475 resultados para Conformity


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Produced water is the main effluent linked to the activity of extraction of oil and their caring management is necessary due to the large volume involved, to ensure to minimize the negative impacts of discharges of these waters in the environment. This study aimed to analyze the use of retorted shale, which is a reject from the pyrolysis of pirobituminous shale, as adsorbent for the removal of phenols in produced water. The material was characterized by different techniques (grain sized analysis, thermal analysis, BET, FRX, FT-IR, XRD and SEM), showing the heterogeneity in their composition, showing its potential for the removal of varied compounds, as well as the phenols and their derivatives. For the analysis of the efficiency of the oil shale for the adsorption process, assays of adsorption balance were carried through, and also kinetic studies and dynamics adsorption, in the ETE of the UTPF of Petrobras, in Guamaré-RN. The balance assays shown a bigger conformity with the model of Langmuir and the kinetic model more adjusted to describe the adsorption of phenols in retorted shale was of pseudo-second order. The retorted shale presented a low capacity of adsorption of phenols (1,3mg/g), when related to others conventional adsorbents, however it is enough to the removal of these composites in concentrations presented in the produced water of the UTPF of Guamaré. The assays of dynamics adsorption in field had shown that the concentration of phenol in the effluent was null until reaching its rupture (58 hours). The results showed the possibility of use of the reject for removal of phenols in the final operations of the treatment process, removing as well, satisfactorily, the color and turbidity of the produced water, with more than 90% of removal


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This dissertation of master degree was presented to Post-Graduation Program in Architecture and Planning at UFRN, Brazil. It evaluates 45 one-family housings in the Metropolitan Area of Recife, whose architects consider them to be in conformity with the recommendations contained in Armando de Holanda's book: A Guide to build in the Brazilian Northeast: Architecture as a pleasant place in the sunny tropics , published in 1976 by UFPE. For a long time, it used to be reference in many Architecture and Planning Schools of the Northern Region of Brazil. The research s methodological procedures are based on the Post- Occupancy Evaluation (P.O.E.) with emphasis on the users' thermal comfort of the houses that make part of the sample. Therefore, it has been done technical analyses of the projects, when possible; interviews with the architects; building s inspections; and form applications to the users. The collected data analysis was based on the project recommendations of Holanda s book, they can be synthesized in the principle of Building Leafy". It can not be affirmed that all the houses present the recommendations contained in the guide, but, in many different ways, they exist, sometimes more intensely and sometimes more shyly. However, it can be noticed that in the 45 projects, that the architects perceived the importance of "Building Leafy" on the climatic reality of the Metropolitan Region of Recife


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An economical solution for cementing oil wells is the use of pre-prepared dry mixtures containing cement and additives. The mixtures may be formulated, prepared and transported to the well where is added water to be pumped.Using this method, becomes dispensable to prepare the cement mixes containing additives in the cementing operation, reducing the possibility of error. In this way, the aim of this work is to study formulations of cement slurries containing solid additives for primary cementing of oil wells onshore for typical depths of 400, 800 and 1,200 meters. The formulations are comprised of Special Class Portland cement, mineral additions and solids chemical additives.The formulated mixtures have density of 1.67 g / cm ³ (14.0 lb / gal). Their optimization were made through the analysis of the rheological parameters, fluid loss results, free water, thickening time, stability test and mechanical properties.The results showed that mixtures are in conformity the specifications for cementing oil wells onshore studied depths


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En 2011, l’Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal (ASSSM), en partenariat avec les Centres de santé et services sociaux (CSSS) de la région, a coordonné la mise en œuvre d’un programme de prévention et de prise en charge intégré sur le risque cardiométabolique. Ce programme, s’inspirant du Chronic Care Model et s’adressant aux patients atteints de diabète et d’hypertension artérielle, est d’une durée de deux ans et comporte une séquence de suivis individuels avec l’infirmière et la nutritionniste, de cours de groupe et de séances d’activité physique. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’évaluer, à l’aide d’un devis quasi-expérimental, l’impact de la variation dans l’implantation de certains aspects du programme dans les six CSSS participant à l’étude sur les résultats de santé des patients. Cinq aspects du programme ont été retenus : les ressources, la conformité au processus clinique prévu dans le programme régional, la maturité du programme, la coordination interne au sein de l’équipe de soins et la coordination externe avec les médecins de 1re ligne. Des analyses de différence de différences, incluant des scores de propension afin de rendre les groupes comparables, ont été effectuées dans le but d’évaluer l’influence de ces aspects sur quatre indicateurs de santé : l’hémoglobine glyquée, l’atteinte de la cible de tension artérielle et l’atteinte de deux cibles d’habitudes de vie concernant la répartition des glucides alimentaires et la pratique d’activité physique. Les résultats indiquent que les indicateurs de santé sélectionnés se sont améliorés chez les patients participant au programme et ce, indépendamment des variations dans son implantation entre les CSSS participant à l’étude. Très peu d’analyses de différence de différences ont en effet relevé un impact significatif des variables d’implantation étudiées sur ces indicateurs. Les résultats suggèrent que les effets bénéfiques d’un tel programme sont davantage tributaires de la prestation des interventions auprès des patients que d’aspects organisationnels liés à son implantation.


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En 2011, l’Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal (ASSSM), en partenariat avec les Centres de santé et services sociaux (CSSS) de la région, a coordonné la mise en œuvre d’un programme de prévention et de prise en charge intégré sur le risque cardiométabolique. Ce programme, s’inspirant du Chronic Care Model et s’adressant aux patients atteints de diabète et d’hypertension artérielle, est d’une durée de deux ans et comporte une séquence de suivis individuels avec l’infirmière et la nutritionniste, de cours de groupe et de séances d’activité physique. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’évaluer, à l’aide d’un devis quasi-expérimental, l’impact de la variation dans l’implantation de certains aspects du programme dans les six CSSS participant à l’étude sur les résultats de santé des patients. Cinq aspects du programme ont été retenus : les ressources, la conformité au processus clinique prévu dans le programme régional, la maturité du programme, la coordination interne au sein de l’équipe de soins et la coordination externe avec les médecins de 1re ligne. Des analyses de différence de différences, incluant des scores de propension afin de rendre les groupes comparables, ont été effectuées dans le but d’évaluer l’influence de ces aspects sur quatre indicateurs de santé : l’hémoglobine glyquée, l’atteinte de la cible de tension artérielle et l’atteinte de deux cibles d’habitudes de vie concernant la répartition des glucides alimentaires et la pratique d’activité physique. Les résultats indiquent que les indicateurs de santé sélectionnés se sont améliorés chez les patients participant au programme et ce, indépendamment des variations dans son implantation entre les CSSS participant à l’étude. Très peu d’analyses de différence de différences ont en effet relevé un impact significatif des variables d’implantation étudiées sur ces indicateurs. Les résultats suggèrent que les effets bénéfiques d’un tel programme sont davantage tributaires de la prestation des interventions auprès des patients que d’aspects organisationnels liés à son implantation.


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Comparative and evolutionary developmental analyses seek to discover the similarities and differences between humans and non-human species that illuminate both the evolutionary foundations of our nature that we share with other animals, and the distinctive characteristics that make human development unique. As our closest animal relatives, with whom we last shared common ancestry, non-human primates have beenparticularly important in this endeavour. Such studies that have focused on social learning, traditions, and culture have discovered much about the ‘how’ of social learning, concerned with key underlying processes such as imitation and emulation. One of the core discoveries is that the adaptive adjustment of social learning options to different contexts is not unique to human infants, therefore multiple new strands of research have begun to focus on more subtle questions about when, from whom, and why such learning occurs. Here we review illustrative studies on both human infants and young children and on non-human primates to identify the similarities shared more broadly across the primate order, and the apparent specialisms that distinguish human development. Adaptive biases in social learning discussed include those modulated by task comprehension, experience, conformity to majorities, and the age, skill, proficiency and familiarity of potential alternative cultural models.


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This thesis builds a framework for evaluating downside risk from multivariate data via a special class of risk measures (RM). The peculiarity of the analysis lies in getting rid of strong data distributional assumptions and in orientation towards the most critical data in risk management: those with asymmetries and heavy tails. At the same time, under typical assumptions, such as the ellipticity of the data probability distribution, the conformity with classical methods is shown. The constructed class of RM is a multivariate generalization of the coherent distortion RM, which possess valuable properties for a risk manager. The design of the framework is twofold. The first part contains new computational geometry methods for the high-dimensional data. The developed algorithms demonstrate computability of geometrical concepts used for constructing the RM. These concepts bring visuality and simplify interpretation of the RM. The second part develops models for applying the framework to actual problems. The spectrum of applications varies from robust portfolio selection up to broader spheres, such as stochastic conic optimization with risk constraints or supervised machine learning.


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Este trabajo investigativo busca aportar a la literatura sobre las tácticas de influencia en el liderazgo. Surge como una aplicación, a dos casos específicos, del proyecto de investigación “Los mecanismos de influencia en la relación de liderazgo”, desarrollado por el profesor Juan Javier Saavedra Mayorga e inscrito en la línea de investigación en Estudios Organizacionales del Grupo de Investigación en Dirección y Gerencia. La investigación tiene como objetivo fundamental identificar las tácticas de influencia que utilizan dos líderes organizacionales en su trato cotidiano con sus colaboradores, así como la reacción de estos últimos ante dichas tácticas. El proyecto parte de una revisión teórica sobre tres elementos: el liderazgo, la influencia y el poder, y las reacciones de los colaboradores frente a las tácticas de influencia utilizadas por el líder. La estrategia metodológica empleada es el estudio de caso. El trabajo de campo se desarrolló en dos organizaciones: Microscopios y Equipos Especiales S.A.S. y Tecniespectro S.A.S. La técnica de recolección de información es la entrevista semi estructurada, y el método de análisis de información es el análisis de contenido temático.


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Este estudo, de carácter exploratório, tem o objetivo de perceber como se processam as (re)aprendizagens dos vários papéis de género em transhomens, atendendo aos processos de adaptação ao nível social, comportamental e da perceção de si na (re)construção da identidade. Para a concretização deste trabalho, recorreu-se à recolha de informação, através de uma estratégia metodológica qualitativa e utilizou-se um questionário analisado através do método de análise de conteúdo, segundo Laurence Bardin (1979). Participaram neste estudo 20 transhomens (pessoas cujo sexo designado no registo de nascimento foi feminino, mas que se identificam com o género masculino). As principais conclusões sugerem que existem mudanças ao nível dos sentimentos, perceção de si, comportamentos, identidade de género e relação com o corpo que resultam do processo de redesignação sexual. Verifica-se que as aprendizagens e pressões para a conformidade aos estereótipos de género resultam por vezes em comportamentos intencionais na construção das feminilidades e masculinidades. Verifica-se também a consciencialização destas intencionalidades, bem como uma progressiva libertação desses comportamentos e dos constrangimentos a eles associados, o que resulta numa apropriação e autoidentificação de si mais liberta, consequentemente de uma vida mais feliz. Esperamos com este trabalho contribuir para o conhecimento e visibilidade das identidades trans, em específico dos transhomens, na tentativa de desconstrução de estereótipos sociais; Metamorphoses: Identity and Gender Roles. A Study with Transmen Abstract: This study of exploratory nature aims to understand the process of (re)learning the various gender roles in transmen, in relation to the social and behavioural processes of adaptation and self-perception in the (re)construction of identity.To do this work, we gathered information, outlined a qualitative methodological strategy and used a survey using the content analysis method according to Laurence Bardin (1979). 20 transmen participated in this study (people whose sex assigned at birth registration was female but identify with the masculine gender). The main findings suggest that there are changes in the level of feelings, self-perception, behaviour and relation with the body that result from sex reassignment process. It appears that the learning and pressures for conformity to gender stereotypes sometimes result in intentional conduct compliance in the construction of femininity and masculinity before and after the sex reassignment process. You can also verify the awareness of these intentions, as well as a gradual release of these behaviours and constraints associated with them, which results an appropriation and self-identification of himself more free, thus a happier life. We expect this work to contribute to the knowledge and visibility of the trans people, in particular the transmen in an attempt to deconstruct social stereotypes.


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This paper focuses on tests of photovoltaic systems in order to address two case studies with silicon monocrystalline and silicon polycrystalline panels, respectively. The first case is an identification of the three parameters of the single-diode equivalent circuit for modelling photovoltaic systems with conclusion about the inevitably age degradation. A comparison between experimental observed and computed I-V and V-P characteristics curves is carried out at standard test conditions. The second case is an experimental observation on a photovoltaic system connected to an electric grid in what regards the quality of the energy injected into the grid. A measuring of the harmonic content in the voltage and in the current waveforms at the terminals of the photovoltaic system is carried out in order to conclude about the conformity with the Standard EN 50160 and the IEEE 519-1992, respectively.