807 resultados para Free-living protozoa. Hydric transmission diseases. Science education. Misconceptions
In this study, we enlarged our previous investigation focusing on the biodiversity of chlamydiae and amoebae in a drinking water treatment plant, by the inclusion of two additional plants and by searching also for the presence of legionellae and mycobacteria. Autochthonous amoebae were recovered onto non-nutritive agar, identified by 18S rRNA gene sequencing, and screened for the presence of bacterial endosymbionts. Bacteria were also searched for by Acanthamoeba co-culture. From a total of 125 samples, we recovered 38 amoebae, among which six harboured endosymbionts (three chlamydiae and three legionellae). In addition, we recovered by amoebal co-culture 11 chlamydiae, 36 legionellae (no L. pneumophila), and 24 mycobacteria (all rapid-growers). Two plants presented a similar percentage of samples positive for chlamydiae (11%), mycobacteria (20%) and amoebae (27%), whereas in the third plant the number of recovered bacteria was almost twice higher. Each plant exhibited a relatively high specific microbiota. Amoebae were mainly represented by various Naegleria species, Acanthamoeba species and Hartmannella vermiformis. Parachlamydiaceae were the most abundant chlamydiae (8 strains in total), and in this study we recovered a new genus-level strain, along with new chlamydiae previously reported. Similarly, about 66% of the recovered legionellae and 47% of the isolated mycobacteria could represent new species. Our work highlighted a high species diversity among legionellae and mycobacteria, dominated by putative new species, and it confirmed the presence of chlamydiae in these artificial water systems.
The measurement of fat balance (fat input minus fat output) involves the accurate estimation of both metabolizable fat intake and total fat oxidation. This is possible mostly under laboratory conditions and not yet in free-living conditions. In the latter situation, net fat retention/mobilization can be estimated based on precise and accurate sequential body composition measurements. In case of positive balance, lipids stored in adipose tissue can originate from dietary (exogenous) lipids or from nonlipid precursors, mainly from carbohydrates (CHOs) but also from ethanol, through a process known as de novo lipogenesis (DNL). Basic equations are provided in this review to facilitate the interpretation of the different subcomponents of fat balance (endogenous vs exogenous) under different nutritional circumstances. One difficulty is methodological: total DNL is difficult to measure quantitatively in man; for example, indirect calorimetry only tracks net DNL, not total DNL. Although the numerous factors (mostly exogenous) influencing DNL have been studied, in particular the effect of CHO overfeeding, there is little information on the rate of DNL in habitual conditions of life, that is, large day-to-day fluctuations of CHO intakes, different types of CHO ingested with different glycemic indexes, alcohol combined with excess CHO intakes, etc. Three issues, which are still controversial today, will be addressed: (1) Is the increase of fat mass induced by CHO overfeeding explained by DNL only, or by decreased endogenous fat oxidation, or both? (2) Is DNL different in overweight and obese individuals as compared to their lean counterparts? (3) Does DNL occur both in the liver and in adipose tissue? Recent studies have demonstrated that acute CHO overfeeding influences adipose tissue lipogenic gene expression and that CHO may stimulate DNL in skeletal muscles, at least in vitro. The role of DNL and its importance in health and disease remain to be further clarified, in particular the putative effect of DNL on the control of energy intake and energy expenditure, as well as the occurrence of DNL in other tissues (such as in myocytes) in addition to hepatocytes and adipocytes.
The objective of this work was to assess the effects of conventional tillage and of different direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems (DMC) on soil nematofauna characteristics. The long-term field experiment was carried out in the highlands of Madagascar on an andic Dystrustept soil. Soil samples were taken once a year during three successive years (14 to 16 years after installation of the treatments) from a 0-5-cm soil layer of a conventional tillage system and of three kinds of DMC: direct seeding on mulch from rotation soybean-maize residues; direct seeding of maize-maize rotation on living mulch of silverleaf (Desmodium uncinatum); direct seeding of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)-soybean rotation on living mulch of kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum). The samples were compared with samples from natural fallows. The soil nematofauna, characterized by the abundance of different trophic groups and indices (MI, maturity index; EI and SI, enrichment and structure indices), allowed the discrimination of the different cropping systems. The different DMC treatments had a more complex soil food web than the tillage treatment: SI and MI were significantly greater in DMC systems. Moreover, DMC with dead mulch had a lower density of free-living nematodes than DMC with living mulch, which suggested a lower microbial activity.
Status signals function in a number of species to communicate competitive ability to conspecific rivals during competition for resources. In the paper wasp Polistes dominulus, variable black clypeal patterns are thought to be important in mediating competition among females. Results of previous behavioral experiments in the lab indicate that P dominulus clypeal patterns provide information about an individual's competitive ability to rivals during agonistic interactions. To date, however, there has been no detailed examination of the adaptive value of clypeal patterns in the wild. To address this, we looked for correlations between clypeal patterning and various fitness measures, including reproductive success, hierarchical rank, and survival, in a large, free-living population of P. dominulus in southern Spain. Reproductive success over the nesting season was not correlated with clypeal patterning. Furthermore, there was no relationship between a female's clypeal patterning and the rank she achieved within the hierarchy or her survival during nest founding. Overall, we found no evidence that P dominulus clypeal patterns are related to competitive ability or other aspects of quality in our population. This result is consistent with geographical variation in the adaptive value of clypeal patterns between P. dominulus populations; however, data on the relationship between patterning and fitness from other populations are required to test this hypothesis.
Despite using modern microbiological diagnostic approaches, the aetiological agents of pneumonia remain unidentified in about 50% of cases. Some bacteria that grow poorly or not at all in axenic media used in routine clinical bacteriology laboratory but which can develop inside amoebae may be the agents of these lower respiratory tract infections (RTIs) of unexplained aetiology. Such amoebae-resisting bacteria, which coevolved with amoebae to resist their microbicidal machinery, may have developed virulence traits that help them survive within human macrophages, i.e. the first line of innate immune defence in the lung. We review here the current evidence for the emerging pathogenic role of various amoebae-resisting microorganisms as agents of RTIs in humans. Specifically, we discuss the emerging pathogenic roles of Legionella-like amoebal pathogens, novel Chlamydiae (Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, Simkania negevensis), waterborne mycobacteria and Bradyrhizobiaceae (Bosea and Afipia spp.).
Objective information for the groups exposed to the disease and the public in general is the only step that is currently possible in the prevention of AIDS. A certain number of information and support actions have been developed as a consequence of the appearance of AIDS in Switzerland. The AIDS information hot-line at the CHUV is one of these actions with the aim of orienting the information according to demand and examining the utility of this means, we made a prospective evaluation of the calls (between 23 October 1985-inception of the line and 31 March 1986). Out of a total of 535 calls, 317 requests for appointments (tests, consultation) or written documentation, and 218 (41%) were transferred to the doctor; 39% of the calls came from people who were directly concerned (ill, with a positive test, exposed groups), 11% from health professionals, and 47% from the general public. 56% of the calls were concerned with transmission of the disease (sexual, blood, indirect), 22% with the meaning of the detection test, 22% referred to the symptoms of the disease. According to the doctor's estimate, although the standard of knowledge is satisfactory in 55% of the cases, a considerable number of false ideas, that generate irrational fear, still persist. This hot-line thus provides a sympathetic ear and individual support, particularly for the exposed groups, rather than information about the disease. The existence of this action, therefore, appears justified, but must be integrated into a global strategy of information promotion.
Tämä kandidaatintyö tutkii tietotekniikan perusopetuksessa keskeisen aiheen,ohjelmoinnin, alkeisopetusta ja siihen liittyviä ongelmia. Työssä perehdytään ohjelmoinnin perusopetusmenetelmiin ja opetuksen lähestymistapoihin, sekä ratkaisuihin, joilla opetusta voidaan tehostaa. Näitä ratkaisuja työssä ovat mm. ohjelmointikielen valinta, käytettävän kehitysympäristön löytäminen sekä kurssia tukevien opetusapuvälineiden etsiminen. Lisäksi kurssin läpivientiin liittyvien toimintojen, kuten harjoitusten ja mahdollisten viikkotehtävien valinta kuuluu osaksitätä työtä. Työ itsessään lähestyy aihetta tutkimalla Pythonin soveltuvuutta ohjelmoinnin alkeisopetukseen mm. vertailemalla sitä muihin olemassa oleviin yleisiin opetuskieliin, kuten C, C++ tai Java. Se tarkastelee kielen hyviä ja huonoja puolia, sekä tutkii, voidaanko Pythonia hyödyntää luontevasti pääasiallisena opetuskielenä. Lisäksi työ perehtyy siihen, mitä kaikkea kurssilla tulisi opettaa, sekä siihen, kuinka kurssin läpivienti olisi tehokkainta toteuttaa ja minkälaiset tekniset puitteet kurssin toteuttamista varten olisi järkevää valita.
A Fundamentals of Computing Theory course involves different topics that are core to the Computer Science curricula and whose level of abstraction makes them difficult both to teach and to learn. Such difficulty stems from the complexity of the abstract notions involved and the required mathematical background. Surveys conducted among our students showed that many of them were applying some theoretical concepts mechanically rather than developing significant learning. This paper shows a number of didactic strategies that we introduced in the Fundamentals of Computing Theory curricula to cope with the above problem. The proposed strategies were based on a stronger use of technology and a constructivist approach. The final goal was to promote more significant learning of the course topics.
El cáncer colorrectal (CCR) es una de las neoplasias más frecuentes en nuestro medio. En la actualidad, constituye la segunda neoplasia tanto en varones como en mujeres, tras el cáncer de pulmón y de mama, respectivamente. Cuando se consideran ambos sexos conjuntamente, ocupa el primer lugar en incidencia y representa la segunda causa de muerte por cáncer. En los últimos años hemos asistido a un avance muy significativo en el conocimiento de los mecanismos que participan en el desarrollo y progresión del CCR. Este avance abarca desde la identificación de diversos factores genéticos o moleculares implicados en la fisiopatología de esta neoplasia, hasta la caracterización de múltiples aspectos epidemiológicos involucrados en su génesis. En concreto, la demostración del potencial premaligno del adenoma colorrectal y la identificación de los genes responsables de las formas hereditarias de CCR han dado pie a diversas estrategias preventivas que pueden contribuir significativamente a disminuir la incidencia y la morbimortalidad por CCR.
En aquest treball es presenta la recerca en docència que desenvolupen els autors, ique fa referència a l"ús de la redacció col·laborativa de documents i treballscooperatius en docència. Aquesta recerca es dedica principalment a l"anàlisi de l"ús de metodologies TIC, com és el wiki, per tal d"avaluar-ne els seus avantatges i inconvenients respecte als mètodes tradicionals de treball col·laboratiu. Entre d"altres aspectes, ens interessen la mesura de l"esforç en temps de dedicació de l"alumnat i també del professorat, i la possibilitat de fer una avaluació de cada alumne que inclogui la seva contribució individual al treball de grup. L"estudi s"està fent en diverses assignatures dels ensenyaments de Biologia, Ciències Ambientals i Infermeria. Es presenten algunes dades sobre els resultats obtinguts en aspectes com ara les dificultats tècniques, qüestions organitzatives i grau de satisfacció dels alumnes. S"aporten algunes dades preliminars sobre la valoració diferent de cada alumne segons el mètode.
Planarians are a group of free-living platyhelminths (triclads) best-known largely due to long-standing regeneration and pattern formation research. However, the group"s diversity and evolutionary history has been mostly overlooked. A few taxonomists have focused on certain groups, resulting in the description of many species and the establishment of higher-level groups within the Tricladida. However, the scarcity of morphological features precludes inference of phylogenetic relationships among these taxa. The incorporation of molecular markers to study their diversity and phylogenetic relationships has facilitated disentangling many conundrums related to planarians and even allowed their use as phylogeographic model organisms. Here, we present some case examples ranging from delimiting species in an integrative style, and barcoding them, to analysing their evolutionary history on a lower scale to infer processes affecting biodiversity origin, or on a higher scale to understand the genus level or even higher relationships. In many cases, these studies have allowed proposing better classifications and resulted in taxonomical changes. We also explain shortcomings resulting in a lack of resolution or power to apply the most up-to-date data analyses. Next-generation sequencing methodologies may help improve this situation and accelerate their use as model organisms.
Most fishes produce free-living embryos that are exposed to environmental stressors immediately following fertilization, including pathogenic microorganisms. Initial immune protection of embryos involves the chorion, as a protective barrier, and maternally-allocated antimicrobial compounds. At later developmental stages, host-genetic effects influence susceptibility and tolerance, suggesting a direct interaction between embryo genes and pathogens. So far, only a few host genes could be identified that correlate with embryonic survival under pathogen stress in salmonids. Here, we utilized high-throughput RNA-sequencing in order to describe the transcriptional response of a non-model fish, the Alpine whitefish Coregonus palaea, to infection, both in terms of host genes that are likely manipulated by the pathogen, and those involved in an early putative immune response. Embryos were produced in vitro, raised individually, and exposed at the late-eyed stage to a virulent strain of the opportunistic fish pathogen Pseudomonas fluorescens. The pseudomonad increased embryonic mortality and affected gene expression substantially. For example, essential, upregulated metabolic pathways in embryos under pathogen stress included ion binding pathways, aminoacyl-tRNA-biosynthesis, and the production of arginine and proline, most probably mediated by the pathogen for its proliferation. Most prominently downregulated transcripts comprised the biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids, the citrate cycle, and various isoforms of b-cell transcription factors. These factors have been shown to play a significant role in host blood cell differentiation and renewal. With regard to specific immune functions, differentially expressed transcripts mapped to the complement cascade, MHC class I and II, TNF-alpha, and T-cell differentiation proteins. The results of this study reveal insights into how P. fluorescens impairs the development of whitefish embryos and set a foundation for future studies investigating host pathogen interactions in fish embryos.
Parachlamydia acanthamoebae is an obligate intracellular bacterium naturally infecting free-living amoebae. The role of this bacterium as an agent of pneumonia is suggested by sero-epidemiological studies and molecular surveys. Furthermore, P. acanthamoebae may escape macrophages microbicidal effectors. Recently, we demonstrated that intratracheal inoculation of P. acanthamoebae induced pneumonia in 100% of infected mice. However, the intratracheal route of infection is not the natural way of infection and we therefore developed an intranasal murine model. Mice inoculated with P. acanthamoebae by intranasal inoculation lost 18% of their weight up to 8 days post-inoculation. All mice presented histological signs of pneumonia at day 2, 4, 7, and 10 post-inoculation, whereas no control mice harboured signs of pneumonia. A 5-fold increase in bacterial load was observed from day 0 to day 4 post-inoculation. Lungs of inoculated mice were positive by Parachlamydia-specific immunohistochemistry 4 days post-inoculation, and P. acanthamoebae were localized within macrophages. Thus, we demonstrated that P. acanthamoebae induce a severe pneumonia in mice. This animal model (i) further supports the role of P. acanthamoebae as an agent of pneumonia, confirming the third Koch postulate, and (ii) identified alveolar macrophages as one of the initial cells where P. acanthamoebae is localized following infection.
Parachlamydia acanthamoebae and Neochlamydia hartmanellae are Chlamydia-related bacteria naturally infecting free-living amoebae. These strict intracellular bacteria might represent emerging pathogens. Recent studies report an association with lower respiratory tract infections, especially with pneumonia where they have been identified as a potential causative agent in 1-2% of cases. In this study, we defined the antibiotic susceptibility of N. hartmanellae, two strains of P. acanthamoebae and two yet unclassified Parachlamydiaceae strains using a quantitative approach. We confirmed the results obtained earlier for P. acanthamoebae strain Bn9 in an observational study. Macrolides (MICs < 0.06-0.5 μg/ml), rifampicin (MICs 0.25-2) and doxycycline (2-4 μg/ml) were active against P. acanthamoebae strains and Neochlamydia. All strains were resistant to amoxicillin, ceftriaxone and imipenem (MIC ≥32 μg/ml). Similarly to other Chlamydia-related bacteria, all investigated Parachlamydiaceae were resistant to quinolones (MICs ≥ 16 μg/ml). Therefore, we recommend a treatment with macrolides for Parachlamydia-associated pneumonia.