480 resultados para Geiger, LazarusGeiger, LazarusLazarusGeiger
The accounting profession has come under increased scrutiny over recent years about the growing number of non-audit fees received from audit clients and the possible negative impact of such fees on auditor independence. The argument advanced is that providing substantial amounts of non-audit services to clients may make it more likely that auditors concede to the wishes of the client management when difficult judgments are made. Such concerns are particularly salient in the case of reporting decisions related to going-concern uncertainties for financially stressed clients. This study empirically examines audit reports provided to financially stressed companies in the United Kingdom and the magnitude of audit and non-audit service fees paid to the company’s auditors. We find that the magnitude of both audit fees and non-audit fees are significantly associated with the issuance of a going-concern modified audit opinion. In particular, financially stressed companies with high audit fees are more likely to receive a going-concern modified audit opinion, whereas companies with high non-audit fees are less likely to receive a goingconcern modified audit opinion. Additional analyses indicate that the results are generally robust across alternative model and variable specifications. Overall, evidence supports the contention that high non-audit fees have a detrimental effect on going-concern reporting judgments for financially stressed U.K. companies.
Manipulating, or "managing," reported earnings is a temptation faced by every accountant and corporation around the world. This study investigates whether national culture influences perceptions of the acceptability of earnings management. Participants from eight countries evaluated 13 vignettes describing various earnings management practices (Merchant & Rockness, 1994). Our results demonstrate considerable variation in perceptions across nations to the earnings management scenarios, providing strong evidence that the practice of earnings management was not perceived similarly in all countries. Using Hofstede’s (1991) cultural indices, we find that the differences in aggregate perceptions across countries were not closely associated with any of the cultural dimensions examined. We do, however, find that perceptions of earnings manipulations involving the timing of operating decisions were associated with both the Power Distance Index and the Masculinity Index.
A plant's reproductive biology exerts a significant influence on both population persistence within changing environments and successful establishment of new populations. However, the interaction between extrinsic (i.e. ecological) and intrinsic (i.e. genetic) factors also is an important driver of demographic performance for plant populations. It is light of this that I performed a multidisciplinary investigation of the breeding system, seed and seedling establishment dynamics, and population genetic structure of the endangered Caribbean vine Ipomoea microdactyla Griseb. (Convolvulaceae). The results from the breeding system study show individuals from Florida, USA and Andros Island, Bahamas to be self-incompatible. Plants from the two regions are cross-compatible but there is evidence for outbreeding depression in their progeny. Significant regional differences were found in floral traits and progeny traits that suggests incipient speciation for the Florida populations. The results from the seed and seedling establishment dynamics experiment demonstrate that the restoration of small populations in Florida via seed and seedling augmentation is a successful strategy. The demographic performance of the outplanted individuals was driven significantly by ecological factors (e.g. herbivory) rather than by genetic factors which emphasizes that the ecological context is very important for successful restoration attempts. The results from the population genetic study using an analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA) reveal significant differences in genetic variation among individuals from Florida, Andros, and Cuba. A Bayesian analysis of population genetic structuring coincided with the previous AMOVA results among the three regions. The Mantel test indicated significant 'isolation by distance' for these regional populations implying restricted gene flow over relatively short distances. Overall, the Florida populations had the lowest measures of genetic diversity which is most likely due to the effects of both colonization founder events and habitat fragmentation. The results of my study highlight the value of performing multidisciplinary studies in relation to species conservation as knowledge of both extrinsic and intrinsic factors can best guide decisions for species preservation.
By integrating the research and resources of hundreds of scientists from dozens of institutions, network-level science is fast becoming one scientific model of choice to address complex problems. In the pursuit to confront pressing environmental issues such as climate change, many scientists, practitioners, policy makers, and institutions are promoting network-level research that integrates the social and ecological sciences. To understand how this scientific trend is unfolding among rising scientists, we examined how graduate students experienced one such emergent social-ecological research initiative, Integrated Science for Society and Environment, within the large-scale, geographically distributed Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network. Through workshops, surveys, and interviews, we found that graduate students faced challenges in how they conceptualized and practiced social-ecological research within the LTER Network. We have presented these conceptual challenges at three scales: the individual/project, the LTER site, and the LTER Network. The level of student engagement with and knowledge of the LTER Network was varied, and students faced different institutional, cultural, and logistic barriers to practicing social-ecological research. These types of challenges are unlikely to be unique to LTER graduate students; thus, our findings are relevant to other scientific networks implementing new social-ecological research initiatives.
The trace element content of different bog ores has been measured and it appeared that most of these elements are enriched in the manganiferous bog ores as compared with the ferriferous ones. The manganiferous bog ores have also proved to have a higher radioactivity than the ferriferous ones.
Studio della crescita della scarica elettrica nei gas a bassa pressione con trattazioni teoriche, risultati sperimentali e rimandi ai principali studi sull'argomento. Indice: 1 Introduzione 2 Breakdown nei Gas a Bassa Pressione 2.1 Criterio di Townsend e Legge di Paschen 2.2 Tensione di Breakdown in Campi Uniformi 2.3 Scostamenti dalla Legge di Paschen 2.4 Breakdown in Campi Non Uniformi 2.5 Time Lags per il Breakdown 2.6 Breakdown nel Vuoto 2.7 Scariche Intermittenti post-Breakdown 3 Breakdown nei Contatori Geiger 3.1 Contatori Geiger 3.2 Conteggio Proporzionale 3.3 Conteggio Non-Proporzionale 3.4 Propagazione della Scarica A Sviluppi Successivi
Durante el siglo XIII se produjo una sucesión de revueltas que supuso la desaparición del Imperio almohade y su sustitución por poderes regionales en al-Andalus, el Magreb y el Magreb al-Aqsà. La historiografía ha presentado el surgimiento y pugna entre estos poderes como un fenómeno social, político e, incluso, cultural y religioso, con el que se ha podido explicar su aniquilación o marginalización. Este trabajo pretende contextualizar los hechos desde una perspectiva medioambiental, de forma que la desintegración del califato almohade, el surgimiento de aquellos poderes y la progresión de los reinos cristianos en la península ibérica puedan entenderse desde una visión global de cambio climático y una posible crisis agrícola.
In contrast to animals and lower plant species, sperm cells of flowering plants are non-motile and are transported to the female gametes via the pollen tube, i.e. the male gametophyte. Upon arrival at the female gametophyte two sperm cells are discharged into the receptive synergid cell to execute double fertilization. The first players involved in inter-gametophyte signaling to attract pollen tubes and to arrest their growth have been recently identified. In contrast the physiological mechanisms leading to pollen tube burst and thus sperm discharge remained elusive. Here, we describe the role of polymorphic defensin-like cysteine-rich proteins ZmES1-4 (Zea mays embryo sac) from maize, leading to pollen tube growth arrest, burst, and explosive sperm release. ZmES1-4 genes are exclusively expressed in the cells of the female gametophyte. ZmES4-GFP fusion proteins accumulate in vesicles at the secretory zone of mature synergid cells and are released during the fertilization process. Using RNAi knock-down and synthetic ZmES4 proteins, we found that ZmES4 induces pollen tube burst in a species-preferential manner. Pollen tube plasma membrane depolarization, which occurs immediately after ZmES4 application, as well as channel blocker experiments point to a role of K(+)-influx in the pollen tube rupture mechanism. Finally, we discovered the intrinsic rectifying K(+) channel KZM1 as a direct target of ZmES4. Following ZmES4 application, KZM1 opens at physiological membrane potentials and closes after wash-out. In conclusion, we suggest that vesicles containing ZmES4 are released from the synergid cells upon male-female gametophyte signaling. Subsequent interaction between ZmES4 and KZM1 results in channel opening and K(+) influx. We further suggest that K(+) influx leads to water uptake and culminates in osmotic tube burst. The species-preferential activity of polymorphic ZmES4 indicates that the mechanism described represents a pre-zygotic hybridization barrier and may be a component of reproductive isolation in plants.
The numeracy deals with the study of the ability to apply mathematical knowledge on solving everyday life problems (Goos, Geiger, & Dole, 2012; Ponte, 2002; Steen, 2001; Cockcroft, 1982) and appears to us as an essential dimension to programming in special education, for its applicability to the everyday life of individuals. For this, it seemed relevant to perceive essential competences that promote greater autonomy to the students in school-age and with profiles of functionality that express heightened difficulties in the use of skills normally associated with numeracy. In order to implementing it, it was made a content and documentary analysis, on the subject area of Mathematics, of three guiding documents: (a) Curriculum Guidelines – Presschool Education; (b) Mathematics Program – 1st Cycle; (c) Curricular Goals – Presschool and 1st Cycle. The analysis focused in the field of numeracy, i.e. were considered the contents related to the development of competences in the field of Numbers and Operationsà a????dà su????do????ai????àMo????e????àa????dàTi????eàDo????ai????àGeo????et????????àa????dàMeasu????e????e????t.àAs a result of this procedure, it has been elaborated a flexible program and with the capacity of adequacy to the most diverse profiles of functionality, in particular those that depict situations of greater complexity and gravity. The study suggests the possibility that, on the basis of available documents guiding teaching and learning, one can find a flexible and progressive program with an equivalent matrix, available for use and allowing the adoption of a reference and a common language in the context of special education.
Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Modellierung komplexer Webapplikationen mit dem Story-Driven-Modeling Ansatz.Ziel ist es hierbei,die komplette Applikation allein durch die Spezifikation von Modellen zu entwickeln. Das händische Erstellen von Quelltext ist nicht notwendig. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt sowohl den Forschungsweg, der die angestrebte Modellierung von Webapplikationen ermöglicht, als auch die resultierenden Ergebnisse auf. Zur Unterstützung des Entwicklungsprozesses wird weiterhin ein modellgetriebener Softwareentwicklungsprozess vorgestellt, der die Modellierung einer Webapplikation von der Aufnahme der Anforderungen, bis zur abschließenden Erzeugung des Quelltextes durch Codegenerierung aus den spezifizierten Modellen, abdeckt. Für den definierten Prozess wird ferner Werkzeugunterstützung innerhalb der Fujaba Toolsuite bereitgestellt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die bestehede Toolsuite hierzu um alle zur Prozessunterstützung notwendigen Werkzeuge erweitert. Darüber hinaus wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit die in Fujaba bestehenden Werkzeuge erweitert, um neben den klassischen Möglichkeiten zur Modellierung komplexer Java-Applikationen auch die Erzeugung von Webapplikationen zu ermöglichen. Neben der genauen Beschreibung des Entwicklungsprozesses werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die entstehenden Webapplikationen mit ihren spezifischen Eigenschaften genau beschrieben. Zur Erzeugung dieser Applikationen wird neben dem Entwicklungsprozess die Diagrammart der Workflowdiagramme eingeführt und beschrieben. Diese Diagramme dienen der Abbildung des intendierten Userworkflows der Applikation im Rahmen der Anforderungsanalyse und stellen im weiteren Entwicklungsverlauf ein dediziertes Entwicklungsartefakt dar. Basierend auf den Workflowdiagrammen werden sowohl die grafische Benutzerschnittstelle der Webapplikation beschrieben, als auch ein Laufzeitsystem initialisiert, welches basierend auf den im Workflowdiagramm abgebildeten Abläufen die Anwendung steuert. Dieses Laufzeitsystem wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelt und in der Prozessunterstützung verankert. Alle notwendigen Änderungen und Anpassungen und Erweiterungen an bereits bestehenden Teilen der Fujaba Toolsuite werden unter dem Aspekt der Erstellung clientseitiger Datenmodelle einer Webapplikation genau beschrieben und in Verbindung mit den zu erfüllenden Voraussetzungen erläutert. In diesem Zusammenhang wird ebenfalls beschrieben, wie Graphtransformationen zur Umsetzung von Businesslogik auf der Clientseite einer Webapplikation eingesetzt werden können und auf welche Weise Datenmodelländerungen zwischen unterschiedlichen Clients synchronisiert werden können. Insgesamt zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit einen Weg auf, den bestehenden Ansatz des StoryDriven-Modeling für die Erzeugung von Webapplikationen einzusetzen. Durch die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit beschriebene Herangehensweise werden hierbei gleichzeitig Webbrowser zu einer neuen Klasse von Graphersetzungs-Engines erweitert, indem Graphtransformationen innerhalb der Ajax-Engine des Browsers ausgeliefert und ausgeführt werden.
Se describe la variante homocigota c.320-2A>G de TGM1 en dos hermanas con ictiosis congénita autosómica recesiva. El clonaje de los transcritos generados por esta variante permitió identificar tres mecanismos moleculares de splicing alternativos.