695 resultados para Flyvbjerg, Bent
A faunal boundary found at the base of the Brunhes Chronozone at Sites 658 and 659 confirms previous observations from several locations in the Atlantic Ocean and may be classified as a supraregional "extinction event". Several benthic foraminifer species typical of the Pliocene disappear near the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary, thus marking the upper limit of a faunal zone (faunal unit). Improved chronological dating indicates that the disappearance of these species occurs over a period of about 100,000 yr.
Neogene calcareous sediments were recovered at 11 sites along two north-south transects in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 138. An overview of planktonic foraminifer distribution in these sediments was presented in Mayer, Pisias, Janecek, et al. (1992) based on a preliminary examination of core-catcher samples. In general, the preservation state of the foraminifers is poor throughout most of the sedimentary sequences, making this microfossil group here of much less value for biostratigraphy than other microfossil groups. Pliocene-Pleistocene planktonic foraminifers from several sites have been analyzed in great detail for their oxygen and carbon isotope composition in various high-resolution studies (Farrell et al., this volume; Mix et al., this volume; Ravello et al., this volume; Shackleton et al., this volume). Planktonic foraminiferal datums of biostratigraphic value have been identified in several of these studies. This report presents planktonic foraminiferal distribution in selected Miocene sediments.
The benthic foraminiferal populations along three traverses across the Northwest African continental margin were analyzed on the base of ca. 60 surface sediment samples. Depth ranges of 213 species were established and the main trends of vertical distribution are compared with those known from adjacent regions. Main faunal breaks occure at 100/200 m and 1000/1500 m depth of water. Some species show latitudinal distribution boundaries and the same applies to population density (standing stock), reflecting the regional distribution of nutrients supply by river discharge and upwelling processes. - High proportions of Bolivina test at the lower slope indicate extended downslope transport.
Leg 87 investigated two sites in the Nankai Trough, off southeastern Japan, and one in the Japan Trench, off northeastern Japan. Several holes at the Nankai Trough sites penetrated mostly Quaternary interbedded sandy turbidites and hemipelagic mud. Foraminifers are common only in certain turbidite sands because both sites are at or just below the carbonate compensation depth. The planktonic assemblages from these sandy layers consist of mixed cool-temperate and warm-water species, and include both solution-resistant and solution-prone species. The benthic assemblages from these same layers are composed of mixtures of shelf to abyssal species. The northward-flowing Kuroshio is important in producing the mixed planktonic faunas, whereas turbidity currents are the primary agents in mixing benthic faunas and in the rapid burial of both planktonic and benthic foraminifers, which protects them from solution. Interbedded hemipelagic muds are barren or contain sparse faunas. Hole 582B penetrated through the trench-fill deposits into hemipelagic sediments that originated in the Shikoku Basin. These muds contain a dissolution facies of solution-resistant planktonic species, partially dissolved tests, and deep bathyal benthic species. Drilling at Site 584, on the landward midslope of the Japan Trench, penetrated a section of dominantly diatomaceous mudstone. This section contains a meager Pliocene calcareous fauna in its upper third and a nearly monospecific assemblage of Martinottiella communis in the lower two-thirds. Diatom biostratigraphy indicates that this change in assemblages occurs near the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. Similar biofacies changes are observed in neighboring sections drilled during Legs 56 and 57. The change from agglutinated to calcareous faunas is probably related to a relative drop in the carbonate compensation depth at the end of the Miocene.
Benthic foraminifers were studied from lower Paleocene through upper Oligocene sections from Sites 747 and 748. The composition of the benthic foraminifer species suggests a middle to lower bathyal (600-2000 m) paleodepth during the Neogene and a probable upper abyssal (2000-3000 m) paleodepth during the Paleocene at Site 747. Site 748 is thought to have remained at middle to lower bathyal paleodepths throughout the Cenozoic. Principal component analysis distinguished four major benthic foraminifer assemblages: (1) a Paleocene Stensioina beccariiformis assemblage at Sites 747 and 748, (2) an early Eocene Nuttallides truempyi assemblage at lower bathyal Site 747, (3) an early through middle Eocene Stilostomella-Lenticulina assemblage at middle bathyal Site 748, and (4) a latest Eocene through Oligocene Cibicidoides-Astrononion pusillum assemblage at both sites. Major benthic foraminifer changes, as indicated by the principal components and first and last appearances, occurred at or close to the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, and in the late Eocene close to the middle/late Eocene boundary.
Late Cenozoic benthic foraminiferal faunas from the Caribbean Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 502 (3052 m) and East Pacific DSDP Site 503 (3572 m) were analyzed to interpret bottom-water masses and paleoceanographic changes occurring as the Isthmus of Panama emerged. Major changes during the past 7 Myr occur at 6.7-6.2, 3.4, 2.0, and 1.1 Ma in the Caribbean and 6.7-6.4, 4.0-3.2, 2.1, 1.4, and 0.7 Ma in the Pacific. Prior to 6.7 Ma, benthic foraminiferal faunas at both sites indicate the presence of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). After 6.7 Ma benthic foraminiferal faunas indicate a shift to warmer water masses: North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) in the Caribbean and Pacific Deep Water (PDW) in the Pacific. Flow of NADW may have continued across the rising sill between the Caribbean and Pacific until 5.6 Ma when the Pacific benthic foraminiferal faunas suggest a decrease in bottom-water temperatures. After 5.6 Ma deep-water to intermediate-water flow across the sill appears to have stopped as the bottom-water masses on either side of the sill diverge. The second change recorded by benthic foraminiferal faunas occurs at 3.4 Ma in the Caribbean and 4.0-3.2 Ma in the Pacific. At this time the Caribbean is flooded with cold AABW, which is either gradually warmed or is replaced by Glacial Bottom Water (GBW) at 2.0 Ma and by NADW at 1.1 Ma. These changes are related to global climatic events and to the depth of the sill between the Caribbean and Atlantic rather than the rising Isthmus of Panama. Benthic foraminiferal faunas at East Pacific Site 503 indicate a gradual change from cold PDW to warmer PDW between 4.0 and 3.2 Ma. The PDW is replaced by the warmer, poorly oxygenated PIW at 2.1 Ma. Although the PDW affects the faunas during colder intervals between 1.4 and 0.7 Ma, the PIW remains the principal bottom-water mass in the Guatemala Basin of the East Pacific.
Oligocene to Pleistocene bathyal benthic foraminifers at Broken Ridge (Site 754) and Ninetyeast Ridge (Site 756), eastern Indian Ocean, were investigated for then- stratigraphic distribution and their response to paleoceanographic changes. Q-mode factor analysis was applied to relative abundance data of the most abundant benthic foraminifers. At Site 754, seven varimax assemblages were recognized from the upper Oligocene to the Pleistocene: the Gyroidina orbicularis-Rectuvigerina striata Assemblage in the uppermost Oligocene; the Lenticulina spp. Assemblage in the upper Oligocene to lower Miocene, and in lower Miocene to lowermost middle Miocene; the Burseolina cf. pacifica-Cibicidoides mundulus Assemblage in the lower Miocene; the Planulina wuellerstorfi Assemblage in the upper middle Miocene; the Globocassidulina spp. Assemblage in the upper Miocene; the Gavelinopsis lobatulus-Uvigerina proboscidea Assemblage in the Pliocene; and the Ehrenbergina spp. Assemblage in the Pleistocene. The major faunal changes are complex, but exist between the Lenticulina spp. Assemblage and the P. wuellerstorfi Assemblage at ~13.8 Ma, and between the Ehrenbergina spp. Assemblage and the G. lobatulus Assemblage at ~5 Ma. The development of the P. wuellerstorfi and Globocassidulina spp. Assemblages after 13.8 Ma is correlated with the decrease in temperature of the intermediate waters of the ocean, in turn related to Antarctic glacial expansion. The faunal changes at ~5 Ma are related to the development of low oxygen intermediate water, formed in the presence of a strong thermocline. At Site 756, six varimax assemblages are distributed as follows: the Cibicidoides cf. mundulus-Oridorsalis umbonatus Assemblage in the lower Oligocene; the Epistominella umbonifera-Cibicidoides mundulus Assemblage from the upper Oligocene to the lower Miocene; the Cibicidoides mundulus-Burseolinapacifica Assemblage from lower Miocene to the lower middle Miocene; the Globocassidulina spp. Assemblage from the upper lower Miocene to the Pliocene; the Uvigerina proboscidea Assemblage in the upper Miocene and the Pliocene; and the Globocassidulina sp. D Assemblage in the Pliocene. The main faunal change at this site is between the E. umbonifera Assemblage and the Globocassidulina spp. Assemblage, at ~17.1 Ma. The timing of this faunal change is coeval with faunal changes in the North Atlantic and the Pacific. The change is related to a change in bottom water characteristics caused by an increased influence of carbonate corrosive water from the Antarctic source region, and a change in surface productivity. A low oxygen event at Site 756, which started at about 7.3 Ma, occurred about 2.3 m.y. before that at Site 754. The different response to global paleoceanographic changes is not yet explained, but may be due to the difference of marine topography and the degree of upwelling
During Leg 188 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), employing JOIDES Resolution, we drilled holes at three sites in the southern Indian Ocean in and near Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, between 28 January and 29 February 2000. The objectives of the voyage were to: - Core through sediments deposited when Antarctica underwent the transition from "greenhouse" to the modern "icehouse" state late in the Eocene or early in the Oligocene, at sites obtaining their sediment from the currently subglacial Gamburtsev Mountains that probably were the site of nucleation of the ice sheet (principally Site 1166); - Obtain a sediment record from times at which major changes in the ice sheet volume and characteristics took place as judged from oxygen isotope records, especially at ~23.7 Ma (Oligocene/Miocene boundary), 12-16 Ma (middle Miocene), and 2.7 Ma (late Pliocene) (mainly Site 1165); and - Sample through the upper Pliocene and Quaternary in an attempt to document fluctuations in the extent of the ice sheet over the continental shelf during the Quaternary (especially Site 1167). Paleogene foraminifer-bearing marine sections were not intersected, and thus discussion of marine sections is restricted to the Neogene. Foraminifers are not major contributors to Leg 188 chronostratigraphy but contribute to paleoenvironmental interpretation, to issues such as carbonate compensation depth (CCD) effects and source and history of sediment, and provide a basis for Sr and d18O studies. Chronostratigraphy for the various sections was compiled from diatoms, radiolarians, and paleomagnetism (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.188.101.2001). Foraminifers were sporadic rather than continuous except in short intervals; however, the Neogene foraminifers from the region are very poorly known and the new records proved to be of significant value in paleoenvironmental interpretation. Only at Site 1167 did drilling intersect a section that yielded foraminifers virtually throughout. Other than for the very young section at each site, there is virtually no continuity of assemblages between sites and thus each section is treated here as separate and unrelated.
The Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) is a key player in global-scale oceanic overturning processes and an important conduit for heat, fresh water, and carbon transport. The AAIW past variability is poorly understood mainly due to the lack of sedimentary archives at intermediate water depths. We present records of benthic stable isotopes from sediments retrieved with the seafloor drill rig MARUM-MeBo at 956 m water depth off northern Chile (GeoB15016, 27°29.48'S, 71°07.58'W) that extend back to 970 ka. The sediments at this site are presently deposited at the boundary between AAIW and Pacific Deep Water (PDW). For previous peak interglacials, our results reveal similar benthic d13C values at site GeoB15016 and of a newly generated stack of benthic d13C from various deep Pacific cores representing the "average PDW." This suggests, unlike today, the absence of AAIW at the site and the presence of nearly pure PDW. In contrast, more positive d13C values at site GeoB15016 compared to the stack imply a considerable AAIW contribution during cold phases of interglacials and especially during glacials. Besides, we used three short sediment cores to reconstruct benthic d13C values from the AAIW core during the last glacial and found a d13C signature similar to today's. Assuming that this was the case also for the past 970 kyr, we demonstrate that sea level changes and latitudinal migrations of the AAIW formation site can only account for about 50% of the full range of past d13C increases at site GeoB15016 during cold periods. Other processes that could explain the remaining of the positive d13C anomalies are increases in glacial AAIW production and/or deeper convection of the AAIW with respect to preceding interglacials.
Background: Octopods have successfully colonised the world's oceans from the tropics to the poles. Yet, successful persistence in these habitats has required adaptations of their advanced physiological apparatus to compensate impaired oxygen supply. Their oxygen transporter haemocyanin plays a major role in cold tolerance and accordingly has undergone functional modifications to sustain oxygen release at sub-zero temperatures. However, it remains unknown how molecular properties evolved to explain the observed functional adaptations. We thus aimed to assess whether natural selection affected molecular and structural properties of haemocyanin that explains temperature adaptation in octopods. Results: Analysis of 239 partial sequences of the haemocyanin functional units (FU) f and g of 28 octopod species of polar, temperate, subtropical and tropical origin revealed natural selection was acting primarily on charge properties of surface residues. Polar octopods contained haemocyanins with higher net surface charge due to decreased glutamic acid content and higher numbers of basic amino acids. Within the analysed partial sequences, positive selection was present at site 2545, positioned between the active copper binding centre and the FU g surface. At this site, methionine was the dominant amino acid in polar octopods and leucine was dominant in tropical octopods. Sites directly involved in oxygen binding or quaternary interactions were highly conserved within the analysed sequence. Conclusions: This study has provided the first insight into molecular and structural mechanisms that have enabled octopods to sustain oxygen supply from polar to tropical conditions. Our findings imply modulation of oxygen binding via charge-charge interaction at the protein surface, which stabilize quaternary interactions among functional units to reduce detrimental effects of high pH on venous oxygen release. Of the observed partial haemocyanin sequence, residue 2545 formed a close link between the FU g surface and the active centre, suggesting a role as allosteric binding site. The prevalence of methionine at this site in polar octopods, implies regulation of oxygen affinity via increased sensitivity to allosteric metal binding. High sequence conservation of sites directly involved in oxygen binding indicates that functional modifications of octopod haemocyanin rather occur via more subtle mechanisms, as observed in this study.
The long-term record of glacial/interglacial cycles indicates three major paleoceanographic regimes in the Norwegian Sea. The period since the first major glaciation over Scandinavia at 2.56 Ma is characterized by high-frequency, low-amplitude oscillations of ice-rafted debris inputs, a lowered salinity, and decreased carbonate shell production in surface waters as well as overall strong carbonate dissolution at the sea floor. These conditions indicate a more zonal circulation pattern in the Northern Hemisphere and a relative isolation of surface and bottom waters in the Norwegian Sea. The generally temperate glacial climate was only interrupted by episodic weak intrusions of warm Atlantic waters. These intrusions have been detected in considerable magnitude only at Site 644, and thus are restricted to areas much closer to the Norwegian shelf than during earlier periods. The interval from 1.2 to 0.6 Ma is characterized by an increase in carbonate shell production and a better preservation, as well as a change in frequency patterns of ice-rafted debris inputs. This pattern reflects increasing meridionality in circulation-strengthening contrasts in the Norwegian Sea between strong glaciations and warm interglacials. The past 0.6 Ma reveal high-amplitude oscillations in carbonate records that are dominated by the 100-k.y. frequency pattern. Glacial/interglacial sedimentary cycles in the ODP Leg 104 drill sites reveal a variety of specific dark lithofacies. These dark diamictons reflect intense iceberg rafting in surface waters fed by surges along the front of marine-based parts of the continental ice sheets in the southeastern sector of the Norwegian Sea and are associated with resuspension of reworked fossil organic carbon and strong dissolution at the sea floor. Piling up of huge iceberg barriers along the Iceland-Faeroe-Scotland Ridge might have partially blocked off surface water connections with the North Atlantic during these periods
The southernmost record of Maestrichtian pelagic carbonate sedimentation was recovered from ODP Leg 113 Holes 689B and 690C, drilled on the Maud Rise in the eastern Weddell Sea sector of the Southern Ocean (65°S). Well preserved and abundant planktonic foraminifers occur throughout Maestrichtian cores from both holes, providing a nearly complete biogeographic and biostratigraphic history of this region. Diversity is low compared to tropical and subtropical assemblages, with a maximum within sample diversity of 16 planktonic foraminifer species and a diversity total for the Maestrichtian of 24 species. The assemblages are dominated throughout by Heterohelix, Globigerinelloides, and a new species of Archaeoglobigerina, whereas keeled taxa are completely absent from the lower Maestrichtian and rare in the middle through upper Maestrichtian sediments. Three planktonic foraminifer species are described as new and are recognized as being endemic to the Austral Province. These include Archaeoglobigerina australis n. sp., Hedbergella sliteri n. sp., and Archaeoglobigerina mateola n. sp. The former two species were previously illustrated in reports on Late Cretaceous foraminifers from the Falkland Plateau and the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Two keeled and five non-keeled planktonic foraminifers, previously not found in high latitude Maestrichtian sediments, first appeared at the Maud Rise during the late early and late Maestrichtian. Correlation with their stratigraphic ranges in low latitude sequences shows that their first appearance datums are considerably younger at the Maud Rise than in the lower latitudes. The most likely explanation for this observation is that there was a warming in the south polar region during the late early and late Maestrichtian and a concomitant poleward migration of stenothermal taxa. However, oxygen isotopic paleotemperature results from Sites 689 and 690 (Barrera and Huber, 1990, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.113.137.1990) show a long-term cooling trend throughout the Maestrichtian, indicating that other factors may have played a more important role than temperature in the distribution of Maestrichtian planktonic foraminifers. A new biostratigraphic scheme is proposed for the Antarctic because of the absence of thermophilic planktonic foraminifers used to identify existing low to middle latitude zones. The Globigerinelloides impensus Partial Range Zone is defined for the late Campanian-Maestrichtian, the Globotruncanita havanensis Partial Range Zone is redefined for the early to late early Maestrichtian, and the Abathomphalus mayaroensis Total Range Zone is recognized. Good quality magnetic polarity data obtained from both Maud Rise sites (Hamilton, 1990, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.113.179.1990) enables magnetobiostratigraphic correlation of twelve foraminifer datums with the geomagnetic polarity time scale of Haq et al. (1987). The geochronology thus obtained is crucial for accurate cross-latitudinal correlation and interpretation of the paleoceanographic history of the Antarctic region during the Maestrichtian time period.
Sand detrital modes of Albian-Eocene clastic gravity-flow deposits cored and recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1276 reflect the postrift geologic evolution of the Newfoundland passive continental margin. Cretaceous sandstone compositions (average: Q57F23L20; Ls%Lsc = 35; total%bioclasts = 3) are consistent with a source on Grand Banks such as Avalon Uplift. Their relatively low potassium feldspar (Qm71K8P21) contents distinguish them from Iberian sandstones and appear to preclude an easterly source during the early history of the ocean basin. Isolated volcaniclastic input near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (~60 Ma) at Site 1276 is also present in Iberian samples of this age, suggesting that magmatism was widespread across the North Atlantic during this time frame; the source(s) of this volcanic debris remains equivocal. In the Eocene, the development of carbonate bank facies on the shelf marks a profound compositional change to calcareous grainstones (average: Q27F11L62; Ls%Lsc = 82; total%bioclasts = 55) in basinal gravity-flow deposits at Site 1276. This calcareous petrofacies is present on the Iberian margin and in the Pyrenees, suggesting that it was a regional event. The production and downslope redistribution of carbonate debris, including bioclastic and lithic fragments, was likely eustatically controlled. The Newfoundland (Site 1276 and Jeanne d'Arc Basin) sandstones are mainly quartzolithic. Their composition and the contrast in composition between them and more quartzofeldspathic sandstones from the Iberian margin are likely a product of rifting along a Paleozoic suture zone separating distinct basement terranes. This prerift geologic setting contrasts with that of rifts developed within other cratonic settings with variable amounts of synrift volcanism. When synthesized, the spectrum of synrift and postrift sand compositions produces a general model of passive margin (rift-to-drift) sandstone provenance.
This study presents a new Miocene biostratigraphic synthesis for the high-latitude northeastern North Atlantic region. Via correlations to the bio-magnetostratigraphy and oxygen isotope records of Ocean Drilling Program and Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites, the ages of shallower North Sea deposits have been better constrained. The result has been an improved precision and documentation of the age designations of the existing North Sea foraminiferal zonal boundaries of King (1989) and Gradstein and Bäckström (1996). All calibrations have been updated to the Astronomically Tuned Neogene Time Scale (ATNTS) of Lourens et al. (2004). This improved Miocene biozonation has been achieved through: the updating of age calibrations for key microfossil bioevents, identification of new events, and integration of new biostratigraphic data from a foraminiferal analysis of commercial wells in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea. The new zonation has been successfully applied to two commercial wells and an onshore research borehole. At these high latitudes, where standard zonal markers are often absent, integration of microfossil groups significantly improves temporal resolution. The new zonation comprises 11 Nordic Miocene (NM) Zones with an average duration of 1 to 2 million years. This multi-group combination of a total of 92 bioevents (70 foraminifers and bolboformids; 16 dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs; 6 marine diatoms) facilitates zonal identification throughout the Nordic Atlantic region. With the highest proportion of events being of calcareous walled microfossils, this zonation is primarily suited to micropaleontologists. A correlation of this Miocene biostratigraphy with a re-calibrated oxygen isotope record for DSDP Site 608 suggests a strong correlation between Miocene planktonic microfossil turnover rates and the inferred paleoclimatic trends. Benthic foraminifera zonal boundaries appear to often coincide with Miocene global sequence boundaries. The biostratigraphic record is punctuated by four main stratigraphic hiati which show variation in their geographic and temporal extent. These are related to the following regional unconformities: basal Neogene, Lower/Middle Miocene ("mid-Miocene unconformity"), basal Upper Miocene and basal Messinian unconformities. Further coring of Neogene sections in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea may better constrain their extent and their effect on the biostratigraphic record.