806 resultados para Game-Playing Game-Playing


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Since mid-1990s, companies have adopted agile methods and incorporated them in their development methodologies. For this reason, future project managers and developers need to have a full understanding of these methods. At present, the university’s approach to agile methods is theoretical and is not reflected during the development of a product and their practical use. The purpose of this project is the creation of a software system in the form of a game, named Agile Game, which simulates their use. The system is designed for use as supplementary material in lectures, to help students understand agile methods, to present their use within a project, and to demonstrate how they differ from traditional project management methodologies. The final system, which is web based, was implemented using PHP, MySQL and JavaScript. It was fully tested against the requirements and evaluated by peer students. The evaluation showed that the majority of users were satisfied with the system but they thought that it should contain more detailed information at every step of the game. For this reason, some parts of the design and the content were reviewed to meet user requirements.


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Esta investigación cualitativa-cuantitativa tiene como objetivo explorar las potencialidades terapéuticas del Juego de Rol, las cuales no han sido objeto de estudio. Se realizó con cinco estudiantes de colegio y cuatro de universidad, aplicándoles las escalas 16PF, SASS, ocho sesiones de juego de rol (Dungeons and dragons) y Grupos de Discusión. Se concluyó que no hay diferencia entre la adaptación pre y post. Los estudiantes de Colegio tienen características de personalidad similares en escala de Autosuficiencia, Apertura al Cambio y Aprensión, los universitarios en Atrevimiento, Vigilancia, Abstracción y Aprensión y dimensión global de Ansiedad. El Juego de Rol mejora las relaciones interpersonales dentro y fuera del grupo de juego, la expresión de sentimientos repercute fuera del Juego, la principal diferencia entre la experiencia de juego y la Vida Real es la libertad para romper las normas sociales. El trabajo en Equipo es una enseñanza primordial, contribuye a la toma de decisiones, proyección como mecanismo de defensa, capacidad Imaginativa inherente, desarrollo de la empatía, socialización, potenciación de habilidades no explotadas, encuentro de intereses, toma de conciencia, responsabilidad y sublimación de aspectos reprimidos de la personalidad.


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A brief one lecture introduction to Game Theory and Addiction techniques for building a games.


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Seminar given as part of social networking course, to give a brief overview of some applied examples game theory used in social network simulation


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The 2013 Version of the Game Theory Presentation, now with an extra game.


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This is the introductory lecture to COMP3218. We introduce ourselves, cover the philosophy of the course, the structure and assessment process, and lead an initial game design exercise.


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In this final week we will look at the tensions between ludology and narratology in games design, in effect how the agency of games has been reconciled with the dramatic requirements (and lack of agency) in narrative. I will argue that there are two broad approaches, the mainstream method of concentrating in the Fabula, and a method pioneered by many indie games of fusing narrative and play. We will look in more detail at what this might mean in terms of thematic cohesion, diegetic choices, and mechanics and metaphor. Finally we look at Spec Ops: The Line, as a rare example of a AAA title that takes this fusion approach. Looking at how the game uses many of the techniques we have explored.


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El proyecto acerca el Inglés a los niños del ciclo medio de una manera lúdica, haciendo especial énfasis en los aspectos comunicativos del lenguaje, con la intención de disminuir el fracaso que presenta el segundo idioma en el ciclo superior, y en el interés que pueda despertar por el conocimiento de otras culturas. 27 alumnos de tercero de EGB han recibido una iniciación al Inglés, básicamente oral, con las estructuras básicas referidas a sus intereses más inmediatos. La experiencia no puede evaluarse globalmente después de un solo curso, pues se considera que es al final del ciclo cuando pueden apreciarse los resultados.


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In 1950, the English mathematician Alan Mathison Turing proposed the basis of what some authors consider the test that a machine must pass to establish that it can think. This test is basically a game; nevertheless, it has had great infl uence in the development of the theories of the mind performance. The game specifications and some of its repercussions in the conception of thinking, the consciousness and the human will, will be ramifications of the path that will take us through the beginning of the artificial intelligence, passing along some of its singular manifestations, to culminate in the posing of certain restrictions of its fundaments.


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We study economic conflicts using a game theoretical approach. We model a conflict between two agents where each one has two possible strategies: cease-fire or neglect the truce. Under this setting, we use the concept of pre-donations, namely, a redefinition of the game where agents commit to transfer a share of their output to the other agent (Sertel, 1992), and explain under which conditions a system of pre-donations can facilitate a truce. We find that for conflicts involving high costs there is a distributive mechanism, acceptable for both parties, such that, the best strategy for both parties is Cease-Fire. However, in many cases there are no sufficient conditions for the scheme or pre-donations to be effective. We also analyze some limitations of this framework and extend the model in order to deal with some of these flaws. Finally, in order to illustrate the relevance of the theoretical results we briefly describe some of the circumstances that characterized the negotiation processes between the Colombian government and different illegal groups.


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Resumen basado en el de la revista. Contiene dos anexos al final del artículo con la descripción de una situación concreta y con el cuestionario sobre expectativas del curso anterior


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Se incluye anexo con material elaborado


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Ofrece actividades fotocopiables, juegos y rompecabezas para los alumnos de la etapa clave 2 (key stage 2) del currículo nacional de Inglaterra y Gales, es decir para el nivel de primaria. Están diseñadas para desarrollar en los niños la comprensión y la facilidad con los números y, así, proporcionarles una buena base para el desarrollo de sus habilidades matemáticas. Las actividades se clasifican en tres secciones para los grupos de edad de 7 a 9, de 8 a 10 y de 9 a 11.