816 resultados para technological transformation
Les changements socioéconomiques des dernières décennies ont profondément transformé le rapport qu’entretient le Québec avec ses professionnels de la santé. En ouvrant le champ à l’accumulation privée du capital dans les années 1990, se met en place au sein de la fonction publique une philosophie politique issue du monde des affaires. Dès lors, le paradigme de la gouvernance investit les hôpitaux, où exerce 65 % de l’effectif infirmier québécois. Des chercheurs ont investigué les contraintes et torts subis par les infirmières consécutivement à la restructuration du système de santé, cependant, peu d’entre eux ont tenu compte des rapports de force et des structures de pouvoir dans lesquels s’enracine le vécu des infirmières. La présente étude a pour but d’explorer les expériences vécues d’infirmières soignantes politiquement engagées qui exercent en centre hospitalier (CH), de rendre compte de l’ordre social existant au sein de cette institution, de décrire la façon dont elles aimeraient idéalement exercer et de répertorier les idées qu’elles ont et les actions qu’elles mettent en place individuellement ou collectivement de façon à favoriser la transformation de l’ordre social et de l’exercice infirmier en CH. Épistémologiquement, notre étude qualitative s’inscrit dans cette idée que la réalité est complexe, mouvante et dépendante de la perception des personnes, proposant une orientation compréhensive et contextualisée de l’action humaine et du politique; c’est ainsi que le point de vue politique des infirmières participantes est pris en compte. L’articulation des expériences vécues, de l’idéal normatif et de l’action politique des participantes est explorée suivant une perspective postmoderniste, praxéologique et dialectique issue de la théorie critique qui réfléchit non seulement sur ce qui est, mais également sur ce qui est souhaitable; une réflexion qui sous certaines conditions s’ouvre sur l’action transformatrice. Les notions de pouvoir, de rapport de force, de résistance et d’émancipation influencent notre analyse. Au terme de cette étude, les résultats indiquent la présence d’une déprofessionnalisation graduelle en faveur d’une technicisation du soin infirmier et d’une dérive autoritaire grandissante au sein des CH s’arrimant au registre sémantique de l’économie de marché à partir des notions d’efficacité, de performance et d’optimisation. Les infirmières soignantes perçues comme des « automates performants » se voient exclues des processus décisionnels, ce qui les prive de leurs libertés de s’exprimer et de se faire critiques devant ce qui a été convenu par ceux qui occupent les hautes hiérarchies du pouvoir hospitalier et qui déterminent à leur place la façon dont s’articule l’exercice infirmier. Le pouvoir disciplinaire hospitalier, par l’entremise de technologies politiques comme la surveillance continue, les représailles et la peur, la technicisation du soin et le temps supplémentaire obligatoire, concourt à la subjectivation des infirmières soignantes, en minimisant l’importance de leur jugement clinique, en affaiblissant la solidarité collective et en mettant au pas l’organisation syndicale, ce qui détournent ces infirmières de la revendication de leurs droits et idéaux d’émancipation les ramenant à une position subalterne. Nos résultats indiquent que les actions politiques que les participantes souhaitent déployer au sein des CH visent l’humanisation des soins et l’autodétermination professionnelle. Toutefois, nombre des actions répertoriées avaient pour finalité fonctionnelle la protection et la survie des infirmières au sein d’un dispositif hospitalier déshumanisant. Certaines infirmières soignantes s’objectent en conscience, déploient des actions de non-coopération individuelles et collectives, font preuve d’actes de désobéissance civile ou souhaitent agir en ce sens pour établir un rapport de force nécessaire à la prise en compte de leurs revendications par une gouvernance hospitalière qui autrement ferait la sourde oreille. Le pouvoir exercé de façon hostile par la gouvernance hospitalière doit à notre avis être contrecarré par une force infirmière collective égale ou supérieure, sans quoi les politiques qui lui sont associées continueront de leur être imposées. Le renouvellement radical de la démocratie hospitalière apparaît comme la finalité centrale vers laquelle doivent s’articuler les actions infirmières collectives qui permettront l’établissement d’un nouveau rapport de force puisque c’est à partir de celle-ci que les infirmières soignantes pourront débattre de l’orientation que doit prendre l’exercice infirmier.
Bon nombre d’ouvrages sur l’histoire littéraire de l’Afrique comportent un chapitre ou une section consacrés au passage de l’oral à l’écrit où l’on rappelle d’abord que les sociétés africaines se caractérisaient par l’expression orale avant l’arrivée des colonisateurs européens. Si les termes désignant ce « passage » sont ici intervertis, c’est pour mieux insister sur le fait que la critique littéraire, elle, a fait le cheminement inverse en supposant, dans un premier temps, que les romanciers avaient adopté les conventions de la « tradition écrite » européenne; elle s’est ensuite ravisée en affirmant que les écrivains s’inspirent en réalité depuis le début de la tradition orale africaine. [Introduction]
Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science And Technology.
This thesis Entitled Studies on transport and magnetic properties of nano particle doped mgb2 superconductor for technological applications.The thesis ahead focuses on the establishment of enhanced superconducting properties in bulk MgB2 via nano particle doping and its conversion into mono/multifilamentary wires. Further, an attempt has also been made to develop prototypes of MgB2 coil and conduction cooled current lead for technological applications. The thesis is configured into 6 chapters. The opening chapter gives an idea on the phenomenon of superconductivity, the various types of superconductors and its applications in different fields. The second chapter is an introduction on MgB2 superconductor and its relevance which includes crystal and electronic structure, superconducting mechanism, basic superconducting properties along with its present international status. The third chapter provides details on the preparation and characterization techniques followed through out the study on MgB2. Fourth chapter discusses the effect of processing temperature and chemical doping using nano sized dopants on the superconducting properties of MgB2• Fifth chapter deals with the optimization of processing parameters and novel preparation techniques for wire fabrication. Sixth chapter furnishes the preparation of multifilamentary wires with various filament configurations, their electromechanical properties and it also incorporates the development of an MgB2 coil and a general purpose conduction cooled current lead.
This study is an attempt to present an integrated picture of the economic changes that have taken place in the rural economy of Kerala. Its limited purpose is to draw the attention of researchers and policymakers to an important but neglected dimension in rural analysis and planning.The thesis aims to identify changes in income, employment-and population. and analyses the structural change in land ownership and other assets of the rural population. The thesis also studies the changes in agriculture, especially with reference to land use and cropping pattern and examines the extend of rural indebtedness. These aspects are studied with reference to three Panchayats - Thazhava, Pananchery, Muttil – which are taken as case studies.
Trawling, despite being heavily energy expensive, still continues to be the most energy expensive fishing method particularly so in View of the export oriented nature of the Indian seafood industry. This study therefore aims at analyzing the efficiency of trawls operation from Cochin, an important fishing center along the southwest coast of India. The analysis is made along two perspectives - economic and technological. Even though technological efficiency complement economic efficiency, in the fishing parlance, parameters like the size composition of the catch, selectivity factors, etc., will have a direct bearing on the technological qualities of the trawl, and which parameters will have a significant impact on the effective exploitation of a fishery stock. Whereas the technological analysis aims at improving the efficiency with regard to the effective utilization of fuel and fishery stocks, economic analysis ascertains the present status of the trawling operations from the commercial angle.
Unveiling the molecular and regulatory mechanisms that prevent in vitro transformation in shrimp remains elusive in the development of continuous cell lines, with an arduous history of over 25 years (Jayesh et al., 2012). Despite presenting challenges to researchers in developing a cell line, the billion dollar aquaculture industry is under viral threat. In addition, the regulatory mechanisms that prevent in vitro transformation and carcinoma in shrimps might provide new leads for the development of anti-ageing and anti-cancer interventions in human (Vogt, 2011) and in higher vertebrates. This highlights the importance of developing shrimp cell lines, to bring out effective prophylactics against shrimp viruses and for understanding the mechanism that induce cancer and ageing in human.. Advances in molecular biology and various gene transfer technologies for immortalization of cells have resulted in the development of hundreds of cell lines from insects and mammals, but yet not a single cell line has been developed from shrimp and other marine invertebrates. With this backdrop, the research described in this thesis attempted to develop molecular tools for induced in vitro transformation in lymphoid cells from Penaeus monodon and for the development of continuous cell lines using conventional and novel technologies to address the problems at cellular and molecular level.
The present study entitled ‘Inter-State Variations in Manufacturing Productivity and Technological Changes in India’ covers a period of 38 years from l960 tol998-99. The study is mainly based on ASI data. The study starts with a discussion of the major facilitating factors of industrialization, namely, historical forces, public policy and infrastructure facilities. These are discussed in greater details in the context of our discussion on Perrox’s (1998) ‘growth pole’ and ‘development pole’, Hirschman’s (1958) ‘industrial centers’ and Myrdal’s ‘spread effect’ Most of the existing literature more or less agrees that the process of industrialization has not been unifonn in all Indian states. There has been a decline in inter-state industrial disparities over time. This aspect is dealt at some length in the third chapter. An important element that deserves detailed attention is the intra-regional differences in industrialisation. Regional industrialisation implies the emergence of a few focal points and industrial regions. Calcutta, Bombay and Madras were the initial focal points. Later other centers like Bangalore, Amritsar, Ahemedabad etc. emerged as nodal points in other states. All major states account for focal points. The analysis made in the third chapter shows that industrial activities generally converge to one or two focal points and industrial regions have emerged out of the focal points in almost all states. One of the general features of these complexes and regions is that they approximately accommodate 50 to 75 percent of the total industrial units and workers in the state. Such convergence is seen hands in glow with urbanization. It was further seen that intra-regional industrial disparity comes down in industrial states like Maharashtra, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.
The present study describes in detail the major technological advances in the rubber-growing industry in the lastfour decades. The major technological changes experienced in the rubber plantation industry during the period are the introduction of 'high yielding-planting materials, scientific application of fertilisers, use of pesticides, tapping during rainy season using‘rain guards, use of. yield stimulants and improved tapping methods School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
There are basically two methods for prediction of shallow water waves, viz. the graphical method and the numerical method. The numerical methods are being widely used, now—a—days, because they are fast, accurate and are especially useful when the prediction over a large spatial frame is required. Practically little has been done on the development of numerical models for the prediction of height and spectral transformation of waves as applicable to our coasts. Synchronized deep and shallow water wave measurements which are essential for study of wave transformation are very much lacking for our coasts. Under these circumstances, a comprehensive study of the wave transformation in the shallow waters of our coast was felt very important and is undertaken in the present investigation.
Induction of growth in the primary marine fishing industry of Kerala is a sine gua Qgn for improving the economy of the fishermen, the state's domestic product as well as earning more foreign exchange for the country. The State Administration has been trying to instil growth into the industry eversince the output of the industry showed marked sign of decline (particularly after 1975). Significantly, it has attempted to strengthen the traditional sector, (which is considered to be the crucial sector of the primary marine fishing industry of the state) by introducing intermediate technology and by revamping the organisational structure of the industry. But it appears that the production system in the primary marine fishing industry of Kerala has been severely constrained by the existing technology, organisation of production and marketing institutions. Regeneration of growth in the industry calls forth an understanding of the 'process' of growth in the industry and the need to réorganise it with new technology, and new organisations. The present study is an attempt to unraval the process of growth in the primary marine fishing industry of Kerala since 1951