915 resultados para Hasse invariant


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Post-translational protein modifications are crucial for many fundamental cellular and extracellular processes and greatly contribute to the complexity of organisms. Human HCF-1 is a transcriptional co-regulator that undergoes complex protein maturation involving reversible and irreversible post-translational modifications. Upon synthesis as a large precursor protein, HCF-1 undergoes extensive reversible glycosylation with β-N-acetylglucosamine giving rise to O-linked-β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) modified serines and threonines. HCF-1 also undergoes irreversible site-specific proteolysis, which is important for one of HCF-1's major functions - the regulation of the cell-division cycle. HCF-1 O-GlcNAcylation and site-specific proteolysis are both catalyzed by a single enzyme with an unusual dual enzymatic activity, the O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT). HCF-1 is cleaved by OGT at any of six highly conserved 26 amino acid repeated sequences (HCF-1PRO repeats), but the mechanisms and the substrate requirements for OGT-mediated cleavage are not understood. In the present work, I characterized substrate requirements for OGT-mediated cleavage and O-GlcNAcylation of HCF-1. I identified key elements within the HCF-1PRO-repeat sequence that are important for proteolysis. Remarkably, an invariant single amino acid side-chain within the HCF-1PRO-repeat sequence displays particular OGT-binding properties and is essential for proteolysis. Additionally, I characterized substrate requirements for proteolysis outside of the HCF-1PRO repeat and identified a novel, highly O-GlcNAcylated OGT-binding sequence that enhances cleavage of the first HCF-1PRO repeat. These results link OGT association and its O-GlcNAcylation activities to HCF-1PRO-repeat proteolysis.


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Background.  Although acquired immune deficiency syndrome-associated morbidity has diminished due to excellent viral control, multimorbidity may be increasing among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected persons compared with the general population. Methods.  We assessed the prevalence of comorbidities and multimorbidity in participants of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) compared with the population-based CoLaus study and the primary care-based FIRE (Family Medicine ICPC-Research using Electronic Medical Records) records. The incidence of the respective endpoints were assessed among SHCS and CoLaus participants. Poisson regression models were adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, and smoking. Results.  Overall, 74 291 participants contributed data to prevalence analyses (3230 HIV-infected; 71 061 controls). In CoLaus, FIRE, and SHCS, multimorbidity was present among 26%, 13%, and 27% of participants. Compared with nonsmoking individuals from CoLaus, the incidence of cardiovascular disease was elevated among smoking individuals but independent of HIV status (HIV-negative smoking: incidence rate ratio [IRR] = 1.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.2-2.5; HIV-positive smoking: IRR = 1.7, 95% CI = 1.1-2.6; HIV-positive nonsmoking: IRR = 0.79, 95% CI = 0.44-1.4). Compared with nonsmoking HIV-negative persons, multivariable Poisson regression identified associations of HIV infection with hypertension (nonsmoking: IRR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.5-2.4; smoking: IRR = 2.0, 95% CI = 1.6-2.4), kidney (nonsmoking: IRR = 2.7, 95% CI = 1.9-3.8; smoking: IRR = 2.6, 95% CI = 1.9-3.6), and liver disease (nonsmoking: IRR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.4-2.4; smoking: IRR = 1.7, 95% CI = 1.4-2.2). No evidence was found for an association of HIV-infection or smoking with diabetes mellitus. Conclusions.  Multimorbidity is more prevalent and incident in HIV-positive compared with HIV-negative individuals. Smoking, but not HIV status, has a strong impact on cardiovascular risk and multimorbidity.


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The short version of the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences (sO-LIFE) is a widely used measure assessing schizotypy. There is limited information, however, on how sO-LIFE scores compare across different countries. The main goal of the present study is to test the measurement invariance of the sO-LIFE scores in a large sample of non-clinical adolescents and young adults from four European countries (UK, Switzerland, Italy, and Spain). The scores were obtained from validated versions of the sO-LIFE in their respective languages. The sample comprised 4190 participants (M = 20.87 years; SD = 3.71 years). The study of the internal structure, using confirmatory factor analysis, revealed that both three (i.e., positive schizotypy, cognitive disorganisation, and introvertive anhedonia) and four-factor (i.e., positive schizotypy, cognitive disorganisation, introvertive anhedonia, and impulsive nonconformity) models fitted the data moderately well. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis showed that the three-factor model had partial strong measurement invariance across countries. Eight items were non-invariant across samples. Significant statistical differences in the mean scores of the s-OLIFE were found by country. Reliability scores, estimated with Ordinal alpha ranged from 0.75 to 0.87. Using the Item Response Theory framework, the sO-LIFE provides more accuracy information at the medium and high end of the latent trait. The current results show further evidence in support of the psychometric proprieties of the sO-LIFE, provide new information about the cross-cultural equivalence of schizotypy and support the use of this measure to screen for psychotic-like features and liability to psychosis in general population samples from different European countries.


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All social surveys suffer from different types of errors, of which one of the most studied is non-response bias. Non-response bias is a systematic error that occurs because individuals differ in their accessibility and propensity to participate in a survey according to their own characteristics as well as those from the survey itself. The extent of the problem heavily depends on the correlation between response mechanisms and key survey variables. However, non-response bias is difficult to measure or to correct for due to the lack of relevant data about the whole target population or sample. In this paper, non-response follow-up surveys are considered as a possible source of information about non-respondents. Non-response follow-ups, however, suffer from two methodological issues: they themselves operate through a response mechanism that can cause potential non-response bias, and they pose a problem of comparability of measure, mostly because the survey design differs between main survey and non-response follow-up. In order to detect possible bias, the survey variables included in non-response surveys have to be related to the mechanism of participation, but not be sensitive to measurement effects due to the different designs. Based on accumulated experience of four similar non-response follow-ups, we studied the survey variables that fulfill these conditions. We differentiated socio-demographic variables that are measurement-invariant but have a lower correlation with non-response and variables that measure attitudes, such as trust, social participation, or integration in the public sphere, which are more sensitive to measurement effects but potentially more appropriate to account for the non-response mechanism. Our results show that education level, work status, and living alone, as well as political interest, satisfaction with democracy, and trust in institutions are pertinent variables to include in non-response follow-ups of general social surveys. - See more at: https://ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/srm/article/view/6138#sthash.u87EeaNG.dpuf


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Networks often represent systems that do not have a long history of study in traditional fields of physics; albeit, there are some notable exceptions, such as energy landscapes and quantum gravity. Here, we consider networks that naturally arise in cosmology. Nodes in these networks are stationary observers uniformly distributed in an expanding open Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker universe with any scale factor and two observers are connected if one can causally influence the other. We show that these networks are growing Lorentz-invariant graphs with power-law distributions of node degrees. These networks encode maximum information about the observable universe available to a given observer.


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Colouration may either reflect a discrete polymorphism potentially related to life-history strategies, a continuous signal related to individual quality or a combination of both. Recently, Vercken et al. [J. Evol. Biol. (2007) 221] proposed three discrete ventral colour morphs in female common lizards, Lacerta vivipara, and suggested that they reflect alternative reproductive strategies. Here, we provide a quantitative assessment of the phenotypic distribution and determinants of the proposed colour polymorphism. Based on reflectance spectra, we found no evidence for three distinct visual colour classes, but observed continuous variation in colour from pale yellow to orange. Based on a 2-year experiment, we also provide evidence for reversible colour plasticity in response to a manipulation of the adult population sex ratio; yet, a significant portion of the colour variation was invariant throughout an adult female's life. Our results are thus in agreement with continuous colour variation in adults determined by environmental factors and potentially also by genetic factors.


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Conservation laws in physics are numerical invariants of the dynamics of a system. In cellular automata (CA), a similar concept has already been defined and studied. To each local pattern of cell states a real value is associated, interpreted as the “energy” (or “mass”, or . . . ) of that pattern.The overall “energy” of a configuration is simply the sum of the energy of the local patterns appearing on different positions in the configuration. We have a conservation law for that energy, if the total energy of each configuration remains constant during the evolution of the CA. For a given conservation law, it is desirable to find microscopic explanations for the dynamics of the conserved energy in terms of flows of energy from one region toward another. Often, it happens that the energy values are from non-negative integers, and are interpreted as the number of “particles” distributed on a configuration. In such cases, it is conjectured that one can always provide a microscopic explanation for the conservation laws by prescribing rules for the local movement of the particles. The onedimensional case has already been solved by Fuk´s and Pivato. We extend this to two-dimensional cellular automata with radius-0,5 neighborhood on the square lattice. We then consider conservation laws in which the energy values are chosen from a commutative group or semigroup. In this case, the class of all conservation laws for a CA form a partially ordered hierarchy. We study the structure of this hierarchy and prove some basic facts about it. Although the local properties of this hierarchy (at least in the group-valued case) are tractable, its global properties turn out to be algorithmically inaccessible. In particular, we prove that it is undecidable whether this hierarchy is trivial (i.e., if the CA has any non-trivial conservation law at all) or unbounded. We point out some interconnections between the structure of this hierarchy and the dynamical properties of the CA. We show that positively expansive CA do not have non-trivial conservation laws. We also investigate a curious relationship between conservation laws and invariant Gibbs measures in reversible and surjective CA. Gibbs measures are known to coincide with the equilibrium states of a lattice system defined in terms of a Hamiltonian. For reversible cellular automata, each conserved quantity may play the role of a Hamiltonian, and provides a Gibbs measure (or a set of Gibbs measures, in case of phase multiplicity) that is invariant. Conversely, every invariant Gibbs measure provides a conservation law for the CA. For surjective CA, the former statement also follows (in a slightly different form) from the variational characterization of the Gibbs measures. For one-dimensional surjective CA, we show that each invariant Gibbs measure provides a conservation law. We also prove that surjective CA almost surely preserve the average information content per cell with respect to any probability measure.


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Let $X$ be a smooth complex algebraic variety. Morgan showed that the rational homotopy type of $X$ is a formal consequence of the differential graded algebra defined by the first term $E_{1}(X,W)$ of its weight spectral sequence. In the present work, we generalize this result to arbitrary nilpotent complex algebraic varieties (possibly singular and/or non-compact) and to algebraic morphisms between them. In particular, our results generalize the formality theorem of Deligne, Griffiths, Morgan and Sullivan for morphisms of compact Kähler varieties, filling a gap in Morgan"s theory concerning functoriality over the rationals. As an application, we study the Hopf invariant of certain algebraic morphisms using intersection theory.


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We extend Deligne's weight filtration to the integer cohomology of complex analytic spaces (endowed with an equivalence class of compactifications). In general, the weight filtration that we obtain is not part of a mixed Hodge structure. Our purely geometric proof is based on cubical descent for resolution of singularities and Poincaré-Verdier duality. Using similar techniques, we introduce the singularity filtration on the cohomology of compactificable analytic spaces. This is a new and natural analytic invariant which does not depend on the equivalence class of compactifications and is related to the weight filtration.


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We examine the scale invariants in the preparation of highly concentrated w/o emulsions at different scales and in varying conditions. The emulsions are characterized using rheological parameters, owing to their highly elastic behavior. We first construct and validate empirical models to describe the rheological properties. These models yield a reasonable prediction of experimental data. We then build an empirical scale-up model, to predict the preparation and composition conditions that have to be kept constant at each scale to prepare the same emulsion. For this purpose, three preparation scales with geometric similarity are used. The parameter N¿D^α, as a function of the stirring rate N, the scale (D, impeller diameter) and the exponent α (calculated empirically from the regression of all the experiments in the three scales), is defined as the scale invariant that needs to be optimized, once the dispersed phase of the emulsion, the surfactant concentration, and the dispersed phase addition time are set. As far as we know, no other study has obtained a scale invariant factor N¿Dα for the preparation of highly concentrated emulsions prepared at three different scales, which covers all three scales, different addition times and surfactant concentrations. The power law exponent obtained seems to indicate that the scale-up criterion for this system is the power input per unit volume (P/V).


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Tämä diplomityö käsittelee teollisen yrityksen tuotannonohjauksen kehittämistä piensarjatuotannossa. Työn kohteena on ABB Oy:n Tuulivoimageneraattorit-tulosyksikkö, joka valmistaa vakiotuotteita asiakasohjautuvasti. Työssä esitellään aluksi tuotannon ja tuotannonohjauksen teoriaa. Lävitse käydään perusasioiden kuten määritelmien, tavoitteiden ja tehtävien lisäksi tuotannonohjausprosessia sekä tuotannonohjauksen tietotekniikkaa. Teorian jälkeisessä empiriaosuudessa esitellään työssä kehitettyjä keinoja tuotannonohjauksen parantamiseksi. Tutkimus on toteutettu teoreettisen ja empiirisen tutkimustyön avulla. Teoreettiseen tutkimustyöhön sisältyi suomalaisiin ja ulkomaalaisiin kirjallisuuslähteisiin perehtyminen. Empiirinen tutkimustyö suoritettiin itsenäisen ongelman ratkaisutyön avulla. Tämä sisälsi kehittämiskohteiden analysoinnin, tarkempien kehittämistarpeiden määrityksen sekä kokeilujen kautta tapahtuneen kehittämistyön. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli selvittää, miten tuotannonohjauksen kehittämisellä voidaan parantaa kohteena olevan tulosyksikön tuottavuutta ja kannattavuutta. Päätavoitteen pohjalta muodostettiin kuusi osatavoitetta: toimitusvarmuuden parantaminen, kapasiteetin kuormitusasteen nostaminen, kapasiteetin suunnittelun kehittäminen, läpäisyaikojen lyhentäminen, uuden ERP-järjestelmän vaatimusmäärittely sekä tuotannonohjausprosessin määrittäminen. Työssä rakennettiin neljään ensiksi mainittuun osatavoitteeseen tietotekniset sovellukset, jotka mahdollistavat osatavoitteiden suunnittelun ja ohjaamisen. Sovelluksia varten kullekin tuotteelle määriteltiin esimerkiksi työnvaiheketjut läpäisyaikoineen, kuormitusryhmät, kuormitusryhmien kapasiteetit, tuotteiden kuormittavuudet sekä kriittiset työvälineet. Työ osoitti, että tietotekniikka auttaa suuresti tuotannonohjauksessa. Lisääntynyt läpinäkyvyys, parantunut tiedonkulku, simulointimahdollisuudet sekä graafinen esitystapa helpottavat erilaisten suunnitelmien teossa ja parantavat siten päätöksenteon laatua. Tietotekniikan hyväksikäytön pohjana toimii tuotannon perus- ja tapahtumatietojen kurinalainen päivitys. Tämän vuoksi tietojärjestelmistä kannattaa rakentaa mahdollisimman yksinkertaisia.


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This paper analyses the impact of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) on Middle East and North African Countries (MENA) trade for the period 1994-2010. The analysis distinguishes between industrial and agricultural trade to take into account the different liberalisation schedules. An augmented gravity model is estimated using up-to-date panel data techniques to control for all time-invariant bilateral factors that influence bilateral trade as well as for the so-called multilateral resistance factors. We also control for the endogeneity of the agreements and test for self-selection bias due to the presence of zero trade in our sample. The main findings indicate that North-South-FTAs and South-South- FTAs have a differential impact in terms of increasing trade in MENA countries, with the former being more beneficial in terms of exports for MENA countries, but both showing greater global market integration. We also find that FTAs that include agricultural products, in which MENA countries have a clear comparative advantage, have more favourable effects for these countries than those only including industrial products. JEL code: F10, F15


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It is argued that the invariants associated to the First Law of Thermodynamics and to the concept of identical processes lead to a clear definition of heat and work. The conditions for heat and work to be invariant under a system-surroundings interchange are also investigated. Finally, examples are presented to illustrate the above conditions.


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A "hérnia das crucíferas" é a principal doença na produção de brássicas na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba-PR. Fatores ambientais favoráveis, ausência de cultivares resistentes e de controle químico eficiente, aliados ao plantio sucessivo de espécies da mesma família, têm colaborado para sua disseminação. Com o objetivo de controlar a doença com menor impacto ambiental, o presente estudo verificou o efeito do pré-plantio de plantas medicinais e aromáticas na redução de inóculo de Plasmodiophora brassicae. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação no Setor de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Paraná, nos períodos de junho a novembro de 2003 e julho a dezembro de 2004. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com nove tratamentos e seis repetições. As plantas utilizadas nos tratamentos foram: menta (Mentha piperita L.); alfavaca (Ocimum basilicum L.); bardana (Arctium minus Hill); calêndula (Calendula officinalis L.); cebolinha (Allium fistulosum L.); salsa (Petroselinum hortense Hoffm) e sálvia (Salvia officinalis L.), e como testemunhas foram utilizados solos sem patógeno e solo infestado, ambos em pousio. Utilizaram-se vasos contendo 3 Kg de solo esterilizado via vapor e como inóculo de P. brassicae foram utilizados 2,5 g de galhas por vaso. A rúcula (Eruca sativa Mill) foi o hospedeiro suscetível utilizado. Após 45 dias do plantio da rúcula foram determinadas a massa aérea fresca, incidência de galhas galhas e o índice de severidade. A maior massa aérea fresca e as menores severidades foram obtidas no experimento de 2003, nos tratamentos com o pré-plantio das medicinais bardana, salsa, menta, alfavaca e cebolinha.


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Programming and mathematics are core areas of computer science (CS) and consequently also important parts of CS education. Introductory instruction in these two topics is, however, not without problems. Studies show that CS students find programming difficult to learn and that teaching mathematical topics to CS novices is challenging. One reason for the latter is the disconnection between mathematics and programming found in many CS curricula, which results in students not seeing the relevance of the subject for their studies. In addition, reports indicate that students' mathematical capability and maturity levels are dropping. The challenges faced when teaching mathematics and programming at CS departments can also be traced back to gaps in students' prior education. In Finland the high school curriculum does not include CS as a subject; instead, focus is on learning to use the computer and its applications as tools. Similarly, many of the mathematics courses emphasize application of formulas, while logic, formalisms and proofs, which are important in CS, are avoided. Consequently, high school graduates are not well prepared for studies in CS. Motivated by these challenges, the goal of the present work is to describe new approaches to teaching mathematics and programming aimed at addressing these issues: Structured derivations is a logic-based approach to teaching mathematics, where formalisms and justifications are made explicit. The aim is to help students become better at communicating their reasoning using mathematical language and logical notation at the same time as they become more confident with formalisms. The Python programming language was originally designed with education in mind, and has a simple syntax compared to many other popular languages. The aim of using it in instruction is to address algorithms and their implementation in a way that allows focus to be put on learning algorithmic thinking and programming instead of on learning a complex syntax. Invariant based programming is a diagrammatic approach to developing programs that are correct by construction. The approach is based on elementary propositional and predicate logic, and makes explicit the underlying mathematical foundations of programming. The aim is also to show how mathematics in general, and logic in particular, can be used to create better programs.