984 resultados para 34 cal ka BP
It is shown that sediments accumulated in the Southern Novaya Zemlya Trench at both deglaciation and marine stages. Permanent sea ice sheet existed during the deglaciation, and glacier meltwater was intensely delivered to the bottom layer. Along with the dominant sediment supply from the Southern Island of Novaya Zemlya, southern continental sources also played a noticeable role at that stage. Seasonal sea ice freezing led to the formation of cold brines at the marine stage. Like paleoproductivity, these processes were irregular. Dissolution of calcareous benthic foraminiferal tests considerably intensified after about 7 ka BP owing to a stronger Atlantic water advection into the Western Arctic and consequent increase in paleoproductivity, whereas the relative role of southern sedimentary provenances decreased. Sedimentation rates were constant (45 cm/ka) during the entire marine stage.
he separate roles of oceanic heat advection and orbital forcing on influencing early Holocene temperature variability in the eastern Nordic Seas is investigated. The effect of changing orbital forcing on the ocean temperatures is tested using the 1DICE model, and the 1DICE results are compared with new and previously published temperature reconstructions from a transect of five cores located underneath the pathway of Atlantic water, from the Faroe-Shetland Channel in the south to the Barents Sea in the north. The stronger early Holocene summer insolation at high northern latitudes increased the summer mixed layer temperatures, however, ocean temperatures underneath the summer mixed layer did not increase significantly. The absolute maximum in summer mixed layer temperatures occurred between 9 and 6 ka BP, representing the Holocene Thermal Maximum in the eastern Nordic Seas. In contrast, maximum in northward oceanic heat transport through the Norwegian Atlantic Current occurred approximately 10 ka BP. The maximum in oceanic heat transport at 10 ka BP occurred due to a major reorganization of the Atlantic Ocean circulation, entailing strong and deep rejuvenation of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, combined with changes in the North Atlantic gyre dynamic causing enhanced transport of heat and salt into the Nordic Seas.
A 9.14 m long sediment sequence was recovered from Lake Fryxell, Taylor Valley, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica, and investigated for its chronology and sedimentological, mineralogical, and biogeochemical changes. The basal part of the sequence is dominated by coarse clastic matter, i.e., mainly sand. The sediment composition suggests that a lake existed in Fryxell basin during the Middle Weichselian by ca. 48,000 cal. year BP. After a short period of lake-level lowstand ca. 43,000 cal. year BP, lower Taylor Valley became occupied by the proglacial Lake Washburn, which was at least partly supplied by meltwater and sediments from the Ross Ice Sheet that was advanced to the mouth of Taylor Valley. Evaporation of Lake Washburn to lower levels started during the Last Glacial Maximum at ca. 22,000 cal. year BP, long before the Ross Ice Sheet retreated significantly. Lake-level lowering was discontinuous with a series of high and low stands. From ca. 4000 cal. year BP environmental conditions were similar to those of today and lower Fryxell basin was occupied by a small lake. This lake evaporated to a saline or hypersaline pond between ca. 2500 and 1000 cal. year BP and refilled subsequently.
We reconstruct the environmental evolution of the East China Sea in the past 14 kyr based on glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in a sediment core from the subaqueous Yangtze River Delta. Two primary phases are recognized. Phase I (13.8-8 cal kyr BP) reflects a predominantly continental influence, showing distinctly higher concentrations of branched GDGTs (averaged 143 ng/g dry sediment weight, dsw) than isoprenoid GDGTs (averaged 36 ng/g dsw), high BIT index (branched vs. isoprenoid tetraethers) values (>0.78) and a fluctuating GDGT-0/crenarchaeol ratio (R0/5, varied from 0.52 to 3.81). Within this interval, temporal increases of terrestrial and marine influence are attributed to Younger Dryas (YD) (ca. 12.9-12.2 cal kyr BP) cold event and melt-water pulse (MWP) -1B (11.5-11.1 cal kyr BP), respectively. The prominent transition from 8 to 7.9 cal kyr BP shows a sharp decrease in BIT index value (<0.4) and increase in crenarchaeol, which marks the beginning of phase II. Afterwards, the proxies remain relatively constant, which indicates that phase II (7.9 cal kyr BP-present) is a shelf sedimentary environment with high stand of sea level. Overall, the BIT index in our record serves as a good marker for terrestrial influence at the site, and likely reflects the flooding history of the region. The TEX86 (TetraEther Index of tetraethers consisting of 86 carbons) proxy is not applicable in phase I because of an excess terrestrial influence; but it seems to be valid for revealing the annual SST in phase II (21.6±0.9°C, n=49). In contrast, the MBT'/CBT (Methylation of Branched Tetraethers and Cyclization of Branched Tetraethers) proxy appears to faithfully record the annual mean air temperature (MAT) (14.3±0.63°C, n=68) and presents an integrated signal over the middle and lower Yangtze River drainage basin.
Permafrost degradation influences the morphology, biogeochemical cycling and hydrology of Arctic landscapes over a range of time scales. To reconstruct temporal patterns of early to late Holocene permafrost and thermokarst dynamics, site-specific palaeo-records are needed. Here we present a multi-proxy study of a 350-cm-long permafrost core from a drained lake basin on the northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, revealing Lateglacial to Holocene thermokarst lake dynamics in a central location of Beringia. Use of radiocarbon dating, micropalaeontology (ostracods and testaceans), sedimentology (grain-size analyses, magnetic susceptibility, tephra analyses), geochemistry (total nitrogen and carbon, total organic carbon, d13Corg) and stable water isotopes (d18O, dD, d excess) of ground ice allowed the reconstruction of several distinct thermokarst lake phases. These include a pre-lacustrine environment at the base of the core characterized by the Devil Mountain Maar tephra (22 800±280 cal. a BP, Unit A), which has vertically subsided in places due to subsequent development of a deep thermokarst lake that initiated around 11 800 cal. a BP (Unit B). At about 9000 cal. a BP this lake transitioned from a stable depositional environment to a very dynamic lake system (Unit C) characterized by fluctuating lake levels, potentially intermediate wetland development, and expansion and erosion of shore deposits. Complete drainage of this lake occurred at 1060 cal. a BP, including post-drainage sediment freezing from the top down to 154 cm and gradual accumulation of terrestrial peat (Unit D), as well as uniform upward talik refreezing. This core-based reconstruction of multiple thermokarst lake generations since 11 800 cal. a BP improves our understanding of the temporal scales of thermokarst lake development from initiation to drainage, demonstrates complex landscape evolution in the ice-rich permafrost regions of Central Beringia during the Lateglacial and Holocene, and enhances our understanding of biogeochemical cycles in thermokarst-affected regions of the Arctic.
Le climat continental et froid de la Béringie lors de la glaciation du Wisconsinien a conduit à la formation d’une forme relique de pergélisol syngénétique nommé yedoma. Ces dépôts ont permis la préservation d’indicateurs environnementaux très diversifiés qui peuvent être employés pour reconstituer la dynamique climatique et écologique de la Béringie avant le dernier maximum glaciaire. À ce jour, peu d’études ont été réalisées au nord de la chaîne de montagnes Brooks (Alaska) et l’hétérogénéité écologique régionale de la Béringie Est lors de la glaciation du Wisonsinien reste mal définie. Ce mémoire porte sur une reconstitution paléoenvironnementale de plus de 39 ka du nord de l’Alaska réalisée à partir de sédiments provenant du Yedoma de la rivière Itkillik. Les objectifs sont (1) de reconstituer l’histoire de la végétation avec l’analyse pollinique; (2) de reconstituer les températures de juillet, le contraste de température saisonnier et l’ensoleillement de juillet avec la technique des analogues modernes et (3) de mettre les données biogéochimiques et glaciologiques du site en lien avec le climat reconstitué. L’étude montre que vers 35 ka BP (Interstade du Wisconsinien Moyen), des conditions climatiques semblables à l’actuel ont favorisé l’accumulation de tourbe riche en carbone organique. À partir de 29,7 ka BP, les températures de juillet reconstituées diminuent, alors que la continentalité du climat semble augmenter. Le contenu en glace des sédiments est plus alors plus faible et la pluie pollinique devient dominée par Poaceae, Artemisia et autres herbacés non graminoïdes. Ces indicateurs suggèrent des conditions environnementales plus xériques qu’aujourd’hui. Les anomalies isotopiques de 18O, 2H et l’excès de deutérium confirment un épisode d’avancée glaciaire (Wisconsinien Tardif). Après 17,9 ka BP (Tardiglaciaire), les températures de juillet et le contraste saisonnier augmentent. Les valeurs de contenu en carbone organique des sédiments sont plus élevées et la plus grande disponibilité en eau favorise l’établissement d’un couvert herbacé moderne dominé par les Cyperaceae.
Within the scope of Russian-German palaeoenvironmental research, Two-Yurts Lake (TYL, Dvuh-Yurtochnoe in Russian) was chosen as the main scientific target area to decipher Holocene climate variability on Kamchatka. The 5x2 km large and 26 m deep lake is of proglacial origin and situated on the eastern flank of Sredinny Ridge at the northwestern end of the Central Kamchatka Valley, outside the direct influence of active volcanism. Here, we present results of a multi-proxy study on sediment cores, spanning about the last 7000 years. The general tenor of the TYL record is an increase in continentality and winter snow cover in conjunction with a decrease in temperature, humidity, and biological productivity after 5000-4500 cal yrs BP, inferred from pollen and diatom data and the isotopic composition of organic carbon. The TYL proxy data also show that the late Holocene was punctuated by two colder spells, roughly between 4500 and 3500 cal yrs BP and between 1000 and 200 cal yrs BP, as local expressions of the Neoglacial and Little Ice Age, respectively. These environmental changes can be regarded as direct and indirect responses to climate change, as also demonstrated by other records in the regional terrestrial and marine realm. Long-term climate deterioration was driven by decreasing insolation, while the short-term climate excursions are best explained by local climatic processes. The latter affect the configuration of atmospheric pressure systems that control the sources as well as the temperature and moisture of air masses reaching Kamchatka.
The tight coupling between the atmospheric and oceanic circulation in the equatorial Atlantic region makes this area an important region for paleoclimatic research. Previous studies report the occurrence of large amounts of terrigenous material and soil organic carbon (SOC) within the marine sediments of the eastern Gulf of Guinea. We use the accumulation rates (AR) of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) to identify variations in SOC delivery to the Niger Fan over the last 35 ka, and compare these records to long-chain n-alkanes as a proxy for higher plant material, to an inorganic proxy for terrigenous input (aluminum AR) and to indicators for the marine productivity (AR of carbonate and crenarchaeol). In addition, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are calculated based on the TEX86H index and environmental factors affecting the SST-reconstructions are discussed. Our results indicate that Al AR are closely connected to the rate of mean sea level change after 15 ka BP, with an additional influence of the increased monsoonal precipitation and extended vegetation cover corresponding to the African Humid Period (14.8-5.5 ka BP). Branched GDGT AR appears to be determined by shelf erosion in addition to the interplay of monsoonal precipitation and vegetation cover controlling soil erosion. Long-chain n-alkane concentrations clearly show a different trend than the other proxies, which might be due to their predominant eolian transport. Paleo-SSTs show a clear shift from colder temperatures during the last glacial period (20-22 °C) to warmer temperatures during the Holocene (24-26 °C). However, TEX86H-based SSTs are cold-biased compared to recent SSTs and Mg/Ca-based SST reconstructions, which is probably caused by a high seasonality of the Thaumarchaeota, with a maximum productivity of these organisms during the cold summer months. However, a sub-surface production of GDGTs and/or a potential bias of SST reconstruction by terrestrial input could not be completely excluded.
Peat and net carbon accumulation rates in two sub-arctic peat plateaus of west-central Canada have been studied through geochemical analyses and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating. The peatland sites started to develop around 6600-5900 cal. yr BP and the peat plateau stages are characterized by Sphagnum fuscum peat alternating with rootlet layers. The long-term peat and net carbon accumulation rates for both profiles are 0.30-0.31 mm/yr and 12.5-12.7 gC/m**2/yr, respectively. These values reflect very slow peat accumulation (0.04-0.09 mm/yr) and net carbon accumulation (3.7-5.2 gC/m**2/yr) in the top rootlet layers. Extensive AMS radiocarbon dating of one profile shows that accumulation rates are variable depending on peat plateau stage. Peat accumulation rates are up to six times higher and net carbon accumulation rates up to four times higher in S. fuscum than in rootlet stages. Local fires represented by charcoal remains in some of the rootlet layers result in very low accumulation rates. High C/N ratios throughout most of the peat profiles suggest low degrees of decomposition due to stable permafrost conditions. Hence, original peat accretion has remained largely unaltered, except in the initial stages of peatland development when permafrost was not yet present.
The last glacial-interglacial transition or Termination I (T I) is well documented in the Black Sea, whereas little is known about climate and environmental dynamics during the penultimate Termination (T II). Here we present a multi-proxy study based on a sediment core from the SE Black Sea covering the penultimate glacial and almost the entire Eemian interglacial (133.5 ±0.7-122.5 ±1.7 ka BP). Proxies comprise ice-rafted debris (IRD), O and Sr isotopes as well as Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, and U/Ca ratios of benthic ostracods, organic and inorganic sediment geochemistry, as well as TEX86 and UK'37derived water temperatures. The ending penultimate glacial (MIS 6, 133.5 to 129.9 ±0.7 ka BP) is characterised by mean annual lake surface temperatures of about 9°C as estimated from the TEX86 palaeothermometer. This period is impacted by two Black Sea melt water pulses (BSWP-II-1 and 2) as indicated by very low Sr/Ca ostracods but high sedimentary K/Al values. Anomalously high radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ostracod values (max. 0.70945) during BSWP-II-2 suggest a potential Himalayan source communicated via the Caspian Sea. The T II warming started at 129.9 ±0.7 ka BP, witnessed by abrupt disappearance of IRD, increasing d18O ostracod values, and a first TEX86 derived temperature rise of about 2.5°C. A second, abrupt warming step to ca. 15.5°C as the prelude of the Eemian warm period is documented at 128.3 ka BP. The Mediterranean-Black Sea reconnection most likely occurred at 128.1 ±0.7 ka BP as demonstrated by increasing Sr/Ca ostracods and U/Ca ostracods values. The disappearance of ostracods and TOC contents >2% document the onset of Eemian sapropel formation at 127.6 ka BP. During sapropel formation, TEX86 temperatures dropped and stabilised at around 9°C, while UK'37 temperatures remain on average 17°C. This difference is possibly caused by a habitat shift of Thaumarchaeota communities from surface towards nutrient-rich deeper and colder waters located above the gradually establishing halo-and redoxcline.
The Wurmian Glaciation of the Alpine Foreland has been reconstructed in different phases as a result of investigations in the Rhine-Bodan region as well as in the Linth area. The whole High Glacial is divided in four main phases: ice advance into the piedmont basins, building-up of the foreland glaciation, high stages and retreat into the inner Alps. This epoch took up perhaps less than 12,000 years. During the period of building, an average increase of ice thickness of about 12 cm per year was sufficient to form an extensive foreland glacier within 5000-7000 years. The snow lines of the stades of the piedmont glaciation as well as of the local glaciers are calculated. Snow lines at about 1500 m a.s.l. led to an inner alpine ice build-up and an advance of glaciers towards the piedmont basins. To produce the foreland ice sheet, low snow lines of 900-1000 m a.s.l. were necessary. An interstadial phase before the maximum glaciation is evidenced by sediment sequences and a 14C-date of 22,100 BP. The chronology of ice retreat after 18 ka BP is still uncertain.
Grain-size, lithic grains, foraminifera-derived and dinocyst-derived data of sediment core MD99-2281
The last glacial period was punctuated by abrupt climatic events with extrema known as Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschger events. These millennial events have been the subject of many paleoreconstructions and model experiments in the past decades, but yet the hydrological processes involved remain elusive. In the present work, high-resolution analyses were conducted on the 12-42 ka BP section of core MD99-2281 retrieved southwest of the Faeroe Islands, and combined with analyses conducted in two previous studies (Zumaque et al., 2012; Caulle et al., 2013). Such a multiproxy approach, coupling micropaleontological, geochemical and sedimentological analyses, allows us to track surface, subsurface, and deep hydrological processes occurring during these rapid climatic changes. Records indicate that the coldest episodes of the studied period (Greenland stadials and Heinrich stadials) were characterized by a strong stratification of surface waters. This surface stratification seems to have played a key role in the dynamics of subsurface and deep-water masses. Indeed, periods of high surface stratification are marked by a coupling of subsurface and deep circulations which sharply weaken at the beginning of stadials, while surface conditions progressively deteriorate throughout these cold episodes; conversely, periods of decreasing surface stratification (Greenland interstadials) are characterized by a coupling of surface and deep hydrological processes, with progressively milder surface conditions and gradual intensification of the deep circulation, while the vigor of the subsurface northward Atlantic flow remains constantly high. Our results also reveal different and atypical hydrological signatures during Heinrich stadials (HSs): while HS1 and HS4 exhibit a "usual" scheme with reduced overturning circulation, a relatively active North Atlantic circulation seems to have prevailed during HS2, and HS3 seems to have experienced a re-intensification of this circulation during the middle of the event. Our findings thus bring valuable information to better understand hydrological processes occurring in a key area during the abrupt climatic shifts of the last glacial period.
This datafile presents chemical and physical as well as age dating information from the Store Mosse peat bog in southern Sweden. This record dates back to 8900 cal yr BP. The aim of the research was to reconstruct mineral dust deposition over time. As such we have only presented the lithogenic element data (Al, Ga, Rb, Sc, Ti, Y, Zr, Th and the REE) as the sample preparation method was tailored to these. This data is supported by parameters describing the deposit including bulk density, humification, ash content and net peat accumulation rates.
Sea surface temperature (SST), marine productivity, and fluvial input have been reconstructed for the last 11.5 calendar (cal) ka B.P. using a high-resolution study of C37 alkenones, coccolithophores, iron content, and higher plant n-alkanes and n-alkan-1-ols in sedimentary sequences from the inner shelf off the Tagus River Estuary in the Portuguese Margin. The SST record is marked by a continuous decrease from 19C, at 10.5 and 7 ka, to 15C at present. This trend is interrupted by a fall from 18C during the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods to 16C in the Little Ice Age. River input was very low in the early Holocene but increased in the last 3 cal ka B.P. in association with an intensification of agriculture and deforestation and possibly the onset of the North Atlantic Oscillation/Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation modes of variability. River influence must have reinforced the marine cooling trend relative to the lower amplitude in similar latitude sites of the eastern Atlantic. The total concentration of alkenones reflects river-induced productivity, being low in the early Holocene but increasing as river input became more important. Rapid cooling, of 1-2C occurring in 250 years, is observed at 11.1, 10.6, 8.2, 6.9, and 5.4 cal ka B.P. The estimated age of these events matches the ages of equivalent episodes common in the NE Atlantic- Mediterranean region. This synchronicity reveals a common widespread climate feature, which considering the twentieth century analog between colder SSTs and negative North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), is likely to reflect periods of strong negative NAO.
Northeast Pacific benthic foraminiferal d18O and d13 reveal repeated millennial-scale events of strong deep-sea ventilation (associated with nutrient depletion and/or high gas exchange) during stadial (cool, high ice volume) episodes from 10 to 60 ka, opposite the pattern in the deep North Atlantic. Two climate mechanisms may explain this pattern. North Pacific surface waters, chilled by atmospheric transmission from a cold North Atlantic and made saltier by reduced freshwater vapor transports, could have ventilated the deep Pacific from above. Alternatively, faster turnover of Pacific bottom and mid-depth waters, driven by Southern Ocean winds, may have compensated for suppressed North Atlantic Deep Water production during stadial intervals. During the Younger Dryas event (~11.6-13.0 cal ka), ventilation of the deep NE Pacific (~2700 m) lagged that in the Santa Barbara Basin (~450 m) by >500 years, suggesting that the NE Pacific was first ventilated at intermediate depth from above and then at greater depth from below. This apparent lag may reflect the adjustment time of global thermohaline circulation.