622 resultados para pleasure


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Historical accounts of revolutionary movements oftentimes occlude the pleasures of countering hegemony or criticize the “frivolity” of what is perceived to be non-political activities. However, turn of the century Finnish-American socialist theater clubs and early twentieth century Finnish-American communist halls and their uncounted social groups and activities prove to be a rich resource in reconsidering the importance of acknowledging and understanding the role that pleasure has played and should play in political protest. Finnish-American radical activities, especially those condemned already at the time as hall socialism, are important historical precedents to today’s alter-globalization student festivals and protest concerts, midnight raves


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A tribute to the monumental influence of John Calvin in the 500 years since his birth. / What legacies, still enduring today, have John Calvin and Calvinism given to the church and society in Europe and North America? An international group of scholars tackles that question in this volume honoring Calvin's 500th birthday. These chapters together provide a comprehensive and accessible introduction to Calvin's life and thought, the history of the Reformation in Switzerland and worldwide, and his continuing relevance for ecclesial, social, and political questions today. / Contributors: Philip Benedict, James D. Bratt, Emidio Campi, Wulfert de Greef, Christopher Elwood, Eva-Maria Faber, Eric Fuchs, Ulrich H. J. Krtner, Christian Link, Christian Moser, Andrew Pettegree, Christoph Strohm, Mario Turchetti./ The essays in this book fit beautifully together to provide a solid, complete work that gives precise insight into the many different facets of Calvin and Calvinism. The high-level research found here clearly shows the great impact that Calvin has had on both church and society. It is a great pleasure to see Calvin here anew. Eberhard Busch / University of Gttingen / That John Calvin made a deep and lasting impact on many aspects of history is common knowledge but the character of the man and the nature of his influence are perhaps as controversial as any that can be named. It is thus a challenge to examine even a fraction of the many ways that Calvins life and thought have contributed to the shaping of later ages in both church and society. This volume offers essays on key points from an appropriately international group of authors appreciative but critical, drawing on a rich range of recent scholarship, presented in a pleasing and accessible form. It is a fine place for the new reader of Calvin to get a glimpse of his impact, while offering a fresh summary of some significant issues for more advanced students of the Reformer. Elsie Anne McKee / Princeton Theological Seminary / Hirzel and Sallmann have succeeded in gathering essays by an illustrious circle of experts both historians and theologians on important areas of Calvins thought and impact. Ranging from an insignificant city at the edge of the Swiss Confederation in the 1530s to the Accra Confession of 2004, these essays will serve to correct popular misconceptions. A fine introduction for a broader readership that wants more than mere armchair theology. Peter Opitz / University of Zurich


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If the profession of social work is to have a future we must know where it came from, and the series of portraits of our pioneers is one of the paths into the origins of that profession. I feel grateful to the publishers for this online-journal and also honoured to be asked to continue the series on pioneers in social work. I gladly comply because, in connection with my research on Alice Salomon and other social workers who were expelled from Germany and other Nazi-occupied territories (Wieler1989 and 1995) I had the pleasure and privilege of meeting and interviewing Walter Friedländer shortly before he passed away. It is years ago that I visited him in his home among stacks of books and piles of papers. My memories are vivid. I still see his sparkling eyes and hear his soft voice with a very heavy German accent. I was most impressed by his memory of historical events and people which, it seemed, only a large hard-drive could retain these days. Now, I wish I had asked more questions but instead, we will have to rely largely on primary and secondary literature and box upon box of archival materials. I draw heavily on the comprehensive German and Jewish Intellectual Emigré Collection (http://library.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/ger003.htm) which consists of nearly 50 cubic feet and another collection of the German Central Institute („Deutsches Zentralinstitut für Soziale Fragen-DZI“) in Berlin (www.dzi.de). Some of the more current archival materials were lost in a flood, and much of Friedländer’s early memorabilia up to 1933 was lost in Germany. There are also internet resources with widely differing information. I hope that I will not have overlooked too much in order to do justice to this remarkable pioneer and colleague. In order to appreciate and pay tribute to Walter Friedländer and his contributions we will have to reconsider the historical and international context of more than the 93 years of his life span: the German Monarchy, the Weimar Republic, Nazi-Fascism, Swiss, French and American exile and numerous visits to other countries.


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Christina Higgins credibly presents the situation of English in East Africa as scrutinized from four areas, which she investigated in the field: the newspaper journalism, annual beauty pageants for young women, the hip hop music of the youth, and advertisements. For me, as a Tanzanian, it has been a pleasure to review a book that illuminatingly documents the language situation, the cultural conceptualization and the localization of English that is taking place in the multilingual society in Tanzania.


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BACKGROUND The coping resources questionnaire for back pain (FBR) uses 12 items to measure the perceived helpfulness of different coping resources (CRs, social emotional support, practical help, knowledge, movement and relaxation, leisure and pleasure, spirituality and cognitive strategies). The aim of the study was to evaluate the instrument in a clinical patient sample assessed in a primary care setting. SAMPLE AND METHODS The study was a secondary evaluation of empirical data from a large cohort study in general practices. The 58 participating primary care practices recruited patients who reported chronic back pain in the consultation. Besides the FBR and a pain sketch, the patients completed scales measuring depression, anxiety, resilience, sociodemographic factors and pain characteristics. To allow computing of retested parameters the FBR was sent to some of the original participants again after 6 months (90% response rate). We calculated consistency and retest reliability coefficients as well as correlations between the FBR subscales and depression, anxiety and resilience scores to account for validity. By means of a cluster analysis groups with different resource profiles were formed. Results. RESULTS For the study 609 complete FBR baseline data sets could be used for statistical analysis. The internal consistency scores ranged fromα=0.58 to α=0.78 and retest reliability scores were between rTT=0.41 and rTT=0.63. Correlation with depression, fear and resilience ranged from r=-0.38 to r=0.42. The cluster analysis resulted in four groups with relatively homogenous intragroup profiles (high CRs, low spirituality, medium CRs, low CRs). The four groups differed significantly in fear and depression (the more inefficient the resources the higher the difference) as well as in resilience (the more inefficient the lower the difference). The group with low CRs also reported permanent pain with no relief. The groups did not otherwise differ. CONCLUSIONS The FBR is an economic instrument that is suitable for practical use e.g. in primary care practices to identify strengths and deficits in the CRs of chronic pain patients that can then be specified in face to face consultation. However, due to the rather low reliability, the use of subscales for profile differentiation and follow-up measurement in individual diagnoses is limited.


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There is an increased interest in vocational psychology and career counseling regarding the link between career development and well-being, yet, little is known about how different ways to achieve well-being or happiness relate to career development. This study explored the relationship between 3 orientations to happiness (meaning, pleasure, and engagement) and vocational identity achievement among 2 groups of Swiss adolescents (n = 268, 8th grade; n = 208, 11th grade). The results indicated that more orientation to meaning and engagement but not to pleasure positively related to vocational identity achievement.


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Trials with pulverized brand-name antihypertensive drugs suggest that, from the perspective of taste acceptability, crushed candesartan, chlortalidon, hydrochlorothiazide, lercanidipine and lisinopril should be preferred to pulverized amlodipine, atenolol, bisoprolol, enalapril, irbesartan, losartan, ramipril, telmisartan and valsartan. Brand-name antihypertensive drugs and the corresponding generic medicines have never been compared with respect to their taste acceptability. We therefore investigated among healthy health care workers the taste acceptability of a pulverized 1 mg-test dose of the brand-name and two generics containing either the dihydropyridine calcium-channel blocker amlodipine (Norvasc(®), Amlodipin-Mepha(®) and Amlodipin Pfizer(®)) or the angiotensin receptor antagonist candesartan (Atacand(®), Cansartan-Mepha(®) and Pemzek(®)). For this purpose, a smiley-face scale depicting four degrees of pleasure was used. Between November and December 2013, the taste test was performed among 19 nurses (15 female and 4 male subjects) and 12 physicians (5 female and 7 male subjects) aged between 25 and 49 years. Pulverized brand-names and generics containing either amlodipine or candesartan did not differ with respect to their taste acceptability.


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Schadenfreude is a pleasure derived from someone else’s misfortune. Just world belief is a desire to belief that people get what they deserve and deserve what they get (Lerner, 1965,1980). Interestingly, previous scholars documented the link between schadenfreude, responsibility and deservingness (e.g. van Dijk, Goslinga, & Ouwerkerk, 2008), i.e. the more failure is deserved, the more perceived responsibility for the failure, and subsequently more schadenfreude is evoked. Thus, the present study tested if a threat of a just world belief intensifies experience of schadenfreude. The participants (N=48, 31 women and 17 men, M age = 23.72), were randomly assigned to one of two experimental conditions (just world belief: threat versus no-threat) between-participant design. They read scenarios which were designed to threaten or maintain their just world belief. Next, they were transferred to an online magazine presenting funny stories about other peoples’ failures. The stories were selected in a pilot study in order to evoke schadenfreude. As presumed, the participants exposed to the threat of just world belief experienced more schadenfreude, i.e. spent more time on reading schadenfreude stories. The results confirmed the existence of a link between just world threat and schadenfreude.


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The present study tested the hypothesis that a threat of a just world belief intensifies experience of schadenfreude (i.e., pleasure at another's misfortune). The participants read scenarios which were designed to threaten or maintain their just world belief. Subsequently, they were transferred to an online magazine presenting funny stories about other peoples' failures. As presumed, the participants exposed to the threat of just world belief spent more time on reading. These results confirmed the existence of a link between just world threat and schadenfreude.


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The purpose of this dissertation was to explore and describe the factors that influence the safer sex choices of African-American college women. The pandemic of HIV and the prevalence of other sexually transmitted diseases has disproportionately affected African-American females. As young women enter college they are faced with a myriad of choices. Unprotected sexual exploration is one choice that can lead to deadly consequences. This dissertation explores, through in-depth interviews, the factors associated with the decision to practice or not practice safe sex. ^ The first study describes the factors associated with increased sexual risk taking among African-American college women. Sexual risk taking or sex without a condom was found to be more likely when issues of self or partner pleasure were raised. Participants were also likely to have sexual intercourse without a condom if they desired a long term relationship with their partner. ^ The second study examined safe sex decision making processes among a group of African-American college women. Women were found to employ both emotional and philosophical strategies to determine their safe sex behavior. These strategies range from assessing a partner's physical capabilities and appearance to length of the dating relationship. ^ The third study explores the association between knowledge and risk perception as predictors for safer sex behaviors. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and other STDs was not found to be a determinant of safer sex behavior. Perception of personal risk was also not highly correlated with consistent safer sex behavior. ^ These studies demonstrate the need for risk-based safer sex education and intervention programs. The current climate of knowledge-based program development insures that women will continue to predicate their decision to practice safer sex on their limited perception and understanding of the risks associated with unprotected sexual behavior. Further study into the emotional and philosophical determinants of sexual behavior is necessary for the realistic design of applicable and meaningful interventions. ^


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The general research question for this dissertation was: do the data on adolescent sexual experiences and sexual initiation support the explicit or implicit adolescent sexuality theories informing the sexual health interventions currently designed for youth? To respond to this inquiry, three different studies were conducted. The first study included a conceptual and historical analysis of the notion of adolescence introduced by Stanley Hall, the development of an alternative model based on a positive view of adolescent sexuality, and the rationale for introducing to adolescent sexual health prevention programs the new definitions of sexual health and the social determinants of health approach. The second one was a quantitative study aimed at surveying not only adolescents' risky sexual behaviors but also sexual experiences associated with desire/pleasure which have been systematically neglected when investigating the sexual and reproductive health of the youth. This study was conducted with a representative sample of the adolescents attending public high schools in the State of Caldas in the Republic of Colombia. The third study was a qualitative analysis of 22 interviews conducted with male and female U.S. Latino adolescents on the reasons for having had or having not had vaginal sex. The more relevant results were: most current adolescent sexual health prevention programs are still framed in a negative approach to adolescent sexuality developed a century ago by Stanley Hall and Sigmund Freud which do not accept the adolescent sexual experience and propose its sublimation. In contrast, the Colombian study indicates that, although there are gender differences, adolescence is for males and females a normal period of sexual initiation not limited to coital activity, in which sexual desire/pleasure is strongly associated with sexual behavior. By the same token, the study about the reasons for having had or not had initiated heterosexual intercourse indicated that curiosity, sexual desire/pleasure, and love are basic motivations for deciding to have vaginal sexual intercourse for the first time and that during adolescence, young women and men reach the cognitive development necessary for taking conscious decisions about their sexual acts. The findings underline the importance of asking pertinent questions about desire/pleasure when studying adolescent sexuality and adopting an evidence-based approach to sexual health interventions.^


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This dissertation utilized quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the role of responsibility in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy through condom use and other sexual behaviors among young adolescents. Data were analyzed across race and gender and three papers were developed. The quantitative portion used logistic regression to assess associations between personal responsibility, as well as other know correlates, and reported condom use and condom use intentions as a means of STI and pregnancy prevention among 445 inner-city, high school adolescents. Responsibility to prevent pregnancy by providing the condom was associated with condom use at last sex and consistent condom use. Responsibility to prevent acquiring a STI by using a condom was significantly associated with consistent condom use. No significant associations were found between responsibility and condom use intentions. ^ The qualitative section of the dissertation project involved conducting 28 in-depth interviews among 9th and 10th grade, African American and Hispanic students who attended a large urban school district in South Central Texas. Perceptions of responsibility for preventing STIs and unintended pregnancy, as well as for condom use, were explored. Male and female adolescents expressed joint responsibility to prevent a STI or pregnancy. Perceptions of responsibility for providing and using the condoms were mixed. Despite the indication of both partners, mostly all participants implied that females, more so than the males, had the final responsibility to prevent contracting a STI, a pregnancy, to provide a condom, and to make sure a condom was used. Participants expressed the role of parents' involvement for preventing these outcomes as well as the need for more sexual health education and access to preventative methods. ^ The last section of this dissertation involved qualitative inquiry to ascertain perceptions of reasons why adolescents engage in anal and oral (non-coital) sex. Pleasure-seeking and giving as well social influence and pressure were described as the main reasons why teenagers have non-coital sex. Other reasons included conveniences of participating in these behaviors such as ease of performing oral sex and anal sex as a convenient alternative to vaginal sex. Sexual inexperience was an indicator for why anal sex occurs. Many of the reasons involved misperceptions and adolescents who practice these sexual behaviors place themselves at-risk for contracting a STI. ^ This dissertation increased the current knowledge base about adolescent sexual responsibility and non-coital behaviors. Future studies should explore perceptions of responsibility and actual sexual activity practices among adolescents to reduce the burden of STIs and pregnancy as well as help public health professionals develop programs for adolescent populations, schools, and communities where these issues persist.^


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Los dibujos animados norteamericanos, sigilosamente, han ido ocupando un lugar cada vez más relevante en la industria cultural. Tanto es así, que hoy se pueden discriminar canales específicamente destinados a la animación y, a su vez, series de animaciones producidas para diversos públicos: niños, adolescentes y adultos. Frente a esta gran cantidad y diversidad de textos llama especialmente mi atención la convivencia de contrapuestos sistemas de valor. Numerosas tiras de dibujos animados, dirigidos especialmente a los niños, ayudan a conformar el gusto infantil contemporáneo (en el sentido de Calabrese) que no responde a un único sistema unificador de valores. Es decir, lo feo o lindo, lo malo o bueno, lo conforme o informe, lo disfórico o eufórico no está dictaminado hoy por un solo discurso axiológico imperante. En este escrito pretendo describir, desde una perspectiva semiótica, las particularidades que resultan de la coexistencia de morfologías, éticas y tímicas distintas. Para ello, me detendré en un grupo de cartoons que se presentan como las antípodas de los tradicionales y conocidos textos audiovisuales de Disney y de las clásicas y exitosas series animadas de la Warner Bross o la Metro Goldywn Mayer. Estas creaciones buscaron exhibir, desde su nacimiento, estabilidad en las formas, armonía cromática y uniformidad de comportamientos. Contrariamente, los mundos posibles que hoy también integran el universo de dibujos animados, evidencian lo que Calabrese denomina el placer de lo impreciso, lo indefinido, lo vago y lo ambiguo. Estas representaciones sincréticas exaltan notorias diferencias en sus homologaciones axiológicas liberándose de las pretensiones de perfección, tanto de sus escenarios como de sus actores figurativos: seres híbridos, animales aversivos, niños nefastos, criaturas deformes y escenarios difusos son algunas de las características que definen a los últimas producciones animadas para televisión.


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Al analizar las dimensiones dolorosas, violentas de las palabras y sus momentos de goce y placer, este trabajo pretende poner en relación ciertos fragmentos de la obra Tres Golpes de Timbal, del escritor argentino Daniel Moyano, con otras obras de su corpus. De esta manera establecen una relación dialógica con otros pasajes de la misma, con el contexto sociopolítico, ideológico y cultural, con referencias biográficas del autor, es decir con su contexto de producción.


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“Stabat Mater" propone la historia de una joven que sufre por el dolor del abandono en su niñez. Cecilia, la protagonista de esta novela de carácter intimista, transcurre los días de su existencia en forma trágica y rutinaria. Su pena no tiene consuelo ni respuestas: su madre la abandonó en un orfanato veneciano y, a diferencia de la suerte corrida por otras jóvenes, posteriormente nadie la reclamó ni fue por ella. Las clases de música impartidas en el orfanato son su único –aunque monótono– consuelo. Pero un factor inesperado cambiará el tedio en pasión: el mismo maestro Antonio Vivaldi se hará cargo de dichas lecciones. Él enseñará a Cecilia y a sus compañeras la música del universo todo, con los matices más profundos, sutiles y estremecedores jamás imaginados. A través de esta vivencia, determinante en el ánimo de la joven, esta construirá su futuro, un destino erigido a partir de recuerdos dolorosos, pero resignificado y sublimado en función de la experiencia vivida.