949 resultados para 1200


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Presentation of Jussi-Pekka Hakkarainen, held at the Emtacl15 conference on the 20th of April 2015 in Trondheim, Norway.


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The National Library of Finland realizes the Digitization Project of Kindred Languages in 2012–15. The project is financially supported by the Kone Foundation. During this project the National Library of Finland has digitized and made available approximately 1200 monograph and more than 100 newspaper titles in several Uralic languages. The materials are available to both researchers and citizens in the National Library’s Fenno-Ugrica collection. The project will produce digitized materials in the Uralic languages as well as their development tools to support linguistic research and citizen science. The resulting materials will constitute the largest resource for the Uralic languages in the world. Through this project, researchers will gain access to corpora which they have not been able to study before and to which all users will have open access regardless of their place of residence. In my presentation, I will discuss 1) how we utilized the social media (Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte etc) to gain audience for our collection and 2) how the needs of researchers and laymen were met in crowdsourcing.


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Tässä kandidaattityössä on käsitelty Rusatom Overseas Oy:n toimittaman ydinvoimalaitoksen AES-2006 reaktoripiiriin kuuluvan painesäiliön ominaisuuksia, materiaalivalintoja ja niiden kriteerejä, reaktorin valmistusmenettelyä ja sen asennusvaiheita mukaan lukien pääkiertoputkiston hitsaus julkisesti saatavilla olevan materiaalin pohjalta. Tässä kandidaatintyössä on kuvattu AES-2006 ydinvoimalaitoksen kehityshistoria ja lueteltu sen keskeisimmät eroavuudet edeltäjistään. Työn keskeisessä osassa on tarkastettu VVER-1200 reaktorin painesäiliön toimittajan ilmoittaman teräksen koostumus ja tärkeimpien seosaineiden vaikutus painesäiliöön ja koko voimalaitoksen käyttöikään. Tämän jälkeen on käsitelty reaktorin painesäiliön valmistustekniikkaa ja asennusta reaktorirakennuksessa. Johtopäätöksissä on vedetty yhteen tulokset ja otettu kantaa vertailukelpoiseen painesäiliöteräkseen ja sen ominaisuuksiin. Tärkeimmiksi seikoiksi nousevat tässä työssä seosaineiden myönteinen ja kielteinen vaikutus koko ydinvoimalaitoksen käyttöikään, ja ko. seosaineiden hallinnan tärkeys valmistus- ja asennusvaiheissa.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of image resolution manipulation on the photogrammetric measurement of the rearfoot static angle. The study design was that of a reliability study. We evaluated 19 healthy young adults (11 females and 8 males). The photographs were taken at 1536 pixels in the greatest dimension, resized into four different resolutions (1200, 768, 600, 384 pixels) and analyzed by three equally trained examiners on a 96-pixels per inch (ppi) screen. An experienced physiotherapist marked the anatomic landmarks of rearfoot static angles on two occasions within a 1-week interval. Three different examiners had marked angles on digital pictures. The systematic error and the smallest detectable difference were calculated from the angle values between the image resolutions and times of evaluation. Different resolutions were compared by analysis of variance. Inter- and intra-examiner reliability was calculated by intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). The rearfoot static angles obtained by the examiners in each resolution were not different (P > 0.05); however, the higher the image resolution the better the inter-examiner reliability. The intra-examiner reliability (within a 1-week interval) was considered to be unacceptable for all image resolutions (ICC range: 0.08-0.52). The whole body image of an adult with a minimum size of 768 pixels analyzed on a 96-ppi screen can provide very good inter-examiner reliability for photogrammetric measurements of rearfoot static angles (ICC range: 0.85-0.92), although the intra-examiner reliability within each resolution was not acceptable. Therefore, this method is not a proper tool for follow-up evaluations of patients within a therapeutic protocol.


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The National Library of Finland is implementing the Digitization Project of Kindred Languages in 2012–16. Within the project we will digitize materials in the Uralic languages as well as develop tools to support linguistic research and citizen science. Through this project, researchers will gain access to new corpora 329 and to which all users will have open access regardless of their place of residence. Our objective is to make sure that the new corpora are made available for the open and interactive use of both the academic community and the language societies as a whole. The project seeks to digitize and publish approximately 1200 monograph titles and more than 100 newspapers titles in various Uralic languages. The digitization will be completed by the early of 2015, when the Fenno-Ugrica collection would contain around 200 000 pages of editable text. The researchers cannot spend so much time with the material that they could retrieve a satisfactory amount of edited words, so the participation of a crowd in editing work is needed. Often the targets in crowdsourcing have been split into several microtasks that do not require any special skills from the anonymous people, a faceless crowd. This way of crowdsourcing may produce quantitative results, but from the research’s point of view, there is a danger that the needs of linguistic research are not necessarily met. Also, the number of pages is too high to deal with. The remarkable downside is the lack of shared goal or social affinity. There is no reward in traditional methods of crowdsourcing. Nichesourcing is a specific type of crowdsourcing where tasks are distributed amongst a small crowd of citizen scientists (communities). Although communities provide smaller pools to draw resources, their specific richness in skill is suited for the complex tasks with high-quality product expectations found in nichesourcing. Communities have purpose, identity and their regular interactions engenders social trust and reputation. These communities can correspond to research more precisely. Instead of repetitive and rather trivial tasks, we are trying to utilize the knowledge and skills of citizen scientists to provide qualitative results. Some selection must be made, since we are not aiming to correct all 200,000 pages which we have digitized, but give such assignments to citizen scientists that would precisely fill the gaps in linguistic research. A typical task would editing and collecting the words in such fields of vocabularies, where the researchers do require more information. For instance, there’s a lack of Hill Mari words in anatomy. We have digitized the books in medicine and we could try to track the words related to human organs by assigning the citizen scientists to edit and collect words with OCR editor. From the nichesourcing’s perspective, it is essential that the altruism plays a central role, when the language communities involve. Upon the nichesourcing, our goal is to reach a certain level of interplay, where the language communities would benefit on the results. For instance, the corrected words in Ingrian will be added onto the online dictionary, which is made freely available for the public and the society can benefit too. This objective of interplay can be understood as an aspiration to support the endangered languages and the maintenance of lingual diversity, but also as a servant of “two masters”, the research and the society.


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O alho é um alimento funcional que contém inulina, um polissacarídeo de reserva, que auxilia no controle das bactérias patogênicas e putrefativas existentes no intestino. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar uma metodologia simples de extração de carboidratos do alho, qualificar e quantificar a composição desse extrato empregando a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e a espectroscopia na região do infravermelho utilizando para isso um padrão de inulina. Os bulbos de alho foram submetidos à extração aquosa a quente por 4 horas; posteriormente o líquido resultante foi separado e a ele foram adicionados 300 mL de acetona. O extrato isolado foi avaliado quanto aos seus produtos de hidrólise alcalina e os resultados indicaram a presença de um oligossacarídeo como o observado para a inulina padrão. As principais bandas características dos carboidratos foram visualizadas entre 3600 a 3000 e 1200 a 900 cm-1. A técnica utilizada neste trabalho pode ser utilizada para extração da inulina, pois agrega valor a produtos naturais, gerando alternativas do ponto de vista econômico.


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As doenças cardiovasculares são responsáveis pela alta taxa de mortalidade nos países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, assim, têm sido alvo de vários estudos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as concentrações de colesterol e suas frações, triglicérides e pressão arterial em humanos. O estudo foi dividido em três tratamentos - dieta (placebo), estatina e ácidos graxos ômega-3 com dieta de 1200 kcal por dia para todos os grupos com oito pacientes cada, e vários parâmetros foram avaliados no tempo zero e 30 dias. Conclui-se que para o tratamento dieta houve diminuição de peso, colesterol total, HDL-c, triglicérides, Pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), Pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) e aumento no LDL-c. No tratamento estatina, houve redução de peso, colesterol total, LDL-c, triglicérides, PAS, PAD e aumento do HDL-c. Já no tratamento com ômega-3, constatou-se a diminuição de peso, colesterol total, LDL-c, triglicérides; aumento de PAS e PAD e níveis de HDL-c iguais.


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Pertussis or whooping cough is a human respiratory tract infection and a vaccine-preventable disease that is caused by Bordetella pertussis bacteria. Pertussis vaccination has been part of the Finnish national vaccine program since 1952. Despite extensive vaccinations, the incidence of pertussis has increased in many countries during the last decades. Large epidemics have been observed also in countries with high vaccine coverage. Inter-individual variation in immune responses is always encountered after vaccination. Low vaccine responses may cause vulnerability to pertussis even straight after vaccination. Reasons for low responses are not fully understood. The innate immune system is responsible for the initial recognition of pathogens and vaccine antigens. The role of innate immunity on pertussis immunity has not been thoroughly investigated. Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) are important molecules of the innate immune system and in the recognition of pathogens. Cytokines form a signaling network that have a notable role in immune responses after infections as well as after vaccinations. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is common in genes encoding these molecules and the polymorphisms have been reported to affect vaccine response after viral and bacterial vaccines. This study investigated the gene polymorphisms of MBL2, TLR4 and interleukin (IL)-10 promoter and their association with vaccine responses after acellular pertussis (aP) vaccination in Finnish adolescents and infants. Cell-mediated immune responses were investigated ten years after the previous pertussis vaccinations in young adults. In addition, the role of MBL deficiency in pertussis infection susceptibility was evaluated. The results of this study show that subjects with TLR4 polymorphism had lower antibody production and persistence after aP vaccination compared with normal allele. A specific SNP in the TLR4 gene was associated with decreased antibody responses and persistence in adolescents after aP booster vaccination. Cell-mediated immune responses were partly detected ten years after the previous vaccination; booster vaccine clearly enhanced the responses. In addition, subjects with IL-10 polymorphism had altered cell-mediated immune responses. MBL deficiency was found to be more frequent in pertussis patients than healthy controls but the polymorphism of MBL2 was not associated with antibody responses after acellular pertussis vaccination. The novel finding of this study was that genetic variation in the innate immune system seems to play a role in altered pertussis vaccine responses as well as in pertussis infection. These new findings enlighten the mechanisms behind the low responses after pertussis vaccination and help to predict risk factors related to this phenomenon.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tehdä elinkaariarviointi (LCA) prosessiteollisuuden sekoittimelle Helmix HF-80 ja analysoida LCA-tulokset, vaikutus ilmaston lämpenemisen potentiaalin (GWP) suhteen, sekä tutkia GWP-vaikutuksen pienentämisen mahdollisuuksia. Tutkittavan sekoittimen mahdolliset käyttökohteet ovat sellu- ja paperiteollisuus, raskaiden jätenesteiden käsittely, sekä muut teollisuusalueet, joissa käytetään tämän tyyppisiä laitteita. Työssä on muun muassa käsitelty sekoitusprosessit, sekoituslaitteiden tyypit, niiden rakenteiden ominaisuudet, käyttötarkoitus, toimintaperiaatteet, sekä sellu- ja paperi-teollisuudessa käytettävien sekoittimien yleiskatsaus. Työssä on myös kuvattu elinkaariarviointi (LCA) -menetelmä ja sen käyttötarkoitus. Tärkeimmistä tuloksista voi mainita sen, että sekoittimen (ilman säiliötä, sähkömoottoria ja vaihteistoa) kokoelinkaaren ilmastonlämpenemisen potentiaali (GWP) on noin 750 000 kg CO2-Equiv. Sekoittimen tuotanto- ja kierrätysaikana syntyy vain 1200 kg CO2-Equiv. ja suurin osa 748 000 kg CO2-Equiv. johtuu sähköenergian kulutuksesta käytön aikana. Käyttöajan vaikutusta voisi pienentää arvoksi 0 kg CO2-Equiv. käyttämällä pelkästään uusiutuvaa energiaa. Jos tuotantoaikana käytetty energia myös korvataan uusiutuvalla energialla, niin GWP-arvo koko elinkaaren aikana laskee arvoon 1006 kg CO2eqv., mikä on vain 0,13 % saaduista tuloksista. Suurin osa tästä arvosta liittyy sekoittimen materiaalin, tässä tapauksessa ruostumattoman teräksen tuotantoon.


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As espécies forrageiras, principalmente dos gêneros Brachiaria e Panicum, desempenham importante papel nas regiões pecuárias e têm auxiliado o desenvolvimento da indústria de sementes no Brasil, o qual se transformou em maior produtor, consumidor e exportador de sementes de gramíneas forrageiras tropicais. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar lotes de sementes de Brachiaria brizantha 'Marandu' por meio do teste de tetrazólio conduzido mediante dois procedimentos. Foram utilizados 5 lotes de sementes de Brachiaria brizantha 'Marandu' de origens diferentes, avaliados pelo teste de germinação, após escarificação ou não com ácido sulfúrico, e pelo teste de tetrazólio com duas formas de avaliação: método convencional, sob estéreo microscópio, e análise de imagens digitalizadas, obtidas de sementes agrupadas em placa de vidro de alta transparência, com definição de 1200 dpi. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. A avaliação de lotes de sementes de Brachiaria brizantha 'Marandu', conduzida por meio do teste de tetrazólio, com observação das imagens digitalizadas das sementes é equivalente à efetuada sob estéreo microscópio.


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Tutkimuskohteenani ovat nimenomaan Englannin, ei koko nykyisen Britannian, naisten 1500-luvulla tekemät rikokset ja heidän niistä saamansa rangaistukset. Tutkimus keskittyy prostituutioon, valtio- ja maanpetoksiin ja noituuteen. Koska murha sisällytettiin silloin maanpetoksen alaisuuteen, tutkin myös lapsenmurhia. Käsittelen pääasiassa niin sanotusti tavan kansalaisten tekemiä rikoksia ja aateliset pääsevät mukaan tutkimukseen vain kahden Henrik VIII:n kuningattaren tekemän valtiopetoksen muodossa. Päälähteenäni on internetissä oleva englantilainen Early English Books Online-sivusto (Eebo), jonka 1500-luvulta peräisin oleva faksimile-materiaali on eri instituutioiden omistuksessa. Käyttämäni tekstit sisältävät 1500-luvun Tudor -hallitsijoiden aikaisia eri rikoksia koskeneita lakeja ja kansalaisten kirjoittamia pamfletteja. Erityisesti noituutta koskeneet tekstit ovat erittäin uskonnollispainotteisia. Tutkijoiden mukaan Englannissa 1500-luvun materiaali on tuhoutunut ja hävinnyt pahemmin kuin esimerkiksi 1200-luvun, joka vaikuttaa työhön siten, ettei pamfletteja ole saatavilla vuosisadan alkupuolelta esimerkiksi noituudesta eikä murhista. Rikokset jakautuivat maantieteellisesti hyvinkin epätasaisesti. Ammattimaista prostituutiota oli suuremmassa mittakaavassa oikeastaan vain Lontoossa, kun taas noituus keskittyi pääosin Essexin kreivikuntaan. Naisten tekemät valtiopetokset olivat puolestaan hyvin vähäisiä, joten käsittelen asiaa kolmen naisen esimerkin kautta. Lapsenmurhaa ei edes tunnettu tapalaissa 1500-luvulla, mutta 1570-luvulla säädetty köyhäinlaki taloudellisista syistä rajoitti avioliiton ulkopuolella syntyneiden lasten ”haluttavuutta” ja oli perusteena lisääntyneille lapsenmurhille, joista alkoi sittemmin ilmestyä lyhyitä mainintoja pamfletteihin. Rikosten motiivit eivät periaatteessa olleet sen erilaisempia kuin nykypäivänäkään mutta toisten toteutustapa vaihteli melko laajasti.


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Camilla Pelo Collagen Binding Integrins and Cancer Testis Antigens in Prostate Cancer and Melanoma Department of Biochemistry, MediCity Research Laboratory, University of Turku, Finland Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland 2016 ABSTRACT Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide. The incidence of melanoma, in turn, is increasing faster than any other cancer incidences. In Finland, more than 5000 prostate cancer and 1200 new melanoma cases are diagnosed each year. One approach to further understand the cellular processes involved in prostate cancer and melanoma is to gain better knowledge about alterations in gene expression and their potential impact on the progression of the diseases. This thesis is focused on expression studies in two gene families; integrins and cancer testis antigens (CT antigens), in human prostate adenocarcinoma and advanced human melanoma. Integrins are heterodimeric transmembrane receptors which regulate many important cellular processes such as cell proliferation, migration and survival. CT antigens are frequently expressed in different types of cancers, but are only expressed in testis in healthy individuals. CT antigens are also highly immunogenic proteins. Due to the properties mentioned above, integrins and CT antigens can function as target molecules for the development of cancer diagnostics and drugs. One of the main purposes of this thesis was to study the expression of the four collagen binding integrins α1β1, α2β1, α10β1, α11β1 and the cancer testis antigen 16 (CT16) in cancer cell lines and human tissues of prostate cancer and metastatic melanoma. Additional aims included studies on the biological role of CT16 and the abundance of CT16 in sera of advanced melanoma patients. The prognostic and diagnostic significance of CT16 and the collagen binding integrins were also evaluated. Expression studies on collagen binding integrins and the CT antigen CT16 in melanoma and prostate cancer were limited and the biological role of CT16 was unknown. In this thesis, the expression levels of α2β1 and α11β1 were found to be significantly altered in prostate cancer tissues. Integrin α2β1 decreased gradually during disease progression while α11 was elevated in prostate carcinoma compared to healthy tissues. In advanced melanoma, enhanced levels of α2 were associated with a significant shorter overall survival in advanced melanoma. In this thesis, CT16 was identified as a frequently expressed melanoma CT antigen with an anti-apoptotic function. To conclude, this thesis presents α2β1 and CT16, as potential and promising biomarkers for advanced melanoma. This thesis reports also the first functional study of CT16. Keywords: Collagen binding integrins, α1β1, α2β1, α10β1, α11β1, Cancer Testis antigens, CT16, melanoma, prostate cancer, expression


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1913/11/16 (Numéro 1200).


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1887/06/30 (Numéro 1200).


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