517 resultados para piezoelectric polyers


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O uso de materiais inteligentes em problemas de controle de vibração tem sido investigado em diversas pesquisas ao longo dos últimos anos. Apesar de que diferentes materiais inteligentes estão disponíveis, o piezelétrico tem recebido grande atenção devido à facilidade de uso como sensores, atuadores, ou ambos simultaneamente. As principais técnicas de controle usando materiais piezoelétricos são os ativos e passivos. Circuitos piezelétricos passivos são ajustados para uma frequência específica e, portanto, a largura de banda efetiva é pequena. Embora os sistemas ativos possam apresentar um bom desempenho no controle de vibração, a quantidade de energia externa e hardware adicionado são questões importantes. As técnicas SSD (Synchronized Switch Damping) foram desenvolvidas como uma alternativa aos controladores passivos e controladores ativos de vibração. Elas podem ser técnicas semi-ativas ou semi-passivas que introduzem um tratamento não linear na tensão elétrica proveniente do material piezelétrico e induz um aumento na conversão de energia mecânica para energia elétrica e, consequentemente, um aumento no efeito de amortecimento. Neste trabalho, o controle piezoelétrico semi-passivo de uma pá piezelétrica engastada é apresentado e comparado com outros controladores. O modelo não linear electromecânico de uma pá com piezocerâmicas incorporados é determinado com base no método variacional-assintótico (VAM). O sistema rotativo acoplado não linear é resolvido no domínio do tempo, utilizando um método de integração alfa-generalizado afim de garantir a estabilidade numérica. As simulações são realizadas para uma vasta gama de velocidades de rotação. Em primeiro lugar, um conjunto de resistências (variando desde a condição de curto-circuito para a condição de circuito aberto) é considerada. O efeito da resistência ótima (que resulta em máximo amortecimento) sobre o comportamento do sistema é investigado para o aumento da velocidade de rotação. Mais tarde, a técnica SSDS é utilizada para amortecer as oscilações da pá com o aumento da velocidade de rotação. Os resultados mostram que a técnica SSDS pode ser um método útil para o controle de vibrações de vigas rotativas não lineares, tais como pás de helicóptero.


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Considerando que o petróleo quando extraído dos poços em águas profundas chega a ter teor de água superior a 50% e que antes de ser enviado à refinaria deve ter uma quantidade de água inferior a 1%, torna-se necessário o uso de técnicas de redução da quantidade de água. Durante a extração do petróleo formam-se emulsões de água em óleo que são muito estáveis devido a um filme interfacial contendo asfaltenos e/ou resinas ao redor das gotas de água. Nesse trabalho é apresentada a utilização de ondas estacionárias de ultrassom para realizar a quebra dessas emulsões. Quando gotículas de água com dimensões da ordem de 10m, muito menores que o comprimento de onda, são submetidas a um campo acústico estacionário em óleo, a força de radiação acústica empurra as gotículas para os nós de pressão da onda. Uma célula de coalescência com frequência central ao redor de 1 MHz, constituída por quatro camadas sendo uma piezelétrica, uma de acoplamento sólido, uma com o líquido e outra refletora, foi modelada empregando o método da matriz de transferência, que permite calcular a impedância elétrica em função da frequência. Para minimizar o efeito do gradiente de temperatura entre a entrada e a saída da cavidade da célula, quando está em operação, foram utilizados dois transdutores piezelétricos posicionados transversalmente ao fluxo que são excitados e controlados independentemente. Foi implementado um controlador digital para ajustar a frequência e a potência de cada transdutor. O controlador tem como entrada o módulo e a fase da corrente elétrica no transdutor e como saída a amplitude da tensão elétrica e a frequência. Para as células desenvolvidas, o algoritmo de controle segue um determinado pico de ressonância no interior da cavidade da célula no intervalo de frequência de 1,09 a 1,15 MHz. A separação acústica de emulsões de água em óleo foi realizada em uma planta de laboratório de processamento de petróleo no CENPES/PETROBRAS. Foram testados a variação da quantidade de desemulsificante, o teor inicial de água na emulsão e a influência da vazão do sistema, com uma potência de 80 W. O teor final de água na emulsão mostrou que a aplicação de ultrassom aumentou a coalescência de água da emulsão, em todas as condições testadas, quando comparada a um teste sem aplicação de ultrassom. Identificou-se o tempo de residência no interior da célula de separação como um fator importante no processo de coalescência de emulsões de água e óleo. O uso de desemulsificante químico é necessário para realizar a separação, porém, em quantidades elevadas implicaria no uso de processos adicionais antes do repasse final do petróleo à refinaria. Os teores iniciais de água na emulsão de 30 e 50% indicam que o uso da onda estacionária na coalescência de emulsões não tem limitação quanto a esse parâmetro. De acordo com os resultados obtidos em laboratório, essa técnica seria indicada como uma alternativa para integrar um sistema de processamento primário em conjunto com um separador eletrostático.


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O óxido de zinco é um material semicondutor que apresenta alta transparência óptica no espectro visível, alta energia de ligação de éxcitons e piezoeletricidade. Por suas propriedades, ele é utilizado na área de sensores, eletrodos transparentes e dispositivos optoeletrônicos. No entanto, sua utilização ainda é limitada pela dificuldade de obtenção de condutividade tipo p, cujo principal dopante é o nitrogênio, devido à assimetria de dopagem ocasionada por defeitos intrínsecos do material, dopagem em valências diferentes das esperadas e formação de níveis de aceitadores profundos na banda proibida. A aplicação em dispositivos piezoelétricos também exige alta resistividade e ótimas propriedades cristalinas. Muitos processos de deposição estabelecidos hoje ainda utilizam altas temperaturas, o que impede sua deposição sobre superfícies ou substratos sensíveis a altas temperaturas. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver técnicas de deposição de filmes de ZnO, principalmente em baixas temperaturas ( 100°C), pelo método de magnetron sputtering de rádio frequência, para avaliar a influência dos gases de processo nas características estruturais, estequiométricas, elétricas e ópticas dos filmes. Para isso, foram obtidos filmes utilizando pressão total de argônio, e pressões parciais de argônio e oxigênio e argônio e nitrogênio, utilizando alvo cerâmico de óxido de zinco ou alvo metálico de zinco. Para alvo de ZnO, filmes com condutividade tipo n foram obtidos em ambiente de argônio, em condições que geraram deficiências de oxigênio. Filmes altamente resistivos foram obtidos com a utilização de pressão parcial de oxigênio no gás de processo, em condições que resultaram em filmes estequiométricos, inclusive com condutividade tipo p. Condutividade tipo p mais alta foi observada, apenas por ponta quente, para uma amostra obtida em argônio logo após a utilização de nitrogênio na câmara de processo, que provavelmente sofreu influência da dopagem não intencional do cobre, que foi identificado como um contaminante do processo devido à estrutura da câmara. Para alvo de Zn, observou-se a formação de nitreto de zinco, que demonstrou alta capacidade de oxidação em ambiente atmosférico, e portanto, transforma-se naturalmente ao longo do tempo ou por processos de oxidação térmica em ZnO dopado com nitrogênio. Filmes de ZnO produzidos a partir de nitreto de zinco foram os únicos dos testados que apresentaram fotoluminescência característica do ZnO, mesmo para processos onde não houve aquecimento intencional.


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Possible drawbacks of microreactors are inefficient reactant mixing and the clogging of microchannels when solid-forming reactions are carried out or solid (catalysts) suspensions are used. Ultrasonic irradiation has been successfully implemented for solving these problems in microreactor configurations ranging from capillaries immersed in ultrasonic baths to devices with miniaturized piezoelectric transducers. Moving forward in process intensification and sustainable development, the acoustic energy implementation requires a strategy to optimize the microreactor from an ultrasound viewpoint during its design. In this work, we present a simple analytical model that can be used as a guide to achieving a proper acoustic design of stacked microreactors. An example of this methodology was demonstrated through finite element analysis and it was compared with an experimental study found in the literature.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This paper presents an analysis of the thermomechanical behavior of hollow circular cylinders of functionally graded material (FGM). The solutions are obtained by a novel limiting process that employs the solutions of homogeneous hollow circular cylinders, with no recourse to the basic theory or the equations of non-homogeneous thermoclasticity. Several numerical cases are studied, and conclusions are drawn regarding the general properties of thermal stresses in the FGM cylinder. We conclude that thermal stresses necessarily occur in the FGM cylinder, except in the trivial case of zero temperature. While heat resistance may be improved by sagaciously designing the material composition, careful attention must be paid to the fact that thermal stresses in the FGM cylinder are governed by more factors than are its homogeneous counterparts. The results that are presented here will serve as benchmarks for future related work. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A method is proposed for determining the optimal placement and controller design for multiple distributed actuators to reduce the vibrations of flexible structures. In particular, application of piezoceramic patches to a horizontally-slewing single-link flexible manipulator modeled using the assumed modes method is investigated. The optimization method uses simulated annealing and allows placement of any number of distributed actuators of unequal length, although piezoceramics of fixed equal lengths are used in the example. It also designs an linear-quadratic-regulator controller as part of the optimization procedure. The measures of performance used in the investigation to determine optimality are the total mass of the system and the time integral of the absolute value of the hub and tip position error. This study also varies the relative weightings for each of these performance measures to observe the effects on the controller designs and piezoceramic patch positions in the optimized solutions.


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The objective was to describe the relationship between epidemiological and biomechanical factors in the causal pathway of inflatable rescue boat (IRB)-related injuries in Australian surf lifesavers; to develop epidemiological and biomechanical methodologies and measurement instruments that identify and measure the risk factors, for use in future epidemiological studies. Epidemiological and biomechanical models of injury causation were combined. Host, agent and environmental factors that influenced total available force for transfer to host were specified. Measurement instruments for each of the specified risk factors were developed. Instruments were piloted in a volunteer sample of surf lifesavers. Participant characteristics were recorded using demographic questionnaires; IRB operating techniques were recorded using a custom-made on-board camera (Grand RF-Guard) and images of operating techniques were coded by two independent observers. Ground reaction forces transmitted to the host through the lifesaver's feet at the time of wave impact were measured using a custom-built piezoelectric force platform. The demographic questionnaire was found practical; the on-board camera functioned successfully within the target environment. Agreement between independent coders of IRB operating technique images was significant (p < 0.001) with Kappa values ranging from 0.5 to 0.7. Biomechanical instruments performed successfully in the target environment. Peak biomechanical forces were 415.6N (left foot) and 252.9N (right foot). This study defines the relationship between epidemiological and biomechanical factors in modifying the risk of IRB-related injury in a population of surf lifesavers. Preliminary feasibility of combining epidemiological and biomechanical information has been demonstrated. Further testing of the proposed model and measurement instruments is required.


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This work deals with the random free vibration of functionally graded laminates with general boundary conditions and subjected to a temperature change, taking into account the randomness in a number of independent input variables such as Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and thermal expansion coefficient of each constituent material. Based on third-order shear deformation theory, the mixed-type formulation and a semi-analytical approach are employed to derive the standard eigenvalue problem in terms of deflection, mid-plane rotations and stress function. A mean-centered first-order perturbation technique is adopted to obtain the second-order statistics of vibration frequencies. A detailed parametric study is conducted, and extensive numerical results are presented in both tabular and graphical forms for laminated plates that contain functionally graded material which is made of aluminum and zirconia, showing the effects of scattering in thermo-clastic material constants, temperature change, edge support condition, side-to-thickness ratio, and plate aspect ratio on the stochastic characteristics of natural frequencies. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Understanding arterial distensibility has shown to be important in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular abnormalities like hypertension. It is also known that arterial pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a measure of the elasticity or stiffness of peripheral arterial blood vessels. However, it generally requires complex instrumentations to have an accurate measurement and not suited for continual monitoring. In this paper, it describes a simple and non-intrusive method to detect the cardiovascular pulse from a human wrist above the radial artery and a fingertip. The main components of this proposed method are a piezoelectric transducer and a photo-plethysmography circuitry. 5 healthy adults (4 male) with age ranging from 25 to 38 years were recruited. The timing consistency of the detected pulsations is first evaluated and compared to that obtained from a commercial electrocardiogram. Furthermore, the derived PWV is then assessed by the predicted values attained from regression equations of two previous similar studies. The results show good correlations (p < 0.05) and similarities for the former and latter respectively. The simplicity and non-invasive nature of the proposed method can be attractive for even younger or badly disturbed patients. Moreover, it can be used for prolonged monitoring for the comfort of the patients.


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The aim of this research was to assess the effect of oxygenated hydrocarbons on the knocking characteristics of an engine when blended with low-leaded gasoline. Alcohols, ethers, esters and ketones were tested individually and in various combinations up to an oxygen content of 4% wt/wt in a blend with Series F-7 gasoline of 90, 92, 94 and 96 RON. Tests were carried out at wide open throttle, constant speed and standard timing setting. Engine speed was varied using a dynamometer and knock was detected by two piezoelectric transducers, one on the cylinder head monitoring all four cylinders and one monitoring the cylinder most prone to knock. The engine speeds associated with trace and light knock of a continuous nature were noted. Curves were produced for each oxygenate blend of base RON used against engine speed for the two knock conditions which were compared with those produced using pure Series F-7 fuels. From this a suggested RON of the blend was derived. RON increase was less when using a higher RON base fuel in the blend. Most individual oxygenates showed similar effects in similar concentrations when their oxygen content was comparable. Blends containing more than one oxygenate showed some variation with methanol/MTBE/3 methylbutan-2-one and methanol/MTBE/4 methyl pentan-2-one knocking less than expected and methanol/MTBE/TBA also showing good knock resistance. Further tests to optimise initial findings suggested a blend of methanol and MTBE to be superior although partial replacement of MTBE by 4 methyl pentan-2-one resulted in a fuel of comparable performance. Exhaust emissions were tested for a number of oxygenated blends in 2-star gasoline. 2-star and 4-star fuels were also tested for reference. All oxygenate blends reduced carbon monoxide emissions as expected and hydrocarbon emissions were also reduced. The largest reduction in carbon monoxide occurred using a 14.5 % (1 : 1 : 1) methanol/MTBE/4 methyl pentan-2-one blend. Hydrocarbon emissions were most markedly reduced by a blend containing 25.5 % 4 methyl pentan-2-one. Power output was tested for the blends and indicated a maximum increase of about 5 % at low engine speeds. The most advantageous blends were methanol/4 methyl pentan-2-one (6 : 5) 11% in 2-star and methanol/MTBE/4 methyl pentan-2-one (6 : 3 : 2) 11% in 2-star. In conclusion methanol/MTBE (6 : 5) and (5 : 5), and various combinations of methanol/MTBE/4 methyl pentan-2-one, notably (6 : 3 : 2) gave good results in all tests conducted. CFR testing of these blends showed them to increase both RON and MON substantially.


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The aim of the research work described in this thesis was to investigate the interrogation of fibre optic sensors using "off the shelf optical components and equipment developed mainly for the telecommunications industry. This provides a cost effective way of bringing fibre optic sensor systems to within the price range of their electro-mechanical counterparts. The research work focuses on the use of an arrayed waveguide grating, an acousto-optic tuneable filter and low-coherence interferometry to measure dynamic strain and displacement using fibre Bragg grating and interferometric sensors. Based on the intrinsic properties of arrayed waveguide gratings and acousto-optic tuneable filters used in conjunction with interferometry, fibre Bragg gratings and interferometric sensors a number of novel fibre optic sensor interrogation systems have been realised. Special single mode fibre, namely, high-birefringence fibre has been employed to implement a dual-beam interrogating interferometer. The first interrogation scheme is based on an optical channel monitor, which is an arrayed waveguide grating with integral photo-detectors providing a number of amplified electrical outputs. It is used to interrogate fibre Bragg grating and interferometric sensors. Using the properties of polarisation maintainability in high-birefringent fibre an interrogating interferometer was realised by winding a length of the fibre around a piezoelectric modulator generating a low-frequency carrier signal. The system was used to interrogate both fibre Bragg grating and interferometric sensors. Finally, the use of an acousto-optic tuneable filter is employed to interrogate fibre Bragg gratings. The device is used to generate a very high frequency carrier signal at the output of an optical interferometer.


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A system for the NDI' testing of the integrity of conposite materials and of adhesive bonds has been developed to meet industrial requirements. The vibration techniques used were found to be applicable to the development of fluid measuring transducers. The vibrational spectra of thin rectangular bars were used for the NDT work. A machined cut in a bar had a significant effect on the spectrum but a genuine crack gave an unambiguous response at high amplitudes. This was the generation of fretting crack noise at frequencies far above that of the drive. A specially designed vibrational decrement meter which, in effect, measures mechanical energy loss enabled a numerical classification of material adhesion to be obtained. This was used to study bars which had been flame or plasma sprayed with a variety of materials. It has become a useful tool in optimising coating methods. A direct industrial application was to classify piston rings of high performance I.C. engines. Each consists of a cast iron ring with a channel into which molybdenum, a good bearing surface, is sprayed. The NDT classification agreed quite well with the destructive test normally used. The techniques and equipment used for the NOT work were applied to the development of the tuning fork transducers investigated by Hassan into commercial density and viscosity devices. Using narrowly spaced, large area tines a thin lamina of fluid is trapped between them. It stores a large fraction of the vibrational energy which, acting as an inertia load reduces the frequency. Magnetostrictive and piezoelectric effects together or in combination enable the fork to be operated through a flange. This allows it to be used in pipeline or 'dipstick' applications. Using a different tine geometry the viscosity loading can be predoninant. This as well as the signal decrement of the density transducer makes a practical viscometer.


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PURPOSE. To investigate objectively and noninvasively the role of cognitive demand on autonomic control of systemic cardiovascular and ocular accommodative responses in emmetropes and myopes of late-onset. METHODS. Sixteen subjects (10 men, 6 women) aged between 18 and 34 years (mean ± SD: 22.6 ± 4.4 years), eight emmetropes (EMMs; mean spherical equivalent [MSE] refractive error ± SD: 0.05 ± 0.24 D) and eight with late-onset myopia (LOMs; MSE ± SD: -3.66 ± 2.31 D) participated in the study. Subjects viewed stationary numerical digits monocularly within a Badal optical system (at both 0.0 and -3.0 D) while performing a two-alternative, forced-choice paradigm that matched cognitive loading across subjects. Five individually matched cognitive levels of increasing difficulty were used in random order for each subject. Five 20-second, continuous-objective recordings of the accommodative response measured with an open-view infrared autorefractor were obtained for each cognitive level, whereas simultaneous measurement of heart rate was continuously recorded with a finger-mounted piezoelectric pulse transducer for 5 minutes. Fast Fourier transformation of cardiovascular function allowed the relative power of the autonomic components to be assessed in the frequency domain, whereas heart period gave an indication of the time-domain response. RESULTS. Increasing the cognitive demand led to a significant reduction in the accommodative response in all subjects (0.0 D: by -0.35 ± 0.33 D; -3.0 D: by -0.31 ± 0.40 D, P < 0.001). The greater lag of LOMs compared with EMMs was not significant (P = 0.07) at both distance (0.38 ± 0.35 D) and near (0.14 ± 0.42 D). Mean heart period reduced with increasing levels of workload (P < 0.0005). LOMs exhibited a relative elevation in sympathetic system activity compared to EMMs. Within refractive groups, however, accommodative shifts with increasing cognition correlated with parasympathetic activity (r = 0.99, P < 0.001), more than with sympathetic activity (r = 0.62, P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS. In an equivalent workload paradigm, increasing cognitive demand caused a reduction in accommodative response that was attributable principally to a concurrent reduction in the relative power of the parasympathetic component of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The disparity in accommodative response between EMMs and LOMs, however, appears to be augmented by changes in the sympathetic nervous component of the systemic ANS. Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.