989 resultados para Diamond-like


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Understanding the basis of normal heart remodeling can provide insight into the plasticity of the cardiac state, and into the potential for treating diseased tissue. In Drosophila, the adult heart arises during metamorphosis from a series of events, that include the remodeling of an existing cardiac tube, the elaboration of new inflow tracts, and the addition of a layer of longitudinal muscle fibers. We have identified genes active in all these three processes, and studied their expression in order to characterize in greater detail normal cardiac remodeling. Using a Transglutaminase-lacZ transgenic line, that is expressed in the inflow tracts of the larval and adult heart, we confirm the existence of five inflow tracts in the adult structure. In addition, expression of the Actin87E actin gene is initiated in the remodeling cardiac tube, but not in the longitudinal fibers, and we have identified an Act87E promoter fragment that recapitulates this switch in expression. We also establish that the longitudinal fibers are multinucleated, characterizing these cells as specialized skeletal muscles. Furthermore, we have defined the origin of the longitudinal fibers, as a subset of lymph gland cells associated with the larval dorsal vessel. These studies underline the myriad contributors to the formation of the adult Drosophila heart, and provide new molecular insights into the development of this complex organ. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cubic cuprates (a not, vert, similar 18.6 Å) with a BaCuO2-type structure were obtained in the Ba-Pb-Cu-O and Ba-Bi-Cu-O systems by the reaction of the component oxides at a high temperature (1370-1420 K), followed by quenching. By annealing these phases in oxygen at 1070-1120 K, perovskite-like phase (a not, vert, similar 4.3 Å) of the formulae BaPb1-xCuxO3-y and BaBi1-xCuxO3-y (0 < x ? 0.5) were obtained. A perovskite of nominal composition BaPb0.25Tl0.25 Cu0.5O3-y, prepared by a similar procedure, was found to be superconducting with a Tc of not, vert, similar 70 K.


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Isoactivity lines for carbon with respect to diamond as the standard state have been calculated in the ternary system C-H-O at 1223 K to identify the diamond deposition domain. The gas composition is calculated by suppressing the formation of all condensed forms of carbon using the SOLGASMIX free-energy minimization program. Thirty six gas species were included in the calculation. From the gas composition, isoactivity lines are computed using recent data on the Gibbs energy of diamond. Except for activities less than 0.1, the isoactivity lines are almost linear on the C-H-O ternary diagram. Gas compositions which generate activity of diamond ranging from 1 to 100 at 1223 K fall inside a narrow wedge originating from the point representing CO. This wedge is very similar to the revised lens-shaped diamond growth domain identified by Bachman et al., using inputs from experiment. The small difference between the calculated and observed domains may be attributed to variation in the supersaturation required for diamond deposition with gas composition. The diamond solubility in the gas phase along the isoactivity line for a(di)=100 and P=6.7 kPa exhibits a minimum at 1280 K, which is close to the optimum temperature found experimentally. At higher supersaturations, non-diamond forms of carbon, including amorphous varieties, are expected. The results suggest that thermodynamic calculations can be useful for locating diamond growth domains in more complex CVD systems containing halogens, for which very little experimental data is available.


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he chemical potential of carbon in diamond, relative to its value in graphite, has been directly determined using a solid state electrochemical cell incorporating single crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The cell can be represented as Pt, C(graphite) + CaC2 + CaF2double vertical barCaF2double vertical barCaF2 + CaC2 + C(diamond), Pt The reversible emf of this cell is directly related by the Nernst equation to the Gibbs free energy change for the conversion of diamond to graphite. The difference in the chemical potential of carbon in the two crystal structures varies linearly with temperature in the range 940 to 1260 K ?C(diamond) ? ?C(graphite) = 1100 + 4.64T (±50) J mol?1 On the average, the values given by the equation are 320 J mol?1 less positive than the currently accepted ones based on calorimetric studies. The difference is primarily in the enthalpy term.


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Protein folding is a relatively fast process considering the astronomical number of conformations in which a protein could find itself. Within the framework of a lattice model, we show that one can design rapidly folding sequences by assigning the strongest attractive couplings to the contacts present in a target native state, Our protein design can be extended to situations with both attractive and repulsive contacts. Frustration is minimized by ensuring that all the native contacts are again strongly attractive. Strikingly, this ensures the inevitability of folding and accelerates the folding process by an order of magnitude, The evolutionary implications of our findings are discussed.


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The complete amino acid sequence of a cytotoxin-like basic protein (CLBP) from the venom of Naja naja naja (Indian Cobra) was determined by manual degradation using a 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-isothiocyanate double-coupling method. Peptide fragments obtained by chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide and enzymic cleavages with trypsin and Staphylococcus aureus proteases for sequence analysis were purified by reversed-phase chromatography. The total number of amino acid residues was 61, with leucine as the C-terminal residue. (C) Munksgaard 1995.


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alpha-Hydroxides of nickel(II) and cobalt(II) are hydrotalcite-like phases, possessing a layered double hydroxide (LDH) structure even though there are no trivalent cations in the lattice. While the LDHs acquire a positive charge on the hydroxide layers by the incorporation of trivalent cations, we suggest that the alpha-hydroxides acquire a positive charge by partial protonation of the hydroxyl ions according to the equation M(OH)(2)+xH(+) --> [M(OH)(2-x)(H2O)(x)](x+). As in the LDHs, charge balance is restored by the incorporation of anions in the interlayer region. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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In this paper, recent results on band A emission in chemical vapor-deposited diamond films have been analyzed within a vibronic model. The blue-band A (2.8 eV) spectra from undoped diamond films grown by two different techniques have been simulated using the same phonon density distribution g(Omega) and Huang-Rhys factor (S). The same g(Omega) at higher S gives a good fit with the green band A (2.32 eV) as well. This model provides a reasonable alternative approach to the long standing donor-acceptor pair recombination model.


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9-Anthryl and 1-pyrenyl terpyridines (1 and 2, respectively), key precursors for the design of novel fluorescent sensors have been synthesized and characterized by H-1 NMR, mass spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Twisted molecular conformations for each 1 and 2 were observed in their single crystal structures. Energy minimization calculations for the 1 and 2 using the semi-empirical AM1 method show that the 'twisted' conformation is intrinsic to these systems. We observe interconnected networks of edge-to-face CH...pi interactions, which appear to be cooperative in nature, in each of the crystal structures. The two twisted molecules, although having differently shaped polyaromatic hydrocarbon substituents, show similar patterns of edge-to-face CH...pi interactions.The presently described systems comprise of two aromatic surfaces that are almost orthogonal to each other. This twisted or orthogonal nature of the molecules leads to the formation of interesting multi-directional ladder like supramolecular organizations. A combination of edge-to-face and face-to-face packing modes helps to stabilize these motifs. The ladder like architecture in 1 is helical in nature. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Sequence-specific bidentate binding to double-stranded (ds)-DNA by 'tail-to-tail' linked dimeric, distamycin analogues is described; compared to their monomeric analogues, these dimers exhibit greater affinity and longer binding site size and open up a novel avenue in the design of minor groove binders that overcome the phasing problem.


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Part classification and coding is still considered as laborious and time-consuming exercise. Keeping in view, the crucial role, which it plays, in developing automated CAPP systems, the attempts have been made in this article to automate a few elements of this exercise using a shape analysis model. In this study, a 24-vector directional template is contemplated to represent the feature elements of the parts (candidate and prototype). Various transformation processes such as deformation, straightening, bypassing, insertion and deletion are embedded in the proposed simulated annealing (SA)-like hybrid algorithm to match the candidate part with their prototype. For a candidate part, searching its matching prototype from the information data is computationally expensive and requires large search space. However, the proposed SA-like hybrid algorithm for solving the part classification problem considerably minimizes the search space and ensures early convergence of the solution. The application of the proposed approach is illustrated by an example part. The proposed approach is applied for the classification of 100 candidate parts and their prototypes to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We find that at low temperature water, large amplitude (similar to 60 degrees) rotational jumps propagate like a string, with the length of propagation increasing with lowering temperature. The strings are formed by mobile 5-coordinated water molecules which move like a Glarum defect (J. Chem. Phys., 1960, 33, 1371), causing water molecules on the path to change from 4-coordinated to 5-coordinated and again back to 4-coordinated water, and in the process cause the tagged water molecule to jump, by following essentially the Laage-Hynes mechanism (Science, 2006, 311, 832-835). The effects on relaxation of the propagating defect causing large amplitude jumps are manifested most dramatically in the mean square displacement (MSD) and also in the rotational time correlation function of the O-H bond of the molecule that is visited by the defect (transient transition to the 5-coordinated state). The MSD and the decay of rotational time correlation function, both remain quenched in the absence of any visit by the defect, as postulated by Glarum long time ago. We establish a direct connection between these propagating events and the known thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies in supercooled water. These strings are found largely in the regions that surround the relatively rigid domains of 4-coordinated water molecules. The propagating strings give rise to a noticeable dynamical heterogeneity, quantified here by a sharp rise in the peak of the four-point density response function, chi(4)(t). This dynamics heterogeneity is also responsible for the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation.


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The magnetic properties of iron-filled multi-walled carbon nanotubes dispersed in polystyrene (Fe-MWNT/PS) have been investigated as a function of Fe-MWNT concentration (0.1-15 wt%) from 300 to 10 K. Electron microscopy studies indicate that Fe nanorods (aspect ratio similar to 5) remain trapped at various lengths of MWNT and are thus, prevented from oxidation as well as aggregation. The magnetization versus applied field (M-H loop) data of 0.1 wt% of Fe-MWNTs in PS show an anomalous narrowing at low temperatures which is due to the significant contribution from shape anisotropy of Fe nanorods. The remanence shows a threshold feature at 1 wt%. The enhanced coercivity shows a maximum at 1 wt% due to the dominant dipolar interactions among Fe nanorods. Also the squareness ratio shows a maximum at 1 wt%.