845 resultados para Auroville, Ashram, Residenza, Collettiva, Anger, Utopia, Città, Ideale
Este estudo tem a intenção de apresentar o cristianismo profético que caracterizou parte do catolicismo brasileiro nas décadas de 1950 a 1970 e que nas décadas seguintes sofreu a ofensiva dos poderes governamentais, ditatoriais e eclesiásticos que ocasionaram seu eclipse no cenário religioso e social do país. Uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a situação histórica e social e sobre os referenciais teóricos da sociologia da esperança de Henri Desroche e dos tipos ideais (profeta, sacerdote e mago) de Max Weber, cujo antagonismo foi aprofundado por Pierre Bourdieu, orientou a análise deste processo de ocultamento. A hipótese central é a de que o Eclipse do Cristianismo Profético segue a dinâmica dos movimentos marginais e utópicos que pululam na história da humanidade e que foram elencados e analisados pela sociologia da religião de Henri Desroche, especialmente na parte dedicada aos homens da espera. O estudo de caso sobre o itinerário eclesial e humanitário de dom Helder Camara iluminará, de modo existencial, o percurso do eclipse deste cristianismo social.
O eixo fundamental desta pesquisa é o documento eclesiástico Exortação Apostólica, EVANGELII GAUDIUM, A Alegria do Evangelho, do Papa Francisco, que foi publicada no final de 2013. Este estudo nasce a partir das obras: Teologia da Libertação. Perspectivas de Gustavo Gutiérrez, primeira edição em 1971, e nona edição em 2000, considerada sistematizadora da Teologia da Libertação; tem seu desenvolvimento na Teologia e Economia: Repensando a teologia da libertação e utopias de Jung Mo Sung, fruto da sua tese de doutorado de 1993, publicado em 2008, que faz uma crítica ao desenvolvimento da Teologia da Libertação; seguido por EVANGELII GAUDIUM, A Alegria do Evangelho, do Papa Francisco, que foi publicada no final de 2013, primeiro documento oficial escrito pelas mãos do papa eleito. Portanto, estudaremos Gustavo Gutiérrez, Jung Mo Sung e o documento eclesiástico do Papa Francisco. Os três capítulos iniciais envolvem a opção preferencial pelos pobres, a economia e a utopia, discutida individualmente em cada pensador. Cada autor representa um momento diferente, uma cultura diferente, mas um interesse em comum: preocupação com os que vivem na periferia do mundo. O quarto capítulo buscará proximidades entre o documento eclesiástico e os dois autores estudados. A pesquisa seguirá a metodologia dialógica, além de ampliar o diálogo através do método bibliográfico. O objetivo é buscar proximidades e particularidades entre os autores e o documento eclesiástico. Minha hipótese é que haja no documento, discursos semelhantes ao da teologia da libertação. Meu interesse é buscar uma contribuição do cristianismo para nossos dias, a favor de uma teologia da vida, contra os mecanismos da morte
This study reports a qualitative phenomenological investigation of anger and anger-related aggression in the context of the lives of individual women. Semistructured interviews with five women are analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. This inductive approach aims to capture the richness and complexity of the lived experience of emotional life. In particular, it draws attention to the context-dependent and relational dimension of angry feelings and aggressive behavior. Three analytic themes are presented here: the subjective experience of anger, which includes the perceptual confusion and bodily change felt by the women when angry, crying, and the presence of multiple emotions; the forms and contexts of aggression, paying particular attention to the range of aggressive strategies used; and anger as moral judgment, in particular perceptions of injustice and unfairness. The authors conclude by examining the analytic observations in light of phenomenological thinking.
Objectives: The study of aggression and anger in competitive sport relies on accurate and economical measurement via observation, interview and questionnaire. Unfortunately, extant questionnaires have been criticised for having poor validity, are not sport specific, or reflect mood states rather than trait qualities. Therefore, a measure of trait anger and aggressiveness in competitive athletes was developed. Method: A list of statements representing aggressiveness and anger was generated and distributed to competitive athletes from diverse sports. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses were used to verify the theoretically predicted factor structure. Correlations with an extant measure of aggression and anger were used to ascertain concurrent validity. Discriminant validity was tested by comparing males with females, and aggressive with non-aggressive footballers. Results: A 12-item scale (Competitive Aggressiveness and Anger Scale, CAAS) consisting of two subscales was derived using principal component factor analysis with oblimin rotation. Confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modelling confirmed the overall structure. Test-retest correlation, construct and discriminant validities were good, supporting the utility of the scale as a measure of athlete trait aggressiveness and anger. Conclusions: The CAAS appears to be a useful measure of athletic anger and aggressiveness. Its brevity and ability to discriminate aggressive from non-aggressive athletes should prove useful for future research concerning aggressive behaviour in competitive athletes. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Previous work has determined relationships between provocation, anger rumination, and aggression in British athletes (Maxwell, 2004); however, the reliability of these findings and their generality across diverse cultures has not been examined. Therefore, a comparison of British and Hong Kong (HK) Chinese athletes’ propensity for rumination and aggression was undertaken. Provocation and thoughts of revenge were significantly associated with the self-reported aggression of both British and HK Chinese athletes. Frequency of aggression was similar across cultures except for a tendency for British male contact sport athletes to report greater frequency of aggressive behaviour. HK Chinese athletes tended to report higher frequencies of thoughts relating to understanding the causes of anger and higher incidence of perceived provocation. It was concluded that the pattern of aggressive behaviour was similar across the two cultures when opportunities for aggression are infrequent, but that HK Chinese athletes may inhibit aggressive responding even when opportunities are frequent.
Objectives: The Competitive Aggressiveness and Anger Scale (CAAS) was developed to measure antecedents of aggression in sport. The critique attacks the CAAS on three points: (1) the definition of aggression in sport adopted, (2) the‘‘one size fits all’’ element in the thinking behind the scale’s development, (3) the nature of the CAAS Anger and Aggressiveness items. The objectives of this response is to address misunderstandings in the critique. Methods: We identified a number of false assumptions that undermine the validity of the critique and attempt to clarify our position with respect to the criticisms made. Results: (1) The CAAS is being criticised for a definition that it did not use. (2) We accepted that the CAAS may not be suitable for everyone in our limitations section and fully accept the limitations of any scale. We have since undertaken a large research project to establish whether the scale is valid across and within specific sports. (3) The fundamental misunderstanding inherent throughout the critique is that the CAAS was designed as a measure of aggression, rather than anger and aggressiveness, rendering the critique of its items redundant. Conclusions: The critique misrepresents the authors of the CAAS and fails to present a coherent argument against its use. We hope to clarify our position here. The evidence to date suggests that the CAAS is a valid measure of anger and aggressiveness in many sports and that these concepts reliably differentiate players who admit unsanctioned aggression from those who do not.
Problem: The vast majority of research examining the interplay between aggressive emotions, beliefs, behaviors, cognitions, and situational contingencies in competitive athletes has focused on Western populations and only select sports (e.g., ice hockey). Research involving Eastern, particularly Chinese, athletes is surprisingly sparse given the sheer size of these populations. Thus, this study examines the aggressive emotions, beliefs, behaviors, and cognitions, of competitive Chinese athletes. Method: Several measures related to aggression were distributed to a large sample (N ¼ 471) of male athletes, representing four sports (basketball, rugby union, association football/soccer, and squash). Results: Higher levels of anger and aggression tended to be associated with higher levels of play for rugby and low levels of play for contact (e.g., football, basketball) and individual sports (e.g., squash). Conclusions: The results suggest that the experience of angry emotions and aggressive behaviors of Chinese athletes are similar to Western populations, but that sport psychology practitioners should be aware of some potentially important differences, such as the general tendency of Chinese athletes to disapprove of aggressive behavior.
Background: Investigating genetic modulation of emotion processing may contribute to the understanding of heritable mechanisms of emotional disorders. The aim of the present study was to test the effects of catechol- O-methyltransferase (COMT) val158met and serotonin-transporter-linked promoter region (5-HTTLPR) polymorphisms on facial emotion processing in healthy individuals. Methods: Two hundred and seventy five (167 female) participants were asked to complete a computerized facial affect recognition task, which involved four experimental conditions, each containing one type of emotional face (fearful, angry, sad or happy) intermixed with neutral faces. Participants were asked to indicate whether the face displayed an emotion or was neutral. The COMT-val158met and 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms were genotyped. Results: Met homozygotes (COMT) showed a stronger bias to perceive neutral faces as expressions of anger, compared with val homozygotes. However, the S-homozygotes (5-HTTLPR) showed a reduced bias to perceive neutral faces as expressions of happiness, compared to L-homozygotes. No interaction between 5-HTTLPR and COMT was found. Conclusions: These results add to the knowledge of individual differences in social cognition that are modulated via serotonergic and dopaminergic systems. This potentially could contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms of susceptibility to emotional disorders. © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS.