1000 resultados para sovitukset -klarinetti (3)
Areas of the limbic system of adult male Wistar rats were screened for kainic-acid-induced gene expression. Polymerase-chain-reactionbased differential display identified a 147-bp cDNA fragment, which represented an mRNA that was upregulated in the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus in the kainic-acid-treated animals. The sequence was 97.8% homologous to rat 14-3-3 zeta isoform mRNA. Detailed Northern analysis revealed increased mRNA levels in the entorhinal cortex I h after kainic acid exposure and continued elevation 24 h post-injection in both the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. Western blot analyses confirmed that the protein product of this gene was also present in increased amounts over the same time period. Immunohistochemistry and terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) detected expression of 14-3-3 protein exclusively in the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus, and only in TUNEL-positive neuronal cells. Expression of the tumor suppressor protein, p53 was also induced by kainate injection, and was co-localized with 14-3-3 zeta protein in selected cells only in the affected brain regions. The increase gene expression of 14-3-3 represents a transcription-mediated response associated with region selective neuronal damage induced by kainic acid. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The forging characteristics of an Al-Cu-Mg-Si-Sn alloy are examined using it new testing strategy which incorporates a double truncated cone specimen and finite element modelling. This sample geometry produces controlled strain distributions within a single specimen and can readily identify the specific strain required to achieve a specific microstructural event by matching the metallographic data with the strain profiles calculated from finite element software, The friction conditions were determined using the conventional friction ring test, which was evaluated using finite element software. The rheological properties of the alloy, evaluated from compression testing of right cylinders, are similar to the properties of conventional aluminium forgings. A hoop strain develops at the outer diameter of the truncated cones and this leads to pore opening at the outer few millimetres. The porosity is effectively removed when the total strain equals the net compressive strain. The strain profiles that develop in the truncated cones are largely independent of the processing temperature and the strain rate although the strain required for pore closure increases as the forging temperature is reduced. This suggests that the microstructure and the strain rate sensitivity may also be important factors controlling pore behaviour. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Recent studies have shown that phox homology (PX) domains act as phosphoinositide-binding motifs. The majority of PX domains studied show binding to phosphatidylinositol 3-monophosphate (Ptdlns(3)P), an association that allows the host protein to localize to membranes of the endocytic pathway. One issue, however, is whether PX domains may have alternative phosphoinositide binding specificities that could target their host protein to distinct subcellular compartments or allow their allosteric regulation by phosphoinositides other than PtdIns(3)P. It has been reported that the PX domain of sorting nexin 1 (SNX1) specifically binds phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4,5)P-3) (Zhong, Q., Lazar, C. S., Tronchere, H., Sato, T., Meerloo, T., Yeo, M., Songyang, Z., Emr, S. D., and Gill, G. N. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 99,6767-6772). In the present study, we have shown that whereas SNX1 binds PtdIns(3,4,5)P-3 in protein:lipid overlay assays, in liposomes-based assays, binding is observed to PtdIns(3)P and phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(3,5)P-2) but not to PtdIns(3,4,5)P-3. To address the significance of PtdIns(3,4,5)P-3 binding, we examined the subcellular localization of SNX1 under conditions in which plasma membrane PtdIns(3,4,5)P-3 levels were significantly elevated. Under these conditions, we failed to observe association of SNX1 with this membrane. However, consistent with the binding to PtdIns(3)P and PtdIns(3,5)P-2 being of more physiological significance was the observation that the association of SNX1 with an early endosomal compartment was dependent on a 3-phosphoinositide-binding PX domain and the presence of PtdIns(3)P on this compartment. Finally, we somal association of SNX1 is important for its ability to regulate the targeting of internalized epidermal growth factor receptor for lysosomal degradation.
The 'Late Heavy Bombardment' was a phase in the impact history of the Moon that occurred 3.8-4.0 Gyr ago, when the lunar basins with known dates were formed(1,2). But no record of this event has yet been reported from the few surviving rocks of this age on the Earth. Here we report tungsten isotope anomalies, based on the Hf-182-W-182 system (half-life of 9 Myr), in metamorphosed sedimentary rocks from the 3.7-3.8-Gyr-old Isua greenstone belt of West Greenland and closely related rocks from northern Labrador, Canada. As it is difficult to conceive of a mechanism by which tungsten isotope heterogeneities could have been preserved in the Earth's dynamic crust-mantle environment from a time when short-lived Hf-182 was still present, we conclude that the metamorphosed sediments contain a component derived from meteorites.
A series of experiments were conducted in drought-prone northeast Thailand to examine the magnitude of yield responses of diverse genotypes to drought stress environments and to identify traits that may confer drought resistance to rainfed lowland rice. One hundred and twenty eight genotypes were grown under non-stress and four different types of drought stress conditions. Under severe drought conditions, the maintenance of PWP of genotypes played a significant role in determining final grain yield. Because of their smaller plant size (lower total dry matter at anthesis) genotypes that extracted less soil water during the early stages of the drought period, tended to maintain higher PWP and had a higher fertile panicle percentage, filled grain percentage and final grain yield than other genotypes. PWP was correlated with delay in flowering (r = -0.387) indicating that the latter could be used as a measure of water potential under stress. Genotypes with well-developed root systems extracted water too rapidly and experienced severe water stress at flowering. RPR which showed smaller coefficient of variation was more useful than root mass density in identifying genotypes with large root system. Under less severe and prolonged drought conditions, genotypes that could achieve higher plant dry matter at anthesis were desirable. They had less delay in flowering, higher grain yield and higher drought response index, indicating the importance of ability to grow during the prolonged stress period. Other shoot characters (osmotic potential, leaf temperature, leaf rolling, leaf death) had little effect on grain yield under different drought conditions. This was associated with a lack of genetic variation and difficulty in estimating trait values precisely. Under mild stress conditions (yield loss less than 50%), there was no significant relationship between the measured drought characters and grain yield. Under these mild drought conditions, yield is determined more by yield potential and phenotype than by drought resistant mechanisms per se. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Enriching foods with long-chain n-3 PUFA (LC n-3 PUFA) is an important approach to increasing the dietary intake of these beneficial nutrients. Enrichment of meat and eggs can be achieved by adding flaxseed, fish oil, or fishmeal to pig or poultry feeds. However, utilization of these sources, particularly fishmeal, has been limited by concerns about adverse effects on sensory qualities, In this study, we evaluated the use of PorcOmega(TM) (POM), a stabilized tuna fishmeal formulation, as a source of DHA for enrichment of park and poultry products, Pigs, broilers, and laying hens were fed rations containing varying levels of POM for varying time periods, and its impact on the LC n-3 PUFA content and sensory qualities of cooked meat and eggs was examined. Pork and chicken products, including chops, sausages, and eggs, with substantially increased (up to sevenfold) levels of LC n-3 PUFA (predominantly DHA) were achieved by including up to 10% POM in rations. The increases were retained after cooking. Some sensory deficits were noted when using higher levels of POM (exceeding 15% in meat and 10% in eggs). However, at modest rates of feeding (5-10% POM), palatable meat and eggs were obtained with worthwhile levels of enrichment. The fishmeal feeding strategy used in this study offers a viable means of producing a range of alternative dietary sources of LC n-3 PUFA. Paper no.
Cadherin cell adhesion molecules are major determinants of tissue patterning which function in cooperation with the actin cytoskeleton [1-4]. In the context of stable adhesion [1], cadherin/catenin complexes are often envisaged to passively scaffold onto cortical actin filaments. However, cadherins also form dynamic adhesive contacts during wound healing and morphogenesis [2]. Here actin polymerization has been proposed to drive cell surfaces together [5], although F-actin reorganization also occurs as cell contacts mature [6]. The interaction between cadherins and actin is therefore likely to depend on the functional state of adhesion. We sought to analyze the relationship between cadherin homophilic binding and cytoskeletal activity during early cadherin adhesive contacts. Dissecting the specific effect of cadherin ligation alone on actin regulation is difficult in native cell-cell contacts, due to the range of juxtacrine signals that can arise when two cell surfaces adhere [7]. We therefore activated homophilic ligation using a specific functional recombinant protein. We report the first evidence that E-cadherin associates with the Arp2/3 complex actin nucleator and demonstrate that cadherin binding can exert an active, instructive influence on cells to mark sites for actin assembly at the cell surface.
Classical cadherins mediate cell recognition and cohesion in many tissues of the body. It is increasingly apparent that dynamic cadherin contacts play key roles during morphogenesis and that a range of cell signals are activated as cells form contacts with one another. It has been difficult, however, to determine whether these signals represent direct downstream consequences of cadherin ligation or are juxtacrine signals that are activated when cadherin adhesion brings cell surfaces together but are not direct downstream targets of cadherin signaling. In this study, we used a functional cadherin ligand (hE/Fc) to directly test whether E-cadherin ligation regulates phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) and Rac signaling. We report that homophilic cadherin ligation recruits Rae to nascent adhesive contacts and specifically stimulates Rae signaling. Adhesion to hE/Fc also recruits PI 3-kinase to the cadherin complex, leading to the production of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate in nascent cadherin contacts. Rae activation involved an early phase, which was PI 3-kinase-independent, and a later amplification phase, which was inhibited by wortmannin. PI 3-kinase and Rae activity were necessary for productive adhesive contacts to form following initial homophilic ligation. We conclude that E-cadherin is a cellular receptor that is activated upon homophilic ligation to signal through PI 3-kinase and Rae. We propose that a key function of these cadherin-activated signals is to control adhesive contacts, probably via regulation of the actin cytoskeleton, which ultimately serves to mediate adhesive cell-cell recognition.
PRL and placental lactogen (PL) play key roles in maintaining the rodent corpus luteum through pregnancy. Suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) have been shown to decrease cell sensitivity to cytokines, including PRL, and so here we have addressed the issue of whether luteolysis induced by prostaglandin F-2alpha (PGF(2alpha)) might up-regulate SOCS proteins to inhibit PRL signaling. In d 19 pregnant rats, cloprostenol, a PGF(2alpha) analog, rapidly induced transcripts for SOCS-3 and, to a lesser extent, SOCS-1. We also found increased SOCS-3 protein in the ovary by immunoblot and in the corpus luteum by immunohistochemistry. Increased SOCS-3 expression was preceded by an increase in STAT3 tyrosine phosphorylation 10 min after cloprostenol injection and was maintained for 4 h, as determined by gel shift and immunohistochemistry. Induction of SOCS-3 was accompanied by a sharp decrease in active STAT5, as determined by gel-shift assay and by loss of nuclear localized STAT5. Four hours after cloprostenol administration, the corpus luteum was refractory to stimulation of STAT5 by PRL administration, and this was not due to down-regulation of PRL receptor. Therefore, induction of SOCS-3 by PGF(2alpha) may be an important element in the initiation of luteolysis via rapid suppression of luteotropic support from PL.
Expression of the beta(3) integrin subunit in melanoma in situ has been found to correlate with tumor thickness, the ability to invade and metastasize, and poor prognosis. Transition from the radial growth phase (RGP) to the vertical growth phase (VGP) is a critical step in melanoma progression and survival and is distinguished by the expression of beta(3), integrin. The molecular pathways that operate in melanoma cells associated with invasion and metastasis were examined by ectopic induction of the beta(3), integrin subunit in RGP SBcl2 and WM1552C melanoma cells, which converts these cells to a VGP phenotype. We used cDNA representational difference analysis subtractive hybridization between beta(3)-Positive and -negative melanoma cells to assess gene expression profile changes accompanying RGP to VGP transition. Fourteen fragments from known genes including osteonectin (also known as SPARC and BM-40) were identified after three rounds of representational difference analysis. Induction of osteonectin was confirmed by Northern and Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry and correlated in organotypic cultures with the beta(3)-induced progression from RGP to VGP melanoma. Expression of osteonectin was also associated with reduced adhesion to vitronectin, but not to fibronectin. Osteonectin expression was not blocked when melanoma cells were cultured with anti-alpha(v)beta(3) LM609 mAb, mitogen-activated protein kinase, or protein kinase C inhibitors, indicating that other signaling pathway(s) operate through a(v)beta(3) integrin during conversion from RGP to VGP.
The nervous system contains an abundance of taurine, a neuroactive sulfonic acid. Antibodies were generated against two cloned high-affinity taurine transporters, referred to in this study as TAUT-1 and TAUT-2. The distribution of such was compared with the distribution of taurine in the rat brain, pituitary, and retina. The cellular pattern of [H-3] taurine uptake in brain slices, pituitary slices, and retinas was examined by autoradiography. TAUT-2 was predominantly associated with glial cells, including the Bergmann glial cells of the cerebellum and astrocytes in brain areas such as hippocampus. Low-level labeling for TAUT-2 was also observed in some neurones such as CA1 pyramidal cells. TAUT-1 distribution was more limited; in the posterior pituitary TAUT-1 was associated with the pituicytes but was absent from glial cells in the intermediate and anterior lobes. Conversely, in the brain TAUT-1 was associated with cerebellar Purkinje cells and, in the retina, with photoreceptors and bipolar cells. Our data suggest that intracellular taurine levels in glial cells and neurons may be regulated in part by specific high-affinity taurine transporters. The heterogeneous distribution of taurine and its transporters in the brain does not reconcile well with the possibility that taurine acts solely as a ubiquitous osmolyte in nervous tissues. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.