995 resultados para off-bottom swimming


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Various chemical and non-chemical treatments were tested for their efficacy against damping-off in papaya seedlings caused by Pythium aphanidermatum. Three-week-old papaya seedlings were placed in a climate controlled experimental chamber and inoculated with macerated mycelium of P. aphanidermatum. Propamocarb as Previcur was found to be most effective at managing damping-off in papaya seedlings.


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When an older driver has a crash with tragic consequences, there are calls for stricter licensing controls to detect “unfit” drivers and take their licences away, typically focusing on those aged 75 or over. When the crash records for older drivers are compared across jurisdictions, however, there is no observable impact of any restrictions. This includes compulsory re-testing, which is strongly advocated by the public but is not supported by the research.


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Knowledge of cattle tick (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus; Acari: Ixodidae) molecular and cellular pathways has been hampered by the lack of an annotated genome. In addition, most of the tick expressed sequence tags (ESTs) available to date consist of similar to 50% unassigned sequences without predicted functions. The most common approach to address this has been the application of RNA interference (RNAi) methods to investigate genes and their pathways. This approach has been widely adopted in tick research despite minimal knowledge of the tick RNAi pathway and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) uptake mechanisms. A strong knockdown phenotype of adult female ticks had previously been observed using a 594 bp dsRNA targeting the cattle tick homologue for the Drosophila Ubiquitin-63E gene leading to nil or deformed eggs. A NimbleGen cattle tick custom microarray based on the BmiGI.V2 database of R. microplus ESTs was used to evaluate the expression of mRNAs harvested from ticks treated with the tick Ubiquitin-63E 594 bp dsRNA compared with controls. A total of 144 ESTs including TC6372 (Ubiquitin-63E) were down-regulated with 136 ESTs up-regulated following treatment. The results obtained substantiated the knockdown phenotype with ESTs identified as being associated with ubiquitin proteolysis as well as oogenesis, embryogenesis, fatty acid synthesis and stress responses. A bioinformatics analysis was undertaken to predict off-target effects (OTE) resulting from the in silico dicing of the 594 bp Ubiquitin-63E dsRNA which identified 10 down-regulated ESTs (including TC6372) within the list of differentially expressed probes on the microarrays. Subsequent knockdown experiments utilising 196 and 109 bp dsRNAs, and a cocktail of short hairpin RNAs (shRNA) targeting Ubiquitin-63E, demonstrated similar phenotypes for the dsRNAs but nil effect following shRNA treatment. Quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR analysis confirmed differential expression of TC6372 and selected ESTs. Our study demonstrated the minimisation of predicted OTEs in the shorter dsRNA treatments (similar to 100-200 bp) and the usefulness of microarrays to study knockdown phenotypes.


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In recent years more and more complex humanoid robots have been developed. On the other hand programming these systems has become more difficult. There is a clear need for such robots to be able to adapt and perform certain tasks autonomously, or even learn by themselves how to act. An important issue to tackle is the closing of the sensorimotor loop. Especially when talking about humanoids the tight integration of perception with actions will allow for improved behaviours, embedding adaptation on the lower-level of the system.


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Stochastic growth models were fitted to length-increment data of eastern king prawns, Melicertus plebejus (Hess, 1865), tagged across eastern Australia. The estimated growth parameters and growth transition matrix are for each sex representative of the species' geographical distribution. Our study explicitly displays the stochastic nature of prawn growth. Capturing length-increment growth heterogeneity for short-lived exploited species such as prawns that cannot be readily aged is essential for length-based modelling and improved management.


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Precaudal vertebral counts were used to distinguish between 237 morphologically similar Carcharhinus limbatus and Carcharhinus tilstoni and were congruent with differences in reproductive ecology between the species. In addition to differing lengths at maturity and adult body size, the two species had asynchronous parturition, were born at different sizes and the relative frequencies of neonates differed in two coastal nursery areas. Despite evidence that hybridization can occur, these differences suggest the species are largely reproductively isolated.


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Reef-building corals are an example of plastic photosynthetic organisms that occupy environments of high spatiotemporal variations in incident irradiance. Many phototrophs use a range of photoacclimatory mechanisms to optimize light levels reaching the photosynthetic units within the cells. In this study, we set out to determine whether phenotypic plasticity in branching corals across light habitats optimizes potential light utilization and photosynthesis. In order to do this, we mapped incident light levels across coral surfaces in branching corals and measured the photosynthetic capacity across various within-colony surfaces. Based on the field data and modelled frequency distribution of within-colony surface light levels, our results show that branching corals are substantially self-shaded at both 5 and 18 m, and the modal light level for the within-colony surface is 50 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). Light profiles across different locations showed that the lowest attenuation at both depths was found on the inner surface of the outermost branches, while the most self-shading surface was on the bottom side of these branches. In contrast, vertically extended branches in the central part of the colony showed no differences between the sides of branches. The photosynthetic activity at these coral surfaces confirmed that the outermost branches had the greatest change in sun- and shade-adapted surfaces; the inner surfaces had a 50 % greater relative maximum electron transport rate compared to the outer side of the outermost branches. This was further confirmed by sensitivity analysis, showing that branch position was the most influential parameter in estimating whole-colony relative electron transport rate (rETR). As a whole, shallow colonies have double the photosynthetic capacity compared to deep colonies. In terms of phenotypic plasticity potentially optimizing photosynthetic capacity, we found that at 18 m, the present coral colony morphology increased the whole-colony rETR, while at 5 m, the colony morphology decreased potential light utilization and photosynthetic output. This result of potential energy acquisition being underutilized in shallow, highly lit waters due to the shallow type morphology present may represent a trade-off between optimizing light capture and reducing light damage, as this type morphology can perhaps decrease long-term costs of and effect of photoinhibition. This may be an important strategy as opposed to adopting a type morphology, which results in an overall higher energetic acquisition. Conversely, it could also be that maximizing light utilization and potential photosynthetic output is more important in low-light habitats for Acropora humilis.


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For 25 years, Woolworths told shoppers they were “the fresh food people”. It was a very clear point of difference and delivered the group a sustainable competitive advantage. Any attempt by a competitor to replicate it would have been dismissed as lacking credence; a simple market-follower strategy.


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Flight directionality of the rust-red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), was investigated under glasshouse and field conditions using sticky traps placed around dense experimental infestations of T. castaneum derived from field-collected samples. Although beetles of this species are known to fly quite readily, information on flight of beetles away from grain resources is limited. Under still glasshouse conditions, T. castaneum does not demonstrate strong horizontal or vertical trajectories in their initial flight behaviour. Flight was significantly directional in half of the replicates, but trapped beetles were only weakly concentrated around the mean direction of flight. In the field, by contrast, emigration of T. castaneum was strongly directional soon after flight initiation. The mean vector lengths were generally >0.5 which indicates that trapped beetles were strongly concentrated around the calculated mean flight direction. A circular-circular regression of mean flight vs. mean downwind direction suggested that flight direction was generally correlated with downwind direction. The mean height at which T. castaneum individuals initially flew was 115.4 ± 7.0 cm, with 58.3% of beetles caught no more than 1 m above the ground. The height at which beetles were trapped did not correlate with wind speed at the time of sampling, but the data do indicate that wind speed significantly affected T. castaneum flight initiation, because no beetles (or very few; no more than three) were trapped in the field when the mean wind speed was above 3 m s−1. This study thus demonstrates that wind speed and direction are both important aspects of flight behaviour of T. castaneum, and therefore of the spatio-temporal dynamics of this species.


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The exact expressions for the partition function (Q) and the coefficient of specific heat at constant volume (Cv) for a rotating-anharmonic oscillator molecule, including coupling and rotational cut-off, have been formulated and values of Q and Cv have been computed in the temperature range of 100 to 100,000 K for O2, N2 and H2 gases. The exact Q and Cv values are also compared with the corresponding rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator (infinite rotational and vibrational levels) and rigid-rotator anharmonic-oscillator (infinite rotational levels) values. The rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator approximation can be accepted for temperatures up to about 5000 K for O2 and N2. Beyond these temperatures the error in Cv will be significant, because of anharmonicity and rotational cut-off effects. For H2, the rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator approximation becomes unacceptable even for temperatures as low as 2000 K.


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Abstract is not available.


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Assessing build-up and wash-off process uncertainty is important for accurate interpretation of model outcomes to facilitate informed decision making for developing effective stormwater pollution mitigation strategies. Uncertainty inherent to pollutant build-up and wash-off processes influences the variations in pollutant loads entrained in stormwater runoff from urban catchments. However, build-up and wash-off predictions from stormwater quality models do not adequately represent such variations due to poor characterisation of the variability of these processes in mathematical models. The changes to the mathematical form of current models with the incorporation of process variability, facilitates accounting for process uncertainty without significantly affecting the model prediction performance. Moreover, the investigation of uncertainty propagation from build-up to wash-off confirmed that uncertainty in build-up process significantly influences wash-off process uncertainty. Specifically, the behaviour of particles <150µm during build-up primarily influences uncertainty propagation, resulting in appreciable variations in the pollutant load and composition during a wash-off event.


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Uncertainty inherent to heavy metal build-up and wash-off stems from process variability. This results in inaccurate interpretation of stormwater quality model predictions. The research study has characterised the variability in heavy metal build-up and wash-off processes based on the temporal variations in particle-bound heavy metals commonly found on urban roads. The study outcomes found that the distribution of Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were consistent over particle size fractions <150µm and >150µm, with most metals concentrated in the particle size fraction <150µm. When build-up and wash-off are considered as independent processes, the temporal variations in these processes in relation to the heavy metals load are consistent with variations in the particulate load. However, the temporal variations in the load in build-up and wash-off of heavy metals and particulates are not consistent for consecutive build-up and wash-off events that occur on a continuous timeline. These inconsistencies are attributed to interactions between heavy metals and particulates <150µm and >150µm, which are influenced by particle characteristics such as organic matter content. The behavioural variability of particles determines the variations in the heavy metals load entrained in stormwater runoff. Accordingly, the variability in build-up and wash-off of particle-bound pollutants needs to be characterised in the description of pollutant attachment to particulates in stormwater quality modelling. This will ensure the accounting of process uncertainty, and thereby enhancing the interpretation of the outcomes derived from modelling studies.