Hefen der Gattung Saccharomyces und Milchsäurebakterien sind bei der Weinbereitung von besonderer Bedeutung. Neben der alkoholischen Gärung sind Hefen an der Ausbildung von Aromastoffen beteiligt. Milchsäurebakterien spielen eine Rolle beim biologischen Säureabbau (malolaktische Fermentation), können jedoch aufgrund ihrer Stoffwechseleigenschaft weitere Aromamodifikationen bewirken. Die Zusammensetzung der mikrobiellen Flora zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten der Weinbereitung hat einen direkten Einfluss auf die Qualität der Weine, welche sich sowohl positiv als auch negativ verändern kann. Daher ist die zuverlässige Identifizierung und Differenzierung verschiedener Mikroorganismen auf Art- aber auch Stamm-Ebene während der Vinifikation von Bedeutung.rnDer erste Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigte sich mit der Differenzierung von Hefearten der Gattung Saccharomyces, welche mit Hilfe konventioneller Methoden nicht eindeutig identifiziert werden können. Unter Verwendung des DNA-Fingerprintverfahrens Specifically Amplified Polymorphic DNA (SAPD)-PCR sowie der Matrix-Assisted-Laser-Desorption/Ionization-Time-Of-Flight-Mass-Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) war eine Differenzierung dieser taxonomisch sehr nah verwandten Arten möglich. Weiterhin konnten interspezifische Hybridstämme detektiert werden. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde der Hybridcharakter des Stammes NCYC 3739 (S. cerevisiae x kudriavzevii) entdeckt. Um die Elternspezies eines Hybridstamms zuverlässig zu bestimmen, sind weiterführende Genanalysen notwendig. Hierzu konnte eine Restriktionsfragmentlängenpolymorphismus (RFLP)-Analyse verschiedener genetischer Marker erfolgreich herangezogen werden.rnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde weiterhin ein Schnellidentifizierungssystem zum Nachweis weinrelevanter Milchsäurebakterien entwickelt. Mit Hilfe der Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR)-Technik konnten artspezifische Primer generiert werden, welche auf der Grundlage charakteristischer Fragmente der SAPD-PCR abgeleitet wurden. Durch die Anwendung dieser Primer in einer Multiplex-PCR-Reaktion war die Detektion verschiedener, einerseits häufig in Wein vorkommender und andererseits potentiell an der Ausbildung von Weinfehlern beteiligter Milchsäurebakterien-Arten möglich. Die ermittelte Nachweisgrenze dieser Methode lag mit 10^4 - 10^5 Zellen/ml im Bereich der Zelltiter, die in Most und Wein anzutreffen sind. Anhand der Untersuchung verschiedener Weinproben von Winzern in Rheinhessen wurde die Praxistauglichkeit dieser Methode demonstriert. rnUm die gesamten Milchsäurebakterien-Population im Verlauf der Weinbereitung zu kontrollieren, kann die Denaturierende Gradienten-Gelelektrophorese herangezogen werden. Hierzu wurden in dieser Arbeit Primer zur Amplifikation eines Teilbereichs des rpoB-Gens abgeleitet, da dieses Gen eine Alternative zur 16S rDNA darstellt. Die DNA-Region erwies sich als geeignet, um zahlreiche weinrelevante Milchsäurebakterien-Arten zu differenzieren. In einigen ersten Versuchen konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese Methode für eine praktische Anwendung in Frage kommt.rnOenococcus oeni ist das wichtigste Milchsäurebakterien während der malolaktischen Fermentation und wird häufig in Form kommerzieller Starterkulturen eingesetzt. Da verschiedene Stämme unterschiedliche Eigenschaften aufweisen können, ist es von Bedeutung, die Identität eines bestimmten Stammes zweifelsfrei feststellen zu können. Anhand der Analyse verschiedener O. oeni-Stämme aus unterschiedlichen Weinbaugebieten konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl die nested SAPD-PCR als auch die MALDI-TOF-MS genügend Sensitivität aufweisen, um eine Unterscheidung auf Stamm-Ebene zu ermöglichen, wobei die mittels nSAPD-PCR ermittelten Distanzen der Stämme zueinander mit deren geographischer Herkunft korrelierte.rnDie in der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelten Methoden können dazu beitragen, den Prozess der Weinherstellung besser zu kontrollieren und so eine hohe Qualität des Endproduktes zu gewährleisten.rn
When salmonid fish that have been raised in hatcheries spawn in the wild, they often produce fewer surviving adult offspring than wild fish. Recent data from steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Hood River (Oregon, USA) show that even one or two generations of hatchery culture can result in dramatic declines in fitness. Although intense domestication selection could cause such declines, it is worth considering alternative explanations. One possibility is heritable epigenetic changes induced by the hatchery environment. Here, we show, using methylation-sensitive amplified fragment length polymorphism, that hatchery and wild adult steelhead from the Hood River do not appear to differ substantially in overall levels of genomic methylation. Thus, although altered methylation of specific DNA sites or other epigenetic processes could still be important, the hatchery environment does not appear to cause a global hypo- or hypermethylation of the genome or create a large number of sites that are differentially methylated.
The three-spined stickleback is a widespread Holarctic species complex that radiated from the sea into freshwaters after the retreat of the Pleistocene ice sheets. In Switzerland, sticklebacks were absent with the exception of the far northwest, but different introduced populations have expanded to occupy a wide range of habitats since the late 19th century. A well-studied adaptive phenotypic trait in sticklebacks is the number of lateral plates. With few exceptions, freshwater and marine populations in Europe are fixed for either the low plated phenotype or the fully plated phenotype, respectively. Switzerland, in contrast, harbours in close proximity the full range of phenotypic variation known from across the continent. We addressed the phylogeographic origins of Swiss sticklebacks using mitochondrial partial cytochrome b and control region sequences. We found only five different haplotypes but these originated from three distinct European regions, fixed for different plate phenotypes. These lineages occur largely in isolation at opposite ends of Switzerland, but co-occur in a large central part. Across the country, we found a strong correlation between a microsatellite linked to the high plate ectodysplasin allele and the mitochondrial haplotype from a region where the fully plated phenotype is fixed. Phylogenomic and population genomic analysis of 481 polymorphic amplified fragment length polymorphism loci indicate genetic admixture in the central part of the country. The same part of the country also carries elevated within-population phenotypic variation. We conclude that during the recent invasive range expansion of sticklebacks in Switzerland, adaptive and neutral between-population genetic variation was converted into within-population variation, raising the possibility that hybridization between colonizing lineages contributed to the ecological success of sticklebacks in Switzerland.
Adaptive radiation is usually thought to be associated with speciation, but the evolution of intraspecific polymorphisms without speciation is also possible. The radiation of cichlid fish in Lake Victoria (LV) is perhaps the most impressive example of a recent rapid adaptive radiation, with 600+ very young species. Key questions about its origin remain poorly characterized, such as the importance of speciation versus polymorphism, whether species persist on evolutionary time scales, and if speciation happens more commonly in small isolated or in large connected populations. We used 320 individuals from 105 putative species from Lakes Victoria, Edward, Kivu, Albert, Nabugabo and Saka, in a radiation-wide amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genome scan to address some of these questions. We demonstrate pervasive signatures of speciation supporting the classical model of adaptive radiation associated with speciation. A positive relationship between the age of lakes and the average genomic differentiation of their species, and a significant fraction of molecular variance explained by above-species level taxonomy suggest the persistence of species on evolutionary time scales, with radiation through sequential speciation rather than a single starburst. Finally the large gene diversity retained from colonization to individual species in every radiation suggests large effective population sizes and makes speciation in small geographical isolates unlikely.
The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii infects almost all warm blooded animal species including humans, and is one of the most prevalent zoonotic parasites worldwide. Post-natal infection in humans is acquired through oral uptake of sporulated T. gondii oocysts or by ingestion of parasite tissue cysts upon consumption of raw or undercooked meat. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of oocyst-shedding by cats and to assess the level of infection with T. gondii in meat-producing animals in Switzerland via detection of genomic DNA (gDNA) in muscle samples. In total, 252 cats (44 stray cats, 171 pet cats, 37 cats with gastrointestinal disorders) were analysed coproscopically, and subsequently species-specific identification of T. gondii oocysts was achieved by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Furthermore, diaphragm samples of 270 domestic pigs (120 adults, 50 finishing, and 100 free-range animals), 150 wild boar, 250 sheep (150 adults and 100 lambs) and 406 cattle (47 calves, 129 heifers, 100 bulls, and 130 adult cows) were investigated by T. gondii-specific real-time PCR. For the first time in Switzerland, PCR-positive samples were subsequently genotyped using nine PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) loci (SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1 and Apico) for analysis. Only one of the cats shed T. gondii oocysts, corresponding to a T. gondii prevalence of 0.4% (95% CI: 0.0-2.2%). In meat-producing animals, gDNA prevalence was lowest in wild boar (0.7%; 95% CI: 0.0-3.7%), followed by sheep (2.0%; 95% CI: 0.1-4.6%) and pigs (2.2%; 95% CI: 0.8-4.8%). The highest prevalence was found in cattle (4.7%; 95% CI: 2.8-7.2%), mainly due to the high prevalence of 29.8% in young calves. With regard to housing conditions, conventional fattening pigs and free-range pigs surprisingly exhibited the same prevalence (2.0%; 95% CI: 0.2-7.0%). Genotyping of oocysts shed by the cat showed T. gondii with clonal Type II alleles and the Apico I allele. T. gondii with clonal Type II alleles were also predominantly observed in sheep, while T. gondii with mixed or atypical allele combinations were very rare in sheep. In pigs and cattle however, genotyping of T. gondii was often incomplete. These findings suggested that cattle in Switzerland might be infected with Toxoplasma of the clonal Types I or III, atypical T. gondii or more than one clonal Type.
A 10-year-old male, neutered domestic shorthair cat was presented with fever, anorexia, vomiting, and diarrhea. Serologic testing for Feline immunodeficiency virus and Feline leukemia virus were negative. Fine-needle aspirates of mesenteric lymph nodes revealed the presence of banana-shaped apicomplexan parasites. The cat died after 4 days of hospitalization. Postmortem polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis confirmed the presence of Toxoplasma gondii in all examined organs. Parasites were ex vivo isolated in outbred mice and subsequently transferred into cell culture. Genotyping, using genetic markers for SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, and Apico for PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism, revealed infection with type II T. gondii displaying type II alleles at all loci except Apico, which exhibited a type I allele. This is the most frequently identified genotype among cats acting as definitive hosts in central Europe, but to the authors' knowledge, it has never been associated with systemic toxoplasmosis in an adult, immunocompetent cat.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the phenotypic and genotypic resistance profiles of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) and to examine the clonal distribution in Europe and North America. METHODS: A total of 103 MRSP isolates from dogs isolated from several countries in Europe, the USA and Canada were characterized. Isolates were identified by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by broth dilution or gradient diffusion, and antimicrobial resistance genes were detected using a microarray. Genetic diversity was assessed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST), PFGE and spa typing. Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) elements were characterized by multiplex PCR. RESULTS: Thirteen different sequence types (STs), 18 PFGE types and 8 spa types were detected. The hybrid SCCmec element II-III described in a MRSP isolate was present in 75 (72.8%) isolates. The remaining isolates either had SCCmec type III (n=2), IV (n=6), V (n=14) or VII-241 (n=4) or were non-typeable (n=2). The most common genotypes were ST71(MLST)-J(PFGE)-t02(spa)-II-III(SCCmec) (56.3%) and ST68-C-t06-V (12.6%). In addition to mecA-mediated beta-lactam resistance, isolates showed resistance to trimethoprim [dfr(G)] (90.3%), gentamicin/kanamycin [aac(6')-Ie-aph(2')-Ia] (88.3%), kanamycin [aph(3')-III] (90.3%), streptomycin [ant(6')-Ia] (90.3%), streptothricin (sat4) (90.3%), macrolides and/or lincosamides [erm(B), lnu(A)] (89.3%), fluoroquinolones (87.4%), tetracycline [tet(M) and/or tet(K)] (69.9%), chloramphenicol (cat(pC221)) (57.3%) and rifampicin (1.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Two major clonal MRSP lineages have disseminated in Europe (ST71-J-t02-II-III) and North America (ST68-C-t06-V). Regardless of their geographical or clonal origin, the isolates displayed resistance to the major classes of antibiotics used in veterinary medicine and thus infections caused by MRSP isolates represent a serious therapeutic challenge.
Chronic alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk for upper aerodigestive tract cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma. Increased acetaldehyde production via alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) has been implicated in the pathogenesis. The allele ADH1C*1 of ADH1C encodes for an enzyme with a high capacity to generate acetaldehyde. So far, the association between the ADH1C*1 allele and alcohol-related cancers among heavy drinkers is controversial. ADH1C genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism in a total of 818 patients with alcohol-associated esophageal (n=123), head and neck (n=84) and hepatocellular cancer (n=86) as well as in patients with alcoholic pancreatitis (n=117), alcoholic liver cirrhosis (n=217), combined liver cirrhosis and pancreatitis (n=17) and in alcoholics without gastrointestinal organ damage (n=174). The ADH1C*1 allele and genotype ADH1C*1/1 were significantly more frequent in patients with alcohol-related cancers than that in individuals with nonmalignant alcohol-related organ damage. Using multivariate analysis, ADH1C*1 allele frequency and rate of homozygosity were significantly associated with an increased risk for alcohol-related cancers (p<0.001 in all instances). The odds ratio for genotype ADH1C*1/1 regarding the development of esophageal, hepatocellular and head and neck cancer were 2.93 (CI, 1.84-4.67), 3.56 (CI, 1.33-9.53) and 2.2 (CI, 1.11-4.36), respectively. The data identify genotype ADH1C*1/1 as an independent risk factor for the development of alcohol-associated tumors among heavy drinkers, indicating a genetic predisposition of individuals carrying this genotype.
The genetic diversity of 115 Campylobacter coli strains, isolated from pigs of 59 geographical distant farms in Switzerland, were characterized on the basis of their DNA fingerprints and resistance to macrolides and fluoroquinolones. Sequence analysis showed that the macrolide-resistant isolates had a point mutation in the 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes (A2075G) and that the fluoroquinolone-resistant isolates had a point mutation in the gyrase gene gyrA (C257T). One fluoroquinolone-resistant strain had an additional transition mutation in the gyrB gene (A1471C). The flaA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) genotyping revealed that 57% of the isolates were genetically different. Point mutations in the 23S rRNA and gyrA genes could be found in both genetically distant and genetically related isolates. Additionally, isolates with and without point mutations were found within individual farms and on different farms. This study showed that the ciprofloxacin and erythromycin-resistant C. coli population present on the pig farms is not issued from a common ancestral clone, but individual Campylobacter strains have most likely mutated independently to acquire resistances under the selective pressure of an antibiotic.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether pharmacogenetic tests such as N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) and cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) genotyping are useful in identifying patients prone to antituberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity in a cosmopolite population. METHODS: In a prospective study we genotyped 89 patients treated with isoniazid (INH) for latent tuberculosis. INH-induced hepatitis (INH-H) or elevated liver enzymes including hepatitis (INH-ELE) was diagnosed based on the clinical diagnostic scale (CDS) designed for routine clinical practice. NAT2 genotypes were assessed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer probe after PCR analysis, and CYP2E1 genotypes were determined by PCR with restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. RESULTS: Twenty-six patients (29%) had INH-ELE, while eight (9%) presented with INH-H leading to INH treatment interruption. We report no significant influence of NAT2 polymorphism, but we did find a significant association between the CYP2E1 *1A/*1A genotype and INH-ELE (OR: 3.4; 95% CI:1.1-12; p = 0.02) and a non significant trend for INH-H (OR: 5.9; 95% CI: 0.69-270; p = 0.13) compared with other CYP2E1 genotypes. This test for predicting INH-ELE had a positive predictive value (PPV) of 39% (95% CI: 26-54%) and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 84% (95% CI: 69-94%). CONCLUSION: The genotyping of CYP2E1 polymorphisms may be a useful predictive tool in the common setting of a highly heterogeneous population for predicting isoniazid-induced hepatic toxicity. Larger prospective randomized trials are needed to confirm these results.
Because of the current controversy on the origin and clinical value of circulating KRAS codon 12 mutations in lung cancer, we screened 180 patients using a combined restriction fragment-length polymorphism and polymerase chain reaction (RFLP-PCR) assay. We detected KRAS mutations in 9% plasma samples and 0% matched lymphocytes. Plasma KRAS mutations correlated significantly with poor prognosis. We validated the positive results in a second laboratory by DNA sequencing and found matching codon 12 sequences in blood and tumor in 78% evaluable cases. These results support the notion that circulating KRAS mutations originate from tumors and are prognostically relevant in lung cancer.
In Switzerland, a national database with 1028 Campylobacter isolates from poultry, pigs, cats, dogs, cattle, humans, zoo animals and water has been created. The database contains the genetic fingerprint and background information of each Campylobacter isolate. Dominant species could be identified in the different sources with a majority of Campylobacter jejuni in poultry (73%), humans (79%), cattle (95%), zoo animals (40%) and water (100%), of Campylobacter coli in pigs (72%), and of Campylobacter upsaliensis/helveticus in cats and dogs (55%). The comparison of three genotyping methods, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), pulsed field gel electrophoresis and restriction fragment length polymorphism, revealed that AFLP allows discrimination between the different Campylobacter species and is the most appropriate method to distinguish specific strains within the same species. Genotyping analysis demonstrated that the Campylobacter population is heterogeneous among the different sources and that no dominant clone is spread in the country. Genotyping and the resulting database are useful tools to trace back future Campylobacter infections.
Chronic alcohol consumption is a major risk factor for the development of chronic pancreatitis. However, chronic pancreatitis occurs only in a minority of heavy drinkers. This variability may be due to yet unidentified genetic factors. Several enzymes involved in the degradation of reactive oxidants and xenobiotics, such as glutathione-S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) and manganese-superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) reveal functional polymorphisms that affect the antioxidative capacity and may therefore modulate the development of chronic pancreatitis and long-term complications like endocrine and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Two functional polymorphisms of the MnSOD and the GSTP1 gene were assessed by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism in 165 patients with chronic alcoholic pancreatitis, 140 alcoholics without evidence of pancreatic disease and 160 healthy control subjects. The distribution of GSTP1 and MnSOD genotypes were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the total cohort. Genotype and allele frequencies for both genes were not statistically different between the three groups. Although genotype MnSOD Ala/Val was seemingly associated with the presence of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, this subgroup was too small and the association statistically underpowered. None of the tested genotypes affected the development of endocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Polymorphisms of MnSOD and GSTP1 are not associated with chronic alcoholic pancreatitis. The present data emphasize the need for stringently designed candidate gene association studies with well-characterized cases and controls and sufficient statistical power to exclude chance observations.
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis is an economic and fast technique for molecular typing but has the drawback of difficulties in accurately sizing DNA fragments and comparing banding patterns on agarose gels. We aimed to improve RFLP for typing of the important human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae and to compare the results with the commonly used typing techniques of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and multilocus sequence typing. We designed primers to amplify a noncoding region adjacent to the pneumolysin gene. The PCR product was digested separately with six restriction endonucleases, and the DNA fragments were analyzed using an Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer for accurate sizing. The combined RFLP results for all enzymes allowed us to assign each of the 47 clinical isolates of S. pneumoniae tested to one of 33 RFLP types. RFLP analyzed using the bioanalyzer allowed discrimination between strains similar to that obtained by the more commonly used techniques of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, which discriminated between 34 types, and multilocus sequence typing, which discriminated between 35 types, but more quickly and with less expense. RFLP of a noncoding region using the Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer could be a useful addition to the molecular typing techniques in current use for S. pneumoniae, especially as a first screen of a local population.
PURPOSE To explore whether population-related pharmacogenomics contribute to differences in patient outcomes between clinical trials performed in Japan and the United States, given similar study designs, eligibility criteria, staging, and treatment regimens. METHODS We prospectively designed and conducted three phase III trials (Four-Arm Cooperative Study, LC00-03, and S0003) in advanced-stage, non-small-cell lung cancer, each with a common arm of paclitaxel plus carboplatin. Genomic DNA was collected from patients in LC00-03 and S0003 who received paclitaxel (225 mg/m(2)) and carboplatin (area under the concentration-time curve, 6). Genotypic variants of CYP3A4, CYP3A5, CYP2C8, NR1I2-206, ABCB1, ERCC1, and ERCC2 were analyzed by pyrosequencing or by PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism. Results were assessed by Cox model for survival and by logistic regression for response and toxicity. Results Clinical results were similar in the two Japanese trials, and were significantly different from the US trial, for survival, neutropenia, febrile neutropenia, and anemia. There was a significant difference between Japanese and US patients in genotypic distribution for CYP3A4*1B (P = .01), CYP3A5*3C (P = .03), ERCC1 118 (P < .0001), ERCC2 K751Q (P < .001), and CYP2C8 R139K (P = .01). Genotypic associations were observed between CYP3A4*1B for progression-free survival (hazard ratio [HR], 0.36; 95% CI, 0.14 to 0.94; P = .04) and ERCC2 K751Q for response (HR, 0.33; 95% CI, 0.13 to 0.83; P = .02). For grade 4 neutropenia, the HR for ABCB1 3425C-->T was 1.84 (95% CI, 0.77 to 4.48; P = .19). CONCLUSION Differences in allelic distribution for genes involved in paclitaxel disposition or DNA repair were observed between Japanese and US patients. In an exploratory analysis, genotype-related associations with patient outcomes were observed for CYP3A4*1B and ERCC2 K751Q. This common-arm approach facilitates the prospective study of population-related pharmacogenomics in which ethnic differences in antineoplastic drug disposition are anticipated.