944 resultados para Augmentative manipulation
Ionic Liquids (ILs) belong to a class of compounds with unusual properties: very low vapour pressure; high chemical and thermal stability and the ability to dissolve a wide range of substances. A new field in research is evaluating the possibility to use natural chiral biomolecules for the preparation of chiral ionic liquids (CILs). This important challenge in synthetic chemistry can open new avenues of research in order to avoid some problems related with the intrinsic biodegradability and toxicity associated to conventional ILs. The research work developed aimed for the synthesis of CILs, their characterization and possible applications, based on biological moieties used either as chiral cations or anions, depending on the synthetic manipulation of the derivatives. Overall, a total of 28 organic salts, including CILs were synthesized: 9 based on L-cysteine derivatives, 12 based on L-proline, 3 based on nucleosides and 4 based on nucleotides. All these new CILs were completely characterized and their chemical and physical properties were evaluated. Some CILs based on L-cysteine have been applied for discrimination processes, including resolution of racemates and as a chiral catalyst for asymmetric Aldol condensation. L-proline derived CILs were also studied as chiral catalysts for Michael reaction. In parallel, the interactions of macrocyclic oligosugars called cyclodextrins (CDs) with several ILs were studied. It was possible to improve the solubility of CDs in water and serum. Additionally, fatty acids and steroids showed an increase in water solubility when ILs-CDs systems were used. The development of efficient and selective ILs-CDs systems is indispensable to expand the range of their applications in host-guest interactions, drug delivery systems or catalytic reactions. Novel salts derived from nucleobases were used in order to enhance the fluorescence in aqueous solution. Additionally, preliminary studies regarding ethyl lactate as an alternative solvent for asymmetric organocatalysis were performed.
A presente investigação tem como objetivo principal identificar e explicar as diversas técnicas de comunicação que poderão ser utilizadas na persuasão e na manipulação de pensamento, opiniões e disposição para a ação (diathesis) de um auditório. A partir da exploração da arte de retórica, aplicada à comunicação interpessoal, assim como aos outros meios de comunicação, sobretudo o audiovisual, e também na exploração de comunicação não-verbal, pretende-se demostrar e explicar os diversos métodos e procedimentos de persuasão e de manipulação. Estas serão divididas em três grupos, cada um referente aos modos de persuasão de Aristóteles, isto é o ethos, pathos e logos, também designados pelo autor como “provas técnicas” na sua Techné Rhetoriké, obra inaugural sobre o estudo reflexivo do que ele designa por “meios persuasivos implicados em cada caso”. Uma especial atenção é focada nas três técnicas de criação da empatia, procedimentos essenciais para dispor o auditório perante o orador e para a criação de culto à personalidade. A interpretação e o desenvolvimento da linguagem corporal é, sem dúvida uma base importante para toda a comunicação persuasiva e, por isso mesmo, a maior parte dos procedimentos puramente retóricos serão interlaçados com a comunicação não-verbal que, segundo algumas estimativas, representa 95% de toda a comunicação. Não será ousado dizer que a comunicação não-verbal esta já, presente na interacção entre os animais de uma mesma espécie, designadamente nos rituais de acasalamento. Por isso, ser-nos-ia impossível ignorar o seu contributo numa investigação sobre a persuasão e a manipulação no quadro da comunicação interpessoal. Como corolário da investigação a desenvolver na presente Dissertação, procederemos a uma análise empírica das técnicas de persuasão e de manipulação utilizadas num filme de propaganda de 1934 sobre a Alemanha Nazi da terceira década do século XX, realizado por Leni Riefenstahl e chamado “O triunfo da vontade”. Propomos, no limite, demonstrar a eficácia performativa da retórica quando, como acontece no caso estudado, é levada ao limite na sua capacidade de manipulação e controlo da mente humana. Só que, no caso empírico estudado, não estamos já a falar, com rigor, da arte retórica tal como foi fundada por Aristóteles e reabilitada por Chaïm Perelman, mas sim de refinados artifícios retóricos ao serviço da manipulação e controlo do pensamento. Com esta investigação pretendo demostrar a importância da comunicação estratégica e tecnicamente estruturada assente nos modos de persuasão retórica, com a finalidade desta ser eficaz
The use, manipulation and application of electrical currents, as a controlled interference mechanism in the human body system, is currently a strong source of motivation to researchers in areas such as clinical, sports, neuroscience, amongst others. In electrical stimulation (ES), the current applied to tissue is traditionally controlled concerning stimulation amplitude, frequency and pulse-width. The main drawbacks of the transcutaneous ES are the rapid fatigue induction and the high discomfort induced by the non-selective activation of nervous fibers. There are, however, electrophysiological parameters whose response, like the response to different stimulation waveforms, polarity or a personalized charge control, is still unknown. The study of the following questions is of great importance: What is the physiological effect of the electric pulse parametrization concerning charge, waveform and polarity? Does the effect change with the clinical condition of the subjects? The parametrization influence on muscle recruitment can retard fatigue onset? Can parametrization enable fiber selectivity, optimizing the motor fibers recruitment rather than the nervous fibers, reducing contraction discomfort? Current hardware solutions lack flexibility at the level of stimulation control and physiological response assessment. To answer these questions, a miniaturized, portable and wireless controlled device with ES functions and full integration with a generic biosignals acquisition platform has been created. Hardware was also developed to provide complete freedom for controlling the applied current with respect to the waveform, polarity, frequency, amplitude, pulse-width and duration. The impact of the methodologies developed is successfully applied and evaluated in the contexts of fundamental electrophysiology, psycho-motor rehabilitation and neuromuscular disorders diagnosis. This PhD project was carried out in the Physics Department of Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCT-UNL), in straight collaboration with PLUX - Wireless Biosignals S.A. company and co-funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology.
The work described in this thesis was performed at the Laboratory for Intense Lasers (L2I) of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon (IST-UL). Its main contribution consists in the feasibility study of the broadband dispersive stages for an optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier based on the nonlinear crystal yttrium calcium oxi-borate (YCOB). In particular, the main goal of this work consisted in the characterization and implementation of the several optical devices involved in pulse expansion and compression of the amplified pulses to durations of the order of a few optical cycles (20 fs). This type of laser systems find application in fields such as medicine, telecommunications and machining, which require high energy, ultrashort (sub-100 fs) pulses. The main challenges consisted in the preliminary study of the performance of the broadband amplifier, which is essential for successfully handling pulses with bandwidths exceeding 100 nm when amplified from the μJ to 20 mJ per pulse. In general, the control, manipulation and characterization of optical phenomena on the scale of a few tens of fs and powers that can reach the PW level are extremely difficult and challenging due to the complexity of the phenomena of radiation-matter interaction and their nonlinearities, observed at this time scale and power level. For this purpose the main dispersive components were characterized in detail, specifically addressing the demonstration of pulse expansion and compression. The tested bandwidths are narrower than the final ones, in order to confirm the parameters of these elements and predict the performance for the broadband pulses. The work performed led to additional tasks such as a detailed characterization of laser oscillator seeding the laser chain and the detection and cancelling of additional sources of dispersion.
Cancer cachexia is a frequent complication observed in patients with malignant tumors. Although several decades have passed since the first focus on the metabolic dysfunction's associated with cancer, few effective therapeutic interventions have been successfully introduced into the medical armamentarium. The present study thoroughly reviews the basic pathophysiology of cancer cachexia and the treatment options already investigated in that field. Experimental and clinical studies were evaluated individually in order to clarify the intricate alterations observed in tumor-bearing patients. The difficulties in introducing sound and effective nutritional support or metabolic manipulation to reverse cancer cachexia are outlined in this review.
The restoration materials currently used to fill gaps in architectural historical azulejos (e.g. lime or organic resin pastes) usually show serious drawbacks in terms of compatibility, effectiveness and durability. The existing solutions do not fully protect azulejos in outdoor conditions and frequently result in further deterioration. Geopolymers can be a potential solution for azulejo lacunae infill given the chemical-mineralogical similitude to the ceramic body, and also the durability and versatile range of physical properties that can be obtained through the manipulation of their formulation and curing conditions. This work presents and discusses the viability of the use of geopolymeric pastes to fill lacunae in azulejos or to act as “cold” cast ceramic tile surrogates reproducing missing azulejo fragments. The formulation of geopolymers, namely the type of activators, the aluminosilicate source, the amount of water (to meet adequate workability requirements) and curing conditions were studied. The need for post-curing desalination was also considered envisaging their application in the restoration of outdoor architectural historical azulejos frequently exposed to adverse environmental conditions. The possible advantages and disadvantages of the use of geopolymers in the conservation of azulejos are also discussed. Several techniques were used to study the chemical and physical behavior of geopolymers, namely FT-IR, XRD, MIP, SEM-EDS, WDXRF, electrical conductivity, open porosity, bending strength, adhesion strength, water vapour permeability, thermal expansion and hydric expansion. The results indicate that geopolymers are a promising material for restoration of azulejos, exhibiting some properties, such as adhesion to the ceramic substrate, higher than inorganic materials used nowadays, such as aerial lime based pastes.
The hospital pharmacy in large and advanced institutions has evolved from a simple storage and distribution unit into a highly specialized manipulation and dispensation center, responsible for the handling of hundreds of clinical requests, many of them unique and not obtainable from commercial companies. It was therefore quite natural that in many environments, a manufacturing service was gradually established, to cater to both conventional and extraordinary demands of the medical staff. That was the case of Hospital das Clinicas, where multiple categories of drugs are routinely produced inside the pharmacy. However, cost-containment imperatives dictate that such activities be reassessed in the light of their efficiency and essentiality. METHODS: In a prospective study, the output of the Manufacturing Service of the Central Pharmacy during a 12-month period was documented and classified into three types. Group I comprised drugs similar to commercially distributed products, Group II included exclusive formulations for routine consumption, and Group III dealt with special demands related to clinical investigations. RESULTS: Findings for the three categories indicated that these groups represented 34.4%, 45.3%, and 20.3% of total manufacture orders, respectively. Costs of production were assessed and compared with market prices for Group 1 preparations, indicating savings of 63.5%. When applied to the other groups, for which direct equivalent in market value did not exist, these results would suggest total yearly savings of over 5 100 000 US dollars. Even considering that these calculations leave out many components of cost, notably those concerning marketing and distribution, it might still be concluded that at least part of the savings achieved were real. CONCLUSIONS: The observed savings, allied with the convenience and reliability with which the Central Pharmacy performed its obligations, support the contention that internal manufacture of pharmaceutical formulations was a cost-effective alternative in the described setting.
The present dissertation is aimed at finding out whether the existing criminal protection of the sports ethics value is sufficient, regarding the dangers arising from the global online sports betting market and its characteristics. In the first chapter, the main issue will be introduced: the association between online sports bets and competition manipulations from a criminal point of view. In the second chapter, online sports bets will be defined, the characteristics of the referred global market explained and the danger said features bear to the manipulation of sports competitions exposed – also analysing the participants in this phenomenon. In chapter 3, it will be shown that the protection of sports ethics is a matter of public interest and that this interest is carried out by the sports federations as well. In the fourth chapter, the focus will be the criminal protection of sports ethics: its necessity based on the penal dignity of this system of sport associated values; the need to re-evaluate the existing protection due to the recognition of the existence of the online sports betting market; the existing criminal norms regarding the manipulation of sports competitions. Finally, in chapter 5, the intent will be to propose solutions to the identified problems concerning the sufficiency of the existing criminal legislation.
Electoral fraud is a common problem in young democracies. Election observers constitute one possible remedy. Yet, quantitative evidence of the exact effects of observers is scarce. Data on the random assignment of observers during Mozambique’s 2009 general elections is used to estimate the impact that observers have on ballot fraud. It is shown that the presence of national observers reduces high levels of turnout and manipulation of ballots. The findings contribute to the understanding of the behavior of politicians and have implications for the implementation of observer missions.
PURPOSE: To analyze the results from using endovascular techniques to place long-term chemotherapy catheters when advancing the catheter using the external jugular vein is difficult due to obstructions or kinking. METHODS: Between July 1997 and August 2000, 320 long-term chemotherapy catheters were placed, and in 220 cases the external jugular vein was used as the primary venous approach. In 18 of these patients, correct positioning was not achieved and several endovascular techniques were then utilized to overcome these obstacles, including manipulation of a J-wire with a moveable core, venography, and the exchange wire technique. RESULTS: In 94.5% of the patients with difficulties in obtaining the correct positioning, we were able to advance the long-term catheter to the desired position with the assistance of endovascular techniques. CONCLUSIONS: Venography and endovascular guidance techniques are useful for the placement of long-term catheters in the external jugular vein.
RESUMO: O processo de glicosilação é a modificação pós-traducional de proteínas mais comum e está envolvido em vários processos fisiológicos e patológicos. Especificamente, certos perfis glicosídeos estão correlacionados a estados específicos de diferenciação celular, e podem modular vários eventos celulares, como sinalização celular, migração celular e interações hospedeiro-patogénio. Assim sendo, a glicosilação desempenha um papel crucial na modulação de vários processos imunológicos. No entanto, permanece por esclarecer como as estruturas glicosídicas influenciam a imunidade. Especificamente, algumas estruturas glicosídicas terminais que estão modificadas pela ligação de ácido siálico desempenham um papel importante em várias funções do sistema imune, nomeadamente migração leucocitária em contexto de inflamação e ativação de células imunes. Como tal, este trabalho teve como objectivo investigar como a expressão de certos glicanos influencia componentes importantes da resposta imune inata e adaptativa. Este trabalho está dividido em três componentes principais: 1) A imunidade está amplamente dependente da habilidade das células circulantes migrarem para os tecidos inflamados, sendo que a ligação de leucócitos à Eselectina endotelial é o primeiro passo. Assim, nós analisámos a estrutura e função dos ligandos de E-selectina que são expressos pelas células humanas mononucleares de sangue periférico (PBMCs), fornecendo novos conhecimentos para a compreensão dos intervenientes moleculares que mediam a ligação dos monócitos, células CD4+ e CD8+T e células B ao endotélio vascular. Surpreendentemente, os monócitos apresentaram maior capacidade de ligação à E-selectina comparativamente aos linfócitos. Esta observação pode ser explicada pelo facto de os monócitos humanos expressarem, uniformemente, um vasto reportório de glicoproteínas que exibem afinidade de ligação à E-selectina, nomeadamente: as glicoformas do CD43 (CD43E) e do CD44 (HCELL), em adição à já previamente reportada glicoforma da PSGL-1 (CLA). Consistentemente, a diferente capacidade que as diversas populações linfocitárias apresentam de se ligar à E-selectina, está integralmente relacionada com a sua expressão de glicoproteínas com afinidade de ligação à E-selectina. Enquanto que as células CD4+T apresentam uma elevada reatividade à E-selectina, as células CD8+T e B demonstram pouca ou nenhuma capacidade de ligação à E-selectina. Esta atividade de ligação à E-selectina das células CD4+T é conferida pela expressão de HCELL, em adição às já previamente reportadas CLA e CD43E. As células CD8+ T não expressam HCELL e apenas expressam pequenas quantidades de CLA e CD43E, enquanto que as células B não expressam ligandos de Eselectina. Mais, a exofucosilação da superfície destas células, levou ao dramático aumento da expressão dos ligandos de E-selectina em todos as populações leucocitárias, verificando-se que a criação de certos ligandos de E-selectina está dependente do tipo de célula, após fucosilação. Colectivamente, estes resultados redefinem o nosso conhecimento acerca dos mecanismos moleculares que governam o tráfico das células mononucleares de sangue periférico em contexto de inflamação. 2) A habilidade das células dendríticas (DCs) para extravasarem em locais de inflamação é crucial para o sucesso da terapia com DCs. Assim, analisámos a estrutura e função das moléculas de adesão que mediam a migração transendotelial (TEM) das DCs. Para isso, foram usadas DCs geradas a partir da diferenciação de monócitos (mo-DCS), obtidos quer pelo métodos de separação imuno-magnética de células CD14+ (CD14-S) ou por isolamento por aderência ao plástico (PA-S). Os resultados obtidos indicam que as glicoformas de ligação à Eselectina de PSGL-1, CD43 e CD44 são expressas pelas CD14-S mo-DCs, enquanto que as PA-S mo-DCs expressam apenas CLA. É importante notar que a ligação do CD44 nas mo-DCs, mas não nas PA-S mo-DCs, desencadeia a ativação e consequente adesão da VLA-4 ao endotélio na ausência de um gradiente de quimiocinas. Procedeu-se também à análise dos ligandos E-selectina expressos em mo-DCs geradas a partir de monócitos do sangue do cordão umbilical (UCB) e, inesperadamente, as UCB mo-DCs não expressam qualquer glicoproteína com reatividade à E-selectina. Além disso, a exofucosilação das mo- DCs humanas utilizando uma α(1,3)-fucosiltransferase aumenta significativamente a expressão de HCELL e, portanto, estas células apresentam uma capacidade aumentada para se ligarem à E-selectina em condições de fluxo hemodinâmico. Estes resultados destacam o papel do HCELL no desencadeamento do TEM das CD14-S mo-DCs e sugerem que estratégias para potenciar a expressão de HCELL poderão impulsionar o recrutamento de mo-DCs para locais de inflamação. 3) Outro obstáculo para alcançar o sucesso promissor de vacinas baseadas em DCs é o estabelecimento de abordagens eficientes que poderão melhorar o estado de maturação e apresentação antigénica das DCs. Por conseguinte, foram investigadas abordagens alternativas que podem superar este obstáculo. Através da remoção de ácido siálico de superfície celular das DCs, conseguiu-se induzir a maturação de DC humanas e de ratinhos. Notavelmente, tanto as DCs humanas como as de ratinho, ao serem desialiladas mostraram uma capacidade aumentada para induzir a proliferação de células T, para secretar citocinas Th1 e para induzir a morte específica de células tumorais. Em adição, as DCs desialiladas apresentam uma maior capacidade de apresentação cruzada de antigénios tumorais às células T citotóxicas. Colectivamente, o presente estudo oferece uma visão chave para optimizar a capacidade das DCs em induzir respostas imunitárias anti-tumorais, e indica que o tratamento com sialidase é uma nova tecnologia para melhorar a eficácia e aplicabilidade das vacinas baseadas em DCs. Coletivamente, os nossos resultados demostram como a glicosilação e a sua manipulação podem modular a imunidade. Concretamente, através de uma reação de exofucosilação conseguimos aumentar fortemente a capacidade de os leucócitos extravasarem para os tecidos afectados, enquanto que a remoção dos níveis de ácido siálico da superfície celular das DCs, induz potentes respostas anti-tumorais mediadas por células T citotóxicas. ------------------------------------ ABSTRACT: Glycosylation is the most widely form of protein post-translational modification and is involved in many physiological and pathological processes. Specifically, certain patterns of glycosylation are associated with determined stages of cell differentiation and can modulate processes like cell-signaling and migration and host-pathogen interactions. As such, glycosylation plays a crucial role in the modulation of several immune events. However, how glycans execute this immune-modulation and, therefore, influence immunity is still poorly unknown. Specifically, some terminal sialic acid-modified determinants are known to be involved in several physiological immune processes, including leukocyte trafficking into sites of inflammation and cell immune activation. Therefore, in this work, we sought to investigate more deeply how the expression of these glycosidic structures affects events form both innate and adaptive immune responses. To this end, we divided our work into three main parts: 1) Immunity critically depends on the ability of sentinel circulating cells to infiltrate injured sites, of which leukocyte binding to endothelial E-selectin is the critical first step. Thus, we first analyzed the structure and function of the E-selectin ligands expressed on native human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), providing novel insights into the molecular effectors governing adhesion of circulating monocytes, and of circulating CD4+T, CD8+T and B cells, to vascular endothelium under hemodynamic shear conditions. Strikingly, monocytes show a higher ability to tether and roll on endothelial cells than lymphocyte subsets. This is due to the fact that human circulating monocytes uniformly display a wide repertoire of E-selectin binding glycoproteins, namely the E-selectin-binding glycoforms of CD43 (CD43E) and CD44 (HCELL), in addition to the previously described E-selectin-binding glycoform of PSGL-1 (CLA). In addition, we also observed a differential ability of the different lymphocyte subsets to bind to Eselectin under hemodynamic shear stress conditions, and these differences were highly correlated with their individual expression of E-selectin binding glycoproteins. While CD4+T cells show a robust E-selectin binding ability, CD8+T and B cells show little to no E-selectin reactivity. CD4+T cell potent Eselectin rolling activity is conferred by HCELL expression, in addition to the previously reported E-selectin-binding glycoproteins CD43E and CLA. CD8+T cells display no HCELL and low amounts of CLA and CD43E, whereas B cells lack E-selectin ligand expression. Moreover, enforced exofucosylation of cell surface of these cells noticeably increases expression of functional E-selectin ligands among all leukocytes subsets, with cell type-dependent specificity in the protein scaffolds that are modified. Taken together, these findings redefine our understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing the trafficking patterns of PBMCs that are relevant in the context of acute or chronic inflammatory conditions. 2) The ability of circulating dendritic cells (DCs) to extravasate at inflammatory sites is critical to the success of DC-based therapies. Therefore, we assessed the structure and function of adhesion molecules mediating the transendothelial migration (TEM) of human monocyte derived-DCs (mo-DCs), obtained either by CD14 positive immune-magnetic selection (CD14-S) or by plastic adherence of blood monocytes (PA-S). We report for the first time that the E-selectin binding glycoforms of PSGL-1, CD43 and CD44 are all expressed on CD14-S mo-DCs, in contrast to PA-S mo-DCs that express only CLA. Importantly, CD44 engagement on CD14-S mo-DCs, but not on PA-S mo-DCs, triggers VLA-4-dependent adhesiveness and programs TEM in absence of chemokine gradient. We also analyzed the E-selectin ligands expressed on mo-DCs generated from umbilical cord blood (UCB) monocytes, and unexpectedly, UCB mo-DCs do not express any glycoprotein with E-selectin reactivity. Furthermore, exoglycosylation of human mo-DCs using an α(1,3)-fucosyltransferase significantly increases expression of HCELL, and therefore exofucosylated mo-DCs exhibit an augmented ability to bind to E-selectin under hemodynamic shear stress conditions. These findings highlight a role for HCELL engagement in priming TEM of CD14-S mo-DCs, and suggest that strategies to enforce HCELL expression could boost mo-DC recruitment to inflammatory sites. 3) Another obstacle to achieve the promising success of DC-based vaccines is the establishment of efficient approaches that could successfully enhance maturation and cross-presentation ability of DCs. Therefore, we investigated an alternative approach that can overcome this problem. Through removal of sialic acid content from DC cell surface we are able to elicit maturation of both human and mouse DCs. Notably, desialylated human and murine DCs showed enhanced ability to induce autologous T cell to proliferate, to secrete Th1 cytokines and to kill tumor cells. Moreover, desialylated DCs display enhanced cross-presentation of tumor antigens to cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. Collectively, this study offers key insight to optimize the ability of DCs to boost anti-tumor immune responses, and indicates that the treatment with an exogenous sialidase is a powerful new technology to improve the efficacy and applicability of DC-based vaccines. Overall, our findings show how glycosylation and its manipulation can modulate immunity. Concretely, through an exofucosylation reaction we are able to greatly augment the ability of leukocytes to extravasate into injured tissues, while removal of sialic acid moieties from cell surface of DCs, significantly potentiate their ability to induce anti-tumor cytotoxic T cell-mediate responses.
RESUMO:O processo de glicosilação é a modificação pós-traducional de proteínas mais comum e está envolvido em vários processos fisiológicos e patológicos. Especificamente, certos perfis glicosídeos estão correlacionados a estados específicos de diferenciação celular, e podem modular vários eventos celulares, como sinalização celular, migração celular e interações hospedeiro-patogénio. Assim sendo, a glicosilação desempenha um papel crucial na modulação de vários processos imunológicos. No entanto, permanece por esclarecer como as estruturas glicosídicas influenciam a imunidade. Especificamente, algumas estruturas glicosídicas terminais que estão modificadas pela ligação de ácido siálico desempenham um papel importante em várias funções do sistema imune, nomeadamente migração leucocitária em contexto de inflamação e ativação de células imunes. Como tal, este trabalho teve como objectivo investigar como a expressão de certos glicanos influencia componentes importantes da resposta imune inata e adaptativa. Este trabalho está dividido em três componentes principais: 1) A imunidade está amplamente dependente da habilidade das células circulantes migrarem para os tecidos inflamados, sendo que a ligação de leucócitos à Eselectina endotelial é o primeiro passo. Assim, nós analisámos a estrutura e função dos ligandos de E-selectina que são expressos pelas células humanas mononucleares de sangue periférico (PBMCs), fornecendo novos conhecimentos para a compreensão dos intervenientes moleculares que mediam a ligação dos monócitos, células CD4+ e CD8+T e células B ao endotélio vascular. Surpreendentemente, os monócitos apresentaram maior capacidade de ligação à E-selectina comparativamente aos linfócitos. Esta observação pode ser explicada pelo facto de os monócitos humanos expressarem, uniformemente, um vasto reportório de glicoproteínas que exibem afinidade de ligação à E-selectina, nomeadamente: as glicoformas do CD43 (CD43E) e do CD44 (HCELL), em adição à já previamente reportada glicoforma da PSGL-1 (CLA). Consistentemente, a diferente capacidade que as diversas populações linfocitárias apresentam de se ligar à E-selectina, está integralmente relacionada com a sua expressão de glicoproteínas com afinidade de ligação à E-selectina. Enquanto que as células CD4+T apresentam uma elevada reatividade à E-selectina, as células CD8+T e B demonstram pouca ou nenhuma capacidade de ligação à E-selectina. Esta atividade de ligação à E-selectina das células CD4+T é conferida pela expressão de HCELL, em adição às já previamente reportadas CLA e CD43E. As células CD8+ T não expressam HCELL e apenas expressam pequenas quantidades de CLA e CD43E, enquanto que as células B não expressam ligandos de Eselectina. Mais, a exofucosilação da superfície destas células, levou ao dramático aumento da expressão dos ligandos de E-selectina em todos as populações leucocitárias, verificando-se que a criação de certos ligandos de E-selectina está dependente do tipo de célula, após fucosilação. Colectivamente, estes resultados redefinem o nosso conhecimento acerca dos mecanismos moleculares que governam o tráfico das células mononucleares de sangue periférico em contexto de inflamação. 2) A habilidade das células dendríticas (DCs) para extravasarem em locais de inflamação é crucial para o sucesso da terapia com DCs. Assim, analisámos a estrutura e função das moléculas de adesão que mediam a migração transendotelial (TEM) das DCs. Para isso, foram usadas DCs geradas a partir da diferenciação de monócitos (mo-DCS), obtidos quer pelo métodos de separação imuno-magnética de células CD14+ (CD14-S) ou por isolamento por aderência ao plástico (PA-S). Os resultados obtidos indicam que as glicoformas de ligação à Eselectina de PSGL-1, CD43 e CD44 são expressas pelas CD14-S mo-DCs, enquanto que as PA-S mo-DCs expressam apenas CLA. É importante notar que a ligação do CD44 nas mo-DCs, mas não nas PA-S mo-DCs, desencadeia a ativação e consequente adesão da VLA-4 ao endotélio na ausência de um gradiente de quimiocinas. Procedeu-se também à análise dos ligandos E-selectina expressos em mo-DCs geradas a partir de monócitos do sangue do cordão umbilical (UCB) e, inesperadamente, as UCB mo-DCs não expressam qualquer glicoproteína com reatividade à E-selectina. Além disso, a exofucosilação das mo- DCs humanas utilizando uma α(1,3)-fucosiltransferase aumenta significativamente a expressão de HCELL e, portanto, estas células apresentam uma capacidade aumentada para se ligarem à E-selectina em condições de fluxo hemodinâmico. Estes resultados destacam o papel do HCELL no desencadeamento do TEM das CD14-S mo-DCs e sugerem que estratégias para potenciar a expressão de HCELL poderão impulsionar o recrutamento de mo-DCs para locais de inflamação. 3) Outro obstáculo para alcançar o sucesso promissor de vacinas baseadas em DCs é o estabelecimento de abordagens eficientes que poderão melhorar o estado de maturação e apresentação antigénica das DCs. Por conseguinte, foram investigadas abordagens alternativas que podem superar este obstáculo. Através da remoção de ácido siálico de superfície celular das DCs, conseguiu-se induzir a maturação de DC humanas e de ratinhos. Notavelmente, tanto as DCs humanas como as de ratinho, ao serem desialiladas mostraram uma capacidade aumentada para induzir a proliferação de células T, para secretar citocinas Th1 e para induzir a morte específica de células tumorais. Em adição, as DCs desialiladas apresentam uma maior capacidade de apresentação cruzada de antigénios tumorais às células T citotóxicas. Colectivamente, o presente estudo oferece uma visão chave para optimizar a capacidade das DCs em induzir respostas imunitárias anti-tumorais, e indica que o tratamento com sialidase é uma nova tecnologia para melhorar a eficácia e aplicabilidade das vacinas baseadas em DCs. Coletivamente, os nossos resultados demostram como a glicosilação e a sua manipulação podem modular a imunidade. Concretamente, através de uma reação de exofucosilação conseguimos aumentar fortemente a capacidade de os leucócitos extravasarem para os tecidos afectados, enquanto que a remoção dos níveis de ácido siálico da superfície celular das DCs, induz potentes respostas anti-tumorais mediadas por células T citotóxicas. ---------------------------- ABSTRACT: Glycosylation is the most widely form of protein post-translational modification and is involved in many physiological and pathological processes. Specifically, certain patterns of glycosylation are associated with determined stages of cell differentiation and can modulate processes like cell-signaling and migration and host-pathogen interactions. As such, glycosylation plays a crucial role in the modulation of several immune events. However, how glycans execute this immune-modulation and, therefore, influence immunity is still poorly unknown. Specifically, some terminal sialic acid-modified determinants are known to be involved in several physiological immune processes, including leukocyte trafficking into sites of inflammation and cell immune activation. Therefore, in this work, we sought to investigate more deeply how the expression of these glycosidic structures affects events form both innate and adaptive immune responses. To this end, we divided our work into three main parts: 1) Immunity critically depends on the ability of sentinel circulating cells to infiltrate injured sites, of which leukocyte binding to endothelial E-selectin is the critical first step. Thus, we first analyzed the structure and function of the E-selectin ligands expressed on native human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), providing novel insights into the molecular effectors governing adhesion of circulating monocytes, and of circulating CD4+T, CD8+T and B cells, to vascular endothelium under hemodynamic shear conditions. Strikingly, monocytes show a higher ability to tether and roll on endothelial cells than lymphocyte subsets. This is due to the fact that human circulating monocytes uniformly display a wide repertoire of E-selectin binding glycoproteins, namely the E-selectin-binding glycoforms of CD43 (CD43E) and CD44 (HCELL), in addition to the previously described E-selectin-binding glycoform of PSGL-1 (CLA). In addition, we also observed a differential ability of the different lymphocyte subsets to bind to Eselectin under hemodynamic shear stress conditions, and these differences were highly correlated with their individual expression of E-selectin binding glycoproteins. While CD4+T cells show a robust E-selectin binding ability, CD8+T and B cells show little to no E-selectin reactivity. CD4+T cell potent Eselectin rolling activity is conferred by HCELL expression, in addition to the previously reported E-selectin-binding glycoproteins CD43E and CLA. CD8+T cells display no HCELL and low amounts of CLA and CD43E, whereas B cells lack E-selectin ligand expression. Moreover, enforced exofucosylation of cell surface of these cells noticeably increases expression of functional E-selectin ligands among all leukocytes subsets, with cell type-dependent specificity in the protein scaffolds that are modified. Taken together, these findings redefine our understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing the trafficking patterns of PBMCs that are relevant in the context of acute or chronic inflammatory conditions. 2) The ability of circulating dendritic cells (DCs) to extravasate at inflammatory sites is critical to the success of DC-based therapies. Therefore, we assessed the structure and function of adhesion molecules mediating the transendothelial migration (TEM) of human monocyte derived-DCs (mo-DCs), obtained either by CD14 positive immune-magnetic selection (CD14-S) or by plastic adherence of blood monocytes (PA-S). We report for the first time that the E-selectin binding glycoforms of PSGL-1, CD43 and CD44 are all expressed on CD14-S mo-DCs, in contrast to PA-S mo-DCs that express only CLA. Importantly, CD44 engagement on CD14-S mo-DCs, but not on PA-S mo-DCs, triggers VLA-4-dependent adhesiveness and programs TEM in absence of chemokine gradient. We also analyzed the E-selectin ligands expressed on mo-DCs generated from umbilical cord blood (UCB) monocytes, and unexpectedly, UCB mo-DCs do not express any glycoprotein with E-selectin reactivity. Furthermore, exoglycosylation of human mo-DCs using an α(1,3)-fucosyltransferase significantly increases expression of HCELL, and therefore exofucosylated mo-DCs exhibit an augmented ability to bind to E-selectin under hemodynamic shear stress conditions. These findings highlight a role for HCELL engagement in priming TEM of CD14-S mo-DCs, and suggest that strategies to enforce HCELL expression could boost mo-DC recruitment to inflammatory sites.3) Another obstacle to achieve the promising success of DC-based vaccines is the establishment of efficient approaches that could successfully enhance maturation and cross-presentation ability of DCs. Therefore, we investigated an alternative approach that can overcome this problem. Through removal of sialic acid content from DC cell surface we are able to elicit maturation of both human and mouse DCs. Notably, desialylated human and murine DCs showed enhanced ability to induce autologous T cell to proliferate, to secrete Th1 cytokines and to kill tumor cells. Moreover, desialylated DCs display enhanced cross-presentation of tumor antigens to cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. Collectively, this study offers key insight to optimize the ability of DCs to boost anti-tumor immune responses, and indicates that the treatment with an exogenous sialidase is a powerful new technology to improve the efficacy and applicability of DC-based vaccines. Overall, our findings show how glycosylation and its manipulation can modulate immunity. Concretely, through an exofucosylation reaction we are able to greatly augment the ability of leukocytes to extravasate into injured tissues, while removal of sialic acid moieties from cell surface of DCs, significantly potentiate their ability to induce anti-tumor cytotoxic T cell-mediate responses.
Com esta investigação pretende-se caracterizar a relação indissociável entre História e Fotografia, reconhecendo as múltiplas formas de manipulação e respectivos mecanismos de hierarquização de poder, que não apenas determinam o desenvolvimento da sua produção, arquivo e recepção, como desvendam uma constelação de ligações disciplinares, técnicas e políticas que potenciam e moldam o seu sentido. Esta problemática é analisada no contexto português, a partir das práticas de exposição, publicação e colecção fotográfica e consequente ajuste do discurso teórico e crítico nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, adoptando como eixo de pesquisa o trabalho de investigação e historiografia desenvolvido entre 1973 e 1998 por António Sena e, especificamente, o modo como aplica a História (de um meio) como hiperdocumento. O filme Olho de Vidro, uma História da Fotografia (1982), realizado por António Sena e Margarida Gil, as iniciativas fotográficas desenvolvidas pela associação ether/vale tudo menos tirar olhos entre 1982 e 1994, a criação da base de dados Luzitânia/ ether pix database e as publicações Uma História de Fotografia (1991) e História da Imagem Fotográfica em Portugal, 1839-1997 (1998) da autoria de António Sena, formam o corpus do nosso estudo de caso.
Cell Sheets of hASCs (hASCs-CS) have been previously proposed for wound healing applications(1, 2) and despite the concern for production time reduction, the possibility of having these hASCs-CS off-the-shelf is appealing. The goal of this work was to define a cryopreservation methodology allowing to preserve cells viability and the properties CS matrix. hASCs-CS obtained from three different donors were created in UP-cell thermoresponsive dishes(Nunc, Germany) as previously reported(1,2). Different cryopreservation conditions were considered: i)FBS plus DMSO(5% and10%); ii)0.4M of Trehalose plus DMSO (5% and 10%); iii)cryosolution PLL (Akron Biotech, USA); and iv)vitrification. The cryopreservation effect was first assessed for cellular viability by flow cytometry using 7-AAD, and after dissociating the hASCs-CS with collagenase and trypsin-EDTA 0.25%. The expression (RT-PCR) and deposition (western blot and immunocytochemistry) of collagen type I, laminin and fibronectin, and the organization (TEM) of the extracellular matrix was further assessed before and after hASCs-CS cryopreservation to determine a potential effect of the method over matrix composition and integrity. The obtained results confirmed that cell viability is affected by the cryopreservation methodology, as shown before for different CS(3). Interestingly, the matrix properties were not significantly altered and the typical cell sheetâ s easiness of manipulation for transplantation was not lost.
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