965 resultados para polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitroderivatives


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Em regiões altamente contaminadas como a região da Baixada Santista, é importante estabelecer metas para a recuperação do ambiente. Apesar da ausência da contaminação ser a meta ideal, as implicações e os custos associados a esse objetivo, demanda o estabelecimento de metas de recuperação realistas em relação aos contaminantes presentes na região. Com o objetivo de caracterizar valores de referência de qualidade de sedimentos para compostos orgânicos na região da Baixada Santista, o Canal de Bertioga foi escolhido como local de referência por ser uma região sem fontes industrais ou outras fontes pontuais relativas aos compostos analisados. Amostras de água, sedimento e ostras foram coletadas e os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (PAHs), bifenilos policlorados (PCBs) e pesticidas organoclorados (OCPs) foram determinados por técnicas cromatográficas. A avaliação dos resultados de análises de PAHs, permite afirmar com alguma segurança, que os valores da somatória de PAHs das amostras sedimentos são, na sua grande maioria, inferiores a 1.000 µg/kg, não superando 1.600 µg/kg, concentrações abaixo dos limites estabelecidos na Resolução CONAMA 344/04 e abaixo dos valores que possam causar algum efeito adverso à biota, conforme valores descritos na literatura. Resultados de análise de PCBs, OCPs, compostos fenólicos e compostos orgânicos voláteis (VOCs) em amostras de sedimento, indicaram concentrações destes compostos abaixo dos limites de quantificação, exceto DDE (5,30 g/kg) e HCB (2,34 g/kg), que foram detectados em apenas um ii sítio de amostragem. Não houve evidências de possíveis fontes de emissão próximas à região de referência para PCBs, OCPs, compostos fenólicos e VOCs. Finalizando, espera-se que os resultados obtidos neste estudo possam fornecer subsídios para futuramente estabelecer uma área de referência para qualidade de sedimento na região da Baixada Santista, ou ainda serem utilizados em conjunto com as avaliações de contaminantes inorgânicos, testes ecotoxicológicos e indicadores biológicos, como ferramenta para avaliação da qualidade de sedimento e/ou para a classificação de material a ser dragado na região da Baixada Santista.


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Combustion runs at 700 °C in a horizontal laboratory furnace were carried out on two different electric wires (PVC and halogen-free wire). Tests were performed in the presence and in the absence of the metal conductor of the wires. The analyses of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorobenzenes (CBzs), chlorophenols (CPhs), mono- to octa-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), and dioxin-like PCBs are shown. Regarding semivolatile compounds, PAHs production decreases in the presence of metal, while a higher amount of chlorinated compounds are emitted. Respect to the PCDD/Fs, the PVC wire in the presence of metal presents the highest emission, with a much more emission of furans than dioxins. The maximum emission is with 2 or 3 chlorine atom PCDD/Fs. PCBs emission correlates with PCDD/F production and represents 3–4% of total toxicity, determined by using WHO2005 factors.


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Culinary herbs are herbaceous (leafy) plants that add flavour and colour to all types of meals. There is a wide variety of herbs that are used for culinary purposes worldwide, which are also recognized for their beneficial health effects, and thus have also been used in folk medicine. Besides their nutritional value herbs are rich in many phytochemical components with bioactive effects, thus improving human health. The aim of the present work was to make a general overview of some of these herbs, including their gastronomic usage, their chemical composition in bioactive components and their reported health effects. This work showed that the health effects are very diverse and differ according to the herb in question. However, some of the most frequently citted biological activities include antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antiviral effects.


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We identify geochemical features of sedimentary organic matter in various morphostructural zones of the Antarctic sector of the Atlantic. We present background geochemical organic parameters for shelf and deep-sea sediments from the Weddell and Scotia Seas and the Bransfield Strait. Geochemical organic parameters are good indicators of environmental and facial variations in sediments and could be used for environmental monitoring of the World Ocean.


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Gas hydrates are icelike materials that form when specific conditions of temperature, pressure, and gas composition are simultaneously satisfied. Among the first descriptions of gas hydrates under natural conditions was that of Hammerschmidt (1940), who found them in pipelines used to transport natural gas. Milton (1976) indicates that conditions are suitable for the presence of gas hydrates in areas affected by permafrost and cites studies suggesting that large quantities of gas exist in hydrate form.


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From October 2014 to March 2015, I provided excavation oversight services at a property with substantial environmental concerns. The property in question is located near downtown Seattle and was formerly occupied by the Washington’s first coal gasification plant. The plant operated from 1888 to 1908 and produced coal gas for municipal use. A coal tar like substance with a characteristically high benzene concentration was a byproduct of the coal gasification process and heavily contaminated at or below the surface grade of the plant as shown in previous investigations on the property. Once the plant ceased operation in 1908 the property was left vacant until 1955 when the site was filled in and a service station was built on the property. The main goal of the excavation was not to achieve cleanup on the property, but to properly remove what contaminated soil was encountered during the redevelopment excavation. Areas of concern were identified prior to the commencement of the excavation and an estimation of the extent of contamination on the property was developed. “Hot spots” of contaminated soil associated with the fill placed after 1955 were identified as areas of concern. However, the primary contaminant plume below the property was likely sourced from the coal gasification plant, which operated at an approximate elevation of 20 feet. We planned to constrain the extents of the soil contamination below the property as the redevelopment excavation progressed. As the redevelopment excavation was advanced down to an elevation of approximately 20 feet, soil samples were collected to bound the extents of contamination in the upper portion of the site. The hot spots, known pockets of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (cPAH) located above 20 feet elevation, were excavated as part of the redevelopment excavation. Once a hot spot was excavated, soil samples were collected from the north, south, east, west and bottom sidewalls of the hot spot excavation to check for remaining cPAH. Additionally, four underground storage tanks (USTs) associated with the service station were discovered and subsequently removed. Soil samples were also collected from the resulting UST excavation sidewalls to check for remaining petroleum hydrocarbons. Once the excavation reached its final excavation depth of 20 to 16 feet in elevation, bottom of excavation samples were collected on a 35 foot by 35 foot grid to test for concentrations of contaminants remaining onsite. Once the redevelopment excavation was complete, soils observed from borings drilled for either structural elements, geotechnical wells, or environmental wells were checked for any evidence of contamination using field screening techniques. Evidence of contamination was used to identify areas below the final excavation grade which had been impacted by the operation of the coal gasification plant. Samples collected from the excavation extents of hot spots and USTs show that it was unlikely that any contamination traveled from the post-1955 grade down to the pre-1955 grade. Additionally, the lack of benzene in the bottom of excavation samples suggests that a release from the coal gasification plant occurred below the redevelopment excavation final elevations of 20 to 16 feet. Qualitative data collected from borings for shoring elements and wells indicated that the spatial extent of the subsurface contaminant plume was different than initially estimated. Observations of spoils show that soil contamination extends further to the southwest and not as far to the east and north than originally estimated. Redefining the extent of the soil contamination beneath the property will allow further subsurface investigations to focus on collecting quantitative data in areas that still represent data gaps on the property, and passing over areas that have shown little signs of contamination. This information will help with the formation of a remediation plan should the need to clean up the site arise in the future.


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The cytochromes P450 are a large family of oxidative haemoproteins that are responsible for a wide variety of oxidative transformations in a variety of organisms. This review focuses upon the reactions catalyzed specifically by bacterial enzymes, which includes aliphatic hydroxylation, alkene epoxidation, aromatic hydroxylation, oxidative phenolic coupling, heteroatom oxidation and dealkylation, and multiple oxidations including C-C bond cleavage. The potential for the practical application of the oxidizing power of these enzymes is briefly discussed.


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Building on earlier work on regional inequality in Russia the article seeks to demonstrate that the regional oil and gas abundance is associated with high within-region inequality. It provides empirical evidence that hydrocarbons represent one of the leading determinants of an increased gap between rich and poor in the producing regions. The discussion focuses on a possible cluster of geographic, economic and political factors underlying the phenomenon.


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Building on earlier work on regional inequality in Russia (Fedorov 2002; Gaddy and Ickes 2005; Bradshaw 2006 and others) we investigate a novel line of research, i.e. to demonstrate that the regional oil and gas abundance is associated with high within-region inequality. We show empirically that hydrocarbons represent one of the leading determinants of an increased gap between rich and poor in the producing regions. We discuss a possible cluster of geographic, economic and political factors underlying the phenomenon.


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Most pharmaceutically relevant proteins and many extracellular proteins contain disulfide bonds. Formation of the correct disulfide bonds is essential for stability in almost all cases. Disulfide containing proteins can be rapidly and inexpensively overexpressed in bacteria. However, the overexpressed proteins usually form aggregates inside the bacteria, called inclusion bodies, which contains inactive and non-native protein. To obtain native protein, inclusion bodies need to be isolated and resolubilized, and then the resulting protein refolded in vitro. In vitro protein folding is aided by the addition of a redox buffer, which is composed of a small molecule disulfide and/or a small molecule thiol. The most commonly used redox buffer contains reduced and oxidized glutathione. Recently, aliphatic dithiols and aromatic monothiols have been employed as redox buffers. Aliphatic dithiols improved the yield of native protein as compared to the aliphatic thiol, glutathione. Dithiols mimic the in vivo protein folding catalyst, protein disulfide isomerase, which has two thiols per active site. Furthermore, aromatic monothiols increased the folding rate and yield of lysozyme and RNase A relative to glutathione. By combining the beneficial properties of aliphatic dithiols and aromatic monothiols, aromatic dithiols were designed and were expected to increase in vitro protein folding rates and yields. Aromatic monothiols (1-4) and their corresponding disulfides (5-8), two series of ortho- and para-substituted ethylene glycol dithiols (9-15), and a series of aromatic quaternary ammonium salt dithiols (16-17) were synthesized on a multigram scale. Monothiols and disulfides (1-8) were utilized to fold lysozyme and bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Dithiols (11-17) were tested for their ability to fold lysozyme. At pH 7.0 and pH 8.0, and high protein concentration (1 mg/mL), aromatic dithiols (16, 17) and a monothiol (3) significantly enhanced the in vitro folding rate and yield of lysozyme relative to the aliphatic thiol, glutathione. Additionally, aromatic dithiols (16, 17) significantly enhance the folding yield as compared to the corresponding aromatic monothiol (3). Thus, the folding rate and yield enhancements achieved in in vitro protein folding at high protein concentration will decrease the volume of renaturation solution required for large scale processes and consequently reduce processing time and cost.


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The Amazon holds over half of the planet's remaining tropical forests and comprises the largest biodiversity in the world, accounting for approximately 60 % of the Brazilian territory. However, deforestation fires in the region causes serious problems to exposed human. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical compounds as well as the cellular and molecular effects after exposure to organic material extracted from particulate matter less than 10 µm (PM10) in the Amazon region. As for the chemical composition, n-alkanes analysis showed a prevalence of anthropogenic influence during the fires in the region. In addition, there was a predominance of monosaccharides from biomass burning markers. Also, the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and their derivatives have also been identified in samples collected in the Amazon. By using the PAH concentrations was possible to calculate the BaP-equivalent and it was found that the dibenz(a) anthracene contributes with 83% to potential carcinogenic risk. As for the potential mutagenic risk, the benzo (a) pyrene is the HPA that has a major contribution in this analysis. It may be noted that the retene was the most abundant PAH. This compound was genotoxic and cause death by necrosis in the human lung cells. In biological tests, the data showed that organic PM10 is capable of causing genetic damage in both plant cells and in human lung cells. This damage cause an arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle exposed, increasing the expression of p53 and p21. Additionally, the PM10 caused cell death by apoptosis, increasing the foci of histone - H2AX. Given these results, it is important to emphasize the reduction and better control of biomass burning in the Amazon region thus improving the quality of health of the population being exposed. As clearly stated recently by the World Health Organization, the reduction of air pollution could save millions of lives annually.