742 resultados para Client’s satisfaction
Como o mercado está se transformando cada vez mais em mercado de commodities, onde que o cliente percebe muito pouco as diferenças técnicas entre os produtos concorrentes, aumenta a necessidade de criação de vantagem diferencial através de valor adicionado. A principal fonte deste valor é, cada vez mais, o serviço prestado ao cliente. Fornecer um serviço de qualidade superior a de seus concorrentes é uma forma de diferenciar a empresa, que pode dar uma vantagem competitiva e levar a um nível superior de vendas e de desempenho de lucros. Assim sendo, o prestador de serviços precisa identificar as expectativas dos clientes ao que concerne à qualidade. Baseando-se na importância de conhecer as expectativas dos clientes, desenvolve-se o presente estudo de caso com o objetivo de identificar os atributos ou dimensões da qualidade dos serviços de telecomunicações prestados pela Brasil Telecom – Filial Rio Grande do Sul, que afetam a satisfação dos clientes corporativos. Também são avaliados o grau de importância destes atributos e o desempenho dos mesmos em relação à concorrência a partir da percepção dos clientes. Para a identificação dos atributos da qualidade é empregada a pesquisa exploratória e na avaliação dos atributos pesquisa quantitativa. Utilizou-se a Matriz Importância versus Desempenho de Slack (1993) como ferramenta para análise dos dados coletados e verificar a posição da empresa em relação aos concorrentes.
The theme of this dissertation is the quality in assistance and services rendered: a study on the satisfaction of the students from the Social Studies school. In a school, leader are supposed to always believe that the best form of attaining success derives from their performance in decentralizing activities, do away with barriers and help in the front line. This is the participative management. Students satisfaction is the goal. When the whole school community feels emotionally involved, success is assured, since all the educational segments are supposed to get together for achieving school success. When investment is made in the continued education of the school staff, such as the establishing a teaching of quality is sedimented. To have a school of quality in assistance and services rendered and, thereafter, to obtain favorable results, it is necessary for everyone to be aware of their roles, which is only possible through a cooperative effort on the part of the people forming the institution, with a commitment of the whole team: teaching, technical and administrative staff, as well as its external and internal clients, with values of excellence and relevance, which ought to be present in the whole of the educational effort. The four fundamental dimensions for a program of quality are: Planning to change; organizing to act; Acting to transform; Assessing to improve. In planning the institution establishes its objectives. In organizing it defines the structure for a more flexible action. In acting what has been established is implemented. In assessing it constantly improves the program of quality. To look for the students quality and satisfaction is the virtue of persistence is the doing right from the word go. To have a zeal and care in everything one does e for whom it is intended to, since to achieve the maximum in result with the least effort, reaching goal, objectives and finalities are everything the target population wishes.
o serviço móvel celular apresentou, nos últimos anos, mudanças significativas em termos de evolução tecnológica e dos produtos e serviços oferecidos ao cliente. O ambiente de prestação do serviço evoluiu a partir de um monopólio estatal para um regime de duopólio regional privado. A introdução da competição trouxe benefícios aos clientes, dentre os quais podem ser citados a redução dos preços de aquisição e das tarifas de uso do serviço e o aumento da oferta de linhas celulares, antes em falta no mercado. A introdução do serviço pré-pago, em 1999, representou um marco na história do Serviço Móvel Celular no Brasil. O produto, adequado para usuários que querem controlar seus gastos com telefonia celular, permitiu o acesso das classes econômicas C e D ao serviço. O pré-pago trouxe vantagens e desvantagens para clientes e prestadores de serviço. Uma de suas limitações, quando lançado, era a impossibilidade de utilização do servIço fora da área de atuação da operadora ("roaming"). O problema técnico que impedia o oferecimento de roammg para chamadas terminadas foi resolvido e as empresas prestadoras adotaram estratégias distintas em relação a isso. Algumas ofereceram o serviço para todos os clientes pré-pago, indistintamente; outras segmentaram o mercado pré-pago, criando produtos novos com a facilidade de roaming e mantendo os produtos já lançados no mercado sem a facilidade de roaming. A Americel, empresa operadora do Serviço Móvel Celular na região Centro Oeste e parte da região Norte, possui dois produtos pré-pago: o primeiro, chamado Legal, não permite o roaming de chamadas terminadas. Foi criado também o Legal Pacas que oferecia, entre outras novas funcionalidades, a possibilidade de roaming de chamadas terminadas. Os dois produtos possuem outras características diferentes e planos de tarifa próprios. O objetivo da pesquisa é avaliar como o cliente pré-pago da Americel percebe a funcionalidade de roaming de chamadas terminadas. A pesquisa pretende avaliar a importância do serviço para o cliente, como ele avalia o serviço prestado pela empresa e como essa funcionalidade é classificada (básica, de desempenho ou de encantamento). A partir da compreensão da percepção do cliente quanto ao roaming, será avaliada a estratégia de marketing de segmentar o mercado pré-pago por meio dessa funcionalidade. VI A metodologia empregada utiliza-se de ferramentas de medição da satisfação dos clientes. A Americel realiza mensalmente uma pesquisa de satisfação com uma amostra de 400 clientes que são entrevistados por telefone. O questionário de pesquisa possui 50 perguntas sobre vários aspectos relacionados à prestação do serviço. Os resultados anteriores dessa pesquisa apontam a cobertura como sendo a característica mais importante do serviço do ponto de vista do cliente e, ao mesmo tempo, uma característica mal avaliada por ele. A pesquisa também demonstra uma confusão do cliente que, quando questionado sobre onde necessita de cobertura, indica regiões onde a empresa não atua e, portanto, não poderia oferecer cobertura, mas roaming. Para uma parte dos clientes, roaming e cobertura são o mesmo atributo. Foram acrescentadas ao questionário padrão perguntas relacionadas ao roaming. As perguntas foram elaboradas para avaliar a freqüência com que os clientes viajam, a importância atribuída ao roaming, a avaliação do serviço de roaming e a avaliação geral da Americel. Os resultados permitem concluir que, apesar do usuário do serviço pré-pago não viajar freqüentemente, ele considera a funcionalidade de roaming como importante ou muito importante. A avaliação do serviço é ruim, o que implica na necessidade de priorizar ações no sentido de melhorar o serviço de roaming para os clientes pré-pago. Isso pode ser feito através da extensão do oferecimento do roaming a todos os clientes pré-pago. O resultado da análise penalidade-recompensa foi de que a funcionalidade de roaming é uma funcionalidade de desempenho do Serviço Móvel Celular. Isso significa que sua ausência causa insatisfação do cliente, enquanto sua presença aumenta a sua satisfação. Sendo assim, mais uma vez é confirmada a necessidade de oferecimento dessa facilidade a toda a base de clientes pré-pago. A pesquisa permite, então, concluir que a estratégia de marketing de segmentar o mercado de clientes pré-pago por meio do uso da facilidade de roaming tem como conseqüência final a insatisfação do cliente, uma vez que, de acordo com sua percepção, o roaming é uma funcionalidade importante do serviço móvel celular, que deve ser oferecido para toda a base de clientes. As características do serviço que devem ser usadas para segmentação devem ser aquelas que, quando ausentes, não causam insatisfação nos clientes, mas, quando presentes, o encantam.
This work is about the organizations guided to attend the clients/customers in all aspects focusing their characteristics, needs and expectations and that do their best to produce goods or do services which can permanently increase their clients' satisfactions. To reach this aim has been the challenge of their managers and administrators who work to make them be considered as state-of-the-art by other organizations and their clients or customers. Many different strategies have been taken to achieve it; since having the focus on the process , then on the products, and more recently on the clients/customers, meaning that their satisfaction has turned to be their new target; as their are the ones who will rate or evaluate their quality. This work is more especifically about the organizations in the make-up and beauty products retail market which carry out researches with the customers of stores, managers and members of their demonstration and sales teams. This research identifies the attributes the customers/clients appreciate most in the stores and how hard their managers and business owners work to satisfy their needs and expectations, showing how far they follow the principles of the organizations guided to clients/customers. Key words: Attributes, attributes evaluation, beauty products, beauty products retail shops; clietns/customs oriented organizations; process oriented organizations; product oriented organizations.
O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se há ou não congruência entre a ideia de lealdade, manifestada no discurso dos bancos, e o seu conceito em marketing de relacionamento, identificando qual o sentido desse constructo nas mensagens das instituições bancárias, além de identificar, também, quais os fatores que levam os clientes a manterem relacionamento duradouro com bancos. O estudo é de caráter exploratório, e foi conduzido com entrevistas individuais com clientes pessoa física e gerentes de bancos públicos e privados de Brasília/DF, com o intuito de explorar o relacionamento entre cliente-banco, para uma melhor orientação na direção das análises dos dados obtidos. Os dados foram coletados junto a 11 entrevistados de ambos os sexos, residentes em Brasília/DF, durante os meses de março e abril de 2011. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, o método de pesquisa adotado foi qualitativo, com foco no valor informacional da mensagem propriamente dita, das palavras, argumentos e idéias nela expressos, utilizando-se uma forma interpretativa para a análise dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram o afastamento conceitual entre a ideia de lealdade dos bancos, definida como algo ligado ao entendimento de que o cliente, confiante em seu banco, está satisfeito e não o deixa, e o seu conceito em marketing de relacionamento, que a define como um profundo compromisso do cliente em recomprar um produto/serviço consistentemente no futuro, pois constatou-se que os clientes bancários, independentemente de fatores como o tempo gasto ou o esforço associados à troca de fornecedores, são sensíveis a aumento substancial da tarifação, não tem compromisso de recompra com banco e nem de compra junto a um único banco. Em decorrência, se pode concluir que não são fiéis/leais. Como fatores responsáveis por relacionamento duradouro com bancos, verificou-se, como principais, a qualidade do atendimento prestado pelo banco e a reciprocidade existente no relacionamento, ambos são constituintes dos sentimentos de satisfação e confiança nos clientes bancários. Conclui-se o trabalho, fazendo-se recomendações com a intenção de beneficiar e desenvolver os gestores deste segmento.
From a financial perspective, this dissertation analyzes the Brazilian mutual fund industry performance for an average retail client. The most representative funds for the local population, that are the fixed income open-end ones, will be selected and their performance will be measured aiming to answer if clients of this industry obtained a proper return over their investments in the period between August 2010 and August 2013. A proper return will be understood as the preservation of the purchasing power of the individual´s savings, what is achieved with a positive performance of a mutual fund after discounting taxes, administrative fees and inflation. After obtaining an answer for the previous question, this dissertation will explore a possible alternative solution: Tesouro Direto, that is an example of a financial approach that could foster the disintermediation between savings and investments through electronic channels. New electronic platforms, with a broader scope, could be utilized to increase the efficiency of funding productive investments through better remunerating Brazilian savings. Tesouro Direto may point towards a new paradigm.
Industrial companies in developing countries are facing rapid growths, and this requires having in place the best organizational processes to cope with the market demand. Sales forecasting, as a tool aligned with the general strategy of the company, needs to be as much accurate as possible, in order to achieve the sales targets by making available the right information for purchasing, planning and control of production areas, and finally attending in time and form the demand generated. The present dissertation uses a single case study from the subsidiary of an international explosives company based in Brazil, Maxam, experiencing high growth in sales, and therefore facing the challenge to adequate its structure and processes properly for the rapid growth expected. Diverse sales forecast techniques have been analyzed to compare the actual monthly sales forecast, based on the sales force representatives’ market knowledge, with forecasts based on the analysis of historical sales data. The dissertation findings show how the combination of both qualitative and quantitative forecasts, by the creation of a combined forecast that considers both client´s demand knowledge from the sales workforce with time series analysis, leads to the improvement on the accuracy of the company´s sales forecast.
The competition in the telecommunications industry has grown in Brazil since the privatization, forcing companies that are active in the market to a growing commitment to quality products and services in order to survive. In this context, this work aims to understand the main factors that influence the degree of satisfaction exists in respect of a mobile operator with its corporate customers. The research covered theoretical concepts and analytical models of quality management system and models of indices related to the measurement of customer satisfaction. For the field research was carried out in a practical application of the main approaches based on this thesis by a case study in corporate segment, through a questionnaire applied to 10 consultants and 40 corporate customers of that company. Comparing the results of research with the consultants and corporate clients there is the concern of respondents to the indicators that comprise the constructs of customer satisfaction, commitment calculated, the price index and the handling of complaints, denoting the dissatisfaction of the general assessment for corporate customers with the carrier, against its current expectations. It is concluded that the mobile operator of the telecommunications industry have a big challenge, after ten years of privatization and consequently the period of rapid expansion of customer base and with the depleted, retain corporate customers as highly strategic, thus avoiding that migrate to other companies. We emphasize the need for further research and analysis of different approaches through research and using the same models to specifically evaluate and measure customer satisfaction of mobile enterprise, to adjust the model to the national market. Finally, we suggest the creation of an effective customer loyalty program with a strategy of relationship and specific to the corporate sector of mobile telephony
Taking competitive advantage or satisfy the client are the reasons why companies have been implementing a Quality Management System (QMS). It brings benefits such as the improvement in the processes, products and services; an enhancement in the image of the company (marketing) and satisfaction of the clients. As a whole, this paper aims to evaluate the results obtained from the implementation of the QMS in the certified companies in the ISO 9001 standard, contained in the database of INMETRO, of the Rio Grande do Norte State (RN). In order to achieve the goals, a bibliographical research about the theme quality management system was made and, subsequently a survey was made with the managers of the certified companies in RN, using the online questionnaire. Out of 27 companies that have the certificate in Rio Grande do Norte, 21 responded the data collection instrument. The data analysis was made through techniques of descriptive and multivariate statistics: cluster analysis. The research instrument used contained 20 questions that address the main theme of this dissertation. Using the cluster analysis, four groupings that possessed similarities concerning the survey answers were found. This analysis allowed us to conclude that the QMS boosts significant improvements in the organizations, such as: quality in the reputation of the company and sales increase. On the other hand, it allowed us to identify as main difficulties: the dissemination of the quality culture, lack of commitment of the whole organization and the resistance of the workers
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the satisfaction of patients rehabilitated with zygomatic fixtures and prosthesis with immediate loading.Materials and Methods: The study selected patients who were rehabilitated with zygomatic implants at the clinic of the Latin American Institute for Dental Research and Education (ILAPEO. Curitiba-PR. Brasil) between 2005 and 2009. The patients were asked to answer a control-questionnaire during their follow-up visits. Data were collected regarding the level of patient satisfaction, reason for dissatisfaction, number of post-operative clinical sessions, and the type of complication. Sixteen patients were selected: 10 females and 6 males.Results: Half of the patients were completely satisfied while the other half were satisfied with some complaints. The complaints were related to hygiene, esthetics, phonetics, and discomfort during chewing. Regarding the post-operative evaluation, 50% of the patients were attended due to the prosthesis (62.5%) and the implant (37.5%).Conclusions: The treatment with zygomatic fixtures is predictable and reliable. The patients were satisfied both with implants and prosthesis. (C) 2012 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 70: 314-319, 2012
The matching of the aesthetic, functional, and psychosocial results of a facial deformity may produce devastating effects in its carriers, especially if the lesion is extensive or the treatment is aggressive. Because of this, the objective of the present article was to evaluate patient's satisfaction rating after surgical facial reconstruction or rehabilitation with oral and maxillofacial prosthesis, by means of reviewing the literature.
Obturators and facial prostheses are important not only in rehabilitation and aesthetics, but also in patient re-socialisation. The level of reintegration is directly related to the degree of satisfaction with rehabilitation. So, the maxillofacial prosthetics must provide patient satisfaction during treatment. This study aimed to search information in database and conduct a literature review on patient satisfaction with maxillofacial prosthesis. The problems experienced by these patients may decrease when specialists keep the patient on regular inspection. Rehabilitation through alloplasty or prosthetic restoration provides satisfactory conditions in aesthetics and well-being and reinstates individuals in familial and social environment. (C) 2008 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background:It has been stated that mandibular overdentures are more satisfactory than conventional dentures, but problems relating to the use of retrospective ratings, lack of control group and sequential provision of treatment may compromise the findings.Objective:To establish a comparison between treatment with conventional complete dentures and implant-retained overdentures in elderly patients by conducting a literature review.Materials and methods:A search of English language peer-review literature was completed using Medline up to 2008 focusing on evidence-based research. Randomised clinical trials (RCTs) and longitudinal prospective studies were favoured in the review, using a general hierarchical classification. Articles that did not focus exclusively on the comparison of patient satisfaction between complete dentures and overdentures were excluded from further evaluation. The last search was conducted in February 2008. Key terms included quality of life, patient satisfaction, edentulism, complete denture and overdenture.Results:Among the 90 articles found in the initial search, 27 met the inclusion criteria. This included 18 RCTs and eight prospective and one cohort study. Most of the articles stated superiority of the mandibular implant-retained overdenture therapy over the conventional complete denture regarding patient satisfaction and quality of life.Conclusion:Even with implant treatment presenting higher patient satisfaction and improvement of quality of life, it was not possible to establish a direct comparison between the studies due to differences in adopted methodologies.
During the process of facial rehabilitation, the mobility of ocular prostheses must be considered. Whereas some factors depend exclusively on the dentist, such as molding techniques and selection of material for denture construction, regarding ocular rehabilitation, factors, such as type of surgery, whether to adopt implants, and the use of lubricants, deserve special attention owing to their integration and their association with other factors pertaining exclusively to the patient. To establish harmony, and with the intention of aiding the dentist, after a discerning evaluation, the authors of this study report the factors that provide greater or less mobility to ocular prostheses and conceal the prosthesis in a more natural way, thereby contributing toward achieving a favorable aesthetic result in rehabilitations.
Gobies of the genus Elacatinus are regarded as the most specialised cleaner fishes in the western tropical Atlantic, yet there are no studies on these cleaners in the southern portion of West Atlantic. We studied the diversity of clients and the daily cleaning activity of the barber goby, Elacatinus figaro, on rocky reefs in southeastern Brazil (23-24 degrees S). A total of 34 fish client species in 16 families were recorded over 484 cleaning events. The most frequent clients were damselfishes, Pomacentridae (37.9% of cleaning events) and grunts, Haemulidae (16.9%). Planktivores were the most frequently attended trophic category, and two species in that category accounted for about a half (44%) of the total cleaning events. Size of clients ranged 4.5-55 cm and most individuals were medium-sized (12-30 cm); as the barber goby ranged 2-4.5 cm, clients were 1.5 to 15 times larger than the cleaner was. Cleaning activity started at dawn and ended shortly before nightfall, the highest frequency of interactions occurring at early morning (nocturnal clients) and mid-afternoon (diurnal clients). By midday the frequency of cleaning events decreased and their duration increased. A total of 109 +/- 3 cleaning events and 30 +/- 1 min of cleaning activity were estimated per cleaning station per day, both figures low when compared to those recorded for cleaner fishes in tropical areas of the western Atlantic and Indo-Pacific.