937 resultados para High power lasers
El trabajo que se llevará a cabo se basa en el desarrollo de nuevos materiales que sean capaces de resistir las condiciones extremas a las que estarían expuestos en el interior de un reactor de fusión nuclear, como son los altos choques térmicos y los altos flujos iónicos. Actualmente se está investigando en el potencial del wolframio nanoestructurado como material de primera pared (en inglés PFM: Plasma Facing Material). La principal ventaja de éste frente al wolframio masivo radica en su gran densidad de fronteras de grano que hacen que el material sea más resistente a la irradiación. El objetivo de este trabajo será la búsqueda de las condiciones óptimas para la fabricación de recubrimientos de wolframio nanoestructurado mediante la técnica de pulverización catódica ("sputtering") en diferentes configuraciones, continuo ("Direct Current Magnetron Sputtering" o DCMS) y/o pulsado ("High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" o HiPIMS) y caracterizar sus propiedades como PFM mediante perfilometría, microscopía óptica, microscopía electrónica de barrido ("Scanning Electron Microscope" o SEM) y difracción de rayos X ("X-Ray Diffraction" o XRD). A su vez, se realizará un ensayo de implantación con un plasma pulsado de He para analizar los efectos de la irradiación en uno de los recubrimientos. Abstract: The work that will be carried out is based on the development of new materials capable of withstanding the extreme conditions that they will have to face inside a nuclear fusion reactor, such as high thermal loads and high ion fluxes. Currently, nanostructured tungsten potential is being investigated as a plasma facing material (PFM). The main advantage over coarse grain tungsten is its high density of grain boundaries which make the material more resistant to irradiation. The project´s main objective will be the search of the optimal conditions that will allow us to fabricate nanostructured tungsten thin films by using the sputtering technique in different configurations, such as DCMS (Direct Current Magnetron Sputtering) and/or HiPIMS (High Power Impulse Magetron Sputtering) and characterize their properties as a PFM by perfilometry, optical microscopy, SEM (Scanning Electron Microcopy) and XRD (X-Ray Diffracion) analysis. Moreover, an implantation test with a He pulsed plasma will be carried out to analyze the effects of irradiation on one of the coatings.
The use of the Laser MegaJoule facility within the shock ignition scheme has been considered. In the first part of the study, one-dimensional hydrodynamic calculations were performed for an inertial confinement fusion capsule in the context of the shock ignition scheme providing the energy gain and an estimation of the increase of the peak power due to the reduction of the photon penetration expected during the high-intensity spike pulse. In the second part, we considered a Laser MegaJoule configuration consisting of 176 laser beams that have been grouped providing two different irradiation schemes. In this configuration the maximum available energy and power are 1.3 MJ and 440 TW. Optimization of the laser?capsule parameters that minimize the irradiation non-uniformity during the first few ns of the foot pulse has been performed. The calculations take into account the specific elliptical laser intensity profile provided at the Laser MegaJoule and the expected beam uncertainties. A significant improvement of the illumination uniformity provided by the polar direct drive technique has been demonstrated. Three-dimensional hydrodynamic calculations have been performed in order to analyse the magnitude of the azimuthal component of the irradiation that is neglected in twodimensional hydrodynamic simulations.
A numerical method providing the optimal laser intensity profiles for a direct-drive inertial confinement fusion scheme has been developed. The method provides an alternative approach to phase-space optimization studies, which can prove computationally expensive. The method applies to a generic irradiation configuration characterized by an arbitrary number NB of laser beams provided that they irradiate the whole target surface, and thus goes beyond previous analyses limited to symmetric configurations. The calculated laser intensity profiles optimize the illumination of a spherical target. This paper focuses on description of the method, which uses two steps: first, the target irradiation is calculated for initial trial laser intensities, and then in a second step the optimal laser intensities are obtained by correcting the trial intensities using the calculated illumination. A limited number of example applications to direct drive on the Laser MegaJoule (LMJ) are described.
New On-Line Excitation-System Ground Fault Location Method Tested in a 106 MVA Synchronous Generator
In this paper, a novel excitation-system ground-fault location method is described and tested in a 106 MVA synchronous machine. In this unit, numerous rotor ground-fault trips took place always about an hour after the synchronization to the network. However, when the field winding insulation was checked after the trips, there was no failure. The data indicated that the faults in the rotor were caused by centrifugal forces and temperature. Unexpectedly, by applying this new method, the failure was located in a cable between the excitation transformer and the automatic voltage regulator. In addition, several intentional ground faults were performed along the field winding with different fault resistance values, in order to test the accuracy of this method to locate defects in rotor windings of large generators. Therefore, this new on-line rotor ground-fault detection algorithm is tested in high-power synchronous generators with satisfactory results.
GaN based high electron mobility transistors have draw great attention due to its potential in high temperature, high power and high frequency applications [1, 2]. However, significant gate leakage current is still one of the issues which need to be solved to improve the performance and reliability of the devices [3]. Several research groups have contributed to solve this problem by using metal–oxide–semiconductor HEMTs (MOSHEMTs), with a thin dielectric layer, such as SiO2 [4], Al2O3 [5], HfO2 [6] and Gd2O3 [7] between the gate and the barrier layer on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. Gd2O3 has shown low interfacial density of states(Dit) with GaN and a high dielectric constant and low electrical leakage currents [8], thus is considered as a promising candidate for the gate dielectrics on GaN. MOS-HEMTs using Gd2O3 grown by electron-beam heating [7] or molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) [8] on GaN or AlGan/GaN structure have been investigated, but further research is still needed in Gd2O3 based AlGaN/GaN MOSHEMTs.
La preservación del medio ambiente, el avance en las técnicas para que el impacto de la actividad humana sobre la fauna y flora sea lo menor posible, hacen que se deban monitorizar los diversos indicadores de calidad. El presente estudio viene motivado debido a que actualmente existen sistemas de medida y control en continuo de la calidad de las aguas, al margen de los estudios de laboratorio por toma de muestras, a través de los cuales se obtienen indicadores de calidad. El desarrollo tecnológico en analizadores en continuo para la medida de fósforo, amonio, DBO y otros, hacen que cada vez se consiga un control más exhaustivo de la calidad en tiempo real. Sin embargo, la detección temprana de contaminantes que no deben encontrarse presentes en el agua, hacen que el desarrollo de sensores de detección de estos contaminantes sea de gran utilidad. A este respecto, las técnicas mediante fluorescencia presentan enormes ventajas, ya que no existe contacto directo con la muestra, reduciéndose el desgaste y alargando el tiempo entre mantenimientos, como se ha comprobado en numerosos desarrollos con tecnología láser. Para la producir fluorescencia, tradicionalmente se vienen utilizando en el laboratorio principalmente lámparas de gas y monocromadores. Los nuevos LED de alta potencia en el espectro ultravioleta son una alternativa muy interesante que además puede ser aplicada en los mencionados sistemas de medición en continuo. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio de viabilidad de estos dispositivos como fuentes de excitación para la producción de fluorescencia tomando como contaminantes los hidrocarburos. El funcionamiento en estaciones en continuo hace que se tenga que realizar además ensayos de vida acelerados, así como estudios de modos de trabajo. Al respecto de la fluorescencia producida, se estudia la influencia de factores que pueden afectar a las medidas, tales como la temperatura. El estudio del espectro y su análisis para la identificación del contaminante es otro de los puntos desarrollados en este trabajo. Por último, y dado que la monitorización se realiza en modo continuo, es necesario un sistema de comunicaciones compacto y fiable: en este apartado se analizan los metamateriales como solución tecnológica, ya que se adapta perfectamente a la filosofía de estas estaciones de medición. ABSTRACT Currently the monitoring of quality indicators is a need to preserve the environment and minimize the impact of human activity on the fauna and flora. Currently there are measuring systems and continuous monitoring of water quality, regardless of sampling laboratory studies, through which quality indicators are obtained. Technological development in continuous analyzers for the measurement of phosphorus, ammonia, BOD and others increasingly make a more comprehensive real-time quality control is achieved. However, early detection of contaminants that should not be present in the water, make the development of sensors for detecting these contaminants is very useful. In this regard, fluorescence techniques have huge advantages, since there is no direct contact with the sample, reducing wear and extending the time between maintenance, as has been demonstrated in numerous developments in laser technology. To produce fluoresce, traditionally are being used mainly gas lamps and monochromators at the laboratory. The new high-power LEDs in the ultraviolet spectrum are a very interesting alternative that can also be applied in the above continuous measurement systems. In this paper a viability study of these devices as excitation sources to produce fluorescence using hydrocarbon as contaminants is performed. The stations in continuous operation makes it necessary to also perform accelerated life tests and studies operating modes. In regard to the fluorescence produced, the influence of factors that may affect the measurements, such as temperature is studied. The study of the spectrum and analysis to identify the contaminant is another of the points developed in this work. Finally, since the monitoring is carried out in continuous mode, a compact and reliable communication is necessary: in this section metamaterials as a technological solution is analyzed since it fits perfectly with the philosophy of these measuring stations.
En la última década la potencia instalada de energía solar fotovoltaica ha crecido una media de un 49% anual y se espera que alcance el 16%del consumo energético mundial en el año 2050. La mayor parte de estas instalaciones se corresponden con sistemas conectados a la red eléctrica y un amplio porcentaje de ellas son instalaciones domésticas o en edificios. En el mercado ya existen diferentes arquitecturas para este tipo de instalaciones, entre las que se encuentras los módulos AC. Un módulo AC consiste en un inversor, también conocido como micro-inversor, que se monta en la parte trasera de un panel o módulo fotovoltaico. Esta tecnología ofrece modularidad, redundancia y la extracción de la máxima potencia de cada panel solar de la instalación. Además, la expansión de esta tecnología posibilitará una reducción de costes asociados a las economías de escala y a la posibilidad de que el propio usuario pueda componer su propio sistema. Sin embargo, el micro-inversor debe ser capaz de proporcionar una ganancia de tensión adecuada para conectar el panel solar directamente a la red, mientras mantiene un rendimiento aceptable en un amplio rango de potencias. Asimismo, los estándares de conexión a red deber ser satisfechos y el tamaño y el tiempo de vida del micro-inversor son factores que han de tenerse siempre en cuenta. En esta tesis se propone un micro-inversor derivado de la topología “forward” controlado en el límite entre los modos de conducción continuo y discontinuo (BCM por sus siglas en inglés). El transformador de la topología propuesta mantiene la misma estructura que en el convertidor “forward” clásico y la utilización de interruptores bidireccionales en el secundario permite la conexión directa del inversor a la red. Asimismo el método de control elegido permite obtener factor de potencia cercano a la unidad con una implementación sencilla. En la tesis se presenta el principio de funcionamiento y los principales aspectos del diseño del micro-inversor propuesto. Con la idea de mantener una solución sencilla y de bajo coste, se ha seleccionado un controlador analógico que está originalmente pensado para controlar un corrector del factor de potencia en el mismo modo de conducción que el micro-inversor “forward”. La tesis presenta las principales modificaciones necesarias, con especial atención a la detección del cruce por cero de la corriente (ZCD por sus siglas en inglés) y la compatibilidad del controlador con la inclusión de un algoritmo de búsqueda del punto de máxima potencia (MPPT por sus siglas en inglés). Los resultados experimentales muestran las limitaciones de la implementación elegida e identifican al transformador como el principal contribuyente a las pérdidas del micro-inversor. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir a la aplicación de técnicas de control y diseño de sistemas multifase en micro-inversores fotovoltaicos. En esta tesis se van a considerar dos configuraciones multifase diferentes aplicadas al micro-inversor “forward” propuesto. La primera consiste en una variación con conexión paralelo-serie que permite la utilización de transformadores con una relación de vueltas baja, y por tanto bien acoplados, para conseguir una ganancia de tensión adecuada con un mejor rendimiento. Esta configuración emplea el mismo control BCM cuando la potencia extraída del panel solar es máxima. Este método de control implica que la frecuencia de conmutación se incrementa considerablemente cuando la potencia decrece, lo que compromete el rendimiento. Por lo tanto y con la intención de mantener unos bueno niveles de rendimiento ponderado, el micro-inversor funciona en modo de conducción discontinuo (DCM, por sus siglas en inglés) cuando la potencia extraía del panel solar es menor que la máxima. La segunda configuración multifase considerada en esta tesis es la aplicación de la técnica de paralelo con entrelazado. Además se han considerado dos técnicas diferentes para decidir el número de fases activas: dependiendo de la potencia continua extraída del panel solar y dependiendo de la potencia instantánea demandada por el micro-inversor. La aplicación de estas técnicas es interesante en los sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados a la red eléctrica por la posibilidad que brindan de obtener un rendimiento prácticamente plano en un amplio rango de potencia. Las configuraciones con entrelazado se controlan en DCM para evitar la necesidad de un control de corriente, lo que es importante cuando el número de fases es alto. Los núcleos adecuados para todas las configuraciones multifase consideradas se seleccionan usando el producto de áreas. Una vez seleccionados los núcleos se ha realizado un diseño detallado de cada uno de los transformadores. Con la información obtenida de los diseños y los resultados de simulación, se puede analizar el impacto que el número de transformadores utilizados tiene en el tamaño y el rendimiento de las distintas configuraciones. Los resultados de este análisis, presentado en esta tesis, se utilizan posteriormente para comparar las distintas configuraciones. Muchas otras topologías se han presentado en la literatura para abordar los diferentes aspectos a considerar en los micro-inversores, que han sido presentados anteriormente. La mayoría de estas topologías utilizan un transformador de alta frecuencia para solventar el salto de tensión y evitar problemas de seguridad y de puesta a tierra. En cualquier caso, es interesante evaluar si topologías sin aislamiento galvánico son aptas para su utilización como micro-inversores. En esta tesis se presenta una revisión de inversores con capacidad de elevar tensión, que se comparan bajo las mismas especificaciones. El objetivo es proporcionar la información necesaria para valorar si estas topologías son aplicables en los módulos AC. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis son: • La aplicación del control BCM a un convertidor “forward” para obtener un micro-inversor de una etapa sencillo y de bajo coste. • La modificación de dicho micro-inversor con conexión paralelo-series de transformadores que permite reducir la corriente de los semiconductores y una ganancia de tensión adecuada con transformadores altamente acoplados. • La aplicación de técnicas de entrelazado y decisión de apagado de fases en la puesta en paralelo del micro-inversor “forward”. • El análisis y la comparación del efecto en el tamaño y el rendimiento del incremento del número de transformadores en las diferentes configuraciones multifase. • La eliminación de las medidas y los lazos de control de corriente en las topologías multifase con la utilización del modo de conducción discontinuo y un algoritmo MPPT sin necesidad de medida de corriente. • La recopilación y comparación bajo las mismas especificaciones de topologías inversoras con capacidad de elevar tensión, que pueden ser adecuadas para la utilización como micro-inversores. Esta tesis está estructurada en seis capítulos. El capítulo 1 presenta el marco en que se desarrolla la tesis así como el alcance de la misma. En el capítulo 2 se recopilan las topologías existentes de micro-invesores con aislamiento y aquellas sin aislamiento cuya implementación en un módulo AC es factible. Asimismo se presenta la comparación entre estas topologías bajo las mismas especificaciones. El capítulo 3 se centra en el micro-inversor “forward” que se propone originalmente en esta tesis. La aplicación de las técnicas multifase se aborda en los capítulos 4 y 5, en los que se presentan los análisis en función del número de transformadores. El capítulo está orientado a la propuesta paralelo-serie mientras que la configuración con entrelazado se analiza en el capítulo 5. Por último, en el capítulo 6 se presentan las contribuciones de esta tesis y los trabajos futuros. ABSTRACT In the last decade the photovoltaic (PV) installed power increased with an average growth of 49% per year and it is expected to cover the 16% of the global electricity consumption by 2050. Most of the installed PV power corresponds to grid-connected systems, with a significant percentage of residential installations. In these PV systems, the inverter is essential since it is the responsible of transferring into the grid the extracted power from the PV modules. Several architectures have been proposed for grid-connected residential PV systems, including the AC-module technology. An AC-module consists of an inverter, also known as micro-inverter, which is attached to a PV module. The AC-module technology offers modularity, redundancy and individual MPPT of each module. In addition, the expansion of this technology will enable the possibility of economies of scale of mass market and “plug and play” for the user, thus reducing the overall cost of the installation. However, the micro-inverter must be able to provide the required voltage boost to interface a low voltage PV module to the grid while keeping an acceptable efficiency in a wide power range. Furthermore, the quality standards must be satisfied and size and lifetime of the solutions must be always considered. In this thesis a single-stage forward micro-inverter with boundary mode operation is proposed to address the micro-inverter requirements. The transformer in the proposed topology remains as in the classic forward converter and bidirectional switches in the secondary side allows direct connection to the grid. In addition the selected control strategy allows high power factor current with a simple implementation. The operation of the topology is presented and the main design issues are introduced. With the intention to propose a simple and low-cost solution, an analog controller for a PFC operated in boundary mode is utilized. The main necessary modifications are discussed, with the focus on the zero current detection (ZCD) and the compatibility of the controller with a MPPT algorithm. The experimental results show the limitations of the selected analog controller implementation and the transformer is identified as a main losses contributor. The main objective of this thesis is to contribute in the application of control and design multiphase techniques to the PV micro-inverters. Two different multiphase configurations have been applied to the forward micro-inverter proposed in this thesis. The first one consists of a parallel-series connected variation which enables the use of low turns ratio, i.e. well coupled, transformers to achieve a proper voltage boost with an improved performance. This multiphase configuration implements BCM control at maximum load however. With this control method the switching frequency increases significantly for light load operation, thus jeopardizing the efficiency. Therefore, in order to keep acceptable weighted efficiency levels, DCM operation is selected for low power conditions. The second multiphase variation considered in this thesis is the interleaved configuration with two different phase shedding techniques: depending on the DC power extracted from the PV panel, and depending on the demanded instantaneous power. The application of interleaving techniques is interesting in PV grid-connected inverters for the possibility of flat efficiency behavior in a wide power range. The interleaved variations of the proposed forward micro-inverter are operated in DCM to avoid the current loop, which is important when the number of phases is large. The adequate transformer cores for all the multiphase configurations are selected according to the area product parameter and a detailed design of each required transformer is developed. With this information and simulation results, the impact in size and efficiency of the number of transformer used can be assessed. The considered multiphase topologies are compared in this thesis according to the results of the introduced analysis. Several other topological solutions have been proposed to solve the mentioned concerns in AC-module application. The most of these solutions use a high frequency transformer to boost the voltage and avoid grounding and safety issues. However, it is of interest to assess if the non-isolated topologies are suitable for AC-module application. In this thesis a review of transformerless step-up inverters is presented. The compiled topologies are compared using a set benchmark to provide the necessary information to assess whether non-isolated topologies are suitable for AC-module application. The main contributions of this thesis are: • The application of the boundary mode control with constant off-time to a forward converter, to obtain a simple and low-cost single-stage forward micro-inverter. • A modification of the forward micro-inverter with primary-parallel secondary-series connected transformers to reduce the current stress and improve the voltage gain with highly coupled transformers. •The application of the interleaved configuration with different phase shedding strategies to the proposed forward micro-inverter. • An analysis and comparison of the influence in size and efficiency of increasing the number of transformers in the parallel-series and interleaved multiphase configurations. • Elimination of the current loop and current measurements in the multiphase topologies by adopting DCM operation and a current sensorless MPPT. • A compilation and comparison with the same specifications of suitable non-isolated step-up inverters. This thesis is organized in six chapters. In Chapter 1 the background of single-phase PV-connected systems is discussed and the scope of the thesis is defined. Chapter 2 compiles the existing solutions for isolated micro-inverters and transformerless step-up inverters suitable for AC-module application. In addition, the most convenient non-isolated inverters are compared using a defined benchmark. Chapter 3 focuses on the originally proposed single-stage forward micro-inverter. The application of multiphase techniques is addressed in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, and the impact in different parameters of increasing the number of phases is analyzed. In Chapter 4 an original primary-parallel secondary-series variation of the forward micro-inverter is presented, while Chapter 5 focuses on the application of the interleaved configuration. Finally, Chapter 6 discusses the contributions of the thesis and the future work.
The presence of magnetite crystal chains, considered missing evidence for the biological origin of magnetite in ALH84001 [Thomas-Keprta, K. L., Bazylinski, D. A., Kirschvink, J. L., Clemett, S. J., McKay, D. S., Wentworth, S. J., Vali, H., Gibson, E. K., Jr., & Romanek, C. S. (2000) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64, 4049–4081], is demonstrated by high-power stereo backscattered scanning electron microscopy. Five characteristics of such chains (uniform crystal size and shape within chains, gaps between crystals, orientation of elongated crystals along the chain axis, flexibility of chains, and a halo that is a possible remnant of a membrane around chains), observed or inferred to be present in magnetotactic bacteria but incompatible with a nonbiological origin, are shown to be present. Although it is unlikely that magnetotactic bacteria were ever alive in ALH84001, decomposed remains of such organisms could have been deposited in cracks in the rock while it was still on the surface on Mars.
The PhD activity described in this Thesis was focused on the study of metal-oxide wide-bandgap materials, aiming at fabricating new optoelectronic devices such as solar-blind UV photodetectors, high power electronics, and gas sensors. Photocurrent spectroscopy and DC photocurrent time evolution were used to investigate the performance of prototypes under different atmospheres, temperatures and excitation wavelengths (or dark conditions). Cathodoluminescence, absorption spectroscopy, XRD and SEM were used to assess structural, morphologic, electrical and optical properties of materials. This thesis is divided into two main sections, each describing the work done on a different metal-oxide semiconductor. 1) MOVPE-grown Ga2O3 thin films for UV solar-blind photodetectors and high power devices The semiconducting oxides, among them Ga2O3, have been employed for several decades as transparent conducting oxide (TCO) electrodes for fabrication of solar cells, displays, electronic, and opto-electronic devices. The interest was mainly confined to such applications, as these materials tend to grow intrinsically n-type, and attempts to get an effective p-type doping has consistently failed. The key requirements of TCO electrodes are indeed high electrical conductivity and good transparency, while crystallographic perfection is a minor issue. Furthermore, for a long period no high-quality substrates and epi-layers were available, which in turn impeded the development of a truly full-oxide electronics. Recently, Ga2O3 has attracted renewed interest, as large single crystals and high-quality homo- and hetero-epitaxial layers became available, which paved the way to novel application areas. Our research group spent the last two years in developing a low temperature (500-700°C) MOVPE growth procedure to obtain thin films of Ga2O3 on different substrates (Dept. of Physics and IMEM-CNR at UNIPR). We obtained a significant result growing on oriented sapphire epitaxial films of high crystalline, undoped, pure phase -Ga2O3 (hexagonal). The crystallographic properties of this phase were investigated by XRD, in order to clarify the lattice parameters of the hexagonal cell. First design and development of solar blind UV photodetectors based on -phase was carried out and the optoelectronic performance is evaluated by means of photocurrent spectroscopy. The UV-response is adequately fast and reliable to render this unusual phase a subject of great interest for future applications. The availability of a hexagonal phase of Ga2O3 stable up to 700°C, belonging to the same space group of gallium nitride, with high crystallinity and tunable electrical properties, is intriguing in view of the development of nitride-based devices, by taking advantage of the more favorable symmetry and epitaxial relationships with respect to the monoclinic β-phase. In addition, annealing at temperatures higher than 700°C demonstrate that the hexagonal phase converts totally in the monoclinic one. 2) ZnO nano-tetrapods: charge transport mechanisms and time-response in optoelectronic devices and sensors Size and morphology of ZnO at the nanometer scale play a key role in tailoring its physical and chemical properties. Thanks to the possibility of growing zinc oxide in a variety of different nanostructures, there is a great variety of applications, among which gas sensors, light emitting diodes, transparent conducting oxides, solar cells. Even if the operation of ZnO nanostructure-based devices has been recently demonstrated, the mechanisms of charge transport in these assembly is still under debate. The candidate performed an accurate investigation by photocurrent spectroscopy and DC-photocurrent time evolution of electrical response of both single-tetrapod and tetrapod-assembly devices. During the research done for this thesis, a thermal activation energy enables the performance of samples at high temperatures (above about 300°C). The energy barrier is related to the leg-to-leg interconnection in the assembly of nanotetrapods. Percolation mechanisms are responsible for both the very slow photo-response (minutes to hours or days) and the significant persistent photocurrent. Below the bandgap energy, electronic states were investigated but their contribution to the photocurrent are two-three order of magnitude lower than the band edge. Such devices are suitable for employ in photodetectors as well as in gas sensors, provided that the mechanism by which the photo-current is generated and gas adsorption on the surface modify the conductivity of the material are known.
Este estudo possui duas partes distintas: 1. in vivo (randomizado e longitudinal) que teve como objetivo avaliar protocolos de tratamento para hipersensibilidade dentinária com laser de baixa potência (com diferentes dosagens), laser de alta potência e agente dessensibilizante, por um período de 12 e 18 meses; e 2. in vitro que teve como objetivo analisar a perda de estrutura de dois dentifrícios distintos (Colgate Total 12 e Colgate Pró Alívio) e analisar a permeabilidade dentinária dos tratamentos da etapa 01, associados aos dentifrícios, após diferentes ciclos de abrasão. Na parte in vivo, as lesões cervicais não cariosas de 32 voluntários, previamente submetidos aos critérios de elegibilidade ou exclusão, foram divididas em nove grupos (n=10): G1: Gluma Desensitizer (Heraeus Kulzer), G2: Laser de baixa potência com baixa dosagem (Photon Lase, DMC) (três pontos de irradiação vestibulares e um ponto apical: 30 mW, 10 J/cm2, 9 seg por ponto com o comprimento de onda de 810nm). Foram realizadas três sessões com um intervalo de 72 horas), G3: Laser de baixa potência com alta dosagem (um ponto cervical e um ponto apical: 100 mW, 90 J/cm2, 11 seg por ponto com o comprimento de onda de 810nm. Foram realizadas três sessões com um intervalo de 72 horas), G4: Laser de baixa potência com baixa dosagem + Gluma Desensitizer, G5: Laser de baixa potência com alta dosagem + Gluma Desensitizer, G6: Laser de Nd:YAG (Power LaserTM ST6, Lares Research®), em contato com a superfície dental: 1,0W, 10 Hz e 100 mJ, ? 85 J/cm2, com o comprimento de onda de 1064nm, G7: Laser de Nd:YAG + Gluma Desensitizer, G8: Laser de Nd:YAG + Laser de baixa potência com baixa dosagem, G9: Laser de Nd:YAG + Laser de baixa potência com alta dosagem. O nível de sensibilidade de cada voluntário foi avaliado através da escala visual analógica de dor (VAS) com auxílio do ar da seringa tríplice e exploração com sonda após 12 e 18 meses do tratamento. Na parte 02, in vitro, foram utilizados terceiros molares humanos não irrompidos e recém-extraídos. Todos foram limpos e tiveram suas raízes separadas das coroas. As raízes foram seccionadas em quadrados de dentina com dimensões de 4x4x2 mm, os quais foram embutidos em resina Epoxi e devidamente polidos até uma curvatura de 0,3 ?m, analisados em perfilometria ótica. Estes foram imersos em solução de EDTA 17% por 2min para abertura dos túbulos e armazenados em uma solução de Soro Fetal Bovino diluído em salina tamponada com fosfato. Os espécimes foram divididos aleatoriamente em 12 grupos (n=10) G1: Sem tratamento de superfície, sem dentifrício; G2: Nd:YAG/sem dentifrício; G3: Gluma/sem dentifrício; G4: Nd:YAG + Gluma/sem dentifrício; G5: Sem tratamento de superfície/Colgate Total 12; G6: Nd:YAG/Colgate Total 12; G7: Gluma/Colgate Total 12; G8: Nd:YAG + Gluma/Colgate Total 12; G9: Sem tratamento de superfície/Colgate Pró Alívio; G10: Nd:YAG/Colgate Pró Alívio; G11: Gluma/Colgate Pró Alívio; G12: Nd:YAG + Gluma/Colgate Pró Alívio. Em seguida, as superfícies receberam a aplicação de fitas adesivas nas duas margens, mantendo uma área central de teste exposta de 4 x 1 mm, onde foram realizados os tratamentos de superfície e os ciclos de abrasão correspondentes a 1, 7, 30 e 90 dias de escovação (52 ciclos, 210 segundos de contato com o slurry; 361 ciclos, 1470 segundos de contato com o slurry; 1545 ciclos, 6300 segundos de contato com o slurry; 4635 ciclos, 18900 segundos de contato com o slurry, respectivamente). A cada etapa de abrasão, foi realizada análise em Perfilometria Ótica. Para as analises de permeabilidade e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura, foram utilizadas amostras circulares de 6 mm de diâmetro e 1 mm de espessura de dentina obtidas das coroas dentais. Estas foram divididas aleatoriamente nos mesmos grupos já descritos anteriormente, sendo que 120 espécimes foram utilizados para permeabilidade (n=10) e 36 para MEV (n=3). Ambas as análises foram realizadas após imersão no EDTA; após tratamentos para a sensibilidade; pós 1 dia, 7 dias, 30 dias e 90 dias de escovação. Após análise estatística pode-se concluir que, in vivo, todos os tratamentos foram eficazes para a redução da hipersensibilidade dentinária. Ainda que o nível da sensibilidade dos pacientes aumentou numericamente, estes não são considerados estatisticamente diferentes a partir de 12 meses. Portanto, até a avaliação de 18 meses, podemos concluir que não houve um aumento na sensibilidade dentinária desde a sua diminuição pós-tratamento. In vitro, pode-se concluir que todos os tratamentos foram capazes de diminuir a permeabilidade dentinária. O dentifrício Total 12 apresentou-se como o mais abrasivo em comparação com o dentifrício Pro Alivio, pois este último promoveu uma perda de estrutura menor, porém ambos não apresentaram aumento na permeabilidade nos tempos de escovação. As microscopias eletrônicas de varredura mostram a formação da smear layer, obliterando os túbulos para ambos os dentifricios. Como conclusão, pode-se afirmar que todos os agentes dessensibilizantes foram efetivos, mesmo apresentando estratégias de ação diferentes. Os dentifrícios são igualmente interessantes para o uso caseiro por ocasionarem oclusão tubular e a associação de tratamentos (caseiro e de consultório) parece ser uma alternativa eficaz no tratamento da hipersensibilidade dentinária.
O Ipen/Cnen-SP possui um Reator de Pesquisa(IEA-R1) em operação desde 1957. Ele utiliza água leve como blindagem, moderador e como fluido refrigerante, o volume desta piscina é de 273m3. Até 1995 a operação do Reator era descontinua, ou seja, operava diariamente sendo desligado no final do dia, a uma potência de 2,0 MW. A partir daquele ano, após algumas modificações de segurança, o Reator passou a operar de forma continua, ou seja, de segunda-feira a quarta-feira sem ser desligado, totalizando 64 horas semanais. A potência também foi aumentando até 4,5 MW em 2012. Em virtude dessas alterações, a saber, operação contínua e do aumento da potência, as doses dos trabalhadores aumentaram e por isso foram realizados vários estudos para diminui-las. Estudos demonstraram que uma das principais limitações para operação de um reator em potência elevada, provém das radiações gama emitidas pelo sódio-24. Outros elementos como magnésio-27, Alumínio-28, Argônio-51, contribuem de forma considerável para a atividade da água da piscina. A introdução de uma camada de água quente em sua superfície, estável e isenta de elementos radioativos com 1,5m a 2m de espessura constituiria uma blindagem às radiações provenientes dos elementos radioativos dissolvidos na água. Estudos de otimização provaram que a instalação da camada quente não era necessária para o regime e potência atual de operação do Reator, pois outros procedimentos adotados eram mais eficazes. A partir desta decisão o serviço de Proteção Radiológica do Reator IEA-R1, montou um programa de avaliação das doses para certificar-se de que elas se mantinham em valores razoáveis baseados em princípios estabelecidos em normas nacionais e internacionais. O intuito deste trabalho é realizar uma análise das doses individuais dos IOE (Individuo Ocupacionalmente Expostos), considerando as mudanças no regime de operação do Reator e sugerir opções de proteção e segurança, viáveis em primeira instância, para reduzir as doses analisadas, visando se chegar aos níveis de referencia de 3 mSv/ano adotados pela instalação em apreço.
A commercially available dense carbon monolith (CM) and four carbon monoliths obtained from it have been studied as electrochemical capacitor electrodes in a two-electrode cell. CM has: (i) very high density (1.17 g cm−3), (ii) high electrical conductivity (9.3 S cm−1), (iii) well-compacted and interconnected carbon spheres, (iv) homogeneous microporous structure and (v) apparent BET surface area of 957 m2g−1. It presents interesting electrochemical behaviors (e.g., excellent gravimetric capacitance and outstanding volumetric capacitance). The textural characteristics of CM (porosity and surface chemistry) have been modified by means of different treatments. The electrochemical performances of the starting and treated monoliths have been analyzed as a function of their porous textures and surface chemistry, both on gravimetric and volumetric basis. The monoliths present high specific and volumetric capacitances (292 F g−1 and 342 F cm−3), high energy densities (38 Wh kg−1 and 44 Wh L−1), and high power densities (176 W kg−1 and 183 W L−1). The specific and volumetric capacitances, especially the volumetric capacitance, are the highest ever reported for carbon monoliths. The high values are achieved due to a suitable combination of density, electrical conductivity, porosity and oxygen surface content.
Supercapacitors are energy storage devices that offer a high power density and a low energy density in comparison with batteries. Their limited energy density can be overcome by using asymmetric configuration in mass electrodes, where each electrode works within their maximum available potential window, rendering the maximum voltage output of the system. Such asymmetric capacitors are optimized using the capacitance and the potential stability limits of the electrodes, with the reliability of the design largely depending on the accuracy and the approach taken for the electrochemical characterization. Therefore, the performance could be lower than expected and even the system could break down, if a well thought out procedure is not followed. In this work, a procedure for the development of asymmetric supercapacitors based on activated carbons is detailed. Three activated carbon materials with different textural properties and surface chemistry have been systematically characterized in neutral aqueous electrolyte. The asymmetric configuration of the masses of both electrodes in the supercapacitor has allowed to cover a higher potential window, resulting in an increase of the energy density of the three devices studied when compared with the symmetric systems, and an improved cycle life.
Previous research suggests that people tend to see faces in car fronts and that they attribute personality characteristics to car faces. In the present study we investigated whether car design influences pedestrian road-crossing behaviour. An immersive virtual reality environment with a zebra crossing scenario was used to determine a) whether the minimum accepted distance for crossing the street is larger for cars with a dominant appearance than for cars with a friendly appearance and b) whether the speed of dominant-looking cars is overestimated as compared to friendly-looking cars. Participants completed both tasks while either standing on the pavement or on the centre island. We found that people started to cross the road later in front of friendly-looking low-power cars compared to dominant-looking high-power cars, but only if the cars were relatively large in size. For small cars we found no effect of power. The speed of smaller cars was estimated to be higher compared to large cars (size-speed bias). Furthermore, there was an effect of starting position: From the centre island, participants entered the road significantly later (i. e. closer to the approaching car) and left the road later than when starting from the pavement. Similarly, the speed of the cars was estimated significantly lower when standing on the centre island compared to the pavement. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that car fronts elicit responses on a behavioural level.
Aims: Cytokeratin (CK) 14, a myoepithelial marker, is also expressed in a proportion of breast carcinomas. There is evidence that these tumours show a differing metastatic pattern and clinical outcome from other invasive ductal carcinomas (IDCs) and may need different management. Currently, they are not identified in routine practice and no morphological guidelines exist to aid their identification. The aim of this study was to analyse the histological features of CK14+ IDC. Methods and results: A detailed histological review of 453 grade 3 IDCs revealed 88 (19.4%) that expressed CK14. Assessment was made independently by two pathologists using a standardized 'tick-box' proforma covering grade, architectural and cytological features. The results were analysed using logistic regression to identify features that predicted for basal phenotype. Concordance between the two pathologists was fair to good for most parameters (kappa 0.4-0.6). On multiple logistic regression, the basal phenotype was highly significantly associated with the presence of a central scar (P = 0.005), tumour necrosis (P < 0.0001), presence of spindle cells (P = 0.006) or squamous metaplasia (P < 0.0001), high total mitotic count (> 40 per 10 high-power field) (P = 0.0002) and high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (P = 0.0002). Conclusions: Specific morphological features are strongly associated with basal-like breast carcinoma. These could be used in routine diagnostic practice to identify this important subset of tumours.