937 resultados para Bose-Einstein condensation statistical model


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Methods by which bit level systolic array chips can be made fault tolerant are discussed briefly. Using a simple analysis based on both Poisson and Bose-Einstein statistics authors demonstrate that such techniques can be used to obtain significant yield enhancement. Alternatively, the dimensions of an array can be increased considerably for the same initial (nonfault tolerant) chip yield.


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Temporal dynamics and speaker characteristics are two important features of speech that distinguish speech from noise. In this paper, we propose a method to maximally extract these two features of speech for speech enhancement. We demonstrate that this can reduce the requirement for prior information about the noise, which can be difficult to estimate for fast-varying noise. Given noisy speech, the new approach estimates clean speech by recognizing long segments of the clean speech as whole units. In the recognition, clean speech sentences, taken from a speech corpus, are used as examples. Matching segments are identified between the noisy sentence and the corpus sentences. The estimate is formed by using the longest matching segments found in the corpus sentences. Longer speech segments as whole units contain more distinct dynamics and richer speaker characteristics, and can be identified more accurately from noise than shorter speech segments. Therefore, estimation based on the longest recognized segments increases the noise immunity and hence the estimation accuracy. The new approach consists of a statistical model to represent up to sentence-long temporal dynamics in the corpus speech, and an algorithm to identify the longest matching segments between the noisy sentence and the corpus sentences. The algorithm is made more robust to noise uncertainty by introducing missing-feature based noise compensation into the corpus sentences. Experiments have been conducted on the TIMIT database for speech enhancement from various types of nonstationary noise including song, music, and crosstalk speech. The new approach has shown improved performance over conventional enhancement algorithms in both objective and subjective evaluations.


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We demonstrate the control of entanglement in a hybrid optomechanical system comprising an optical cavity with a mechanical end-mirror and an intracavity Bose-Einstein condensate. Pulsed laser light (tuned within realistic experimental conditions) is shown to induce an almost sixfold increase of the atom-mirror entanglement and to be responsible for interesting dynamics between such mesoscopic systems. In order to assess the advantages offered by the proposed control technique, we compare the time-dependent dynamics of the system under constant pumping with the evolution due to the modulated laser light.


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A micro-grid is an autonomous system which can be operated and connected to an external system or isolated with the help of energy storage systems (ESSs). While the daily output of distributed generators (DGs) strongly depends on the temporal distribution of natural resources such as wind and solar, unregulated electric vehicle (EV) charging demand will deteriorate the imbalance between the daily load and generation curves. In this paper, a statistical model is presented to describe daily EV charging/discharging behaviour. An optimisation problem is proposed to obtain economic operation for the micro-grid based on this model. In day-ahead scheduling, with estimated information of power generation and load demand, optimal charging/discharging of EVs during 24 hours is obtained. A series of numerical optimization solutions in different scenarios is achieved by serial quadratic programming. The results show that optimal charging/discharging of EVs, a daily load curve can better track the generation curve and the network loss and required ESS capacity are both decreased. The paper also demonstrates cost benefits for EVs and operators.


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The electrochemistry of the salts, [emim](2)[UBr6] and [emim](2)[UO2Br4] ([emim] = 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium), has been investigated in both a basic and an acidic bromoaluminate(III) ionic liquid. In the basic ionic liquid, the hexabromo salt undergoes a one-electron reversible reduction process at a stationary glassy carbon disc electrode, while the tetrabromodioxo salt was reduced to a uranium(IV) species by an irreversible two-electron process with the simultaneous transfer of oxide to the ionic liquid. On the other hand, dissolution of either of the salts in an acidic bromoaluminate( III) ionic liquid resulted in the formation of the same electroactive species. The solid state structures of the uranium chloride salts, [emim](2)[UCl6] and [emim](2)[UO2Cl4], have previously been reported, but have now been re-evaluated using a new statistical model developed in our group, to determine the presence or absence of weak hydrogen bonding interactions in the crystalline state.


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The 1950s excavations by Charles McBurney in the Haua Fteah, a large karstic cave on the coast of northeast Libya, revealed a deep sequence of human occupation. Most subsequent research on North African prehistory refers to his discoveries and interpretations, but the chronology of its archaeological and geological sequences has been based on very early age determinations. This paper reports on the initial results of a comprehensive multi-method dating program undertaken as part of new work at the site, involving radiocarbon dating of charcoal, land snails and marine shell, cryptotephra investigations, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sediments, and electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of tooth enamel. The dating samples were collected from the newly exposed and cleaned faces of the upper 7.5m of the ~14.0m-deep McBurney trench, which contain six of the seven major cultural phases that he identified. Despite problems of sediment transport and reworking, using a Bayesian statistical model the new dating program establishes a robust framework for the five major lithostratigraphic units identified in the stratigraphic succession, and for the major cultural units. The age of two anatomically modern human mandibles found by McBurney in Layer XXXIII near the base of his Levalloiso-Mousterian phase can now be estimated to between 73 and 65ka (thousands of years ago) at the 95.4% confidence level, within Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4. McBurney's Layer XXV, associated with Upper Palaeolithic Dabban blade industries, has a clear stratigraphic relationship with Campanian Ignimbrite tephra. Microlithic Oranian technologies developed following the climax of the Last Glacial Maximum and the more microlithic Capsian in the Younger Dryas. Neolithic pottery and perhaps domestic livestock were used in the cave from the mid Holocene but there is no certain evidence for plant cultivation until the Graeco-Roman period. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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We review the physics of hybrid optomechanical systems consisting of a mechanical oscillator interacting with both a radiation mode and an additional matterlike system. We concentrate on the cases embodied by either a single or a multi-atom system (a Bose-Einstein condensate, in particular) and discuss a wide range of physical effects, from passive mechanical cooling to the set-up of multipartite entanglement, from optomechanical nonlocality to the achievement of non-classical states of a single mechanical mode. The reviewed material showcases the viability of hybridised cavity optomechanical systems as basic building blocks for quantum communication networks and quantum state-engineering devices, possibly empowered by the use of quantum and optimal control techniques. The results that we discuss are instrumental to the promotion of hybrid optomechanical devices as promising experimental platforms for the study of nonclassicality at the genuine mesoscopic level.


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We describe an apparatus designed to make non-demolition measurements on a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) trapped in a double-well optical cavity. This apparatus contains, as well as the bosonic gas and the trap, an optical cavity. We show how the interaction between the light and the atoms, under appropriate conditions, can allow for a weakly disturbing yet highly precise measurement of the population imbalance between the two wells and its variance. We show that the setting is well suited for the implementation of quantum-limited estimation strategies for the inference of the key parameters defining the evolution of the atomic system and based on measurements performed on the cavity field. This would enable {\it de facto} Hamiltonian diagnosis via a highly controllable quantum probe.


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This study combined high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), advanced chemometrics and pathway enrichment analysis to analyse the blood metabolome of patients attending the memory clinic: cases of mild cognitive impairment (MCI; n = 16), cases of MCI who upon subsequent follow-up developed Alzheimer's disease (MCI_AD; n = 19), and healthy age-matched controls (Ctrl; n = 37). Plasma was extracted in acetonitrile and applied to an Acquity UPLC HILIC (1.7μm x 2.1 x 100 mm) column coupled to a Xevo G2 QTof mass spectrometer using a previously optimised method. Data comprising 6751 spectral features were used to build an OPLS-DA statistical model capable of accurately distinguishing Ctrl, MCI and MCI_AD. The model accurately distinguished (R2 = 99.1%; Q2 = 97%) those MCI patients who later went on to develop AD. S-plots were used to shortlist ions of interest which were responsible for explaining the maximum amount of variation between patient groups. Metabolite database searching and pathway enrichment analysis indicated disturbances in 22 biochemical pathways, and excitingly it discovered two interlinked areas of metabolism (polyamine metabolism and L-Arginine metabolism) were differentially disrupted in this well-defined clinical cohort. The optimised untargeted HRMS methods described herein not only demonstrate that it is possible to distinguish these pathologies in human blood but also that MCI patients 'at risk' from AD could be predicted up to 2 years earlier than conventional clinical diagnosis. Blood-based metabolite profiling of plasma from memory clinic patients is a novel and feasible approach in improving MCI and AD diagnosis and, refining clinical trials through better patient stratification.


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BACKGROUND: Currently, two main technologies are used for screening of DNA copy number; the BAC (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) and the recently developed oligonucleotide-based CGH (Chromosomal Comparative Genomic Hybridization) arrays which are capable of detecting small genomic regions with amplification or deletion. The correlation as well as the discriminative power of these platforms has never been compared statistically on a significant set of human patient samples.

RESULTS: In this paper, we present an exhaustive comparison between the two CGH platforms, undertaken at two independent sites using the same batch of DNA from 19 advanced prostate cancers. The comparison was performed directly on the raw data and a significant correlation was found between the two platforms. The correlation was greatly improved when the data were averaged over large chromosomic regions using a segmentation algorithm. In addition, this analysis has enabled the development of a statistical model to discriminate BAC outliers that might indicate microevents. These microevents were validated by the oligo platform results.

CONCLUSION: This article presents a genome-wide statistical validation of the oligo array platform on a large set of patient samples and demonstrates statistically its superiority over the BAC platform for the Identification of chromosomic events. Taking advantage of a large set of human samples treated by the two technologies, a statistical model has been developed to show that the BAC platform could also detect microevents.


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This study applies spatial statistical techniques including cokriging to integrate airborne geophysical (radiometric) data with ground-based measurements of peat depth and soil organic carbon (SOC) to monitor change in peat cover for carbon stock calculations. The research is part of the EU funded Tellus Border project and is supported by the INTERREG IVA development programme of the European Regional Development Fund, which is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). The premise is that saturated peat attenuates the radiometric signal from underlying soils and rocks. Contemporaneous ground-based measurements were collected to corroborate mapped estimates and develop a statistical model for volumetric carbon content (VCC) to 0.5 metres. Field measurements included ground penetrating radar, gamma ray spectrometry and a soil sampling methodology which measured bulk density and soil moisture to determine VCC. One aim of the study was to explore whether airborne radiometric survey data can be used to establish VCC across a region. To account for the footprint of airborne radiometric data, five cores were obtained at each soil sampling location: one at the centre of the ground radiometric equivalent sample location and one at each of the four corners 20 metres apart. This soil sampling strategy replicated the methodology deployed for the Tellus Border geochemistry survey. Two key issues will be discussed from this work. The first addresses the integration of different sampling supports for airborne and ground measured data and the second discusses the compositional nature of the VOC data.


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Using the Physical Vapor Transport method, single crystals of Cd2Re207 have been grown, and crystals of dimensions up to 8x6x2 mm have been achieved. X-ray diffraction from a single crystal of Cd2Re207 has showed the crystal growth in the (111) plane. Powder X-ray diffraction measurements were performed on ^^O and ^^O samples, however no difference was observed. Assigning the space group Fd3m to Cd2Re207 at room temperature and using structure factor analysis, the powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the sample was explained through systematic reflection absences. The temperatiure dependence of the resistivity measurement of ^^O has revealed two structural phase transitions at 120 and 200 K, and the superconducting transition at 1.0 K. Using Factor Group Analysis on three different structiures of Cd2Re207, the number of IR and Raman active phonon modes close to the Brillouin zone centre have been determined and the results have been compared to the temperature-dependence of the Raman shifts of ^^O and ^*0 samples. After scaling (via removing Bose-Einstein and Rayleigh scattering factors from the scattered light) all spectra, each spectrum was fitted with a number of Lorentzian peaks. The temperature-dependence of the FWHM and Raman shift of mode Eg, shows the effects of the two structurjil phase transitions above Tc. The absolute reflectance of Cd2Re207 - '^O single crystals in the far-infrared spectral region (7-700 cm~^) has been measured in the superconducting state (0.5 K), right above the superconducting state (1.5 K), and in the normal state (4.2 K). Thermal reflectance of the sample at 0.5 K and 1.5 K indicates a strong absorption feature close to 10 cm~^ in the superconducting state with a reference temperature of 4.2 K. By means of Kramers-Kronig analysis, the absolute reflectance was used to calculate the optical conductivity and dielectric function. The real part of optical conductivity shows five distinct active phonon modes at 44, 200, 300, 375, and 575 cm~' at all temperatures including a Drude-like behavior at low frequencies. The imaginary part of the calculated dielectric function indicates a mode softening of the mode 44 cm~' below Tc.


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Latent variable models in finance originate both from asset pricing theory and time series analysis. These two strands of literature appeal to two different concepts of latent structures, which are both useful to reduce the dimension of a statistical model specified for a multivariate time series of asset prices. In the CAPM or APT beta pricing models, the dimension reduction is cross-sectional in nature, while in time-series state-space models, dimension is reduced longitudinally by assuming conditional independence between consecutive returns, given a small number of state variables. In this paper, we use the concept of Stochastic Discount Factor (SDF) or pricing kernel as a unifying principle to integrate these two concepts of latent variables. Beta pricing relations amount to characterize the factors as a basis of a vectorial space for the SDF. The coefficients of the SDF with respect to the factors are specified as deterministic functions of some state variables which summarize their dynamics. In beta pricing models, it is often said that only the factorial risk is compensated since the remaining idiosyncratic risk is diversifiable. Implicitly, this argument can be interpreted as a conditional cross-sectional factor structure, that is, a conditional independence between contemporaneous returns of a large number of assets, given a small number of factors, like in standard Factor Analysis. We provide this unifying analysis in the context of conditional equilibrium beta pricing as well as asset pricing with stochastic volatility, stochastic interest rates and other state variables. We address the general issue of econometric specifications of dynamic asset pricing models, which cover the modern literature on conditionally heteroskedastic factor models as well as equilibrium-based asset pricing models with an intertemporal specification of preferences and market fundamentals. We interpret various instantaneous causality relationships between state variables and market fundamentals as leverage effects and discuss their central role relative to the validity of standard CAPM-like stock pricing and preference-free option pricing.


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Ce mémoire présente une analyse homogène et rigoureuse de l’échantillon d’étoiles naines blanches situées à moins de 20 pc du Soleil. L’objectif principal de cette étude est d’obtenir un modèle statistiquement viable de l’échantillon le plus représentatif de la population des naines blanches. À partir de l’échantillon défini par Holberg et al. (2008), il a fallu dans un premier temps réunir le plus d’information possible sur toutes les candidates locales sous la forme de spectres visibles et de données photométriques. En utilisant les modèles d’atmosphère de naines blanches les plus récents de Tremblay & Bergeron (2009), ainsi que différentes techniques d’analyse, il a été permis d’obtenir, de façon homogène, les paramètres atmosphériques (Teff et log g) des naines blanches de cet échantillon. La technique spectroscopique, c.-à-d. la mesure de Teff et log g par l’ajustement des raies spectrales, fut appliquée à toutes les étoiles de notre échantillon pour lesquelles un spectre visible présentant des raies assez fortes était disponible. Pour les étoiles avec des données photométriques, la distribution d’énergie combinée à la parallaxe trigonométrique, lorsque mesurée, permettent de déterminer les paramètres atmosphériques ainsi que la composition chimique de l’étoile. Un catalogue révisé des naines blanches dans le voisinage solaire est présenté qui inclut tous les paramètres atmosphériques nouvellement determinés. L’analyse globale qui en découle est ensuite exposée, incluant une étude de la distribution de la composition chimique des naines blanches locales, de la distribution de masse et de la fonction luminosité.


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La vie des femmes du continent africain et de leurs enfants continue d’être mise en danger lors de chaque accouchement car les risques de décès maternels et infantiles sont encore très élevés. Il est estimé chaque année à environ le quart du million le nombre de décès maternel et de près de quatre millions celui des enfants de moins de cinq ans. La comparaison de la situation sanitaire avec d’autres contextes permet de mieux cerner l’ampleur du problème : en Afrique sub-Saharienne, le risque de décès lié à la grossesse est de l’ordre de 1 pour 31, alors qu’il n’est que de 1 pour 4300 dans les pays industrialisés. Cette situation est évitable et, le plus souvent, résulte de la sous ou non-utilisation des services de santé maternelle, du manque de structures adéquates de soins ou de personnel de santé qualifié. Notre thèse cherche à comprendre la manière dont les inégalités de genre au sein du ménage et dans la communauté renforcent les inégalités quant à l’utilisation des services de santé maternelle, ainsi qu’aux relations empiriques qui lient les différents recours aux soins. Concrètement, elle vise à 1) proposer une mesure des normes de genre favorables à la violence contre les femmes et à analyser son influence sur leur prise de décision au sein du ménage, 2) analyser simultanément l’influence de ces normes et de l’autonomie des femmes sur le recours aux soins prénatals et à l’accouchement assisté et finalement, 3) cerner l’influence des soins prénatals sur le recours à l’accouchement assisté. Chacun de ces objectifs se heurte à un problème méthodologique substantiel, soit de mesure ou de biais de sélection, auxquels l’approche par modèles d’équations structurelles que nous avons adoptée permet de remédier. Les résultats de nos analyses, présentés sous forme d’articles scientifiques, s’appuient sur les données issues des Enquêtes Démographiques et de Santé (EDS) du Ghana, du Kenya, de l’Ouganda et de la Tanzanie et concernent les femmes vivant en milieu rural. Notre premier article propose une mesure des normes de genre et, plus exactement, celles liées à la violence contre les femmes en recourant à l’approche des variables latentes. Les cinq questions des EDS relatives à l’attitude des femmes sur la légitimation de la violence ont permis de saisir cette mesure au niveau contextuel. Les résultats suggèrent d’une part que cette mesure a de bons critères de validité puisque l’Alpha de Cronbach varie de 0.85 pour le Kenya à 0.94 pour le Ghana; les chi-deux sont non significatifs partout; le RMSEA est en dessous de 0.05; le CFI supérieur à 0.96 et les saturations sont pour la plupart supérieures à 0.7 dans tous les pays. D’autre part, à l’aide du modèle d’équations structurelles multiniveaux, nous avons trouvé qu’au-delà de leur propre attitude envers la violence contre les femmes, celles qui vivent dans un milieu où les normes de genres sont plus favorables à la violence ont plus de chances d’être de faible autonomie ou sans autonomie (comparativement à forte autonomie) dans l’ensemble des pays étudiés. Le second article documente l’influence des inégalités de genre, cernées au niveau contextuel par les normes favorables à la violence contre les femmes et au niveau individuel par l’autonomie de prise de décision au sein du ménage, sur la survenue des soins prénatals au cours du premier trimestre et sur les recours à au moins 4 consultations prénatales et à l’accouchement assisté. En utilisant également les modèles d’équations structurelles multiniveaux sur les mêmes données du premier article, nous constatons que chacune de ces variables dépendantes est fortement influencée par la grappe dans laquelle la femme vit. En d’autres mots, son lieu de résidence détermine le comportement de santé maternelle que l’on adopte. De même, en contrôlant pour les autres variables explicatives, nos résultats montrent que les femmes qui vivent dans un milieu où les normes de genre liées à la violence contre les femmes sont élevées ont, en moyenne, une plus grande chance de ne pas accoucher auprès d’un personnel qualifié au Ghana et en Ouganda, de ne pas débuter leurs soins prénatals dans le premier trimestre dans les mêmes pays, et de ne pas recourir à au moins quatre consultations prénatales en Tanzanie. Par contre, cette variable contextuelle n’influence pas significativement le recours aux soins de santé maternelle au Kenya. Enfin, les résultats montrent que les normes de genre favorables à la violence contre les femmes sont plus déterminantes pour comprendre le recours aux soins de santé maternelle dans les pays étudiés que l’autonomie de prise de décision de la femme. Dans le cadre du troisième et dernier article empirique de la thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’importance des soins prénatals dans le processus de recours à l’accouchement assisté et à la place du contenu des soins reçus avant l’accouchement dans cette relation. Cet article met en exergue l’existence de biais d’endogénéité au Kenya et en Tanzanie, où sans sa prise en compte, l’effet des soins prénatals sur le recours à l’accouchement auprès d’un personnel qualifié serait fortement biaisé. De plus, il ressort qu’à l’exception du Ghana et dans une moindre mesure de la Tanzanie, cet effet est totalement médiatisé par le contenu des soins prénatals que les femmes reçoivent. L’article met ainsi en relief le rôle des prestataires de soins qui pour atteindre plus efficacement les populations doivent agir en tant que leaders au sein de leur communauté.