990 resultados para Amplitude de espalhamento (Física nuclear)


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The pressure dependence of the chlorine NQR frequency in NaClo3 has been investigated up to 20 k bar hydrostatic pressure. A distinct break in slope in the pressure dependence of the resonance frequency is observed near 11 k bar. This is attributed to a phase transition reported earlier by Bridgman in this pressure region.


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Chlorine has been substituted at the 2- and 4-positions in the pyridine and quinoline rings of the corresponding N-oxides and 35Cl n.q.r. spectra have been studied in the temperature range 77–300 K. The change in the n.q.r. frequencies in N-oxides as compared to their parent compounds are interpreted in terms of the conjugative effect and the inductive effect of the N+—O– group. The negative temperature coefficients of the resonance frequencies in chloropyridine-N-oxides have been analysed using the Bayer, Kushida and Brown equations. The calculated torsional frequencies, which are in the range 52–78 cm–1, are found to be only slightly temperature dependent.


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The conformational dependence of interproton distances in model proline peptides has been investigated in order to facilitate interpretation of the results of Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) studies on such peptides. For this purpose two model systems, namely, Ac-Pro-NHMe and Ac-Pro-X-NHMe have been chosen and used. In the former, short interproton distances detectable in NOE experiments permit a clear distinction between conformations with Pro ψ = -300 (helical region) and those in which ψ is around 1200 (polyproline region). For the latter, the variation of distances between the protons of methyl amide and the Pro ring have been studied by superimposing on the Ramachandran map in the (φ3, ψ3) plane. The results show that β-turns and non-β-turn conformations can be readily distinguished from NOE data and such long range NOEs should be detectable for specific non-β-turn conformations. NOEs involving Cβ and Cγ protons are particularly sensitive to the state of pyrrolidine ring puckering.


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Geometric phases have been used in NMR to implement controlled phase shift gates for quantum-information processing, only in weakly coupled systems in which the individual spins can be identified as qubits. In this work, we implement controlled phase shift gates in strongly coupled systems by using nonadiabatic geometric phases, obtained by evolving the magnetization of fictitious spin-1/2 subspaces, over a closed loop on the Bloch sphere. The dynamical phase accumulated during the evolution of the subspaces is refocused by a spin echo pulse sequence and by setting the delay of transition selective pulses such that the evolution under the homonuclear coupling makes a complete 2 pi rotation. A detailed theoretical explanation of nonadiabatic geometric phases in NMR is given by using single transition operators. Controlled phase shift gates, two qubit Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, and parity algorithm in a qubit-qutrit system have been implemented in various strongly dipolar coupled systems obtained by orienting the molecules in liquid crystal media.


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A two dimensional correlation experiment for the measurement of short and long range homo- and hetero- nuclear residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) from the broad and featureless proton NMR spectra including C-13 satellites is proposed. The method employs a single natural abundant C-13 spin as a spy nucleus to probe all the coupled protons and permits the determination of RDCs of negligible strengths. The technique has been demonstrated for the study of organic chiral molecules aligned in chiral liquid crystal, where additional challenge is to unravel the overlapped spectrum of enantiomers. The significant advantage of the method is demonstrated in better chiral discrimination using homonuclear RDCs as additional parameters. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The numerical values of gA are evaluated using quantum-chromodynamic sum rules. The nuclear medium effects are taken into account by modifying the chiral symmetry breaking correlation, . Our results indicate a quenching of gA in a nuclear medium. The physical reasons for this fundamental quenching are noted to be the same for the effective mass of the nucleon bound in a nucleus being less than its free space value.


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Nuclear receptors (NRs) comprise a large family of proteins that mediate the effects of small lipophilic molecules such as steroid hormones. In addition, there are a group of NRs which lack identified natural ligands and are referred as orphan NRs. In this thesis, the function of two such orphan NR families, the NR3B (ERRα, ERRβ and ERRγ) and the NR4A family (NGFI-B, Nurr1 and Nor1), was studied. NR3B and NR4A receptors regulate many biological processes such as energy metabolism and carcinogenesis. In addition, NR3B and NR4A receptors are expressed in bone. Therefore, the signaling and function of NR3B and NR4A orphan nuclear receptors was studied specifically in osteoblasts. NR4A receptors were found to be regulated by NR3B receptors and the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway as ERRα, ERRγ and β-catenin repressed the transcriptional activity of NR4A receptors in U2-OS cells. NGFI-B was found to repress the transcriptional activity of ERRγ in HeLa cells. The phytoestrogen equol was identified as a new agonist for ERRγ and ERRβ in PC-3, U2-OS, and SaOS-2 cells. Equol increased the transcriptional activity of ERRγ by increasing ERRγ co-activator binding and by inducing a conformational change in the ligand binding pocket of ERRγ. The growth inhibitory effect of equol on PC-3 prostate cancer cells was decreased by blocking ERRγ expression by siRNA. Therefore, ERRγ could mediate some of the beneficial health effects of equol. The Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway is important for the differentiation and function of osteoblasts. NR3B and NR4A receptors were found to repress the transcriptional activity mediated by β-catenin in U2-OS cells. The mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) isolated from ERRα knockout (KO) mice showed diminished proliferation and osteoblastic differentiation compared to the wild-type cells. The overexpression of ERRα in osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cell line increased their mineralization. Bone sialoprotein (BSP) was shown to be a direct target gene for ERRα and ERRγ as the BSP promoter was activated by ERRα or ERRγ and PGC-1α in HeLa cells. The adipogenic differentiation of ERRα KO MSCs was also decreased and they expressed less adipogenic marker genes. In conclusion, the studies described in this thesis demonstrated that the transcriptional activity of NR3B and NR4A receptors can be regulated by other orphan NRs and signaling pathways in osteoblasts. NR3B receptors can also be regulated by ligands and a new agonist, equol, was identified for ERRβ and ERRγ. New roles for NR3B and NR4A were also identified as they were shown to converge with the Wnt signaling pathway in osteoblasts, ERRγ was shown to mediate the growth inhibitory effect of equol in prostate cancer cells, and ERRα was shown to regulate positively MSC proliferation, osteoblastic differentiation and adipogenesis.


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The binding characteristics of the antibiotics to nuclei and their effect on the permeability of nuclear membrane with respect to histones and ribonucleic acids have been investigated. The binding constant for chromomycin A3 was found to be 1.4 × 104M?1 and number of binding sites was equal to 3.48 ± 1.08 × 1012 molecules/nuclei. The antibiotic chromomycin A3 enhanced the uptake of lysine-rich histone, actinomycin D decreased the uptake and ethidium bromide had no effect. Chromomycin A3 also enhanced the release of acid insoluble fraction containing RNA from the nuclei, actinomycin D and ethidium bromide inhibited the release of acid insoluble fraction containing RNA. The relevance of this finding to the role of nuclear envelope in understanding the mechanism of action of the antibiotic has been discussed.


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IH NMR studies at 270 MHz on the synthetic alamethicin fragments Z-Aib-Pro-Aib-Ala-Aib-Ala-OMe (1-6), Boc-Gln-Aib-Val-Aib-Gly-Leu-Aib-OMe (7-1 3), Boc-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-OMe (1 2-16), and Boc-Gly-Leu- Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-OMe (1 1-16) have been carried out in CDC13 and (CD3)2S0. The intramolecularly hydrogen bonded amide hydrogens in these peptides have been delineated by using solvent titration experiments and temperature coefficientsof NH chemical shifts in (CD3)+30. All the peptides adopt highly folded structures, characterized by intramolecular 4 - 1 hydrogen bonds. The 1-6 fragment adopts a 310 helical conformation with four hydrogen bonds, in agreement with earlier studies (Rao, Ch. P., Nagaraj, R., Rao, C. N. R., & Balaram, P. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 425-4311. The 7-13


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Two isomeric, acyclic tetrapeptides containing a Z-dehydrophenylalanine residue (Δz-Phe) at position 2 or 3, Boc-Leu-Ala-Δz-Phe-Leu-OMe (1) and Boc-Leu-Δz-Phe-Ala-Leu-OMe (2), have been synthesized and their solution conformations investigated by 270MHz 1H n.m.r. spectroscopy. In peptide 1 the Leu(4) NH group appears to be partially shielded from solvent, while in peptide 2 both Ala(3) and Leu(4) NH groups show limited solvent accessibility. Extensive difference nuclear Overhauser effect (n.O.e.) studies establish the occurrence of several diagnostic inter-residue n.O.e.s (CαjH ⇆ Ni+1H and NiH ⇆ Ni+1H) between backbone protons. The simultaneous observation of “mutually exclusive” n.O.e.s suggests the presence of multiple solution conformations for both peptides. In peptide 1 the n.O.e. data are consistent with a dynamic equilibrium between an -Ala-Δz-Phe- Type II β-turn structure and a second species with Δz-Phe adopting a partially extended conformation with Ψ values of ± 100° to ± 150°. In peptide 2 the results are compatible with an equilibrium between a highly folded consecutive β-turn structure for the -Leu-Δz-Phe-Ala- segment and an almost completely extended conformation.


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Paramagnetic, or open-shell, systems are often encountered in the context of metalloproteins, and they are also an essential part of molecular magnets. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for chemical structure elucidation, but for paramagnetic molecules it is substantially more complicated than in the diamagnetic case. Before the present work, the theory of NMR of paramagnetic molecules was limited to spin-1/2 systems and it did not include relativistic corrections to the hyperfine effects. It also was not systematically expandable. --- The theory was first expanded by including hyperfine contributions up to the fourth power in the fine structure constant α. It was then reformulated and its scope widened to allow any spin state in any spatial symmetry. This involved including zero-field splitting effects. In both stages the theory was implemented into a separate analysis program. The different levels of theory were tested by demonstrative density functional calculations on molecules selected to showcase the relative strength of new NMR shielding terms. The theory was also tested in a joint experimental and computational effort to confirm assignment of 11 B signals. The new terms were found to be significant and comparable with the terms in the earlier levels of theory. The leading-order magnetic-field dependence of shielding in paramagnetic systems was formulated. The theory is now systematically expandable, allowing for higher-order field dependence and relativistic contributions. The prevailing experimental view of pseudocontact shift was found to be significantly incomplete, as it only includes specific geometric dependence, which is not present in most of the new terms introduced here. The computational uncertainty in density functional calculations of the Fermi contact hyperfine constant and zero-field splitting tensor sets a limit for quantitative prediction of paramagnetic shielding for now.


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The effect of dipolar cross correlation in 1H---1H nuclear Overhauser effect experiments is investigated by detailed calculation in an ABX spin system. It is found that in weakly coupled spin systems, the cross-correlation effects are limited to single-quantum transition probabilities and decrease in magnitude as ωτc increases. Strong coupling, however, mixes the states and the cross correlations affect the zero-quantum and double-quantum transition probabilities as well. The effect of cross correlation in steady-state and transient NOE experiments is studied as a function of strong coupling and ωτc. The results for steady-state NOE experiments are calculated analytically and those for transient NOE experiments are calculated numerically. The NOE values for the A and B spins have been calculated by assuming nonselective perturbation of all the transitions of the X spin. A significant effect of cross correlation is found in transient NOE experiments of weakly as well as strongly coupled spins when the multiplets are resolved. Cross correlation manifests itself largely as a multiplet effect in the transient NOE of weakly coupled spins for nonselective perturbation of all X transitions. This effect disappears for a measuring pulse of 90° or when the multiplets are not resolved. For steady-state experiments, the effect of cross correlation is analytically zero for weakly coupled spins and small for strongly coupled spins.


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The temperature dependence of the chlorine-35 n.q.r. in the mercuric chloride-4-picoline N-oxide complex has been studied from 77 K to room temperature, and the results are used to assign the observed frequencies to terminal and bridging chlorines.