487 resultados para Heaney, Seamus - Influssi classici
Analysis of the word lancea, of Hispanic origin after Varro, and of place names, people´s names and personal names derived from it. It confirms that the spear was the most important weapon in the Bronze Age, belonging to the iuventus and used as heroic and divine symbol. This analysis confirms also the personality of the Lusitanians, a people related to the Celts but with more archaic archaeological, linguistic and cultural characteristics originated in the tradition of the Atlantic Bronze in the II millennium BC. It is also relevant to better know the organisation of Broze and Iron Age societies and the origin of Indo-Europeans peoples in Western Europe and of pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.
Notas críticas y exegéticas sobre el capítulo 166 (Antonio Diógenes, Las maravillas de más allá de Tule) de la Biblioteca de Focio.
Tras mi reciente edición de los pseudo-aristotélicos Pepli Epitaphia, el presente trabajo se centra en los apochrypha a dichos epitafios que compuso Juan Tzetzes en el siglo xii, un conjunto de ocho dísticos elegíacos para los héroes que consideró meritorios de tal tarea, y para quienes no pudo encontrar un epitafio conservado en las fuentes manuscritas a las que tuvo acceso. Para lograr dicho propósito, también se investiga el grado de conocimiento y la transmisión de ese corpus epigramático en la literatura bizantina, además de considerar las lecciones y el sentido mismo de dos códices guardados en la Biblioteca Nacional de España (M y Md). En ellos, Constantino Láscaris copió, directamente a partir de Tzetzes, dos breves antologías de dichos componentes.
La historia de las subscriptiones latinas revela alteraciones tanto en su frecuencia como en el tipo de información que transmiten, y en consecuencia también en su función. En un primer momento proporcionan datos escuetos con una finalidad práctica: la identificación del contenido de un libro concreto. En la Antigüedad tardía su número aumenta y transmiten mayor volumen de información, pero sobre todo adquieren relevancia los individuos que las firman, convirtiéndose en un instrumento de autorrepresentación social. Sin embargo, en época posterior estas subscriptiones tardoantiguas se siguen copiando en nuevos manuscritos y pierden su relación inicial con un ejemplar concreto; se transforman en paratextos que contribuyen a dar prestigio, ya no a un libro singular, sino a un autor o una obra.
Drawing on data from UglyMugs.ie (a reporting mechanism for sex workers) this paper considers whether crimes against sex workers should be considered as hate crimes. In many ways, the debates around hate crime in the UK are more developed than in Ireland. As yet the Irish State has yet to criminalise the ‘hate’ element of crime and has been severely criticised for its relatively lacklustre approach to recording incidents of bias or hate crimes against certain social groups. The paper adopts the structural understanding of hate crime espoused by Barbara Perry (2001) who frames the dynamics of hate crime within a complex interplay of political, social and cultural factors. In our analysis we consider what is termed ‘whorephobia’ through the ambit of criminalisation and stigmatisation, gender and heteronormativity in Irish society, and the gendered nature of policing in both parts of Ireland.
Severe asthma represents a major unmet clinical need. Eosinophilic inflammation persists in the airways of many patients with uncontrolled asthma, despite high-dose inhaled corticosteroid therapy. Suppressors of cytokine signalling (SOCS) are a family of molecules involved in the regulation of cytokine signalling via inhibition of the Janus kinase-signal transducers and activators of transcription pathway. We examined SOCS expression in the airways of asthma patients and investigated whether this is associated with persistent eosinophilia.
Healthy controls, mild/moderate asthmatics and severe asthmatics were studied. Whole genome expression profiling, quantitative PCR and immunohistochemical analysis were used to examine expression of SOCS1, SOCS2 and SOCS3 in bronchial biopsies. Bronchial epithelial cells were utilised to examine the role of SOCS1 in regulating interleukin (IL)-13 signalling in vitro.
SOCS1 gene expression was significantly lower in the airways of severe asthmatics compared with mild/moderate asthmatics, and was inversely associated with airway eosinophilia and other measures of T-helper type 2 (Th2) inflammation. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated SOCS1 was predominantly localised to the bronchial epithelium. SOCS1 overexpression inhibited IL-13-mediated chemokine ligand (CCL) 26 (eotaxin-3) mRNA expression in bronchial epithelial cells.
Severe asthma patients with persistent airway eosinophilia and Th2 inflammation have reduced airway epithelial SOCS1 expression. SOCS1 inhibits epithelial IL-13 signalling, supporting its key role in regulating Th2-driven eosinophilia in severe asthma.
(Under contract)
Action Plan B3 of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) focuses on the integrated care of chronic diseases. Area 5 (Care Pathways) was initiated using chronic respiratory diseases as a model. The chronic respiratory disease action plan includes (1) AIRWAYS integrated care pathways (ICPs), (2) the joint initiative between the Reference site MACVIA-LR (Contre les MAladies Chroniques pour un VIeillissement Actif) and ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma), (3) Commitments for Action to the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and the AIRWAYS ICPs network. It is deployed in collaboration with the World Health Organization Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD). The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing has proposed a 5-step framework for developing an individual scaling up strategy: (1) what to scale up: (1-a) databases of good practices, (1-b) assessment of viability of the scaling up of good practices, (1-c) classification of good practices for local replication and (2) how to scale up: (2-a) facilitating partnerships for scaling up, (2-b) implementation of key success factors and lessons learnt, including emerging technologies for individualised and predictive medicine. This strategy has already been applied to the chronic respiratory disease action plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.
A woman aged 22 years presented with a 3-year history of jerks when brushing her teeth and a tremor when carrying drinks. Examination revealed a bilateral jerky tremor, stimulus-sensitive myoclonus, and difficulty with tandem gait. Thyroid and liver function test results were normal, but she had rapidly progressive renal failure. Serum copper, ceruloplasmin, and manganese levels were normal, but her urinary copper level was elevated on 2 occasions. Pathological findings on organ biopsy prompted genetic testing to confirm the diagnosis. The differential diagnosis, tissue biopsy findings, and final genetic diagnosis are discussed.
Nel presente lavoro è affrontato lo studio delle curve ellittiche viste come curve algebriche piane, più precisamente come cubiche lisce nel piano proiettivo complesso. Dopo aver introdotto nella prima parte le nozioni di Superfici compatte e orientabili e curve algebriche, tramite il teorema di classificazione delle Superfici compatte, se ne fornisce una preliminare classificazione basata sul genere della superficie e della curva, rispettivamente. Da qui, segue la definizione di curve ellittiche e uno studio più dettagliato delle loro pricipali proprietà, quali la possibilità di definirle tramite un'equazione affine nota come equazione di Weierstrass e la loro struttura intrinseca di gruppo abeliano. Si fornisce quindi un'ulteriore classificazione delle cubiche lisce, totalmente differente da quella precedente, che si basa invece sul modulo della cubica, invariante per trasformazioni proiettive. Infine, si considera un aspetto computazionale delle curve ellittiche, ovvero la loro applicazione nel campo della Crittografia. Grazie alla struttura che esse assumono sui campi finiti, sotto opportune ipotesi, i crittosistemi a chiave pubblica basati sul problema del logaritmo discreto definiti sulle curve ellittiche, a parità di sicurezza rispetto ai crittosistemi classici, permettono l'utilizzo di chiavi più corte, e quindi meno costose computazionalmente. Si forniscono quindi le definizioni di problema del logaritmo discreto classico e sulle curve ellittiche, ed alcuni esempi di algoritmi crittografici classici definiti su quest'ultime.
I processi di separazione sono tra quelli che consumano più energia nelle nazioni maggiormente industrializzate, questo rende necessaria la ricerca continua di tecnologie e materiali che siano in grado di aumentarne l’efficienza. Uno dei principali campi di studio di questa ricerca riguarda la separazione di gas, in cui le membrane polimeriche si candidano come principale alternativa innovativa ai metodi classici. Questo lavoro di tesi mira all’analisi delle variabili che governano il trasposto di gas attraverso membrane polimeriche di tipo vetroso, alla comprensione dei fenomeni destabilizzanti quali aging e plasticizzazione in termini di cause ed effetti e alla primaria rielaborazione dei dati di letteratura relativi agli stessi fenomeni per verificare analiticamente quanto studiato nella parte precedente. Per fare ciò, operativamente, ci si è serviti del supporto di articoli scientifici che trattano il tema, andando ad estrapolare dati e informazioni rilevanti e delle indicazioni del professor Minelli che da anni è impegnato nella ricerca su questi materiali. Dopo una prima parte introduttiva riguardante le tecnologie a membrana e le loro applicazioni, si passa allo studio approfondito della teoria e alla discussione dei due fenomeni, ai quali viene dedicato un capitolo ciascuno per capirne nel dettaglio le implicazioni che comportano nell’utilizzo di tecnologie a membrane polimeriche. Nella rielaborazione ci si sofferma poi sui film sottili, nell’ordine del micron, che corrispondo alle dimensioni tipiche delle membrane utilizzate per la separazione di gas. Ci si focalizza su miscele contenenti anidride carbonica, gas di estremo interesse sia perché è uno dei maggiori contributori al fenomeno del surriscaldamento globale, sia perché è uno dei principali responsabili della plasticizzazione di un polimero, per via della sua buona solubilità. Si conclude l’elaborato con una breve analisi sulle possibili contromisure riguardanti aging e plasticizzazione.
Análisis de las dependencias y novedades que, respecto al argumento de la Eneida de Virgilio, ofrece la reciente novela Lavinia (2009), de la escritora norteamericana Úrsula K. Le Guin.
Formulated food systems are becoming more sophisticated as demand grows for the design of structural and nutritional profiles targeted at increasingly specific demographics. Milk protein is an important bio- and techno-functional component of such formulations, which include infant formula, sports supplements, clinical beverages and elderly nutrition products. This thesis outlines research into ingredients that are key to the development of these products, namely milk protein concentrate (MPC), milk protein isolate (MPI), micellar casein concentrate (MCC), β-casein concentrate (BCC) and serum protein concentrate (SPC). MPC powders ranging from 37 to 90% protein (solids basis) were studied for properties of relevance to handling and storage of powders, powder solubilisation and thermal processing of reconstituted MPCs. MPC powders with ≥80% protein were found to have very poor flowability and high compressibility; in addition, these high-protein MPCs exhibited poor wetting and dispersion characteristics during rehydration in water. Heat stability studies on unconcentrated (3.5%, 140°C) and concentrated (8.5%, 120°C) MPC suspensions, showed that suspensions prepared from high-protein MPCs coagulated much more rapidly than lower protein MPCs. β-casein ingredients were developed using membrane processing. Enrichment of β-casein from skim milk was performed at laboratory-scale using ‘cold’ microfiltration (MF) at <4°C with either 1000 kDa molecular weight cut-off or 0.1 µm pore-size membranes. At pilot-scale, a second ‘warm’ MF step at 26°C was incorporated for selective purification of micellised β-casein from whey proteins; using this approach, BCCs with β-casein purity of up to 80% (protein basis) were prepared, with the whey protein purity of the SPC co-product reaching ~90%. The BCC ingredient could prevent supersaturated solutions of calcium phosphate (CaP) from precipitating, although the amorphous CaP formed created large micelles that were less thermo-reversible than those in CaP-free systems. Another co-product of BCC manufacture, MCC powder, was shown to have superior rehydration characteristics compared to traditional MCCs. The findings presented in this thesis constitute a significant advance in the research of milk protein ingredients, in terms of optimising their preparation by membrane filtration, preventing their destabilisation during processing and facilitating their effective incorporation into nutritional formulations designed for consumers of a specific age, lifestyle or health status