991 resultados para Extraintestinal manifestations
Objective: Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome (CBPS) is frequently caused by polymicrogyria (PMG). The aim of this study was to correlate the clinical and psycholinguistic aspects with neuroradiological data of patients with CBPS. Methods: Thirty-one patients were studied. We performed a clinical investigation of the patients and their families, including MRI scanning, neuropsychological tests and language evaluation. Results: The statistical analysis showed that: a) prenatal events are associated with the non-familial type of PMG; b) diffuse PMG is associated with pseudobulbar signs, as opposed to BPPP; c) motor deficit is associated with diffuse PMG; d) epilepsy is equally present in patients with both familial or non-familial PMG, but is more frequently seen in patients with diffuse PMG; e) dyslexia and SLI can be a feature of both the diffuse or BPPP, and either familial or sporadic cases of PMG. Conclusions: The severity of clinical manifestations in CBPS is correlated with the extent of cortical involvement. Most patients with CBPS have a history of speech delay or language difficulties and no epilepsy. Dyslexia can be found in patients with PMG.
Polymicrogyria (PMG) is characterized by an excessive number of small and prominent brain gyri, separated by shallow sulci. Bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP) is the most common form of PMG. Clinical signs include pseudobulbar paresis, mental retardation, and epilepsy. Familial forms of BPP have been described and a candidate locus was previously mapped to chromosome Xq28, distal do marker DXS8103. The objective of this study was to perform linkage analysis in one family segregating BPP. A total of 15 individuals, including 8 affected patients with BPP were evaluated. Family members were examined by a neurologist and subjected to magnetic resonance imaging scans. Individuals were genotyped for 18 microsatellite markers, flanking a 42.3 cM interval on ch Xq27-q28. Two-point and multipoint linkage analysis was performed using the LINKAGE package and haplotype reconstruction was performed by GENEHUNTER software. Our results showed a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations in affected individuals with BPP, ranging from normal to mild neurological abnormalities. Two-point linkage analysis yield a Zmax=2.06 at theta=0.00 for markers DXS1205 and DXS1227. Multipoint lod-scores indicate a candidate interval of 13 cM between markers DSXS1205 and DXS8043, on ch Xq27.2-Xq27.3. These results point to a new locus for BPP in a more centromeric location than previously reported. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Polymicrogyria (PMG) is a malformation of cortical development characterized by an excessive number of small gyri and abnormal cortical lamination, giving the cortical surface an irregular and gross appearance. The severity of clinical manifestations correlates with the extent of cortical involvement. The objective of the present study was to describe three families with linguistic features of developmental language disorder and reading impairment, and to establish a neuroanatomic correlation through neuroimaging. Subjects have been submitted to a comprehensive protocol including psychological assessment, language evaluation, neurological examination, and neuroimaging investigation. In our families, children usually had the diagnosis of developmental language disorder while adults had the diagnosis of reading impairment. MRI showed perisylvian polymicrogyria in several subjects of each family. Our data support the idea that there is a co-occurrence of developmental language disorder and reading impairment and both conditions may be associated with polymicrogyria. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We describe the orthodontic treatment of a patient with Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome (KTWS) who received orthodontic treatment that included rapid palatal expansion and orthognathic surgery. There is no report in the literature with this orthodontic treatment protocol, that was considered successful. The pros and cons of this approach as well as the risks involved are discussed. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: e17-e25)
To identify possible associations between host genetic factors and the onset of liver fibrosis following Schistosoma japonicum infection, the major histocompatibility class II alleles of 84 individuals living on an island (Jishan) endemic for schistosomiasis japonica in the Poyang Lake Region of Southern China were determined. Forty patients exhibiting advanced schistosomiasis, characterised by extensive liver fibrosis, and 44 age and sex-matched control subjects were assessed for the class II haplotypes HLA-DRBI and HLA-DQB1. Two HLA-DRB1 alleles, HLA-DRB1*0901 (P = 0.012) and *1302 (P = 0.039), and two HLA-DQB1 alleles, HLA-DQB1*0303 (P = 0.012) and *0609 (P = 0.037), were found to be significantly associated with susceptibility to fibrosis. These associated DRB1 and DQB1 alleles are in very strong linkage disequilibrium, with DRB1*0901-DQB1*0303 and DRB1*1302-DQB1*0609 found as: common haplotypes in this population. In contrast, the alleles HLA-DRB1*1501 (P = 0.025) and HLA-DQB 1*0601 (P = 0.022) were found to be associated with resistance to hepatosplenic disease. Moreover, the alleles DQB1*0303 and DRB1*0901 did not increase susceptibility in the presence of DQB1*0601, indicating that DQB1*0601 is dominant over DQB1*0303 and DRB1*0901. The study has thus identified both positive and negative associations between HLA class II alleles and the risk of individuals developing moderate to severe liver fibrosis following schistosome infection. (C) 2001 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ross River virus (RRV) is a fascinating, important arbovirus that is endemic and enzootic in Australia and Papua New Guinea and was epidemic in the South Pacific in 1979 and 1980. Infection with RRV may cause disease in humans, typically presenting as peripheral polyarthralgia or arthritis, sometimes with fever and rash. RRV disease notificatïons in Australia average 5,000 per year. The first well-described outbreak occurred in 1928. During World War II there were more outbreaks, and the name epidemic polyarthritis was applied. During a 1956 outbreak, epidemic polyarthritis was linked serologically to a group A arbovirus (Alphavirus). The virus was subsequently isolated from Aedes vigilax mosquitoes in 1963 and then from epidemic polyarthritis patients. We review the literature on the evolutionary biology of RRV, immune response to infection, pathogenesis, serologic diagnosis, disease manifestations, the extraordinary variety of vertebrate hosts, mosquito vectors, and transmission cycles, antibody prevalence, epidemiology of asymptomatic and symptomatic human infection, infection risks, and public health impact. RRV arthritis is due to joint infection, and treatment is currently based on empirical anti-inflammatory regimens. Further research on pathogenesis may improve understanding of the natural history of this disease and lead to new treatment strategies. The burden of morbidity is considerable, and the virus could spread to other countries. To justify and design preventive programs, we need accurate data on economic costs and better understanding of transmission and behavioral and environmental risks.
The drugs which provide specific relief from migraine attacks, the ergopeptides (ergotamine and dihydroergotamine) and the various 'triptans' (notably sumatriptan), are often prescribed for persons already taking various migraine preventative agents, and sometimes drugs for other indications. As a result, migraine-specific drugs may become involved in drug-drug interactions. The migraine-specific drugs all act as agonists at certain subclasses of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-MT) receptor, particularly those of the 5-HT1D subtype, and produce vasoconstriction through these receptor-mediated mechanisms. The oral bioavailabilities of these drugs, particularly those of the ergopeptides, are often incomplete, due to extensive presystemic metabolism. As a result, if migraine-specific agents are coadministered with drugs with vasoconstrictive properties, or with drugs which inhibit the metabolism of the migraine-specific agents, there is a risk of interactions occurring which produce manifestations of excessive vasoconstriction. This can also occur through pharmacodynamic mechanisms, as when ergopeptides or triptans are coadministered with methysergide or propranolol (although a pharmacokinetic element may apply in relation to the latter interaction), or if one migraine-specific agent is used shortly after another. When egopeptide metabolism is inhibited by the presence of macrolide antibacterials, particularly troleandomycin and erythromycin, the resultant interaction can produce ergotism, sometimes leading to gangrene. Similar pharmacokinetic mechanisms, with their vasoconstrictive consequences, probably apply to combination of the ergopeptides with HIV protease inhibitors (indinavir and ritonavir), heparin, cyclosporin or tacrolimus. Inhibition of triptan metabolism by monoamine oxidase A inhibitors, e.g. moclobemide, may raise circulating triptan concentrations, although this does not yet seem to have led to reported clinical problems. Caffeine may cause increased plasma ergotamine concentrations through an as yet inadequately defined pharmacokinetic interaction. However, a direct antimigraine effect of caffeine may contribute to the claimed increased efficacy of ergotamine-caffeine combinations in relieving migraine attacks. Serotonin syndromes have been reported as probable pharmacodynamic consequences of the use of ergots or triptans in persons taking serotonin reuptake inhibitors. There have been two reports of involuntary movement disorders when sumatriptan has been used by patients already taking loxapine. Nearly all the clinically important interactions between the ergopeptide antimigraine agents and currently marketed drugs are likely to have already come to notice. In contrast, new interactions involving the triptans are likely to be recognised as additional members of this family of drugs, with their different patterns of metabolism and pharmacokinetics, are marketed.
Human polyomaviruses JC and BK may cause several clinical manifestations in immunocompromised hosts, including progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and hemorrhagic cystitis. Molecular detection by PCR is recognized as a sensitive and specific method for detecting human polyomaviruses in clinical samples. In this study, a real-time PCR assay using the LightCycler platform was evaluated and compared to an in-house PCR assay using a conventional detection method. A total of 122 urine specimens were tested, and human polyomavirus was detected in 49 specimens (40%) by both conventional PCR and LightCycler PCR. The remaining 73 specimens (60%) were found negative by both assays. For 46 of the 49 positive specimens, LightCycler PCR and conventional PCR identified the same polyomavirus type. These samples included 30 samples with JC virus (JCV), 14 samples with BK virus (BKV), and 2 samples in which both viruses were detected. In the remaining three samples, both JCV and BKV were detected by the conventional assay, but only JCV was detected by the LightCycler assay. The results of this study show that the LightCycler PCR assay displays sensitivity and specificity similar to those of a conventional PCR assay. These data, combined with its rapid turnaround time for results and decreased hands-on time, make the LightCycler PCR assay highly suitable for the rapid detection and differentiation of JCV and BKV in the clinical laboratory.
We investigate the absorption and dispersion properties of a two-level atom driven by a polychromatic field. The driving field is composed of a strong resonant (carrier) frequency component and a large number of symmetrically detuned sideband fields (modulators). A rapid increase in the absorption at the central frequency and the collapse of the response of the system from multiple frequencies to a single frequency are predicted to occur when the Rabi frequency of the modulating fields is equal to the Rabi frequency of the carrier field. These are manifestations of the undressing or a disentanglement of the atomic and driving field states, that leads to a collapse of the atom to its ground state. Our calculation permits consideration of the question of the undressing of the driven atom by a multiple-modulated field and the predicted spectra offer a method of observing undressing. Moreover, we find that the absorption and dispersion spectra split into multiplets whose structures depend on the Rabi frequency of the modulating fields. The spectral features can jump between different resonance frequencies by changing the Rabi frequency of the modulating fields or their initial phases, which can have potential applications as a quantum frequency filter.
The Frenchman, Theodore Herpin (1799-1865), in Des Acces Incomplets d'Epilepsie, published posthumously in 1867, provided a very detailed account of a wide range of the possible manifestations of nonconvulsive epileptic seizures. However, he did not note the presence of absence seizures in any of his 300 patients who had experienced, at least in some of their attacks, what he considered were incomplete manifestations of epilepsy, the word epilepsy being taken to refer to full generalized tonic-clonic seizures. In the one patient, Herpin recognized that all epileptic seizures, whether complete or incomplete, began in the same way, and deduced that they must originate in the same place in that patient's brain. He did not develop the latter idea further. His observations, and his interpretation of them, seem to have preceded John Hughlings Jackson's independent development of similar concepts, but Jackson's more extensive intellectual exploration of the implications of his observations made him a more important figure than Herpin in the history of epileptology.
This paper traces fluctuating attitudes to Islam and its Prophet, particularly in the eighteenth and nineteenth. Western perceptions, as revealed by writers of the period, encyclopaedias, biographies and commentaries, were sometimes sympathetic, sometimes dismissive; sometimes celebrating Islam's piousness; sometimes accusing it of fraud. Sometimes Islam is seen as benign; sometimes its violence is seen as endemic. Often the cultural biases of western observers are obvious: the west is progressive and historically dominant, the east (and its cultural accoutrements) is degenerate and over-zealous. But we ought not judge religions or cultures by their worst manifestations alone. Oriental societies were never just Islamic or traditional. They comprise not only those who perpetuate oppressive practices towards women but also modernizers who seek change.
This article compares leadership in Australia and New Zealand based on data collected as a part of the GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior effectiveness) 62-nation culture and leadership project. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to demonstrate that etic (universal) dimensions of 'Charismatic' and 'Self-Protective' leadership are evident in both cultures, but that the dimensions have emic (local) culturally determined manifestations. These emic manifestations were stronger in New Zealand than in Australia. Leadership effectiveness incorporated the negative emic dimension of 'Bureaucratic' leadership (both countries), and the positive emic dimension of 'Egalitarian leadership' in Australia and 'Team leadership' in New Zealand. Both models of leadership nonetheless represent styles of leadership based on egalitarian principles.
When asked to compare two lateralized shapes for horizontal size, neglect patients often indicate the left stimulus to be smaller. Gainotti and Tiacci (1971) hypothesized that this phenomenon might be related to a rightward bias in the patients' gaze. This study aimed to assess the relation between this size underestimation and oculomotor asymmetries. Eye movements were recorded while three neglect patients judged the horizontal extent of two rectangles. Two experimental manipulations were performed to increase the likelihood of symmetrical scanning of the stimulus display. The first manipulation entailed a sequential, rather than simultaneous presentation of the two rectangles. The second required adaptation to rightward displacing prisms, which is known to reduce many manifestations of neglect. All patients consistently underestimated the left rectangle, but the pattern of verbal responses and eye movements suggested different underlying causes. These include a distortion of space perception without ocular asymmetry, a failure to view the full leftward extent of the left stimulus, and a high-level response bias. Sequential presentation of the rectangles and prism adaptation reduced ocular asymmetries without affecting size underestimation. Overall, the results suggest that leftward size underestimation in neglect can arise for a number of different reasons. Incomplete leftward scanning may perhaps be sufficient to induce perceptual size distortion, but it is not a necessary prerequisite.
Arsenic is a carcinogen to both humans and animals. Arsenicals have been associated with cancers of the skin, lung, and bladder. Clinical manifestations of chronic arsenic poisoning include non-cancer end point of hyper- and hypo-pigmentation, keratosis, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Epidemiological evidence indicates that arsenic concentration exceeding 50 mug l(-1) in the drinking water is not public health protective. The current WHO recommended guideline value for arsenic in drinking water is 10 mug l(-1), whereas many developing countries are still having a value of 50 mug 1(-1). It has been estimated that tens of millions of people are. at risk exposing to excessive levels of arsenic from both contaminated water and arsenic-bearing coal from natural sources. The global health implication and possible intervention strategies were also discussed in this review article. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Neste trabalho, explora-se o modo como a compreensão e o desempenho dos papéis de gênero se relacionam às ocorrências de violência (física, psicológica e sexual) dos maridos contra as esposas. Quatro mulheres que apresentaram queixa na Delegacia de Defesa da Mulher contra as agressões físicas perpetradas por seus parceiros e que conviviam com eles foram entrevistadas utilizando-se um roteiro de entrevista, que recolheu dados pessoais e informações a respeito das concepções sobre homem, mulher e relacionamento conjugal/afetivo. As entrevistas foram processadas pelo software Alceste, sendo a Análise de Conteúdo utilizada para complementar a análise. Os dados revelam a coexistência de concepções tradicionais de gênero com ações de insubordinação dessas mulheres (trabalho assalariado, amizades, questionamento da vida sexual). Esses aspectos, sinalizadores do empoderamento das mulheres, relacionam-se à agressividade dos parceiros que, excluídos dos debates feministas e buscando proteger sua masculinidade, usam a violência para suprimir as manifestações femininas de poder.