973 resultados para Galilean covariant formalism
Participação ou formalismo? O impacto das audiências públicas no Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileiro
Este trabalho objetiva demonstrar a impossibilidade estrutural de democratização do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) a partir da participação social nas audiências públicas jurisdicionais. Para tanto, o trabalho divide-se em três partes. Na primeira, são abordados dois fenômenos macrossociais, a crise do Estado de bem estar e a globalização econômica, com a finalidade de resgatar as principais interpretações sobre a emergência do Judiciário e identificar os projetos normativos de reforma originados. Dentre eles, destaca-se a perspectiva de Vianna e Burgos (2002), pois seu conteúdo é verificado nos discursos oficiais que interpretam as audiências públicas como instrumentos democratizantes do STF. No segundo capítulo, pretende-se questionar a possibilidade de democratização participativa do STF a partir da teoria política de Poulantzas (2000). Para esta matriz conceitual, o direito, na formação social capitalista, organiza interesses e unifica o consentimento de forma a moldar o corpo social de acordo com as prioridades das classes posicionadas no bloco do poder dominante. Prevê a concessão de direitos e sua retirada conforme os movimentos políticos das classes, que estão em contínua disputa no interior de um Estado de características materiais e permeado por fissuras. Nesse sentido, as audiências públicas, são interpretadas como procedimentos que sofisticam o formalismo tradicional dos tribunais, ocultando o exercício do controle por mecanismos que aparentemente concederiam espaço para participação popular e igualariam as oportunidades de intervenção de agentes de diferentes grupos sociais. Estas características sugerem a impossibilidade de democratização de suas estruturas. Por fim, no terceiro capítulo, o estudo de caso das cinco audiências realizadas evidencia a reprodução da disposição litigiosa do processo jurídico nestes eventos, uma vez que os ministros pouco participam, dispõem os participantes em lados opostos como se estivessem exercendo o contraditório e somente utilizam os pronunciamentos das audiências em seus votos para reforçar argumentos de seu interesse. De acordo com as informações sistematizadas, o presente estudo sugere que as audiências públicas não provocam impactos democratizantes nas estruturas do STF. Ao contrário, sofisticam os procedimentos existentes para reproduzir o tradicional papel de controle dos aparelhos judiciais no interior do capitalismo.
Sendo um dos objetivos básicos do Banco Central do Brasil a produção de normas visando o controle da política econômica, creditícia e cambial, e tendo esta organização um caráter estritamente normativo, esta dissertação estuda, a partir de um modelo causal explicativo, as formas em que se apresenta o fenômeno denominado formalismo, buscando retratar as discrepâncias existentes entre o que está escrito nas leis e normas e o que é, de fato, realizado na prática.
O objetivo da pesquisa é fazer um levantamento dos sentidos de educação e escola dentre os alunos do 2o Grau, Formação Geral, do município do Rio de Janeiro. O corpus do trabalho constitui-se de entrevistas com alunos do Colégio Estadual José Accioli em Marechal Hermes, zona oeste do município. A metodologia de análise dos depoimentos é aquela fornecida pela escola francesa de Análise de Discurso na linha de Michel Pêcheux. Nessa perspectiva, o que se busca não é o sentido que estes jovens dão à educacão e escola, mas os vários sentidos que convivem sob estes temas. A pesquisa, entretanto, não se esgota nessa abordagem e procura elucidar as condições históricas e ideológicas de produção dos sentidos apontados. Paralelamente à investigação dos sentidos de escola e educação, a pesquisa propõe-se, também, a examinar os sentidos atribuídos à noção de participação. A inclusão deste terceiro elemento não é gratuita e procura inserir a discussão acerca da educacão no contexto mais geral da questão democrática.A participação, então, não é entendida como o engajamento episódico e localizado à uma associação ou agremiação qualquer, mas como o principio (utópico, por certo) organizador de toda e qualquer relação social. Assim, apesar de não se adotar uma postura teórica que "julga" os sentidos apreendidos a partir de uma concepção de educação e participação estabelecidas a priori, também não se pode negar que a simples inclusão do terceiro elemento já pressupõe , pelo menos, uma filiação a um determinado sentido. De fato, esta pesquisa alinha-se com o pensamento de Dumerval Trigueiro, que em seus trabalhos sempre ressaltou a íntima relação entre os conceitos de educação e participação. O educador atribui ao pensamento liberal, principalmente à tecnocracia, a responsabilidade do alijamento do povo (pelo poder e pelo saber) da construção da polis. Entretanto, é essa mesma população desestimulada a participar ativamente da vida política que será convocada a fazê-lo com a inclusão do principio de gestão democrática do ensino na nova Lei de Diretrizes e Bases. Por isso, a questão da participação ganhou relevo neste trabalho e ampliou-se no sentido de investigar como os sujeitos situam-se frente às relacões de poder na nossa sociedade e como a educação e a escola afetam e são afetadas por essas relações.
O objetivo do trabalho é compreender a configuração atual da administração pública brasileira a partir da identificação dos seus atributos caracterizadores, tomando como ponto de partida a rejeição da ideia de modelos rígidos e de ruptura entre esses modelos. Os caminhos teóricos percorridos, e que culminaram com a construção de um quadro teórico preliminar, contemplaram inicialmente: a análise histórico-conceitual das relações entre sociedade, Estado e administração pública; a análise da formação do Estado brasileiro desde o período colonial até os dias atuais; a apresentação das configurações da administração pública brasileira, consagradas pela literatura e seus respectivos atributos. Em seguida, foram resgatadas as bases teóricas da administração pública patrimonial, desde a ideia weberiana de dominação patrimonial até as contribuições de alguns interpretes do pensamento social brasileiro à luz da experiência nacional. Foram apresentadas as bases teóricas da administração pública burocrática, desde o tipo ideal weberiano de dominação racional-legal até a releitura do seu processo de implementação e desenvolvimento no Brasil. Também foram expostas as bases teóricas da administração pública gerencial, desde sua origem a nível mundial até os efeitos de seu marco inaugural no Brasil, o Plano Diretor da Reforma do Aparelho do Estado. A pesquisa, predominantemente qualitativa, assumiu três tipologias: bibliográfica, documental e de campo, permitindo o emprego da triangulação. A pesquisa de campo processou-se por meio de nove entrevistas, com roteiro semi-estruturado, com experts em administração pública brasileira. Para a pesquisa documental, foram selecionadas, primordialmente fontes primárias, com ênfase em documentos oficiais, mas também matérias e reportagens em sites, jornais e revistas. Após a análise do conteúdo das entrevistas e dos documentos, chegou-se a quatro eixos temáticos, cada qual com suas respectivas unidades de significado, que permitiram identificar os atributos presentes na administração pública brasileira e definir sua configuração, são eles: a) heranças patrimonialistas, sendo elas o mandonismo (a personalização do poder), o clientelismo, o favoritismo e a cultura da corrupção; b) (dis)funções burocráticas, sendo elas o formalismo, a hierarquia de cargos e funções, a profissionalização do quadro administrativo e a (im)pessoalidade); c) práticas gerenciais, sendo elas a busca da efetividade, as técnicas do management, a governança e a gestão transparente e participativa; e d) novos arranjos do Estado em rede, sendo elas o Estado Global, a cultura da virtualidade, a lógica das redes e o governo eletrônico. Esses eixos permitiram a construção de um quadro final de interpretações que demonstra a presença de atributos patrimonialistas, burocráticos e gerenciais na administração pública brasileira, e também atributos do que se chama de administração pública em rede, principal achado da pesquisa, o que explica a sua configuração múltipla.
Nowadays, the development of intelligent agents intends to be more refined, using improved architectures and reasoning mechanisms. Revise the beliefs of an agent is also an important subject, due to the consistency that agents should have about their knowledge. In this work we propose deliberative and argumentative agents using Lego Mindstorms robots, Argumentative NXT BDI-like Agents. These agents are built using the notions of the BDI model and they are capable to reason using the DeLP formalism. They update their knowledge base with their perceptions and revise it when necessary. Two variations are presented: the Single Argumentative NXT BDI-like Agent and the MAS Argumentative NXT BDI-like Agent.
MAIDL, André Murbach; CARVILHE, Claudio; MUSICANTE, Martin A. Maude Object-Oriented Action Tool. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. [S.l:s.n], 2008.
The aim of the present study is to reevaluate the logical thought of the English mathematician George Boole (1815 - 1864). Thus, our research centers on the mathematical analysis of logic in the context of the history of mathematics. In order to do so, we present various biographical considerations about Boole in the light of events that happened in the 19th century and their consequences for mathematical production. We briefly describe Boole's innovations in the areas of differential equations and invariant theory and undertake an analysis of Boole's logic, especially as formulated in the book The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, comparing it not only with the traditional Aristotelian logic, but also with modern symbolic logic. We conclude that Boole, as he intended, expanded logic both in terms of its content and also in terms of its methods and formal elaboration. We further conclude that his purpose was the mathematical modeling of deductive reasoning, which led him to present an innovative formalism for logic and, because the different ways it can be interpreted, a new conception of mathematics
Due of industrial informatics several attempts have been done to develop notations and semantics, which are used for classifying and describing different kind of system behavior, particularly in the modeling phase. Such attempts provide the infrastructure to resolve some real problems of engineering and construct practical systems that aim at, mainly, to increase the productivity, quality, and security of the process. Despite the many studies that have attempted to develop friendly methods for industrial controller programming, they are still programmed by conventional trial-and-error methods and, in practice, there is little written documentation on these systems. The ideal solution would be to use a computational environment that allows industrial engineers to implement the system using high-level language and that follows international standards. Accordingly, this work proposes a methodology for plant and control modelling of the discrete event systems that include sequential, parallel and timed operations, using a formalism based on Statecharts, denominated Basic Statechart (BSC). The methodology also permits automatic procedures to validate and implement these systems. To validate our methodology, we presented two case studies with typical examples of the manufacturing sector. The first example shows a sequential control for a tagged machine, which is used to illustrated dependences between the devices of the plant. In the second example, we discuss more than one strategy for controlling a manufacturing cell. The model with no control has 72 states (distinct configurations) and, the model with sequential control generated 20 different states, but they only act in 8 distinct configurations. The model with parallel control generated 210 different states, but these 210 configurations act only in 26 distinct configurations, therefore, one strategy control less restrictive than previous. Lastly, we presented one example for highlight the modular characteristic of our methodology, which it is very important to maintenance of applications. In this example, the sensors for identifying pieces in the plant were removed. So, changes in the control model are needed to transmit the information of the input buffer sensor to the others positions of the cell
Ensuring the dependability requirements is essential for the industrial applications since faults may cause failures whose consequences result in economic losses, environmental damage or hurting people. Therefore, faced from the relevance of topic, this thesis proposes a methodology for the dependability evaluation of industrial wireless networks (WirelessHART, ISA100.11a, WIA-PA) on early design phase. However, the proposal can be easily adapted to maintenance and expansion stages of network. The proposal uses graph theory and fault tree formalism to create automatically an analytical model from a given wireless industrial network topology, where the dependability can be evaluated. The evaluation metrics supported are the reliability, availability, MTTF (mean time to failure), importance measures of devices, redundancy aspects and common cause failures. It must be emphasized that the proposal is independent of any tool to evaluate quantitatively the target metrics. However, due to validation issues it was used a tool widely accepted on academy for this purpose (SHARPE). In addition, an algorithm to generate the minimal cut sets, originally applied on graph theory, was adapted to fault tree formalism to guarantee the scalability of methodology in wireless industrial network environments (< 100 devices). Finally, the proposed methodology was validate from typical scenarios found in industrial environments, as star, line, cluster and mesh topologies. It was also evaluated scenarios with common cause failures and best practices to guide the design of an industrial wireless network. For guarantee scalability requirements, it was analyzed the performance of methodology in different scenarios where the results shown the applicability of proposal for networks typically found in industrial environments
Metamaterials have attracted a great attention in recent years mostly due to their electromagnetic properties not found in nature. Since metamaterials began to be synthesized by the insertion of artificially manufactured inclusions in a medium specified host , it provides the researcher a broad collection of independent parameters such as the electromagnetic properties of the material host. In this work was presents an investigation of the unique properties of Split Ring Resonators and compounds metamaterials was performed. We presents a theoretical and numerical analysis , using the full-wave formalism by applying the Transverse Transmission Line - LTT method for the radiation characteristics of a rectangular microstrip antenna using metamaterial substrate, as is successfully demonstrated the practical use of these structures in antennas. We experimentally confirmed that composite metamaterial can improved the performance of the structures considered in this thesis
It is still common among contemporary educational proposals an overemphasis abstraction, to the formalism and symbolism of mathematical knowledge at the expense of the sociocultural aspects of Mathematics. Coming up by questioning some academic mathematical tenets and valuing knowledge developed in different sociocultural contexts within Mathematical Education, the Ethnomatematics is consolidating itself as a research field. Despite its contributions to the educational context, because its philosophical character and the paucity of debates about the subject, the implementation of educational proposals for basic education are scarce. Given this situation, this dissertation comes up with a view to develop an educational intervention in the light of Ethnomathematics in a class of 6th grade of an elementary school from a red ceramic industries workers community, located in a countryside from Russas-CE and from this intervention, to develop a set of pedagogical recommendations aiming basic education teachers. Adopting a perspective of qualitative research, particularly guided by action research, this study used observation, field diary, interviews and activities with students as tools for data collection. It was found that the use of field research as part of teaching and learning favored the placement of students as critical subjects of their own reality . Furthermore, the educational experience culminated in the development of a method of teaching based on a relationship between protocooperational Ethnomatematics and the Resolution of Problems. It is necessary to broaden the debate about the ways in which the Ethnomatematics can contribute to the school context, bringing proposals closer to the reality of basic education teachers in order to help the promotion of an education which values cultural diversity without taking away the students from the access of the academic knowledge
This work has the general proposal of studying the composition of the trevisanian fictional universe, the aesthetic expression engineered to formulate this universe, and last, the representations of reality that emanates from this aesthetic-narrative construction. It seemed to us, however, that it would be impossible to cover, even superficially, so vast and voluminous set of texts as the trevisanian. Therefore, so that we could accomplish this task, and still do it in a way that was, at the same time, plausible and thorough, it was necessary an objective cut within that library. Then we selected a book, representative of the whole trevisanian work, which served as the object of study: Cemitério de Elefantes, 1964, one of the first books of short stories by this author. Within this one, we focused even more our sight, then moving towards what we call a reality forked in paralytic world and world in violence . Supported by the theories and methodologies of Auerbach (2011), Candido (2002, 2006), Adorno (2003), Gennete (1995), Friedman (2002), and still moved by the spirit of Russian Formalism (1973), we built our criticism. Our approach was based then in three steps: first we are dedicated to comment the general context of the trevisanian work, supported strongly by reading two of the biggest critics of his literature, Miguel Sanches Neto and Berta Waldman, secondly, we turn us to comment on the detailed formal construction of language and narrative elements of the trevisanian prose; finally we raised our criticism to the level of reading representations of reality, and then we started to comment the construction of the trevisanian fictional universe, focusing in splitting this universe in paralytic world and world in violence
Made from the bases of metaphysics, this dissertation is related do Kant‟s moral philosophy. But the itinerary to reach the main speculation used to develop this current understanding of Kant‟s thoughts, it is nothing but an attempt to make the formal rigor more flexible, which has always been associated to Kantian ethics‟ perspectives. From the awareness of what this formalism could be, while a moral arrangement, it is how we will be able to come upon a teleological Kant. That is the fundamental element to comprehend some of the significant aspects in that ethical system, which necessarily comes through the effort to demonstrate the proximity between reason and sensibility, as well as nature and liberty. In this environment, the journey to achieve the autonomy, as the bedrock of liberty and morality, evokes the support of education in Kantian patterns, which enables a course of improvement of the human being, as an individual e, more significantly, as specie. This evolution progress, which tents to reveal the destiny of the humanity, is evolved in the relationship between necessity and finality, as a condition to make the structure of a project to humanity possible. We should mention that it is a rational, an educational and a moral project to be developed in the course of history. As a consequence, the amount of all these elements permits the development of the man‟s natural disposition as a creature that looks for self knowledge , becoming, afterward, dignified to be qualified as a human being. Finally, this study intent to figure out the necessity of the human being inclusion to nature, which happens throughout the acquirement of the individuals‟ conscience