to study sizing options.
In April 2011 a monitoring system was installed to enable studies of the performance and the usage of a micro PV-Diesel Hybrid system at the Ihushi Development Center (IDC) near Mwanza in Tanzania. Estimations of the load have been obtained by a survey of installed appliances and interviews with users of installed equipment. The load profile obtained by measurements has been analyzed and compared to estimations of the energy use. Further, the system size and performance were studied.
The Intelligent Algorithm is designed for theusing a Battery source. The main function is to automate the Hybrid System through anintelligent Algorithm so that it takes the decision according to the environmental conditionsfor utilizing the Photovoltaic/Solar Energy and in the absence of this, Fuel Cell energy isused. To enhance the performance of the Fuel Cell and Photovoltaic Cell we used batterybank which acts like a buffer and supply the current continuous to the load. To develop the main System whlogic based controller was used. Fuzzy Logic based controller used to develop this system,because they are chosen to be feasible for both controlling the decision process and predictingthe availability of the available energy on the basis of current Photovoltaic and Battery conditions. The Intelligent Algorithm is designed to optimize the performance of the system and to selectthe best available energy source(s) in regard of the input parameters. The enhance function of these Intelligent Controller is to predict the use of available energy resources and turn on thatparticular source for efficient energy utilization. A fuzzy controller was chosen to take thedecisions for the efficient energy utilization from the given resources. The fuzzy logic basedcontroller is designed in the Matlab-Simulink environment. Initially, the fuzzy based ruleswere built. Then MATLAB based simulation system was designed and implemented. Thenthis whole proposed model is simulated and tested for the accuracy of design and performanceof the system.
This report contains a suggestion for a simple monitoring and evaluation guideline for PV-diesel hybrid systems. It offers system users a way to better understand if their system is operated in a way that will make it last for a long time. It also gives suggestions on how to act if there are signs of unfavourable use or failure. The application of the guide requires little technical equipment, but daily manual measurements. For the most part, it can be managed by pen and paper, by people with no earlier experience of power systems.The guide is structured and expressed in a way that targets PV-diesel hybrid system users with no, or limited, earlier experience of power engineering. It is less detailed in terms of motivations for certain choices and limitations, but rich in details concerning calculations, evaluation procedures and maintenance routines. A more scientific description of the guide can be found in a related journal article.
This article sets out to analyse recent regime developments in Ukraine in relation to semi-presidentialism. The article asks: to what extent and in what ways theoretical arguments against semi-presidentialism (premier-presidential and president-parliamentary systems) are relevant for understanding the changing directions of the Ukrainian regime since the 1990s? The article also reviews the by now overwhelming evidence suggesting that President Yanukovych is turning Ukraine into a more authoritarian hybrid regime and raises the question to what extent the president-parliamentary system might serve this end. The article argues that both kinds of semi-presidentialism have, in different ways, exacerbated rather than mitigated institutional conflict and political stalemate. The return to the president-parliamentary system in 2010 – the constitutional arrangement with the most dismal record of democratisation – was a step in the wrong direction. The premier-presidential regime was by no means ideal, but it had at least two advantages. It weakened the presidential dominance and it explicitly anchored the survival of the government in parliament. The return to the 1996 constitution ties in well with the notion that President Viktor Yanukovych has embarked on an outright authoritarian path.