1000 resultados para Brasil. Departamento Nacional de Portos, Rios e Canais


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Among the crops commercially exploited in Brazil, the coffee has a great economic importance, especially in the states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. In the search for higher yield and lower environmental impact, farmers and researchers seek to develop new technologies that result in greater efficiency in various production processes of the coffee. For this, the adoption of precision agriculture in the management of operations in coffee crops, called precision coffee, has shown results that justify its use, by identifying the spatial variability of several variables, allowing its localized management and in the proper intensity. Unlike conventional management that is based on the average of observations in an area, precision agriculture uses a more detailed sampling, based on a sampling grid, which allows to represent in greater detail the reality of farming. Many previous studies have identified the spatial variability of the production of coffee system variables, but without worrying about the quality of information obtained due to the sampling grid used as precision and accuracy. Given the above, the objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of four different sampling grids for different variables and three times, in order to identify the most appropriate grid for use in precision coffee. Also aimed to compare the results between the precision coffee and conventional, according to reference values.


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The amount of waste generated by industries has increased gradually in recent years. The proper disposal of residues has been an area of study of many researchers. Several organic compounds are considered potential contaminants of natural waters due to their high toxicity, difficult natural degradation and long persistence in the environment. Ways of recovery and reutilization as well as concepts that minimize the generation of wastes have been increasing widely. Organometallic compound of pyrazine carboxylic acid has proven to be of great interest in many areas. Herein, we studied the use of pyrazine tetracarboxylic acid ligand for complex formation with iron (Fe). The binder (C 8H4N2O8) was synthetized with the addition of Fe (complex) and tested as a catalyst in oxidation reactions of the organic model compound methylene blue (MB). Tetramethyl pyrazine was used in the synthesis, which was oxidized with potassium permanganate in order to form the ligand. The ligand (C 8H4N2O8) was then characterized to validate its formation. For the complex solution, it was used (C 8H4N2O8) and Fe (NO3)3.9H2O 0,01molL-1. After preliminary tests, it was found that the best ratio of Fe and the ligand was 2: 1. Through the oxidation tests, it could be seen that the complex has great potential for the degradation of different concentrations of MB. During only 20 minutes of reaction, approximately 60% of MB 500 mgL -1 was oxidized. The use of the complex was found to be an attractive alternative for oxidation of effluents with high organic compounds levels and contributes to the minimization of organic contaminants hazards in the environment.


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Ecological restoration aims to restore the self-sustainability potential of degraded environments. The successional trajectory of areas in restoration may differ from the reference ecosystem on a number of factors, especially the disturbance history of the area and management techniques applied in order to reverse the degradation scenario. In this sense, the objective of this study was to characterize the dynamics of natural regeneration and the structure of the regenerating community in an area of ecological restoration for 25 years on the right bank of the Rio Grande in the Power Station in Camargos that belongs to the Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais - CEMIG, Nazareno, MG, in order to identify the current state of environmental regeneration. In November 2014, there was the first community inventory of seedlings existing in regeneration subplots (2 x 2 m) within the inclusion criteria (height ≥ 10 cm and DBH <5 cm), divided into 44 subplots (11 plots) in two areas, one area in restoration (REF) and a fragment of native vegetation (FRAG). In October 2015, the second sampling was carried out, in which individuals were resampled and recruits and dead individuals quantified. The parameters abundance, floristic similarity, density, dominance, importance value, equability, richness and diversity were analyzed in both samples. The dynamics was evaluated for the number of individuals and basal area in the period of 2014-2015 and individuals distributed according to height. The history of usage area provoked different behavior between the study environments; the patterns of the FRAG and REF communities along the years allowed the distinction between environments and demonstrated great environmental diversity, with differences in the abundance of species, floristic similarity, richness, diversity, vertical structure and dynamics parameters. In the REF area, there was a considerable increase in the density of individuals along the years and the establishment of different species. In this sense, the evaluation of natural regeneration in REF has shown that resilience is gradually being resumed, a necessary condition to support the potential for environmental self-sustainability. However, given the disturbance history, it can be concluded that the environment moves to an alternative state, which is possibly different from that prior to degradation.


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The Agroindustrial System coffee after decades of state regulation has become a decentralized economic activity. This situation compelled most of the actors in the production chain to resort to self r egulatory systems offered by certification agencies, which have specific criteria and procedures. However the diversity criteria of the agencies do not offer resources able to ensure efficient management of the governance structure. There is a need to reduce the asymmetry of information, which is possible through the sharing of data compatible with the production tracking feature. This work is supported in this contextualized problem, based on Transaction Cost Theory and the use of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. The first part of the work seeks to know the procedures required by leading regulatory agencies in Brazil, with perspective to emphasize the similarities and compatibilities between them, which was reached after analysis of standards and comparison of similarities. Next is registered the operation and the coffee traceability of the structure, in order to identify, through observation, documental and bibliographical analysis, the systems in place and traceable information in line with the recommendations of the coffee certification. Finally, he sought to create a labeling model that allows to generate and share information about the product from the field to the sale for consumption. The information obtained in the previous steps were the basis for data collection with the production chain agents through a structured questionnaire administered to 618 agents of the production chain, whose answers were treated by multivariate methods of statistical analysis. The results showed that actors in the chain are in favor of inclusion and sharing information related to rural production and economic and environmental data. This knowledge enabled develop a labeling model where the information sharing agents is an efficient mechanism to mitigate the governance problems identified.


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The concept of environment involves social, political and economic aspects, in addition to natural elements. The acknowledgement that the environmental issue is complex highlights the importance of understanding the dynamics of relations that guide the individuals in their interactions with the environment. In this sense, studies have shown the relation between values, beliefs and behaviors. The theory on values developed by Schwartz (1992) identifies the complexity of the relations between values and behavior, organizing the field of human motivation into ten motivational types. Studies conducted by Pato (2004) on environmental beliefs are capable of indicating how the individuals relate to the environment, and its predisposition in acting or not in an ecological manner, allowing an understanding of ecological behavior and its forms of manifestation. Therefore, the objective of this study consisted of analyzing the value perception over environmental beliefs and ecological behavior of the individuals inserted into the environmental theme of the municipality of Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The research was conducted using a sample of 82 participants, comprised in its majority of male (62.2%), married (54.9%) individuals, and those with age from 31 to 40 years (35.4%). A survey of four segments was conducted: Ecological Behavior Scale (EBS), Environmental Beliefs Scale (EBeS), Schwatz Value Profile (SVP-40) and sociodemographic variables. The participants assumed, first, a value orientation directed to the universalism motivational type, which involves an important set of values for understanding the behaviors in relation to the environment. Furthermore, the results showed that the behaviors related to urban cleaning and economy of water and energy are more easily assimilated, while behaviors oriented to activism/consumerism and recycling were not yet incorporated in a satisfactory manner. On the other hand, the fact of belonging to an institution of which mission is to care for the environment seems to induce the participants to show a greater predisposition to pro-environmental behaviors. The environmental issue, urgent and moved by not always confluent debates, points to the need for reorganizing daily life, which necessarily involves change in values and behaviors. Thus, this study is relevant given that the interaction between the constructs can contribute with the research and the proposition of strategies that promote a reduction of behaviors damaging to the environment, as well as the strengthening of those that contribute for its preservation, sensitizing the actors involved to reorder their roles for benefiting the environment.


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Phosphate fertilizers are critical for crop production in tropical soils, which are known for having high phosphate-fixing capacity and aluminium saturation, as well as low pH and calcium contents. Fluorine is a component of many phosphate rocks used to make phosphate fertilizers, via a process that generates hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6). While many treatment technologies have been proposed for removal of fluorine in industrial facilities, little attention has been given to a process of neutralizing H2SiF6 with calcium oxide aiming to find out an alternative and sustainable use of a by-product with a great potential for beneficial use in tropical agriculture. This study evaluated the effect of a by-product of phosphoric acid production (fluorite with silicon oxide, hereafter called AgroSiCa) in levels of phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), silicon (Si), aluminum (Al) and fluorine (F) and some others parameters in soils as on growth of soybean and corn. Experiments were conducted in a greenhouse condition at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Lavras, Minas Gerais, using different types of soils in tropical regions and different doses of AgroSiCa. The application of AgroSiCa resulted in a slight increase in soil pH and significant increases in calcium, phosphorus and silicon in the soil solution and the shoots of corn and soybeans. We also found very low levels of fluoride in all soil leachates. A significant reduction of labile aluminum levels found in all soils after the cultivation of corn and soybeans. In sum, AgroSiCa improved soil properties and contributed to better growth of both cultures. In sum, AgroSiCa improved soil properties and contributed to a better growth of both crops. Our results show that reacting H2SiF6 derived from the wet-process phosphoric acid production with calcium oxide leads to a by-product with potential for agricultural use, especially when applied in highly-weathered soils. Besides providing calcium and silicon to plants, the use of such by-product in soils with high phosphate-fixing capacity and high aluminium saturation delivers additional benefits, since fluoride and silicon can play an important role in improving soil conditions due to the formation of less plant-toxic forms of aluminium, as well as upon decreasing phosphate fixation, thus improving root development and making fertilizer-derived phosphate more available for plant growth.


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Eryngium foetidum L., Eryngium cf. campestre and Coriandrum sativum L. are Apiaceae family vegetable appreciated due to its peculiar flavor and consumed mainly in the north and northeast of Brazil. The vegetables are rich in protein, vitamins, fiber, minerals, total phenolics and other essential bioactives for a balanced health. Nevertheless, many vegetables are falling into disuse by the population, instead of processed foods. The rescue consumption of these species is very important, aiming at their nutritional, therapeutic and antioxidant benefits. In this study, was quantified the levels of total phenolic, flavonoids and dihidroflavonoides by molecular absorption spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet. The total antioxidant capacity was also evaluated using five methodologies of in vitro assays: test Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC), scavenging of DPPH and ABTS radical, Power Reducing and Power Chelating. It was also evaluated the power inhibitor of α-amylase and lipoxygenase extracts. All species showed significant levels of total phenolics, flavonoids and dihidroflavonoides in its composition. All treatments showed antioxidant activity of 50% except the sheets of E. cf. campestre, C. sativum and bracts of E. foetidum in DPPH and bracts of E. foetidum in ABTS. All treatments also exhibited 50% inhibition activity of the enzyme lipoxygenase.In α-amylase only the leaves of E. cf. campestre and C. sativum showed IC50. It was evaluate the phytochemical composition, aiming to meet the nutritional potential of Apiaceae family vegetables, called unconventional: Eryngium foetidum L., Eryngium cf. campestre; and conventional: Coriandrum sativum L. At the centesimal composition analysis Coriandrum sativum L. presented the highest levels of protein. The leaves of Eryngium foetidum L. exhibited higher values than other species in dietary fiber, while Eryngium cf. campestre detach with superior results in lipids. About the analyzed minerals, the leaves of Eryngium cf. campestre expressed results superior to the other in N, Ca, Mg, S and Cu. The amount of iron highlighted in sheets of E. foetidum, whereas P, K, Mn, Zn and B were most significant on leaves of C. sativum. It was concluded that the levels of total phenolic compounds found in these vegetables, characterize them for its high potential in the antioxidant and inhibition of lipoxygenase and α-amylase enzymes. Their protein and mineral levels classify them as species that can be used as a nutritional source in the preparation of other foods and may their regular consumption bring benefit to human health.


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The principal component analysis assists the producers in making decision of which evaluated features must be maintained in performance tests indexes, according to the variation present in these animals evaluated. The objective in this study was to evaluate a set of characteristics measured in a performance test in semifeedlot cattle of the Simmental and Angus breeds, by means principal component analysis (PC), aim to identify the features that represent most of the phenotypic variation for preparation of indexes. It was used data from 39 Angus and 38 Simmental bulls from the Santa Éster farm, located in Silvianópolis - MG. The performance test period was from october 2014 to february 2015. The features evaluated in the test were: final weight (FW), average daily gain weight (GW), respiratory rate (RR), haircoat temperature (HT) and rectal (RT), hair number (HN), hair length (HL), hair thickness (HT), muscularity (MUSC), racial characteristics, angulation, reproductive and balance (BAL), height of the front and back, width and length of croup, body length, depth and heart girth, subcutaneous fat thickness and rump (FTR), loin eye area and marbling (MAR). It was used PRINCOMP from SAS program for procedure the PC analysis. It was found that of the 27 features evaluated, the first four PC for Simmental breed explained 74% total variation data. The four PC selected with the corresponding weighting coefficients formed the following index: (0.27 * FW) + (0.47 * MUSC) + (0.50 * HL) + (0.39 * HT). Since the characteristics related to the adaptability of great importance for the studied breed, it was decided to keep the index of evidence for the Angus breed, the feature hair number, because there is a feature that presented a great variability and occupied one of the first principal component. Thus, the Angus index was composed by five features, with 79% total variation data, resulting in the following formula: (0.26 * FW) + (0.33 * BAL) + (0.58 * MAR) - (0.43 * FTR) – (0.38 * HN). By the principal component analysis it was possible to minimize the features number to be evaluated on performance tests from that farm, making the animal selection rapidly and accurate.


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The aim of the study was to develop a system of growth and yield models for thinned stands of Eucalyptus spp.; and to assess the behavior of the growth in scenarios with 10% decrease or increase in rainfall. The probability distribution functions Weibull 2 and 3 parameters and Johnson SB for different methods were fitted. Correlation between the fitted parameters with age was evaluated. Dominant height growth behavior was evaluated to check if thinned stand changes its growth when compared to a non-thinned stands. The stand variables dominant height and basal area were projected and simultaneously predicted and projected, respectively. Individual tree equations were fitted, which were fitted as functions of stand level variables in order to decrease the error propagation. R software was used to fit all the proposed models and consequently all the fitted models were evaluated by their parameters significance (F-test) and graphs of predicted values in relation to the observed values around the 1:1 line. Thus, the prognosis system was made by two ways, first one using the full data set, and for the second one the dataset was restricted at age 7.5. Increase and decrease in 20% of rainfall were assessed by updating the site index function. Method of moments was the most precise to describe the diameter distribution for every age in eucalyptus stands for Johnson SB and Weibull 2 parameters pdfs. When observed for each pdf the correlation for their fitted parameters with age, we noticed that shape parameters for a thinned stand were no longer correlated with age, differently of non-thinned stands. Thus, thinning effect was accounted in the basal area prediction and projection modeling. This result emphasized the necessity of applying the Parameter Recovery method in order to assess differences and capture the right pattern for thinned and non-thinned stands in the future. Dominant height was not influenced by thinning intensity. Therefore the fitted Chapman-Richards model did not account for a stand being thinned or not. All the fitted equations behaved with good precision, no matter using full or precocious dataset. The prognosis system using full and/or precocious date set was evaluated for when using Parameter Recovery method for Sb and Weibull pdfs, and by then, graphical analysis and precision statistics showed appropriated results. Finally, the increase or decrease in rainfall regime were observed for eucalyptus stand yields and we may notice how important is to observe this effect, since the growth pattern is strictly affected by water.


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With the emergence of new genetic lines due to intense breeding improvement on swine production in recent years, there is the need to adapt more accurately diets for the current sows, which have higher nutritional demands. The use of functional amino acids aimsto optimize the sows production and among these amino acids arginine has excelled. Arginine is involved in several important metabolic pathways, for example, it serves as a substrate forsynthesis of protein, creatine, nitric oxide, polyamines, citrulline, agmatine, ornithine, proline, and glutamate. It also helps to stimulate the secretion of some hormones such as insulin, prolactin, and growth hormone.As arginine plays such important roles, its supplementation has been suggested in lactation feed once it may enhance the development of the mammary gland and milk nutritional profile, thus, providing a better piglet development.Thus, the objective was to evaluate the effect of lactation feed supplementation with L-Arginine on the productive performance of primiparoussows and their respective litter.One hundred forty sows from the same genetic lineage on a commercial farm, located in the city of Oliveira, MG were used in this study, in a completely randomized design with five treatments: control diet without amino acid supplementation and four diets with increasing levels of L-Arginine supplementation (containing 98.5% purity) - 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0%. Each treatment hadtwenty-eight swine sows, and the experimental unit was the sowand its litter.It was used ‘on top’ amino acid supplementation.All data was submitted to variance analysis using the SAEG Software: version 9.1 (SAEG, 2005).The data relating to days of lactation were compared by Tukey test (5%). L-Arginine supplementation levels in lactation feed did not influence (P>0.05) average daily feed intake, body condition variables, and blood parameters of the sows (urea, creatinine, and non-esterified fatty acids) as well as it did not affect the dry matter, crude protein, and amino acid profile of milk and the litter performance. There was effect (P<0.05) of days of lactation on the percentage of crude protein and amino acids in milk, which reduced througout the days of lactation. The L-Arginine supplementation on the lactation diet at levels of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0% did not influence the sow and its respective litter performance.


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Multivariate image analysis applied to the quantitative structure-activity relationships (MIA-QSAR) is a 2D QSAR technique that has been presenting promising outcomes for the development of new drug candidates, due to its simplicity, rapidity and low cost. In this way, the present study aims at introducing, consolidating and improving the new dimensions named aug-MIA-QSAR and aug-MIA-QSARcolor, as well as applying them to the study of neglected diseases, in order to obtain new drug targets using chemico-biological interpretation of the MIA molecular descriptors. Four compound data sets with experimental bioactivities against Chagas disease, malaria, dengue and schistosomiasis were evaluated using three approaches: MIA-QSARt, aug-MIA-QSAR and aug-MIA-QSARcolor. In general, representations of atoms as spheres with different colors and sizes proportional to the corresponding van der Waals radii (aug-MIA approaches) improved the predictive ability and interpretability in all data sets. The use of colors proportional to the Pauling´s electronegativity showed that MIA descriptors are capable of identifying periodic properties relevant for the studied activity. Finally, solid colors instead of spotlighted atoms allowed a correct identification of atoms by means of pixel values in the studies for malaria, dengue and schistosomiasis, which were, subsequently, useful for the chemical interpretation related to the bioactivity. It can be inferred that semicarbazones and thiosemicarbazones derivative with a tri-substituted ring in R1 group and a trifluoro methyl group in the R 3 position instead of a chlorine antitripanossoma resulted in higher activity. The antimalarial activity of quinolon-4(1H)imines can be improved if: 1) R1 and R2 are electron donor groups, 2) R3 has long aminoalkyl chains, and 3) R4 possesses substituents with big atomic volume. In the study for dengue, it was found that tetrapeptides with unbranched small size amino acids in the A1 and A4 positions can increase the substrate affinity (Km) to the NS3 protein, and when in A1 and A2 positions, the substrate cleavage rate (kcat). On the other hand, acidic amino acids in the A2 and A4 positions were found to be related with low substrate affinity to the NS3 protein and when present in A1, with low substrate cleavage rate. Finally, the presence of metoxy substituents in R1 (or R2) and R5 in the neolignan backbone can favor their antischistosomal activity.


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The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), a staple food in nutritional diet of Brazilians and populations in developing countries, is a nutritionally rich legume with potential for biofortification. Approximately one third of the world population suffers from nutritional deficiencies, being necessary to increase the nutrient content in vegetables, especially iron (Fe), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn), which are important micronutrients for plants and human health. In this context, three studies were carried out aiming to evaluate the potential of common bean cultivars to biofortification with Fe, Se and Zn, and verify the interaction between these minerals and iron bioavailability, in order to contribute to increased nutritional quality of grains, reducing the micronutrients deficiency and improving human health. In the first study, experiments were conducted in a greenhouse, with ten common bean cultivars in nutrient solution under different treatments with Fe, Se and Zn. The plant growth and the mineral content of the beans were evaluated in addition to verify the influence of polyphenol and phytate levels on Fe bioavailability in grains fortified with Zn and Se. The evaluated beans cultivars have proved promising for simultaneous biofortification with these nutrients without greatly affecting Fe bioavailability. In the second study, the aim was evaluate the interaction between Fe, Se and Zn in cultivars consumed in Brazil or in USA. Gene expression and root microscopy analysis were performed in order to understand the positive effect of Zn supply on the Fe uptake by roots. The expression of genes related to the transport and uptake of Fe and Zn did not clearly explain the influence of Zn in Fe nutrition. The roots microscopy and the evaluation of nutrient solutions used showed that, in the presence of Zn, there was Fe accumulation in epidermis of the roots and not in the vascular system, prone to be precipitated when it goes through the root membrane. In the latest study, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of Zn fertilization via soil and foliar, in the content and accumulation of Fe and Zn in grains and in the yield of common bean cultivars, in addition to verify the amount of these micronutrients supplied by biofortified beans. The fertilization with Zn did not affect the yield, but provided high levels of this nutrient in grains of the cultivars analyzed, representing 27% of the recommended daily intake of Zn. The higher Fe content in beans, obtained when there was no application of foliar Zn, supplies 56% of the daily requirement of Fe.


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El Estudio de Impactos Económicos del Cambio Climático (EIECC), liderado por el Departamento Nacional de Planeación de Colombia (DNP), busca hacer frente a dicho reto asumiendo la Impactos Económicos del Cambio Climático en ese país y avanzar en el conocimiento sobre los posibles impactos económicos del cambio climático en los ámbitos nacional, sectorial y regional. El estudio es un proyecto de largo alcance que, desde 2009, inició con el diagnóstico de la información y el conocimiento disponible en el país para estimar los impactos económicos del cambio climático. La primera entrega del análisis se realizó en colaboración con el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) a través de la publicación “Panorama del Cambio Climático en Colombia”.


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Presentación de Alicia Bárcena.


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O estudo teve por objetivo verificar a coerência dos Planos de Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas (PRADs) pela Mineração Novo Astro - MNA no Distrito de Lourenço, Município de Calçoene (AP), a partir do conhecimento do contexto em que se estabeleceram e foram decididas as medidas de recuperação, e quais os atores que influenciaram neste processo de decisão. Foram realizadas entrevistas com membros da população e com representantes da MNA, da Ampla Engenharia (empresa responsável pela recuperação do ambiente degradado), da Cooperativa de Garimpeiros de Lourenço - COOGAL, da Secretaria Especial de Meio Ambiente do Amapá - SEMA, do Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral - DNPM, do Ministério Público Federal, do governo do Estado, e da prefeitura Municipal de Calçoene. Estes atores influenciaram de forma decisiva para os resultados agora observados no local. A pesquisa envolveu o estudo sobre as medidas de recuperação mais eficazes em voga, a história dos acontecimentos em Lourenço e o contexto socioeconômico, para que fossem compreendidas as possibilidades de êxito das medidas escolhidas para o local. A partir destes dados foi feita a análise da eficácia destes PRADs e tecidas alternativas e direcionamentos futuros para o local, baseados nas características sociais e ambientais de Lourenço. O primeiro PRAD, finalizado em 1995, terminou por apresentar resultados pouco consistentes, de tal forma que o local no qual este foi executado voltou a ser explorado pelos garimpeiros e continuou a estar em condições degradadas. A MNA, por não ter legalizado sua situação, foi responsabilizada pela nova recuperação do local em 2002. O segundo PRAD, parcialmente implementado em 2003, possuiu baixa eficácia, com a morte de mais de 70% das espécies vegetais utilizadas em algumas áreas. A falta de conhecimentos mais profundos, por parte das empresas de mineração e de recuperação ambiental, sobre as características do meio ambiente e do contexto socioeconômico local parecem ter contribuído para os resultados negativos da implementação dos PRADs. Uma alternativa seria buscar a participação da população local nos projetos e políticas criados para a região, como forma de criar soluções que contemplem as características locais e os desejos da população.