990 resultados para Camila Duran


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A exposição ao sol traz benefícios à saúde, no entanto, o excesso pode ocasionar danos cutâneos dentre os quais se destacam as neoplasias. A fotoproteção é um método para a prevenção dos efeitos danosos da radiação ultravioleta (UV) e a biodiversidade Brasileira é campo fértil para pesquisas nesta área. Dessa forma, os objetivos deste estudo envolveram o desenvolvimento de formulações fotoprotetoras contendo quercetina (composto bioativo) e filtros solares físicos (dióxido de titânio e óxido de zinco), com posterior caracterização das formulações e avaliação da sua estabilidade. As formulações contendo o composto bioativo, isolado ou em associação com os filtros físicos, possuíram valores de pH biocompatíveis com a pele,intervalo de viscosidade aparente entre 10550 e 23600 cP; fator de proteção solar (FPS) estimado entre 2.1 e 22.5; e amplo espectro de proteção, com comprimentos de onda crítico acima de 379 nm. Constatou-se que não foi adequado utilizar a quercetina associada aos filtros solares físicos devido às interações negativas que ocorreram entre o composto e os metais, somente identificadas ao longo do estudo de estabilidade. No entanto, em função da eficácia estimada in vitro apresentada pelo flavonoide, seu uso ainda pode ser explorado como substituto alternativo aos filtros solares clássicos.


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Os tripanossomatídeos são caracterizados por processos moleculares diferenciados como a transcrição policistrônica e regulação pós-transcricional da expressão gênica. Em mamíferos, a tradução se inicia com a ligação do complexo eIF4F (formado pelos eIF4A, eIF4E e eIF4G) a extremidade 5' dos mRNAs, o que facilita seu reconhecimento pelo ribossomo. A atividade do eIF4F é reforçada pela proteína de ligação a cauda poli-A (PABP), na extremidade 3' dos mRNAs, que interage com o eIF4G. Dois complexos do tipo eIF4F foram identificados em tripanossomatídeos: o primeiro formado pelos EIF4G3, EIF4E4 e EIF4AI com a PABP1; e um outro baseado na interação do EIF4G4 com o EIF4E3 e o EIF4A1. Este trabalho buscou caracterizar as interações entre as subunidades destes complexos e sua associação com PABPs de Leishmania, avaliando o efeito de mutações em motivos específicos. Proteínas recombinantes foram geradas fusionadas a GST e avaliadas quanto a sua habilidade de interagir com parceiros marcados radioativamente em ensaios do tipo pull-down. Para o EIF4G3, mutações individuais em dois resíduos vizinhos (I8A e R9A), afetaram a interação com o EIF4E4 e a mutação de ambos os resíduos equivalentes do EIF4G4 (IL25-26AA) também impediu sua ligação ao EIF4E3, sugerindo um motivo comum para a ligação aos seus parceiros. As proteínas EIF4E3 e EIF4E4 foram avaliadas quanto à capacidade de interagir com a PABP2 e PABP1 respectivamente, e mutações em motivos conservados nas regiões N-terminais dos EIF4E (Boxes A, B e C) aboliram sua interação com os homólogos da PABP. Para identificar que regiões da PABP1 estão relacionadas às interações com o parceiro EIF4E4, foram obtidas proteínas PABP1 mutantes em motivos conservados e observou-se que a mutação no motivo TGM, C-terminal, aboliu sua interação com o EIF4E4. Com estas abordagens conseguiu-se avançar na definição das interações entre as referidas subunidades do eIF4F e PABP, identificando-se diferenças relevantes em relação a outros eucariotos


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O regime de tratamento com múltiplas drogas é correspondente a uma interação de drogas que pode causar efeitos adversos e falha no tratamento. Essa interação pode gerar modificações funcionais dos transportadores de membrana e por consequência a biodisponibilidade das drogas durante o tratamento. Dentre os transportadores de drogas transmembranares está a glicoproteína-P (P-gp), uma proteína de 170KD, produto do gene MDR1, caracterizada como uma \201CATP Binding cassete\201D (ABC). Seu papel está muito bem definido nas células neoplásicas multirresistentes a drogas, assim como sua relação com as drogas para o tratamento da infecção pelo HIV. Entretanto, pouco tem sido estudado sobre esta bomba de efluxo na tuberculose multirresistente (TBMR). Neste estudo analisamos por citometria de fluxo sua expressão e atividade de efluxo nos monócitos, principal célula relacionada com a tuberculose e também em linfócitos e granulócitos do sangue periférico por meio da citometria de fluxo. A taxa de efluxo foi medida através do uso da Rodamina 123 (Rho123) e a expressão da P-gp através do anticorpo monoclonal anti-CD243 (clone UIC2). A utilização direta do sangue total para a determinação da atividade de efluxo por citometria de fluxo caracterizou a implantação de uma nova ferramenta de análise para a pesquisa A análise contemplou 52% do total de pacientes em tratamento de TBMR no ambulatório do Laboratório de Pesquisa em Micobacterioses do Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas (IPEC). Para as análises foram levadas em consideração a idade, cor da pele, o tempo de tratamento e a quantidade de drogas administradas. O estudo revelou que há correlação entre a expressão da P-gp nos monócitos e a idade dos pacientes (P<0,01). Diferenças entre pacientes brancos e não brancos também foram observadas. Em linfócitos a expressão de P-gp quando aumentada foi diretamente proporcional à atividade de efluxo observada nos monócitos (P< 0,05). Além disso, pacientes submetidos ao tratamento para TBMR por até seis meses apresentaram uma maior expressão de P-gp e, linfócitos quando comparados àqueles que receberam o tratamento por mais de seis meses (P<0,01)


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Wild and managed bees are well documented as effective pollinators of global crops of economic importance. However, the contributions by pollinators other than bees have been little explored despite their potential to contribute to crop production and stability in the face of environmental change. Non-bee pollinators include flies, beetles, moths, butterflies, wasps, ants, birds, and bats, among others. Here we focus on non-bee insects and synthesize 39 field studies from five continents that directly measured the crop pollination services provided by non-bees, honey bees, and other bees to compare the relative contributions of these taxa. Non-bees performed 25–50% of the total number of flower visits. Although non-bees were less effective pollinators than bees per flower visit, they made more visits; thus these two factors compensated for each other, resulting in pollination services rendered by non-bees that were similar to those provided by bees. In the subset of studies that measured fruit set, fruit set increased with non-bee insect visits independently of bee visitation rates, indicating that non-bee insects provide a unique benefit that is not provided by bees. We also show that non-bee insects are not as reliant as bees on the presence of remnant natural or seminatural habitat in the surrounding landscape. These results strongly suggest that non-bee insect pollinators play a significant role in global crop production and respond differently than bees to landscape structure, probably making their crop pollination services more robust to changes in land use. Non-bee insects provide a valuable service and provide potential insurance against bee population declines.


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The aim of this study was to assess in vitro the influence of Er:YAG laser irradiation distance on the shear strength of the bond between an adhesive restorative system and primary dentin. A total of 60 crowns of primary molars were embedded in acrylic resin and mechanically ground to expose a flat dentin surface and were randomly assigned to six groups (n = 10). The control group was etched with 37% phosphoric acid. The remaining five groups were irradiated (80 mJ, 2 Hz) at different irradiation distances (11, 12, 16, 17 and 20 mm), followed by acid etching. An adhesive agent (Single Bond) was applied to the bonding sites, and resin cylinders (Filtek Z250) were prepared. The shear bond strength tests were performed in a universal testing machine (0.5 mm/min). Data were submitted to statistical analysis using one-way ANOVA and the Kruskal-Wallis test (p < 0.05). The mean shear bond strengths were: 7.32 +/- 3.83, 5.07 +/- 2.62, 6.49 +/- 1.64, 7.71 +/- 0.66, 7.33 +/- 0.02, and 9.65 +/- 2.41 MPa in the control group and the groups irradiated at 11, 12, 16, 17, and 20 mm, respectively. The differences between the bond strengths in groups II and IV and between the bond strengths in groups II and VI were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Increasing the laser irradiation distance resulted in increasing shear strength of the bond to primary dentin.


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To study the physical properties of two experimental dentifrices for complete denture hygiene, their effect on denture biofilm removal and antimicrobial properties by means of a clinical trial. The experimental dentifrices comprised two compositions. One was based on the addition of 1% chloramine T (D1) and the other on the presence of 0.01% fluorosurfactant (D2). Measurements of density, pH, consistency, rheological features and abrasiveness were conducted. Sixty complete denture wearers were randomly assigned to three groups and were instructed to brush their dentures with a specific toothbrush: (1) Water (control); (2) D1; or (3) D2. Each method was used for 21 days. Denture biofilm was disclosed by a 1% neutral red solution and quantified by means of digital photos taken from the internal surface. Microbiological assessment was conducted to quantify Candida sp. and mutans streptococci. Data were evaluated by one-way anova and Tukey HSD, or Kruskal-Wallis (alpha = 0.05). Both dentifrices decreased biofilm coverage when compared with the control group. D1 was the most efficacious treatment to reduce mutans streptococci, whereas D2 showed an intermediate outcome (anova, p < 0.040). No treatment influenced Candida albicans or non-albicans species (Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.163 and 0.746, respectively). It can be concluded that brushing complete dentures with the experimental dentifrices tested could be effective for the removal of denture biofilm.


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The regular use of mouthrinses, particularly when combined with the use of air-powder polishing, could affect the appearance of tooth-colored restorations. The current study sought to evaluate the effect of NaHCO(3) powder on translucency of a microfilled composite resin immersed in different mouthrinses, at distinct evaluation periods. Eighty disk-shaped specimens of composite resin (Durafill VS, Heraeus Kulzer GmbH & Co. KG, Hanau, Germany) were prepared. The composite specimens were then randomly allocated into two groups according to the surface treatment: exposure to NaHCO(3) powder (10 seconds) or nonexposure, and they were randomly assigned into four subgroups, according to the mouthrinses employed (N = 10): Periogard (Colgate/Palmolive, Sao Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil), Cepacol (Aventis Pharma, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil), Plax (Colgate/Palmolive), and distilled water (control group). The samples were immersed for 2 minutes daily, 5 days per week, over a 4-month test period. Translucency was measured with a transmission densitometer at seven evaluation periods. Statistical analyses (analysis of variance and Tukey`s test) revealed that: distilled water presented higher translucency values (86.72%); Periogard demonstrated the lowest translucency values (72.70%); and Plax (74.05%) and Cepacol (73.32%) showed intermediate translucency values, which were statistically similar between them (p > 0.01). NaHCO(3) air-powder polishing increased the changes in translucency associated with the mouthrinses. Air-powder polishing alone had no effect on material translucency. Translucency percent was gradually decreased from 1 week of immersion up to 4 months. It may be concluded that the NaHCO(3) powder and the tested mouthrinses have affected the translucency of microfilled composite resin, according to the tested time. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE During the last decade, the demand for composite resin restorations has grown considerably, however, controversy persists regarding the effect of surface roughness on color stability.


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The advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) improved HIV infection prognosis. However, adverse metabolic and morphologic effects emerged, highlighting a lack of investigation into the role of nutritional interventions among this population. The present study evaluated the impact of a nutritional counseling program on prevention of morphologic and metabolic changes in patients living with HIV/AIDS receiving HAART. A 12-month randomized clinical trial was conducted with 53 adults of both genders in use of HAART. Subjects were allocated to either an intervention group (IG) or a control group (CG). Nutritional counseling was based on the promotion of a healthy diet pattern. Anthropometrical, biochemical, blood pressure, and food intake variables were assessed on four separate occasions. Sub scapular skin-fold results showed a significant tendency for increase between time 1 (Mean IG = 14.9 mm; CG = 13.6 mm), time 3 (Mean IG = 16.7 mm; CG = 18.2 mm), and time 4 (Mean IG = 16.4 mm; CG = 17.7 mm). Lipid percentage intake presented a greater increase among controls (time 1 mean = 26.3%, time 4 mean = 29.6%) than among IG subjects (time 1 mean = 29.1%, time 4 mean = 28.9%). Moreover, participants allocated to the IG presented an increase in dietetic fiber intake of almost 10 grams. The proposed nutritional counseling program proved to be effective in improving diet by reducing fat consumption and increasing fiber intake.


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Background This study sought to assess the diet quality of individuals living with HIV/AIDS who were receiving antiretroviral therapy in Sao Paulo Brazil,. Methods This cross-sectional study involved 56 HIV-infected adults. Demographic and anthropometric data were collected, and diet quality was measured using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI), modified for Brazilians, which included ten components: adequacy of intake of six different food groups, total fat, cholesterol, dietary fibre and dietary variety. Results Among the individuals assessed, 64.3% of the participants had a diet needing improvement, while 8.7% had a poor diet. The overall HEI score was 68.3 points (SD = 14.9). Mean scores were low for fruits, vegetables, dairy products and dietary fibre; and high for meats and eggs, total fat and cholesterol. The overall HEI score was higher among individuals who were not overweight (P = 0.003), who were also more likely to achieve dietary goals for dairy products (P = 0.039) and grains (P = 0.005). Conclusion Most of these adults living with HIV/AIDS had diets that required improvement, and being overweight was associated with poorer diet quality. Nutritional interventions aimed at maintaining healthy body weight and diet should be taken into account in caring for HIV-infected people.


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There is worldwide recognition that the burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and obesity-related health problems is rapidly increasing in low- and middle-income countries. Environmental determinants of obesity are likely to differ between countries, particularly in those undergoing rapid socioeconomic and nutrition transitions such as Brazil. This study aims to describe some built environment and local food environment variables and to explore their association with the overweight rate and diet and physical activity area-level aggregated indicators of adults living in the city of Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazil. This formative study includes an ecological analysis of environmental factors associated with overweight across 31 submunicipalities of the city of Sao Paulo using statistical and spatial analyses. Average prevalence of overweight was 41.69% (95% confidence interval 38.74, 44.64), ranging from 27.14% to 60.75% across the submunicipalities. There was a wide geographical variation of both individual diet and physical activity, and indicators of food and built environments, favoring wealthier areas. After controlling for area socioeconomic status, there was a positive correlation between regular fruits and vegetables (FV) intake and density of FV specialized food markets (r = 0.497; p < 0.001), but no relationship between fast-food restaurant density and overweight prevalence was found. A negative association between overweight prevalence and density of parks and public sport facilities was seen (r = -0.527; p < 0.05). Understanding the relationship between local neighborhood environments and increasing rates of poor diet, physical activity, and obesity is essential in countries undergoing rapid economic and urban development, such as Brazil, in order to provide insights for policies to reduce increasing rates of NCDs and food access and health inequalities.


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The study aimed at verifying the associated factors of self-perceived body changes in adults living with HIV in highly-active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. This cross-sectional study was conducted among people living with HIV on HAART for at least three months. A standardized questionnaire was used for assessing self-perceived body changes. Associated factors relating to self-reported body changes in people living with HIV (PLHIV) were assessed with Student`s t-test and chi-square test. In total, 507 patients were evaluated. The mean time since diagnosis was 6.6 years [standard deviation (SD)+/-4.1], and the mean duration of HAART was 5.1 years (SD+/-3.3). Self-perceived body changes were reported by 79.5% of the participants and were associated with viral load and duration of HAART. Fibre intake was lower among males who gained in abdominal fat (p=0.035). HAART-related body changes were reported by the large majority of the population and were associated with demographic and clinical variables.


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The production of a healthy cloned calf is dependent on a multitude of successful steps, including reprogramming mediated by the oocyte, the development of a functional placenta, adequate maternal-fetal interaction, the establishment of a physiological metabolic setting and the formation of a complete set of well-differentiated cells that will eventually result in well-characterised and fully competent tissues and organs. Although the efficiency of nuclear transfer has improved significantly since the first report of a somatic cell nuclear transfer-derived animal, there are many descriptions of anomalies concerning cloned calves leading to high perinatal morbidity and mortality. The present article discusses some our experience regarding perinatal and neonatal procedures for cloned Zebu cattle (B. indicus) that has led to improved survival rates in Nellore cloned calves following the application of such `labour-intensive technology`.