942 resultados para Algal biofuels


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The word ”Broads” is used to describe a series of relatively shallow lakes resulting from the flooding of medieval peat diggings. Broadland is essentially freshwater, but because the rivers have such low gradients the lower reaches are brackish. The influence of tide is particularly apparent on the River Yare; in Norwich 40 km from the sea there is a vertical movement of half a metre at spring tide. This study examines the problems that the broadlands are facing. The problems are basically the progressive loss of aquatic plants, in particular the macro- phytes, animal life, outbreaks of avian botulism, occasional fish kills due to a toxin produced by the blue-green alga Prymesium parvum and the emergence of very heavy algal blooms. The main factor for the deteriation of the Broaslands is the eutrophication resulting from enhanced nutrient inputs, in particular of nitrates and phosphates, from a variety of sources. The most important of these are sewage effluents, agricultural drainage, which includes fertilisers and nutrient rich effluents from piggeries and dairy un


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In the study of questions relating to the quality of raw water and the biological produc- tivity of water bodies algal indicators have an important place. Despite the importance of these functional indicators in determining the quality of water and the nature of the production processes as a basis for preserving the ecological equilibrium of aquatic ecosystems, their use in the system of hydrobiological methods of monitoring the quality of surface water has not received proper consideration. This paper aims to analyse the matter and the possibl use of functional algal criteria in the system for the biological monitoring of aquatic objects and also to give some results in using these criteria.


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This bibliography covers the literature up to the end of 1978. The criteria used in the selection of references were that they should aid identification of invertebrates directly; thus, works solely concerned with the taxonomy of a particular group are in general omitted unless they contain a key. Some check-lists are however included where they give current nomenclature. The references are arranged alphabetically within each group and deal mainly with macro-invertebrates but include available keys to some microscopic invertebrates. Internal parasites and hymenopterous parasitoids are omitted. For insects the life stages to which the key applies are given where this is not clear in the reference. A number of keys to non-aquatic stages have been included in the hope that they may prove useful in certain circumstances. In addition, under a general head, latest check-lists are referred to together with bibliographies of algal keys and a guide for the identification of British water plants.


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The ”Vollenweider model” is a sophisticated mathematical statement about the long-range behaviour of (mainly temperate) lakes and their ability to support phytoplankton chlorophyll. Misapplication of the model, against which Vollenweider himself warned, has led to many misconceptions about the dynamics of plankton in lakes and reservoirs and about how best to manage systems subject to eutrophication. This contribution intends to frame the most important issues in context of the phosphorus- loading and phosphorus-limitation concepts. Emphasis is placed on the need to distinguish rate-limitation from capacity-limitation, to understand which is more manageable and why, to discern the mechanisms of internal recycling and their importance, and to appreciate the respective roles of physical and biotic components in local control of algal dynamics. Some general approaches to the management of water quality in lakes and reservoirs to eutrophication are outlined.


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Restoration of water-bodies from eutrophication has proved to be extremely difficult. Mathematical models have been used extensively to provide guidance for management decisions. The aim of this paper is to elucidate important problems of using models for predicting environmental changes. First, the necessity for a proper uncertainty assessment of the model, upon calibration, has not been widely recognized. Predictions must not be a single time trajectory; they should be a band, expressing system uncertainty and natural variability. Availability of this information may alter the decision to be taken. Second, even with well-calibrated models, there is no guarantee they will give correct projections in situations where the model is used to predict the effects of measures designed to bring the system into an entirely different ”operating point”, as is typically the case in eutrophication abatement. The concept of educated speculation is introduced to partially overcome this difficulty. Lake Veluwe is used as a case to illustrate the point. Third, as questions become more detailed, such as ”what about expected algal composition”, there is a greater probability of running into fundamental problems that are associated with predicting the behaviour of complex non-linear systems. Some of these systems show extreme initial condition sensitivity and even, perhaps, chaotic behaviour, and are therefore fundamentally unpredictable.


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The severe problems caused by large phytoplankton populations in the River Meuse date back to the beginning of the 1980s. However, no clear relationship can be established between an increase of algal growth and dissolved nutrient concentrations, at least in the Belgian part of the river. Most probably, plankton algae start developing in France, utilizing large inputs of phosphorus from some of the tributaries: this point will be investigated further, as well as the effect of a reduction in the releases of phosphorus. A mathematical model helps to understand the main factors which control algal growth: underwater light, temperature, discharge and grazing by zooplankton. The last is a major loss process in summer and, as shown by recent observations, may trigger a seasonal succession leading to dominance by large phytoplankton taxa. With regard to water quality, eutrophication is a major problem in drinking-water treatment (filter clogging, etc.) and large numbers of decomposing algae may adversely affect the oxygen budget of the river. On the other hand, algal photosynthesis is the most important oxygen source at periods of low discharge, and reduced algal production may result in dramatic oxygen decreases in heavily polluted stretches of the river.


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Steady-state procedures, of their very nature, cannot deal with dynamic situations. Statistical models require extensive calibration, and predictions often have to be made for environmental conditions which are often outside the original calibration conditions. In addition, the calibration requirement makes them difficult to transfer to other lakes. To date, no computer programs have been developed which will successfully predict changes in species of algae. The obvious solution to these limitations is to apply our limnological knowledge to the problem and develop functional models, so reducing the requirement for such rigorous calibration. Reynolds has proposed a model, based on fundamental principles of algal response to environmental events, which has successfully recreated the maximum observed biomass, the timing of events and a fair simulation of the species succession in several lakes. A forerunner of this model was developed jointly with Welsh Water under contract to Messrs. Wallace Evans and Partners, for use in the Cardiff Bay Barrage study. In this paper the authors test a much developed form of this original model against a more complex data-set and, using a simple example, show how it can be applied as an aid in the choice of management strategy for the reduction of problems caused by eutrophication. Some further developments of the model are indicated.


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The three Biesbosch Reservoirs are pumped storage reservoirs, fed with rather polluted and highly eutrophic water from the River Meuse. Air injection at the bottom of the reservoirs prevents thermal stratification, which would otherwise result in serious water quality deterioration. Reservoir mixing also serves as an economic algal control measure; mixing over sufficient depth causes light to play the role of limiting factor and this, combined with zooplankton grazing, keeps the biomass of phytoplankton at acceptable levels. Special problems are caused by benthic, geosmin-producing Oscillatoria species growing on the inner embankment. Rooting up the bottom with a harrow is used as the method of control, based on underwater observations by biological staff trained as SCUBA-divers. With regard to pollutant behaviour the three reservoirs act as a series of fully mixed reactors. This enables the application of kinetic models to describe their behaviour and allows the use of a selective intake policy, e.g. for suspended solids with associated contaminants, ammonia and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. A combination of selective intake and self- purification processes - enhanced by the compartmentalisation of the storage volume in three reservoirs - leads to a striking improvement for many water-quality parameters.


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This article discusses problems of modelling the seasonal succession of algal species in lakes and reservoirs, and the adaptive selection of certain groups of algae in response to changes in the inputs and relative concentrations of nutrients and other environmental variables. A new generation of quantitative models is being developed which attempts to translate some important biological properties of species (survival, variation, inheritance, reproductive rates and population growth) into predictions about the survival of the fittest, where ”fitness” is measured or estimated in thermodynamic terms. The concept of ”exergy” and its calculation is explored to examine maximal exergy as a measure of fitness in ecosystems, and its use for calculating changes in species composition by means of structural dynamic models. These models accomodate short-term changes in parameters that affect the adaptive responses (species selection) of algae.


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This review examines water quality and stress indicators at levels of organisation from the individual to the community and beyond by means of three case studies concentrating on rocky shores within the north-east Atlantic. Responses of dogwhelks (Nucella) to tributyltin pollution from antifouling paints is examined as the main case study. There are effects at the individual level (development of male sexual characteristics in the female leading to effective sterility) and population level (reduction in juveniles, few females and eventual population disappearance of dogwhelks in badly contaminated areas) but information on community level effects of dogwhelk demise is sparse. Such effects were simulated by dogwhelk removal experiments on well studied, moderately exposed ledges on shores on the Isle of Man. The removal of dogwhelks reduced the size and longevity of newly established Fucus clumps that had escaped grazing. Removal of dogwhelks also increased the likelihood of algal escapes. In a factorial experiment dogwhelks were shown to be less important than limpets \{Patella) in structuring communities but still had a significant modifying effect by increasing the probability of algal escapes. Community level responses to stress on rocky shores are then explored by reference to catastrophic impacts such as oil spills, using the Torrey Canyon as a case study. Recovery of the system in response to this major perturbation took between 10-15 years through a series of damped oscillations. The final case study is that of indicators of ecosystem level change in response to climate fluctuations, using ratios of northern \{Semibalanus balanoides) and southern (Chthamalus spp.) barnacles. Indices derived from counts on the shore show good correlations with inshore sea-water temperatures after a 2-year lag phase. The use of barnacles to measure offshore changes is reviewed. The discussion considers the use of bioindicators at various levels of organisation.


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Tastes and odours are amongst the few water quality standards immediately apparent to a consumer and, as a result, account for most consumer complaints about water quality. Although taste and odour problems can arise from a great many sources, from an operational point of view they are either ”predictable” or ”unpredictable”. The former - which include problems related to actinomycete and algal growth - have a tendency to occur in certain types of water under certain combinations of conditions, whereas the latter - typically chemical spills - can occur anywhere. Long-term control is one option for predictable problems, although biomanipulation on a large scale has had utile success. Detection and avoidance is a more practicable option for both predictable and unpredictable problems, particularly if the distribution network can be serviced from other sources. Where these are not feasible, then water treatment, typically using activated carbon, is possible. In general there is a reasonable understanding of what compounds cause taste and odour problems, and how to treat these. An efficient taste and odour control programme therefore relies ultimately on good management of existing resources. However, a number of problems lie outside the remit of water supply companies and will require more fundamental regulation of activities in the catchment.


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The biomass of the phytoplankton and its composition is one of the most important factors in water quality control. Determination of the phytoplankton assemblage is usually done by microscopic analysis (Utermöhl's method). Quantitative estimations of the biovolume, by cell counting and cell size measurements, are time-consuming and normally are not done in routine water quality control. Several alternatives have been tried: computer-based image analysis, spectral fluorescence signatures, flow cytometry and pigment fingerprinting aided by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The latter method is based on the fact that each major algal group of taxa contains a specific carotenoid which can be used for identification and relative quantification of the taxa in the total assemblage. This article gives a brief comparative introduction to the different techniques available and presents some recent results obtained by HPLC-based pigment fingerprinting, applied to three lakes of different trophic status. The results show that this technique yields reliable results from different lake types and is a powerful tool for studying the distribution pattern of the phytoplankton community in relation to water depth. However, some restrictions should be taken into account for the interpretation of routine data.


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Interest in the identification and characterisation of cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates in aquatic environments is increasing rapidly due to the perceived roles of these organisms in primary production and nuisance aspects in terms of water treatment and public health. Techniques for the identification and quantification of these organisms currently are limited, and the application of molecular approaches provides fundamental taxonomic information and techniques of practical value. Antigenic properties of algal cells may be useful taxonomic markers. Immunodetection techniques utilise the specificity of the antibody/antigen association as a probe for recognising and distinguishing between microorganisms according to their cell- surface chemistry. Immunofluorescent detection of unicellular cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates has been studied with success in marine and freshwater ecosystems and a range of techniques and results are presented and discussed. The most recent advances in the study of planktonic algae have come with the application of continuous flow cytometric methods (CFC). Flow cytometry makes use of the autofluorescence properties of the algal cells, which alone can be used to demonstrate their presence and permit their quantification in natural water samples. When used in conjunction with immunolabelling techniques, the potential of CFC analysis is broadened to study the serological/strain composition of plankters in natural populations. Changes in algal strains represented within and between waters over periods of time are reported and discussed, along with the ecological issues thus raised.


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A dissertação trata sobre o Direito dos Investimentos. O texto busca reconhecer os princípios mais importantes do Direito dos Investimentos, bem como verificar como esta disciplina tem sido aplicada a área de energia. Como estudo de casos, será analisado o mercado brasileiro de biocombustíveis. Em uma primeira parte o texto aborda o histórico e desenvolvimento do Direito dos Investimentos, demonstrando as modificações ocorridas ao longo do tempo e apresentando os principais questionamentos e tendências adotadas durante esta jornada. O segundo capítulo trata sobre os princípios do Direito dos Investimentos, suas aplicações e algumas controvérsias acerca da aplicação destes. O terceiro capítulo aborda o Direito dos Investimentos em matéria de energia, destacando definições, tendências atuais e casos relevantes para o International Energy Law, que se relacionam intimamente a atuação de investidores estrangeiros. Finalmente, no último capítulo o mercado brasileiro de biocombustíveis será analisado sob o prisma dos conceitos trabalhados nos capítulos anteriores, com foco nas questões relacionadas aos investidores e em que medida a regulação governamental pode ser considerada adequada à luz do Direito dos Investimentos.


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Considerando-se este importante momento de transição em que as tradicionais matrizes energéticas são paulatinamente substituídas por um conjunto de fontes renováveis, das quais os biocombustíves sobressaem-se pela capacidade de contribuir para o meio ambiente, trazendo igualmente benefícios econômicos e sociais a seus produtores; o presente trabalho visa contribuir para o panorama energético global que se começa a se delinear. Diante da impotência do Estado em lidar hodiernamente com determinadas questões, testemunha-se a participação de atores privados (organizações não governamentais, empresas transnacionais e sociedade civil, entre outros) atuando como vetores na transmissão de compromissos internacionais junto a estruturas nacionais para a solução de problemas comuns da humanidade. A essa nova arquitetura jurídica e política convencionou-se designar de governança global. Diante da inexistência de uma governança energética global que opere no interesse de países importadores, exportadores e investidores do setor de energia, agindo também como promotora de desenvolvimento social e econômico junto a países em desenvolvimento; e, por fim, em face da ausência de uma regulação internacional exclusiva na área energética, o presente estudo se dedica a investigar as possibilidades de disciplinamento do comércio internacional dos biocombustíveis. Admitindo-se o relevante desempenho que o Brasil detém na produção e exportação deste produto, inclusive na área tecnológica, a presente tese busca identificar o foro adequado, condições justas de produção, investimento, concessão de subsídios, adoção de medidas técnicas, de compra e venda, concorrência entre outros itens que o tema relaciona.