485 resultados para Celtic theonyms
Over the course of the later Middle Ages nearly half the landmass of the British Isles fell under the control of a handful of Gaelic dynasties in Ireland and Scotland. The impact of this profound geopolitical recasting of much of the Atlantic Archipelago has however, received very little scholarly attention. Instead, historians have tended to view events within this expanding Gaelic world, or Gàidhealtachd, as peripheral to the political development of the British Isles and the course of Anglo-Scottish relations during the later Medieval period. Drawing upon a comprehensive range of sources from Ireland, Scotland, and England, as well as significant archival research, this thesis challenges the concept of the so-called 'Celtic fringe' and illustrates how developments within the Gàidhealtachd impacted upon the course of 'British' politics during the period c.1350-1513. The thesis centres on an examination of how two competing Gaelic alliance systems came to dominate much of the Gàidhealtachd from the late fourteenth century through to the early 1500s. The first of these alliance blocs was controlled chiefly by the O'Neills of Tyrone, the O'Briens of Thomond, and MacDonalds of the Hebrides; in the other network the O'Donnells of Tyrconnell, the Burkes of Mayo and the Campbells of Argyll held sway. By tracing the interconnectivity of the lordships in each respective network, the thesis investigates how these alliance systems became a durable force not only within the Gàidhealtachd but also on the broader 'British' stage. The thesis is structured in a manner that makes the intricate, lineage-based world of the Gàidhealtachd more accessible. Each chapter shifts between the various regions of the Gaelic world and examines how developments in one region impacted upon corresponding territory. Ultimately, this provides historians with a new model for exploring what has previously been a majorly neglected area of Irish and British history.
This dissertation is the first comprehensive and synthetic study of the Irish presentation and legends of Longinus. Longinus was the soldier at the crucifixion who pierced Christ with a spear, who believed and, according to some texts, was healed of his blindness by the blood and water issuing from the wound, and who later was martyred for his belief. In my thesis I survey the knowledge and use of the legend of Longinus in Ireland over genres and over time. Sources used for the analyses include iconographic representations of the spear-bearer in manuscripts, metalwork and stone and textual representations of the figure of Longinus ranging over the history of Irish literature from the early medieval to the early modern period, as well as over Irish and HibernoLatin texts. The thesis consists of four core chapters, the analyses of the presentations of Longinus in early-medieval Irish texts and in the iconographic tradition (I,II), the editions of the extant Irish and the earliest surviving Latin texts of the Passion of Longinus and of a little-known short tract describing the healing of Longinus from Leabhar Breac (III), and the discussion of the later medieval Irish popular traditions (IV). Particular attention is given to the study of two intriguing peculiarities of the Irish tradition. Most early Irish Gospel books feature an interpolation of the episode of the spear-thrust in Matthew 27:49, directly preceding the death of Christ, implying its reading as the immediate cause of death. The image of Longinus as 'iugulator Christi' ('killer of Christ') appears to have been crucial for the development of the legend. Also, the blindness motif, which rarely features in other European popular traditions until the twelfth century, is attested as early as the eighth century in Ireland, which has led some scholars to suggest a potential Irish origin.
Seals and humans often target the same food resource, leading to competition. This is of mounting concern with fish stocks in global decline. Grey seals were tracked from southeast Ireland, an area of mixed demersal and pelagic fisheries, and overlap with fisheries on the Celtic Shelf and Irish Sea was assessed. Overall, there was low overlap between the tagged seals and fisheries. However, when we separate active (e.g. trawls) and passive gear (e.g. nets, lines) fisheries, a different picture emerged. Overlap with active fisheries was no different from that expected under a random distribution, but overlap with passive fisheries was significantly higher. This suggests that grey seals may be targeting the same areas as passive fisheries and/or specifically targeting passive gear. There was variation in foraging areas between individual seals suggesting habitat partitioning to reduce intra-specific competition or potential individual specialisation in foraging behaviour. Our findings support other recent assertions that seal/fisheries interactions in Irish waters are an issue in inshore passive fisheries, most likely at the operational and individual level. This suggests that seal population management measures would be unjustifiable, and mitigation is best focused on minimizing interactions at nets.
In the context of the European OMEX Programme this investigation focused on gradients in the biomass and activity of the small benthic size spectrum along a transect across the Goban Spur from the outer Celtic Sea into Porcupine Abyssal Plain. The effects of food pulses (seasonal, episodic) on this part of the benthic size spectrum were investigated. Sediments sampled during eight expeditions at different seasons covering a range from 200 m to 4800 m water depth were assayed with biochemical bulk measurements: determinations of chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE), the sum of chlorophyll a and its breakdown products, provide information concerning the input of phytodetrital matter to the seafloor; phospholipids were analyzed to estimate the total biomass of small benthic organisms (including bacteria, fungi, flagellata, protozoa and small metazoan meiofauna). A new term 'small size class biomass' (SSCB) is introduced for the biomass of the smallest size classes of sediment-inhabiting organisms; the reduction of fluorescein-di-acetate (FDA) was determined to evaluate the potential activity of ester-cleaving bacterial exoenzymes in the sediment samples. At all stations benthic biomass was predominantly composed of the small size spectrum (90% on the shelf; 97-98% in the bathyal and abyssal parts of the transect). Small size class biomass (integrated over a 10 cm sediment column) ranged from 8 g C/m**2 on the shelf to 2.1 g C/m**2 on the adjacent Porcupine Abyssal Plain, exponentially decreasing with increasing water depth. However, a correlation between water depth and SSCB, macrofauna biomass as well as metazoan meiofauna biomass exhibited a significantly flatter slope for the small size classes in comparison to the larger organisms. CPE values indicated a pronounced seasonal cycle on the shelf and upper slope with twin peaks of phytodetrital deposition in mid spring and late summer. The deeper stations seem to receive a single annual flux maximum in late summer. SSCB and heterotrophic activity are significantly correlated to the amount of sediment-bound pigments. Seasonality in pigment concentrations is clearly followed by SSCB and activity. In contrast to macro- and megafauna which integrate over larger periods (months/years), the small benthic size classes, namely bacteria and foraminifera, proved to be the most reactive potential of the benthic communities to any perturbations on short time scales (days/weeks). The small size classes, therefore, occupy a key role in early diagenetic processes.
We have compiled results obtained from four high sedimentation rate hemipelagic sequences from the Celtic sector of the NW European margin (NE Atlantic) to investigate the paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic evolution of the area over the last few climatic cycles. We focus on periods characteristic of deglacial transitions. We adopt a multiproxy sedimentological, geochemical, and micropaleontological approach, applying a sampling resolution down to ten microns for specific intervals. The investigation demonstrates the relationships between the Bay of Biscay hydrography and the glacial/deglacial history of both the proximal British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) and the western European continent. We identify recurrent phases of laminae deposition concurrent with major BIIS deglacial episodes in all the studied cores. Evidence for abrupt freshwater discharges into the open ocean highlights the influence of such events at a regional scale. We discuss their impact at a global scale considering the present and past key location of the Bay of Biscay versus the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).
Three questions on the study of NO Iberian Peninsula sweat lodges are posed. First, the new sauna of Monte Ornedo (Cantabria), the review of the one of Armea (Ourense), and the Cantabrian pedra formosa type are discussed. Second, the known types of sweat lodges are reconsidered underlining the differences between the Cantabrian and the Douro - Minho groups as these differences contribute to a better assessment of the saunas located out of those territories, such as those of Monte Ornedo or Ulaca. Third, a richer record demands a more specific terminology, a larger use of archaeometric analysis and the application of landscape archaeology or art history methodologies. In this way the range of interpretation of the sweat lodges is opened, as an example an essay is proposed that digs on some already known proposals and suggests that the saunas are material metaphors of wombs whose rationale derives from ideologies and ritual practices of Indo-European tradition.