986 resultados para Bagre (Peixe) - Alimentação e rações


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objetivou-se identificar os conhecimentos e as práticas relacionados à alimentação de crianças entre zero e três anos, a fim de complementar a formação das profissionais que trabalham com crianças, na área da educação nutricional. O procedimento metodológico seguiu as orientações do estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa. Os saberes e as práticas das participantes do estudo foram analisados por meio de questões abertas e fechadas e das observações dos tópicos relacionados à nutrição infantil, juntamente com os dados sobre a formação dessas profissionais. Pode-se concluir que tanto as agentes educacionais quanto as professoras de Ensino Infantil são detentoras de um conhecimento sobre Nutrição Infantil, porém a preocupação maior destas foi atender as necessidades nutricionais das crianças por meio de uma boa alimentação, deixando, em segundo plano, as atividades pedagógicas, as quais poderiam ser realizadas em um programa de educação nutricional, construído coletivamente e inserido no projeto político-pedagógico da escola.


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Este estudo teve como objetivos determinar o perfil e o estado nutricional da clientela e a composição química e nutricional das refeições oferecidas no restaurante universitário da Universidade Estadual Paulista de Araraquara, Brasil. Realizou-se a determinação química do teor de proteínas, lipídios, carboidratos, fibra, cinzas e umidade de amostras das refeições fornecidas. A amostra populacional foi constituída de 403 usuários (212 mulheres e 191 homens). em relação ao perfil do usuário, constatou-se que 82,60% encontravam-se na faixa etária de 18 a 25 anos e 75,44% dos indivíduos apresentaram índice de massa corporal dentro da faixa de normalidade. em média, as refeições continham 4,74% de proteínas, 10,84% de lipídeos, 24,32% de carboidratos, 3,30% de fibras, 1,00% de cinzas e 55,00% de umidade. Os dados mostraram que as refeições do restaurante universitário continham excesso de proteínas e de energia e que se faz necessário realizar ajustes na sua composição para adequá-la ao perfil da clientela atendida.


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Given the significant share of food costs of poultry production, it is necessary to use strategies and techniques to maximize the utilization and biological value of the components of the diets, keeping constant or improving animal performance. In this context, seeking partial substitution of corn and the best use of the constituents of the diet, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of inclusion of cashew pomace dehydrated (BCD) and enzyme complex (EC) in the diet on performance and quality eggs of Japanese quails. A total of 200 Japanese quail at 87 days of age, in 25 cages in a completely randomized design in a factorial 2 x 2 + 1 (two levels of cashew bagasse x two levels of enzymes) + control diet without cashew bagasse totaling five treatments with five replicates of eight birds each repetition. The experiment lasted 84 days, divided into four periods of 21 days. The treatments consisted of T1-Ration Control, T2-ration with 7.5% without EC BCD, T3-ration with 7.5% BCD with CE, T4-Ration with 15% BCD without EC and T5-Feed with 15% of BCD with EC. The enzyme complex (EC) is used fermentation product of Aspergillus niger, and cashew bagasse was obtained from the juice industry, passed through drying and crushing process for producing the bran. The performance and egg quality of quails, and performance variables: feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio per dozen eggs (CAKDZ) and egg mass (CAMO), egg production (OP% bird / day), average egg weight (PMO) and egg mass (MO), and variables were egg quality, specific gravity (SG), Haugh unit (HU), yolk index, and the relationships between components eggs (%albumen,% yolk and %shell). Data were analyzed with the Statistical SAEG (2007). The 7.5 and 15% of cashew bagasse, independent of the enzyme complex decreased feed intake and improved the average egg weight. The two levels with the addition of EC showed significant differences for feed conversion by egg mass. The 7.5 with the addition of enzyme complex obtained the lowest average feed conversion per dozen eggs. The inclusion of up to 15% of cashew bagasse dehydrated with or without addition of enzyme complex in the diet of Japanese quails not interfere in the internal and external quality of eggs. The 7.5 and 15% BCD without added enzyme complex gave better means for specific gravity. Under conditions in which the experiment was conducted, it can be stated that the inclusion of up to 15% of cashew bagasse dehydrated with added enzyme complex feeding quail is economically viable, with the level of 7.5% with the addition of complex enzyme presented the best economic indices


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This work deals with the life strategy of an endangered annual fish, Hypsolebias antenori (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae), of the Brazilian semiarid region. The eggs of these fish hatch at the onset of the rainy season, grows rapidly and they reproduce during the rainy season. When the water puddles dry out, the entire population dies. The resistant eggs which are buried in the bottom of the dried pools go through diapause stages, during which time the embryonic development becomes temporarily arrested. With the onset of the next rainy season, the eggs hatch and a new generation is formed. Specimens of H. antenori were captured during 2011 and 2013, in temporary water pools located in the hydrographic basin of river Jaguaribe in Ceará, Brazil. Sex ratio, the length-weight relationship, the growth type, first sexual maturity, anatomy and histology of the digestive tract, development of gonads, reproductive strategy, karyotypic pattern of the species, and the conservation status of H. antenori were investigated. The results of this study are presented in the form of eight articles. The first article is about the fish faunal composition of the hydrographic basins of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, wherein the record of H. antenori is included. The second article deals with the sex ratio, secondary sexual characteristics of males, the length-weight relationship and the type of growth. Males show a pattern of intense coloration with well developed fins. The sex ratio showed a significant predominance of females (1M:1.7 F). Males were larger in length and weight. The equation of weight and total length relationship was Wt=0.0271Lt3,8937, showing a positively allometric growth, indicating greater increase in weight than in length. The third article discusses the anatomy and histology of the digestive tract of H. antenori. It is considered as a generalist feeder with characteristics of omnivore, which utilizes different food sources. The fourth article discusses the stages and phases of gonad development and type of spawning of H. antenori. The fifth article is about the r reproductive strategy adopted by H. antenori which helps in successful reproduction over a short period of life. The sixth article deals karyotypic pattern of the species, constituting the first cytogenetic contribution to the genus. The seventh article discusses about the risk of extinction of this species which suffers a series of threats, such as, habitat loss through land use, deforestation, construction of reservoirs, pollution due to domestic and industrial sewage, besides pesticides and agrochemicals. Furthermore, decreasing rainfall and intensification of aridity due to global climate changes, interferes with the reproductive cycle. The eighth article deals with aggressive behavior adopted between males and among females during reproduction. All temporary water pools sampled during this study were in high degree of degradation, mainly due to human action. There is a great need for conservation measures to protect the populations of annual fish, including the creation of protected areas in the semiarid ephemeral aquatic environments of Brazil


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The flyingfish, Hirundichthys affinis (Günther, 1866) (Exocoetidae) and ballyhoo half beak, Hemiramphus brasiliensis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hemiramphidae) are marine fish species of commercial value, which contribute to artisanal fishery production of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Besides the economic importance, these fish are important from an ecological point of view, being components in pelagic food chain, where they are the preferred prey of larger predators of high commercial value. This study aimed to determine the reproductive strategies of H. affinis and H. brasiliensis and the fishery production of H. affinis in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. The results are presented in the form of six cientific articles and a review paper. The first article presents the morphometric measurements and meristic counts which confirmed the taxonomic status, population structure in length-weight and the gonad development of H. affinis through macroscopic observations of the ovaries and testes. Females of this species were bigger and heavier than males. The second article describes the reproductive tactics, such as, sex ratio, length at first sexual maturity, histological aspects of gonads, fecundity and spawning season, that indicate the reproductive strategy of H. affinis. The third article shows annual changes in the fishery production of H. affinis in Caiçara do Norte, during the period of 1993 to 2010, emphasizing the relevance of this fish in total fishery production of Rio Grande do Norte, besides registering the fall in production in the years 2008 to 2010. The fourth article describes the population structure, with respect to the length and weight, the length-weight relationship, growth type and sex ratio of Hemiramphus brasiliensis. The fifth article describes the reproductive biology of H. brasiliensis, with details about sex ratio, length at first sexual maturity, fecundity, type of breeding and spawning season. The sixth article deals with the reproductive strategy of H. brasiliensis. The review paper presents the topic of age determination of tropical fish using analysis of otoliths. Both species use the coastal waters of Caiçara do Norte for reproductive purposes. The flying fish, H. affinis migrates from the oceanic waters to the coastal waters to reproduce, coinciding with the rainy season. H. affinis presents total spawning and a seasonal reproductive strategy. However, H. brasiliensis lives and reproduces in the coastal waters displaying partial spawning and an equilibrium reproductive strategy


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Este artigo apresenta os principais resultados e o detalhamento da metodologia e equações de controle de um retificador monofásico pré-regulador de 150kW para sistema trólebus. A estrutura proposta possibilita a Correção ativa do Fator de Potência (CFP) com baixos níveis de Distorção Harmônica Total (DHT) na corrente, em conformidade com a norma internacional IEC 61000-3-4. Fruto de um projeto de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (P) junto à empresa AES Eletropaulo Metropolitana de São Paulo, em parceria com a empresa de transporte Himalaia S.A., o projeto possui como principais objetivos estimular o interesse para a expansão das linhas de trólebus a partir de uma plataforma de alimentação de menor custo de instalação e manutenção, sem a necessidade de subestações retificadoras, e, com vistas a promover a melhoria da qualidade de vida nos grandes centros urbanos. Nessa nova modalidade proposta para o sistema de alimentação, o trólebus pode ser alimentado tanto pelas redes convencionais em corrente contínua (CC) quanto pelas redes de distribuição em corrente alternada (CA), mantendo-se a disposição a dois fios dos sistemas CC, sendo as mudanças de rede de alimentação (CC ou CA) monitoradas e controladas digitalmente. Todo o sistema de gerenciamento e controle do conversor é realizado digitalmente por FPGA XC3S200. Na evolução do sistema proposto, os autores pretendem inclusive eliminar as linhas aéreas de alimentação, através da utilização de postos de alimentação em CA, especialmente desenvolvidos para os pontos de embarque/desembarque de passageiros para este veículo de transporte coletivo, eliminando-se os aspectos visuais negativos das redes de alimentação deste modal, e, reduzindo-se as falhas de operação do sistema.


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Avaliar os dados de aleitamento materno e alimentação complementar de crianças menores de um ano, do Rio Grande do Norte (RN), de acordo com o que é preconizado pelas políticas e ações de alimentação e nutrição. Métodos: Foi analisado o banco de dados da Chamada Neonatal do RN, pesquisa realizada pelo Ministério da Saúde em 2010. A amostra analisada foi de 837 pares mãe/filho que responderam ao questionário da pesquisa nos municípios investigados. Foram analisadas a prevalência de dados de aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME), na primeira hora de vida, parcial (AMP) e total (AMT), assim como dos alimentos ingeridos, pelas crianças, nas ultimas 24 horas anterior a entrevista. As frequências e médias foram feitas pelo comando Complex samples, no SPSS® 20.0, com IC95%. Foram estimadas as medianas de tempo de AME e AMT, assim como a mediana de tempo de introdução dos grupos de alimentos consumidos, em relação a idade da criança pelo método de probitos. Foi feita associação das probabilidades de tempo de AME e AMT com as variáveis sociodemográficas e de pré-natal (p<0.05). Resultados: Foram encontradas médias de idades de 5,28 ± 3,4 meses e 25,9 ± 6,4 anos, para crianças e mães, respectivamente. A prática de aleitamento na primeira hora de vida foi considerada boa (66,6%) e o percentual de AME (20%) razoável,segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde, 2008. Mais da metade das crianças (55,1%) estavam em AMP. No total 60% estavam sendo amamentadas (AMT) ao final do primeiro ano de vida. O AME teve mediana de 63 dias e AMT de 358 dias. Estes dados não se diferenciaram muito entre a capital e os municípios do interior. A maioria das mães entrevistadas (73,8%) referiu ter tido orientação sobre aleitamento no pré- natal, tendo associação (p=0,03) com a probabilidade de tempo de AME, porém com pouca explicabilidade (R2= 0,011). Água ou chá, alimentos lácteos, frutas, legumes e verduras foram introduzidos precocemente com medianas menores que 180 dias. O aleitamento tende a diminuir e os alimentos tendem a aumentar o consumo de acordo com a idade da criança, com aumento exponencial do grupo calorias vazias . Conclusões: Conclui-se que mesmo com maioria das crianças amamentadas até um ano de vida, poucas estavam em AME e introduziram alimentos precocemente, não tendo resultado satisfatório frente ao preconizado pelas políticas públicas de alimentação e nutrição


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O propósito neste texto é divulgar um projeto de investigação que foi desenvolvido com professores do 2º ciclo, no qual se utilizou uma metodologia do tipo investigação-ação. Por intermédio deste projeto foi possível avaliar o impacto do uso de estratégias do Ensino por Pesquisa (EPP), com vista ao desenvolvimento de novas competências científico-didáticas (atitudes e saberes). Tais estratégias foram desenvolvidas com base em preceitos da Nova Didática e no âmbito de um programa de formação. Os dados levantados e analisados mostraram que esse tipo de metodologia contribui para a superação de dificuldades de aprendizagem inerentes a processos de formação profissional (inicial e continuada), como a de aprender por meio do trabalho cooperativo na Escola.


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Intensive production of tilápias, in cages or net tanks, has been proposed as an alternative to increase fish production, that would generate income and offer animal protein in different tropical and subtropical countries. However, this system of production enriches the aquatic environment with nutrients, principally nitrogen and phosphor derived from the dejections of the metabolism of food and eventual food surpluses consumed by the fishes; the alimentation of the fishes in this production modality is dependent on fish food. The emission of these nutritions in levels above the limit that the system is capable metabolize can provoke a phenomenon called eutrofization, putting in risk the quality of water for public and for fish production activities. In this context the work had as a goal to evaluate the trófico state of the four reservoirs for intensive production of tilapias in net-tanks, in other words, he maximum fish production that the reservoirs are able to hold, keeping the desired quantity of nutrient concentrations in water for public use. The results of the four ecosystems in the Boqueirão de Parelhas reservoir showed that it s possible to have an intensive production of tilapias in net tanks, in this environment the annual average concentration of phosphor, was below the considered critical limits to deflagrate the process of eutrofization in semi-arid regions. The carrying capacity of the Boqueirão de Parelhas reservoir depends on the conversion of the feeding facts and phosphor content in the food but it should vary between 100 and 300 tons per year over a variation in the conversion feeding factor of 1,7 to 2,0:1 and a variation in the P in the food of 0,7 to 0,9%


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The authors report an injury caused by a spiny dogfish (Squalus sp) in a professional fisherman that was got hurt in the left hand for a spine in the dorsal fin of the fish and felt excruciating local pain for 6 h and manifested local edema and erythema. The sharks of the Squalus gender, in a similar way to the gender Heterodontus, present two spines in position previous to the dorsal fins, with channels presenting a whitish mass, composed of great and vacuolated cells that produce venom. The Squalus gender has a complex taxonomy, with five nominal species mentioned in Brazil: S. acanthias, S., blainvillei, S. cubensis, S. megalops and S. mitsukurii. The species associated to the injury belongs to the group 'megalops/cubensis'. A detailed study on the taxonomy and toxinology of the Squalus gender in Brazil would be of vital importance in the resolution of those problems and it would serve as subsidy for any other works involving their representatives, besides with aspects of envenoming that this gender can cause and that has rare citations in the literature. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Rio do Peixe Basin is located in the border of Paraíba and Ceará states, immediately to the north of the Patos shear zone, encompassing an area of 1,315 km2. This is one of the main basins of eocretaceous age in Northeast Brazil, associated to the rifting event that shaped the present continental margin. The basin can be divided into four sub-basins, corresponding to Pombal, Sousa, Brejo das Freiras and Icozinho half-grabens. This dissertation was based on the analysis and interpretation of remote sensing products, field stratigraphic and structural data, and seismic sections and gravity data. Field work detailed the lithofacies characterization of the three formations previously recognised in the basin, Antenor Navarro, Sousa and Rio Piranhas. Unlike the classical vertical stacking, field relations and seismostratigraphic analysis highlighted the interdigitation and lateral equivalency between these units. On bio/chrono-stratigraphic and tectonic grounds, they correlate with the Rift Tectonosequence of neocomian age. The Antenor Navarro Formation rests overlies the crystalline basement in non conformity. It comprises lithofacies originated by a braided fluvial system system, dominated by immature, coarse and conglomeratic sandstones, and polymict conglomerates at the base. Its exposures occur in the different halfgrabens, along its flexural margins. Paleocurrent data indicate source areas in the basement to the north/NW, or input along strike ramps. The Sousa Formation is composed by fine-grained sandstones, siltites and reddish, locally grey-greenish to reddish laminated shales presenting wavy marks, mudcracks and, sometimes, carbonate beds. This formation shows major influence of a fluvial, floodplain system, with seismostratigraphic evidence of lacustrine facies at subsurface. Its distribution occupies the central part of the Sousa and Brejo das Freiras half-grabens, which constitute the main depocenters of the basin. Paleocurrent analysis shows that sediment transport was also from north/NW to south/SE


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This thesis presents diagenetic and provenance studies of sandstones belonging to the Rift Tectonosequence of the Rio do Peixe and Araripe basins. These basins are located in the interior of Northeast Brazil aligned along the Trend-Cariri Potiguar. Their origin is related to the Early Cretaceous rifting event. In terms of lithostratigraphy, the studied section corresponds to the Antenor Navarro, Sousa and Rio Piranhas formations of the Rio do Peixe Basin, and the Missão Velha and Abaiara formations of the Araripe Basin, outcropping in the central-west Cariri Valley. A facies analysis was performed and identified nine distinct sedimentary facies for the Rio de Peixe Basin and ten sedimentary facies for the Araripe Basin, individualized according to the different rock types and their sedimentary structures. These facies associations to led paleoenvironments interpretations and their vertical succession allowed understanding the evolution of the depositional setting during the cronostratigraphic interval studied in these basins. Based on petrographic and diagenetic studies it was possible to characterize the texture and mineralogy of these sandstones, identifying their diagenetic stage and the grain framework provenance. The petrographic study allowed to classify the lithotypes studied in both basins as quartzarenites. Such quartzarenites, in general, are rich in quartz, feldspar and lithic fragment grains, and at accessory levels tourmaline, sphene, zircon, epidote and other mineralogy. The diagenetic history of the studied rocks proved to be very complex, being characterized by a variety mineral of phases that succeeded each other during the eo, meso and telodiagenetic stages. According to the studied formation and the textural and compositional aspects of the rocks, some processes were more or less active, while others were even absent. The eodiagenetic stage is marked by mechanical infiltration of clays and early mechanical compactional processes. The mesodiagenetic phase is characterized by continuity of the mechanical compaction and the beggining of chemical compaction, with quartz and feldspar overgrowths, precipitation of kaolinite, alteration of framework grains to chlorite and illite, and finally, precipitation of opaque minerals. The telodiagenetic stage is represented by the oxidation of some grains, matrix and cements. For the provenance analysis of the studied sandstones were used ternary diagrams whose vertices correspond to the percentage of quartz, feldspar and lithic fragments. This study allowed identifies the source area of these rocks as continental blocks. It was also possible, based on the chemical stability and mineralogical maturity of the rocks, recognize that the Antenor Navarro Formation of the Rio do Peixe Basin, and the upper section of the Missão Velha Formation of Araripe Basin have less maturity and stability when compared with the other studied formations


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objetivou-se determinar a digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes de rações com diferentes níveis de fitase formuladas com alimentos de origem vegetal, em 90 juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo, pesando em média 120,0 g, alojados em nove tanques-rede (dez peixes/tanque). Adotou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com nove tratamentos e seis repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma ração suplementada com fósforo (controle) e de oito sem suplementação de fósforo, porém com 500, 1.000, 1.500, 2.000, 2.500, 3.000, 3.500 e 4.000 unidades de fitase (UF)/kg de ração, todas isoenergéticas e isoprotéicas. A inclusão de 1.500 UF melhorou a digestibilidade da MS e da EB e a disponibilidade de cálcio e fósforo das rações. O nível de 1.000 UF melhorou a disponibilidade de zinco e manganês.