999 resultados para vigor de semente


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Seeds from six soybean cultivars (Cristalina, IAC 31-Foscarin, IAC-15, UFV-10, IAC-14 and IAS-5) and from five soybean cultivars (IAC 31-Foscarin, IAC-15, IAC-14, IAS-5 and Iguacu) were evaluated in 1993 and 1994, respectively, in terms of physiological seed quality by the mechanical damage (MD), standard germination (SG), accelerated aging (AA), electrical conductivity (EC), and seedling field emergence (FE) tests. Significant correlations were detected between SG, AA and EC and FE. However, in terms of the cultivar or the year, the degree of association among these parameters can change based on the environmental conditions of each year.


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Seeds of Astronium fraxinifolium (Anarcadiaceae) were collected in two years, and submitted to tests of seed germination and vigour (first count, aging and electric conductivity), in order to verify the potencial of conservation and if variations in the seed quality presented on association with genetic parameters. Coefficient of heritability in average (ĥm 2) were 0.91 and 0.97 to germination; 0.90 and 0.96 to first count; 0.93 and 0.97 to aging and 0.95 and 0.99 to electric conductivity, for seeds collected in 1997 and 1998, respectively, evidencing a great heritability to all studied characteristics. Genetic variability was influenced more by environmental conditions of blooming and harvest of seeds than storage time.


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Ocimum gratissimum seed germination (% germination and vigor) has been found as phytochrome dependent, having a typical High Irradiant Response (HIR). Seven treatments were tested: daylight (DL), red (R), far-red (FR), blue (B), green (G), dark (DK), and reversible (RVB). No statistical difference among the DL, R, FR, B, and G were found. DK and RVB were statistically equal and presented the lowest results. The germination also occurred in the DK treatment but in non-useful rates, and it was nonreversible in the RVB treatment. It allows these seeds to be classified as positively photoblastic. The minimum energy need to initiate the germination was evaluated by a fluency-response curve. It plotted four different exposition times to R light (1 second, 60 seconds, 1 hour, and 13 hours) against percent germination. Useful germination occurred only after 1 hour, confirming the high energy needed to incite the process. The germination rate increased with the raise of the photoequilibrium (j). The high positive correlation index found confirms the phytochrome influence in this process. Facing all the results presented here, it is suggested to sow these seeds under direct and highly intense sunlight. It is preferable to avoid places exposed to variations in the shading, because inhibition induced by dense shade effects (low R/FR ration and consequently low j established) were demonstrated irreversible, and it can lead to undesirable loss of the germination power.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of different vigor tests to assess S. commersoniana seeds physiological quality during storage. Therefore, seeds were stored in cloth bags, plastic bags and glass containers for 531 days, both at room temperature and in a cold chamber. Periodically samples were taken and the following tests were conducted: standard germination, germination speed index, first count after germination, seedlings fresh and dry matter, electrical conductivity (imbibitions for 2 and 24 hours) and accelerated aging, in order to monitoring the seeds physiologic quality. Data were submitted to polynomial regression analysis, for each of the combination of packaging/storage condition. The results obtained led to the following considerations: a) the speed germination index and the accelerated aging test permitted a good evaluation of the seed-lots quality; b) the first count of germination did not allow any prediction about seed lots vigor; c) seedling fresh and dry matter did not discriminate among seed lots; d) electrical conductivity test after 2 h imbibitions was not adequate to evaluate the seed lots vigor and e) the electric conductivity test with 24 h imbibitions was more adequate to differentiate among seed lots, but with little efficiency to discriminate among seed lots with intermediate vigor or with low quality differences.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate methodologies for the potassium leaching test and to verify its sensitivity for identifying different levels of vigor of arugula seed lots. Five seed lots each of Rucula Cultivada and Rucula Gigante were used. Standard germination, first count of germination, seedling emergence and variations of the potassium leaching test (50 or 100 seeds imbibed in 50 mL or 75 mL in water; at 25 °C and 30 °C; for 0.5 h, 1 h, 1.5 h, 2 h, 2.5 h, 3, 4 and 5 hours) were done. It was observed that the period seeds need to be soaked can be reduced to 2 hours and the water volume can be reduced to 50 mL. The utilization of 50 seeds showed a smaller variation coefficient and the best temperature was 30 °C. It can be concluded that the potassium leaching test for arugula seeds can be run using 50 seeds in 50 mL of water for 2 hours at 30 °C.


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A propagação do abacateiro é comercialmente, realizada por enxertia da variedade desejada sobre porta-enxertos seminais. No entanto, a literatura é discordante sobre a ocorrência de poliembrionia e tipo de fruto, nesta espécie. Em função do exposto, o trabalho objetivou caracterizar o tipo de fruto, aspectos morfológicos da semente e da plântula, além de avaliar o número de embriões existente. O abacateiro possui frutos do tipo baga, as sementes são monoembriônicas e exalbuminosas, a germinação é hipógea e a emergência das plântulas ocorreu 33 dias após a semeadura. A raiz primária é longa e de coloração branca e as raízes secundárias são curtas e filiformes. Os cotilédones são maciços e de coloração rosada. Foi possível observar a presença de múltiplos caulículos na semente de abacate, originados do colo. As sementes apresentam policaulia; o início da estabilização da emergência de plântulas ocorreu na oitava semana, sendo inviável para a propagação da espécie, manter essas sementes no viveiro por mais tempo.


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Diospyros ebenaster, originária do México e América Central, família Ebenaceae, é conhecida como sapota-preta. Os frutos podem ser consumidos in natura ou em sucos, como fonte de vitamina C. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a morfologia do fruto, da semente e do processo germinativo da espécie. Os frutos foram caracterizados quanto à coloração, textura, consistência e teor de água no pericarpo, deiscência, massa, partes constituintes e dimensões. Para as sementes considerou-se: Massa, coloração, textura e consistência do tegumento, forma, presença e tipo de tecido de reserva e tipo, coloração, forma e posição do embrião. A descrição das plântulas foi realizada a partir da emissão da raiz primária até a expansão dos primeiros eófilos e início de fenecimento dos cotilédones. O fruto é carnoso, indeiscente, do tipo baga, polispérmico, globoso e achatado nos pólos. O epicarpo é liso, delgado e esverdeado. O comprimento médio dos frutos é 8,8 cm, o diâmetro médio 8,6 cm e a massa de 263 g. As sementes apresentam tegumento liso e cor castanho-médio. A massa de 100 sementes é 100,6 g. O comprimento médio das sementes é 2,2 cm, com 1,3 cm de largura. Possuem endosperma branco-Transparente e oleaginoso. O embrião é esbranquiçado e a germinação é epígea.


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This work was carried out to evaluate the effects of sugarcane straw density and positions of seeds of Euphorbia heterophylla, Mucuna cinereum, Digitaria nuda and Eleusine indica on emergence and initial development of plants. The experiment were arranged in a completely randomized design, with 15 treatments and four replications, in a factorial arrangement 3 x 5 with a additional control; the first factor was constituted by position of seeds related to the straw (under, between and on) and the second by five quantities of straw (1, 2, 4, 8 e 16 t ha -1) with a control without straw. At 15 days after sowing (DAS) it was realized evaluations of height, dry mass and emergence percentage for E. heterophylla and M. cinereum, and at 28 DAS it was analyzed dry mass and emergence percentage for D nuda e E. indica. Data obtained were submitted to F in variance analysis test and means were compared with Tukey at 5% probability. Emergence and initial development of E. heterophylla e M. cinereum were reduced with increasing of straw and were affected by seed position, but it was not inhibited in none of conditions, indicating aggressiveness of these weeds in sugarcane mechanized harvest conditions. D. nuda and E. indica emergence was not affected by seed position and coverage soil with 8 e 16 t ha -1 of sugarcane straw inhibited its emergence.


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This study aimed to evaluate crambe seeds germination and vigor under water stress conditions induced by polyethylene glycol solutions. The seeds were germinated on substrate moistened with polyethylene glycol solutions, using the osmotic potentials of 0 (control), -0.2, -0.4, -0.6, -0.8, -1.0, -1.2 and -1.4 MPa. The seeds germination was evaluated by normal seedlings and root emission percentages. Vigor was evaluated by germination average time, relative frequency, velocity and synchronization index. It was observed that more negative osmotic potential caused significant reduction in crambe seed germination and vigor, and no normal seedlings was observed at potentials below -0.6 MPa.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the genetic and non-genetic effects that influencevigor at birth and preweaning mortality in Nellore calves. A total of 11,727 records of births that occurred between 1978 and 2006, offspring of 363 sires, were analyzed. Poor calf vigor at birth (VB) and preweaning mortality divided into stillbirth (SB), early mortality (EM) and total mortality (TM) were analyzed as binary variables. Generalized linear models were used for the evaluation of non-genetic effects and generalized linear mixed models for genetic effects (sire and animal models). The incidences were 4.75% for VB, 2.66% for SB, 5.28% for EM, and 7.99% for TM. Birth weight was the effect that most influenced the traits studied. Calves weighing less than 22kg(females) and less than 24kg (males) were at a higher risk of low vigor and preweaning mortality. Preweaning mortality was higher among calves born from cows aged .3 and .11 years at calving compared with cows aged 7 to 10 years. Male calves presented less vigor and higher preweaning mortality than female calves. Selection for postweaning weight did not influence preweaning mortality. The heritability estimates ranged between 0.01 and 0.09 for VB, 0.00 and 0.27 for SB, 0.03 and 0.17 for EM and 0.02 and 0.10 for TM. Stillbirth should be included as a selection criterion in breeding programs of Nellore cattle, alone or as part of a selection index, aiming to reduce preweaning mortality. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA