911 resultados para top-down approach


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Il presente lavoro di tesi nasce dalla collaborazione tra l’Università di Bologna, Polo Scientifico Didattico di Ravenna, e l’Agenzia Regionale Prevenzione ed Ambiente dell’Emilia Romagna (ARPA EMR), sezione di Ravenna, inserendosi nell’ambito del progetto di Dottorato “Sviluppo di tecniche per la progettazione delle reti di monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria”. Lo scopo principale dello studio è quello di definire una metodologia di tipo Top-Down per disaggregare spazialmente sulla Provincia di Ravenna le emissioni in atmosfera stimate dall’inventario provinciale di ARPA EMR. La metodologia CORINAIR (COordination INformation AIR), sviluppata dalla Agenzia Europea per l’Ambiente, prefigura due possibili procedure di stima delle emissioni in atmosfera: Top-Down (parte dalla scala spaziale più ampia e discende a livelli inferiori) e Bottom-Up (parte invece dall’analisi della realtà produttiva locale per passare a quella relativa a livelli di aggregazione maggiori). La metodologia proposta, di tipo Top-Down, si avvale volutamente di variabili proxy facilmente reperibili a livello comunale, in modo che possa essere applicata anche ad altre realtà locali, meno ricche di dati statistici e ambientali di quanto non lo sia la regione Emilia Romagna in generale e la provincia di Ravenna in particolare. La finalità ultima dello studio è quella di fornire una metodologia per ottenere, attraverso dati resi disponibili da ogni amministrazione comunale, un quadro conoscitivo della situazione emissiva in atmosfera a livello locale a supporto della gestione della qualità dell’aria e dei relativi fattori di pressione. Da un punto di vista operativo, il lavoro di tesi è stato suddiviso in: una fase progettuale, con l’obiettivo di individuare i Macrosettori CORINAIR e gli inquinanti principali da tenere in considerazione nello studio, ed identificare le variabili proxy più opportune per la disaggregazione delle emissioni; una fase di raccolta dei dati ed infine, l’elaborazione dei dati con l’ausilio del software GIS ArcMap 9.3. La metodologia Top-Down è stata applicata in due fasi: con la prima si è effettuata la disaggregazione dal livello provinciale a quello comunale; con la seconda, le emissioni attribuite al comune di Ravenna sono state distribuite spazialmente su una griglia le cui celle hanno dimensione 100m x 100m in modo da ottenere una disaggregazione ad alta risoluzione. I risultati ottenuti dalla disaggregazione effettuata sono stati confrontati, là dove possibile, con dati ottenuti da un approccio Bottom-Up, allo scopo di validare la metodologia proposta. I confronti fra le stime effettuate con l’approccio Top-Down e quelle derivanti dall’approccio Bottom-Up hanno evidenziato risultati diversi per i differenti Macrosettori investigati. Per il macrosettore industriale, si sono evidenziate una serie di limitazioni dimostrando che l’utilizzo della proxy ‘superficie industriale’, così come applicata, non è adeguata né a livello qualitativo né quantitativo. Limitazioni significative, si osservano anche per il macrosettore ‘traffico veicolare’ per il quale è possibile effettuare una stima accurata delle emissioni totali ma poi la disaggregazione spaziale ad alta risoluzione appare insoddisfacente. Ottime risultano invece le performance della metodologia proposta per il macrosettore combustione non industriale, per il quale si osserva un buon accordo sia per i valori emissivi globali, sia per la loro distribuzione spaziale ad alta risoluzione. Relativamente agli altri settori e macrosettori analizzati (‘Altre sorgenti mobili’ e ‘Agricoltura’), non è stato possibile effettuare confronti con dati provenienti dall’approccio Bottom- Up. Nonostante ciò, dopo un’attenta ricerca bibliografica, si può affermare, che le proxy utilizzate sono fra quelle più impiegate in letteratura, ed il loro impiego ha permesso l’ottenimento di una distribuzione spaziale verosimile ed in linea con l’inventario provinciale ARPA EMR. In ultimo, le mappe di pressione ottenute con l’ausilio di ArcMap sono state analizzate qualitativamente per identificare, nel territorio del Comune di Ravenna, le zone dove insiste una maggiore pressione emissiva sul comparto atmosferico. E’ possibile concludere che il livello di dettaglio ottenuto appare sufficiente a rappresentare le zone più critiche del territorio anche se un ulteriore lavoro dovrà essere previsto per sviluppare meglio i macrosettori che hanno mostrato le maggiori criticità. Inoltre, si è riusciti a tracciare una metodologia sufficientemente flessibile per poterla applicare anche ad altre realtà locali, tenendo comunque sempre presente che, la scelta delle proxy, deve essere effettuata in funzione delle caratteristiche intrinseche del territorio.


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La tesi ha per oggetto lo studio delle politiche pubbliche locali ed in particolare delle politiche sociali che dal 2011 sono diventate politiche esclusivamente territoriali. L’obiettivo è quello di verificare se il differente orientamento politico delle amministrazioni genera politiche differenti. Per verificare le ipotesi si sono scelti 2 Comuni simili sul piano delle variabili socio-economiche, ma guidati da giunte con orientamento politico differente: il Comune di Modena a guida Partito Democratico e il Comune di Verona con un sindaco leghista a capo di una giunta di centro-destra. Nella prima parte vengono esposti ed analizzati i principali paradigmi di studio delle politiche (rational choice, paradigma marxista, economia del benessere, corporativismo e pluralismo, neo-istituzionalismo e paradigma relazionale) e viene presentato il paradigma che verrà utilizzato per l’analisi delle politiche (paradigma relazionale). Per la parte empirica si è proceduto attraverso interviste in profondità effettuate ai due Assessori alle Politiche sociali e ai due Dirigenti comunali dei Comuni e a 18 organizzazioni di Terzo settore impegnate nella costruzione delle politiche e selezionate attraverso la metodologia “a palla di neve”. Sono analizzate le disposizioni normative in materia di politica sociale, sia per la legislazione regionale che per quella comunale. L’analisi dei dati ha verificato l’ipotesi di ricerca nel senso che l’orientamento politico produce politiche differenti per quanto riguarda il rapporto tra Pubblica Amministrazione e Terzo settore. Per Modena si può parlare di una scelta di esternalizzazione dei servizi che si accompagna ad un processo di internalizzazione dei servizi tramite le ASP; a Verona almeno per alcuni settori delle politiche (disabilità e anziani) sono stati realizzati processi di sussidiarietà e di governance. Per la fase di programmazione l’orientamento politico ha meno influenza e la programmazione mostra caratteristiche di tipo “top-down”.


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Diese Arbeit analysiert den Alltag in einem gymnasialen Jungeninternat in der Upper West Region in Ghana und setzt diese Analyse in eine anthropologische Perspektive zum Staat. Angeregt durch die Überlegungen von Michel Foucault zu Disziplinarmechanismen und „Technologien des Selbst“ steht die alltägliche Disziplinierung der Schüler im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit. Dabei wird Disziplin nicht als restriktiv, übergeordnet und allgegenwärtig gedacht, sondern als etwas, das die Schüler aktiv mitgestalten. Einerseits sind die Schüler der Nandom Secondary School Disziplinartechniken ausgesetzt, die sich auf die Kontrolle ihrer Körper beziehen: Sie werden vereinheitlicht, klassifiziert, hierarchisiert, überwacht, geprüft und bestraft. Andererseits sind die Schüler keine übermächtigten Objekte einer totalen Institution, sondern sie wirken kreativ mit beim Flechten des Netzes aus Kontrolle und Freiräumen in ihrer Schule: Sie spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Kontrolle der Lehrer; sie erkennen und nutzen Freiräume, deren Rahmen sie mit den Lehrern aushandeln. Auch ihr Selbst bekommen die Schüler nicht von den Lehrern einfach diktiert. Zwar wird ihnen durch das Bild des guten Schülers eine bestimmte Sicht auf sich selbst nahe gelegt, doch wie sie dieses Bild aufnehmen, ablehnen oder umdeuten liegt in ihren eigenen Händen.


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People are daily faced with intertemporal choice, i.e., choices differing in the timing of their consequences, frequently preferring smaller-sooner rewards over larger-delayed ones, reflecting temporal discounting of the value of future outcomes. This dissertation addresses two main goals. New evidence about the neural bases of intertemporal choice is provided. Following the disruption of either the medial orbitofrontal cortex or the insula, the willingness to wait for larger-delayed outcomes is affected in odd directions, suggesting the causal involvement of these areas in regulating the value computation of rewards available with different timings. These findings were also supported by a reported imaging study. Moreover, this dissertation provides new evidence about how temporal discounting can be modulated at a behavioral level through different manipulations, e.g., allowing individuals to think about the distant time, pairing rewards with aversive events, or changing their perceived spatial position. A relationship between intertemporal choice, moral judgements and aging is also discussed. All these findings link together to support a unitary neural model of temporal discounting according to which signals coming from several cortical (i.e., medial orbitofrontal cortex, insula) and subcortical regions (i.e., amygdala, ventral striatum) are integrated to represent the subjective value of both earlier and later rewards, under the top-down regulation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The present findings also support the idea that the process of outcome evaluation is strictly related to the ability to pre-experience and envision future events through self-projection, the anticipation of visceral feelings associated with receiving rewards, and the psychological distance from rewards. Furthermore, taking into account the emotions and the state of arousal at the time of decision seems necessary to understand impulsivity associated with preferring smaller-sooner goods in place of larger-later goods.


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L’attuale rilevanza rappresentata dalla stretta relazione tra cambiamenti climatici e influenza antropogenica ha da tempo posto l’attenzione sull’effetto serra e sul surriscaldamento planetario così come sull’aumento delle concentrazioni atmosferiche dei gas climaticamente attivi, in primo luogo la CO2. Il radiocarbonio è attualmente il tracciante ambientale per eccellenza in grado di fornire mediante un approccio “top-down” un valido strumento di controllo per discriminare e quantificare il diossido di carbonio presente in atmosfera di provenienza fossile o biogenica. Ecco allora che ai settori applicativi tradizionali del 14C, quali le datazioni archeometriche, si affiancano nuovi ambiti legati da un lato al settore energetico per quanto riguarda le problematiche associate alle emissioni di impianti, ai combustibili, allo stoccaggio geologico della CO2, dall’altro al mercato in forte crescita dei cosiddetti prodotti biobased costituiti da materie prime rinnovabili. Nell’ambito del presente lavoro di tesi è stato quindi esplorato il mondo del radiocarbonio sia dal punto di vista strettamente tecnico e metodologico che dal punto di vista applicativo relativamente ai molteplici e diversificati campi d’indagine. E’ stato realizzato e validato un impianto di analisi basato sul metodo radiometrico mediante assorbimento diretto della CO2 ed analisi in scintillazione liquida apportando miglioramenti tecnologici ed accorgimenti procedurali volti a migliorare le performance del metodo in termini di semplicità, sensibilità e riproducibilità. Il metodo, pur rappresentando generalmente un buon compromesso rispetto alle metodologie tradizionalmente usate per l’analisi del 14C, risulta allo stato attuale ancora inadeguato a quei settori applicativi laddove è richiesta una precisione molto puntuale, ma competitivo per l’analisi di campioni moderni ad elevata concentrazione di 14C. La sperimentazione condotta su alcuni liquidi ionici, seppur preliminare e non conclusiva, apre infine nuove linee di ricerca sulla possibilità di utilizzare questa nuova classe di composti come mezzi per la cattura della CO2 e l’analisi del 14C in LSC.


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Das Glaukom ist, nach dem Katarakt, die zweithäufigste Ursache für Erblindungen weltweit mit Milionen von Betroffenen, die von dieser zunächst weitgehend symptomfreien neurodegenerativen Erkrankung heimgesucht werden. Die Möglichkeiten auf dem Feld der Diagnose beschränken sich bislang weitestgehend auf die Messung des Augeninnendrucks und der Beurteilung des Augenhintergrundes durch einen erfahrenen Augenarzt. Eine labordiagnostische Prophylaxe ist bis heute nicht verfügbar, die Zahl unerkannter Erkrankungen dementsprechend hoch. Hierdurch geht wertvolle Zeit verloren, die man für eine effektive Therapie nutzen könnte.rnBezüglich der Pathogenese des Glaukoms geht man heute von mehreren, miteinander wechselwirkenden Pathomechanismen aus, zu denen neben mechanischen Einflüssen durch einen erhöhten IOD auch Hypoxie, verminderte Neutrophinversorgung, Exzitotoxizität, oxidativer Stress und eine Beteiligung autoimmuner Prozesse gezählt werden. Unabhängig vom Pathomechanismus folgt stets die Etablierung umfangreicher degenerativer Prozesse im Sehnervenkopf, den retinalen Ganglienzellen und den Axonen des Sehnerven, die letztlich im irreversiblen Untergang dieser Neuronen münden. Diese pathologischen Prozesse im ZNS hinterlassen auf Proteomebene Spuren, die mithilfe moderner massenspektrometrischer Methoden in Kombination mit multivariaten statistischen Methoden detektierbar und als sogenannte Biomarker-Kandidaten mit definiertem Molekulargewicht darstellbar sind. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein „Workflow“ entwickelt, der es ermöglicht, diese Biomarker-Kandidaten im Blutserum und in der Tränenflüssigkeit in einfachen, reproduzierbaren Schritten zu identifizieren und zu charakterisieren. Abweichend von der etablierten Methotik der Bottom-Up-Proteomics musste hierfür eine Methode entsprechend einer Top-Down-Philosophie entwickelt werden, die es erlaubt, die Spuren des Glaukoms im Proteom zu detektieren und zu charakterisieren.rnDies erfolgte in dieser Arbeit durch sowohl massenspektroskopischen Methoden wie SELDI-TOF® und MALDI-Tof-Tof als auch durch Bead-, Gel- und Flüssigkeits-chromatographisch-basierte Separations und Fraktionierungstechniken.rnDie erfolgreiche Kombination dieser Methoden führte zu Identifikationen einer ganzen Reihe von Biomarker-Kandidaten. Unter den identifizierten Proteinen, die bezüglich ihres korrespondierenden SELDI-Peaks im Massenbereich von Biomarker-Kandidaten liegen, finden sich Zytokine und Effektormoleküle der angeborernen Immunität, stressinduzierbare Kinasen, Faktoren, die zum Schutz der Telomeren dienen, Proliferationsmarker, neuronale Antigene und Transportproteine. Darüber hinaus wurden Komponenten identifiziert, die an der neuronalen Neutrophinversorgung beteiligt sind, neuronale Rezeptoren und Antigene, Komponenten des Komplementsystems und des MHC-I-Komplexes. All diese identifizierten Proteine sind bezüglich ihrer Funktion und möglichen Rolle innerhalb der Pathogenese des Glaukoms detailliert beschrieben und charakterisiert. Dies erlaubt einen umfassenden Einblick in alle Pathomechanismen, denen nach heutigem Kenntnisstand, eine Rolle an der Pathogenese des Glaukoms unterstellt wird.rn


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Visual imagery – similar to visual perception – activates feature-specific and category-specific visual areas. This is frequently observed in experiments where the instruction is to imagine stimuli that have been shown immediately before the imagery task. Hence, feature-specific activation could be related to the short-term memory retrieval of previously presented sensory information. Here, we investigated mental imagery of stimuli that subjects had not seen before, eliminating the effects of short-term memory. We recorded brain activation using fMRI while subjects performed a behaviourally controlled guided imagery task in predefined retinotopic coordinates to optimize sensitivity in early visual areas. Whole brain analyses revealed activation in a parieto-frontal network and lateral–occipital cortex. Region of interest (ROI) based analyses showed activation in left hMT/V5+. Granger causality mapping taking left hMT/V5+ as source revealed an imagery-specific directed influence from the left inferior parietal lobule (IPL). Interestingly, we observed a negative BOLD response in V1–3 during imagery, modulated by the retinotopic location of the imagined motion trace. Our results indicate that rule-based motion imagery can activate higher-order visual areas involved in motion perception, with a role for top-down directed influences originating in IPL. Lower-order visual areas (V1, V2 and V3) were down-regulated during this type of imagery, possibly reflecting inhibition to avoid visual input from interfering with the imagery construction. This suggests that the activation in early visual areas observed in previous studies might be related to short- or long-term memory retrieval of specific sensory experiences.


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Neglect is defined as the failure to attend and to orient to the contralesional side of space. A horizontal bias towards the right visual field is a classical finding in patients who suffered from a right-hemispheric stroke. The vertical dimension of spatial attention orienting has only sparsely been investigated so far. The aim of this study was to investigate the specificity of this vertical bias by means of a search task, which taps a more pronounced top-down attentional component. Eye movements and behavioural search performance were measured in thirteen patients with left-sided neglect after right hemispheric stroke and in thirteen age-matched controls. Concerning behavioural performance, patients found significantly less targets than healthy controls in both the upper and lower left quadrant. However, when targets were located in the lower left quadrant, patients needed more visual fixations (and therefore longer search time) to find them, suggesting a time-dependent vertical bias.


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Topographically organized neurons represent multiple stimuli within complex visual scenes and compete for subsequent processing in higher visual centers. The underlying neural mechanisms of this process have long been elusive. We investigate an experimentally constrained model of a midbrain structure: the optic tectum and the reciprocally connected nucleus isthmi. We show that a recurrent antitopographic inhibition mediates the competitive stimulus selection between distant sensory inputs in this visual pathway. This recurrent antitopographic inhibition is fundamentally different from surround inhibition in that it projects on all locations of its input layer, except to the locus from which it receives input. At a larger scale, the model shows how a focal top-down input from a forebrain region, the arcopallial gaze field, biases the competitive stimulus selection via the combined activation of a local excitation and the recurrent antitopographic inhibition. Our findings reveal circuit mechanisms of competitive stimulus selection and should motivate a search for anatomical implementations of these mechanisms in a range of vertebrate attentional systems.


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Unilateral damage to the labyrinth and the vestibular nerve cause rotational vertigo, postural imbalance, oculomotor disorders and spatial disorientation. Electrophysiological investigations in animals revealed that such deficits are partly due to imbalanced spontaneous activity and sensitivity to motion in neurons located in the ipsilesional and contralesional vestibular nuclei. Neurophysiological reorganizations taking place in the vestibular nuclei are the basis of the decline of the symptoms over time, a phenomenon known as vestibular compensation. Vestibular compensation is facilitated by motor activity and sensory experience, and current rehabilitation programs favor physical activity during the acute stage of a unilateral vestibular loss. Unfortunately, vestibular-defective patients tend to develop strategies in order to avoid movements causing imbalance and nausea (in particular body movements towards the lesioned side), which impedes vestibular compensation. Neuroanatomical evidence suggests a cortical control of postural and oculomotor reflexes based on corticofugal projections to the vestibular nuclei and, therefore, the possibility to manipulate vestibular functions through top-down mechanisms. Based on evidence from neuroimaging studies showing that imagined whole-body movements can activate part of the vestibular cortex, we propose that mental imagery of whole-body rotations to the lesioned and to the healthy side will help rebalancing the activity in the ipsilesional and contralesional vestibular nuclei. Whether imagined whole-body rotations can improve vestibular compensation could be tested in a randomized controlled study in such patients beneficiating, or not, from a mental imagery training. If validated, this hypothesis will help developing a method contributing to reduce postural instability and falls in vestibular-defective patients. Imagined whole-body rotations thus could provide a simple, safe, home-based and self-administered therapeutic method with the potential to overcome the inconvenience related to physical movements.


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The striatum, the major input nucleus of the basal ganglia, is numerically dominated by a single class of principal neurons, the GABAergic spiny projection neuron (SPN) that has been extensively studied both in vitro and in vivo. Much less is known about the sparsely distributed interneurons, principally the cholinergic interneuron (CIN) and the GABAergic fast-spiking interneuron (FSI). Here, we summarize results from two recent studies on these interneurons where we used in vivo intracellular recording techniques in urethane-anaesthetized rats (Schulz et al., J Neurosci 31[31], 2011; J Physiol, in press). Interneurons were identified by their characteristic responses to intracellular current steps and spike waveforms. Spontaneous spiking contained a high proportion (~45%) of short inter-spike intervals (ISI) of <30 ms in FSIs, but virtually none in CINs. Spiking patterns in CINs covered a broad spectrum ranging from regular tonic spiking to phasic activity despite very similar unimodal membrane potential distributions across neurons. In general, phasic spiking activity occurred in phase with the slow ECoG waves, whereas CINs exhibiting tonic regular spiking were little affected by afferent network activity. In contrast, FSIs exhibited transitions between Down and Up states very similar to SPNs. Compared to SPNs, the FSI Up state membrane potential was noisier and power spectra exhibited significantly larger power at frequencies in the gamma range (55-95 Hz). Cortical-evoked inputs had faster dynamics in FSIs than SPNs and the membrane potential preceding spontaneous spike discharge exhibited short and steep trajectories, suggesting that fast input components controlled spike output in FSIs. Intrinsic resonance mechanisms may have further enhanced the sensitivity of FSIs to fast oscillatory inputs. Induction of an activated ECoG state by local ejection of bicuculline into the superior colliculus, resulted in increased spike frequency in both interneuron classes without changing the overall distribution of ISIs. This manipulation also made CINs responsive to a light flashed into the contralateral eye. Typically, the response consisted of an excitation at short latency followed by a pause in spike firing, via an underlying depolarization-hyperpolarization membrane sequence. These results highlight the differential sensitivity of striatal interneurons to afferent synaptic signals and support a model where CINs modulate the striatal network in response to salient sensory bottom-up signals, while FSIs serve gating of top-down signals from the cortex during action selection and reward-related learning.


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The role of low-level stimulus-driven control in the guidance of overt visual attention has been difficult to establish because low- and high-level visual content are spatially correlated within natural visual stimuli. Here we show that impairment of parietal cortical areas, either permanently by a lesion or reversibly by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), leads to fixation of locations with higher values of low-level features as compared to control subjects or in a no-rTMS condition. Moreover, this unmasking of stimulus-driven control crucially depends on the intrahemispheric balance between top-down and bottom-up cortical areas. This result suggests that although in normal behavior high-level features might exert a strong influence, low-level features do contribute to guide visual selection during the exploration of complex natural stimuli.


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Recently, our study group demonstrated the usefulness of ultrasonographic guidance in ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve blocks in children. As a consequence, we designed a follow-up study to evaluate the optimal volume of local anesthetic for this regional anesthetic technique. Using a modified step-up-step-down approach, with 10 children in each study group, a starting dose of 0.2 mL/kg of 0.25% levobupivacaine was administered to perform an ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve block under ultrasonographic guidance. After each group of 10 patients, the results were analyzed, and if all blocks were successful, the volume of local anesthetic was decreased by 50%, and a further 10 patients were enrolled into the study. Failure to achieve a 100% success rate within a group subjected patients to an automatic increase of half the previous volume reduction to be used in the subsequent group. Using 0.2 and 0.1 mL/kg of 0.25% levobupivacaine, the success rate was 100%. With a volume of 0.05 mL/kg of 0.25% levobupivacaine, 4 of 10 children received additional analgesia because of an inadequate block. Therefore, according to the protocol, the amount was increased to 0.075 mL/kg of 0.25% levobupivacaine, where the success rate was again 100%. We conclude that ultrasonographic guidance for ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve blocks in children allowed a reduction of the volume of local anesthetic to 0.075 mL/kg.


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Speech melody or prosody subserves linguistic, emotional, and pragmatic functions in speech communication. Prosodic perception is based on the decoding of acoustic cues with a predominant function of frequency-related information perceived as speaker's pitch. Evaluation of prosodic meaning is a cognitive function implemented in cortical and subcortical networks that generate continuously updated affective or linguistic speaker impressions. Various brain-imaging methods allow delineation of neural structures involved in prosody processing. In contrast to functional magnetic resonance imaging techniques, DC (direct current, slow) components of the EEG directly measure cortical activation without temporal delay. Activation patterns obtained with this method are highly task specific and intraindividually reproducible. Studies presented here investigated the topography of prosodic stimulus processing in dependence on acoustic stimulus structure and linguistic or affective task demands, respectively. Data obtained from measuring DC potentials demonstrated that the right hemisphere has a predominant role in processing emotions from the tone of voice, irrespective of emotional valence. However, right hemisphere involvement is modulated by diverse speech and language-related conditions that are associated with a left hemisphere participation in prosody processing. The degree of left hemisphere involvement depends on several factors such as (i) articulatory demands on the perceiver of prosody (possibly, also the poser), (ii) a relative left hemisphere specialization in processing temporal cues mediating prosodic meaning, and (iii) the propensity of prosody to act on the segment level in order to modulate word or sentence meaning. The specific role of top-down effects in terms of either linguistically or affectively oriented attention on lateralization of stimulus processing is not clear and requires further investigations.


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As environmental problems became more complex, policy and regulatory decisions become far more difficult to make. The use of science has become an important practice in the decision making process of many federal agencies. Many different types of scientific information are used to make decisions within the EPA, with computer models becoming especially important. Environmental models are used throughout the EPA in a variety of contexts and their predictive capacity has become highly valued in decision making. The main focus of this research is to examine the EPA’s Council for Regulatory Modeling (CREM) as a case study in addressing science issues, particularly models, in government agencies. Specifically, the goal was to answer the following questions: What is the history of the CREM and how can this information shed light on the process of science policy implementation? What were the goals of implementing the CREM? Were these goals reached and how have they changed? What have been the impediments that the CREM has faced and why did these impediments occur? The three main sources of information for this research came from observations during summer employment with the CREM, document review and supplemental interviews with CREM participants and other members of the modeling community. Examining a history of modeling at the EPA, as well as a history of the CREM, provides insight into the many challenges that are faced when implementing science policy and science policy programs. After examining the many impediments that the CREM has faced in implementing modeling policies, it was clear that the impediments fall into two separate categories, classic and paradoxical. The classic impediments include the more standard impediments to science policy implementation that might be found in any regulatory environment, such as lack of resources and changes in administration. Paradoxical impediments are cyclical in nature, with no clear solution, such as balancing top-down versus bottom-up initiatives and coping with differing perceptions. These impediments, when not properly addressed, severely hinder the ability for organizations to successfully implement science policy.