982 resultados para muscle biochemical profile
Background: In this study we evaluated the rehabilitation profile of Brazilian soccer players which underwent lower limb muscle lesions.Methods: This is a descriptive investigation. We evaluated 139 professional soccer players (1724 years old). We evaluated the following variables: muscle lesion diagnosis, symptoms, non steroidal anti-inflammatory used, physiotherapy treatment, which physiotherapy recourses was used if treated and train adaptation.Results: In great part of the athletes muscle lesion remained between 2 weeks and 1 month. Around 54% were diagnosed by a physician; the other part was diagnosed by a physical therapist. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory were prescribed by physicians in 42% of the cases; in 7% the physical therapist prescribed the medication while in 49% of the cases the masseur prescribed the drug. More than 1/4 of the athletes received physiotherapy treatement between 48 hours and 5 days. Isometric exercise therapy was applied in 15% of the cases. 63% were not accompanied by the physiotherapist on their return to the field. 48% received massages immediately after injury.Conclusion: We presented discrepancy between the recommended theory described by several researches and the practice. We indicate the necessity of recycling in a general context the rehabilitation of muscle injuries.
Objective This study investigated how consumption of orange juice associated with aerobic training affected serum lipids and physical characteristics of overweight middle-aged womenMethods The experimental group consisted of 13 women who consumed 500 mL/d of orange juice and did 1 h aerobic training 3 times a week for 3 months The control group consisted of another 13 women who did the same aerobic training program but did not consume orange juiceResults At the end of the experiment the control group lost an average of 15% of fat mass (P < 0 05) and 25% of weight (P < 0 05) whereas the experimental group lost 11% of fat mass and 1 2% of weight (P < 0 05) Consumption of orange juice by the experimental group was associated with Increased dietary intake of vitamin C and folate by 126% and 61% respectively Serum LDL-C decreased 15% (P < 0 05) and HDL-C increased 18% (P < 0 05) in the experimental group but no significant change was observed in the control group Both groups improved the anaerobic threshold by 20% (P < 0 05) but blood lactate concentration decreased 27% in the experimental group compared to the 17% control group suggesting that experimental group has less muscle fatigue and better response to trainingConclusions The consumption of 500 mL/d of orange juice associated with aerobic training in overweight women decreased cardiovascular disease risk by reducing LDL-C levels and increasing HDL-C levels This association also decreased blood lactate concentration and increased anaerobic threshold showing some improvement in the physical performance (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Portadores de insuficiência renal crônica em diálise apresentam alta prevalência de desnutrição proteico-energética. Não existe ainda um método uniforme para avaliar o estado nutricional desses pacientes. Recomenda-se a aplicação de um conjunto de métodos subjetivos e objetivos para se chegar aos diagnósticos nutricionais adequados. O objetivo deste estudo é traçar o perfil nutricional de pacientes submetidos a hemodiálise. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal descritivo realizado na Unidade de Tratamento Dialítico de Araraquara, São Paulo, Brasil, em 2008. MÉTODOS: 48 pacientes tiveram seus indicadores antropométricos e bioquímicos caracterizados, sendo também submetidos ao questionário Avaliação Global Subjetiva modificada (SGAm), verificando-se possíveis correlações entre esses indicadores. RESULTADOS: A frequência de desnutrição moderada e grave variou de 22% a 54%, de acordo com o parâmetro utilizado. Com relação à adequação do peso ideal, 29% da amostra estavam com porcentagem de adequação abaixo do percentil 75, classificados como portadores de desnutrição moderada e grave. As correlações mais significativas foram observadas entre índice de massa corporal (IMC) e adequações de prega triciptal (PCT), circunferência do braço (CB) e circunferência muscular do braço (CMB); e entre o SGAm e adequações de CB e CMB. CONCLUSÃO: A desnutrição apresentou grande variabilidade de frequência entre os pacientes de acordo com o critério escolhido para avaliação. O acompanhamento nutricional de rotina e a validação de métodos que avaliem a composição corporal desses pacientes são de extrema importância para diagnosticar precocemente a desnutrição e assim prevenir complicações e reduzir as taxas de morbimortalidade nesta população.
Food restriction (FR) has been shown to induce important morphological changes in rat myocardium. However, its influence on myocardial performance is not completely defined. We examined the effects of chronic FR on cardiac muscle function and morphology. Sixty-day-old Wistar-Kyoto rats were fed a control (C) or a restricted diet (daily intake reduced to 50% of the amount of food consumed by the control group) for 90 days. Myocardial performance was studied in isolated left ventricular (LV) papillary muscle. Fragments of the LV free wall were analysed by light microscopy, and the ultrastructure of the myocardium was examined in the LV papillary muscle. The myocardial collagen concentration was also evaluated. FR decreased body weight (BW) and LV weight (LVW); the LVW/BW ratio was higher in the restricted group (C, 1.86 +/- 0.17 mg/g; FR, 2.19 +/- 0.31 mg/g; p < 0.01). In the FR animals, the cardiac fibers were polymorphic, some of them were of small diameter and others presented lateral infoldings; the ultrastructural alterations were focal and included reduction of sarcoplasmic content, absence and (or) disorganization of myofilaments and Z line, numerous electron dense and polymorphic mitochondria, and deep infoldings of the plasma membrane. The hydroxyproline concentration was higher in the FR animals (p < 0.01). FR prolonged the contraction and relaxation time of the papillary muscle and did not change its ability to contract and shorten. In conclusion, although a 90-day period of FR caused striking myocardial ultrastructural alterations and increased the collagen concentration, it only minimally affected the mechanical function.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), since 1996, represented a profound impact on the natural history of HIV-infection by promoting important and sustainable viral replication suppression and increasing survival and quality of life among seropositive patients. Nonetheless, antiretroviral therapy has been observed to be accompanied by metabolic alterations such as dyslipidemia, especially hypertriglyceridemia, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and lipodystrophy (body fat redistribution). Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a correlation between high triglyceride (TG) levels and higher incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD). Some investigators suggest dietary intervention as part of hyperlipidemia treatment, including an increase in soluble fiber intake (10-25g/day). Whereas some studies have demonstrated that both cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels decrease with the use of food fiber, others have shown just a serum triglyceride decrease, and others failed to observe any alteration in lipid metabolism. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of soluble fiber (R) (partially hydrolyzed guar gum) supplementation on hypertriglyceridemia and immune profile in HIVpositive individuals on HAART. Nineteen HIV-positive individuals with hypertriglyceridemia (serum levels >= 150 to < 500mg/dl) were studied. of these individuals, 63.16% were males and 36.84% females, with mean age of 43.52 +/- 9.22 years. These individuals had been on the same HAART regimen for at least six months, had no change in therapy during the study and received 20g/day of soluble fiber for four months at pre-established times. Clinical-nutritional, biochemical (total proteins, albumin, globulin, total cholesterol, LDL-c, HDL-c, TG, TG/HDL-c and LDLc/HDL-c), hematimetric (hemoglobin, hematocrit and total lymphocytes), and immunologic (lymphocytes T CD4(+), T CD8(+); T CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio, viral load, TNF-alpha and IL-6) parameters were assessed in all patients at three time points (M0: pretreatment, M1: 30 days, and M2: four months after intervention). Significance level was set at 5% for all data statistically analyzed. Serum TG and TG/HDL-c ratio reduction was observed at all time points, but statistical significance was found just at M0 and M2. The remaining biochemical, hematimetric and immunologic parameters (lymphocytes T CD4(+), T CD8(+); T CD4(+)/ CD8(+) ratio, and viral load) showed no significant difference at all times. Regarding serum cytokines, TNF-alpha and IL-6 significantly decreased between M0 and M2, and only IL-6 reduced between M1 and M2. The data collected show that dietary and anthropometric parameters remained unchanged excluding potential confounding factors related with the effect of fiber supplementation on serum TG, TNF-alpha and IL-6. Thus, soluble fiber (R) contributed to an important reduction in hypertriglyceridemia and in the serum levels of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-6 in HIV-seropositive individuals on HAART. In addition, soluble fiber (R) might have minimized the process of atherosclerosis in these individuals, given that elevated serum levels of TG, TNF-alpha and IL-6 have been associated with the development of these lesions.
Background: There is no evidence about the integrated issue on glycemia, lipid profile, oxidative stress, and anomaly frequency of pregnant diabetic rats neonatally exposed to streptozotocin.Objective: Evaluating the impact of hyperglycemia in diabetic rats neonatally exposed to streptozotocin on maternal reproductive and fetal outcomes and the relationship with lipid profile and maternal oxidative stress.Material and Methods: Ten 90-day-old female Wistar rats were mated to obtain offspring. Some of these newborns received streptozotocin (70 mg/kg, i.p. - n5-STZ group) and the remainder given only citrate buffer (control group) on their day 5 of life. At adult life, these rats (n =13 animals/group) were mated and, at day 21 of pregnancy, they were killed to obtain a maternal blood samples for biochemical determinations. The gravid uterus was weighed with its contents and fetuses were analyzed.Results: At day 0 of pregnancy, glycemic means of n5-STZ rats were significantly greater compared to those of control rats, but presented fetuses classified as small for pregnancy age. The n5-STZ rats showed increased total cholesterol, triglycerides, MDA concentrations, lower SOD activity and increased frequency fetal visceral anomalies as compared to the control group.Conclusion: This study showed that the experimental model used led to mild hyperglycemia during pregnancy, although it did not lead to increased macrosomic fetus rates. The hyperglycemic maternal environment caused metabolic alterations, including increased triglyceride and total cholesterol concentrations, and elevated oxidative stress, contributing to increase fetal visceral anomalies.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Three semen samples were collected at 48 It intervals from 20 mature research dogs previously conditioned to manual semen collection. Vasectomy was performed in all dogs, and 15 days after surgery, another three ejaculates were similarly collected. The semen was evaluated, and centrifuged to obtain seminal plasma for measurement of pH, and concentrations of total proteins (TP), total chlorides (Cl), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), and sodium (Na). The seminal plasma protein profile was evaluated by SDS-PAGE; molecular weights and the integrated optical density (IOD) of each band were estimated. There was a negative correlation between K concentration and progressive motility (r = -0.49, P = 0.027), sperm vigor (r = -0.60, P = 0.0053), and plasma integrity, evaluated by both the hypo-osmotic swelling test (r = -0.50, P = 0.026) and a fluorescent stain (r = -0.45, P = 0.046). Positive correlations between Na and K pre- and post-vasectomy (r = 0.88, P < 0.001; r = 0.56, P < 0.01, respectively) were verified. There were a total of 37 bands pre-vasectomy and 35 post-vasectomy (range, 100.6-3.6 kDa). Bands B9 and B13 (42.6 and 29.2 kDa) were not present post-vasectomy. The IOD of band B3 (73.5 kDa) was higher (P 0.03) pre-vasectomy, compared to post-vasectomy; conversely, the IODs of bands B29 and B37 (7.8 and 3.6 kDa) increased (P 0.026 and 0.047). Pre-vasectomy, there was a positive correlation (r = 0.49, P = 0.029) between band B37 band (3.6 kDa) and the Na:K ratio. In conclusion, K appeared to be involved in sperm motility in dogs and could be a tool to evaluate sperm function. The prostate contributed several elements to canine seminal plasma. Vasectomy changed Ca concentrations and the protein profile of the seminal plasma. Further studies must be performed to clarify the function of these elements on the in vivo fertility of dogs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The activities of the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LD), creatine kinase (CK), amylase (AMS) and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) have been used to assess the toxic effects of xenobiotics that have hypoglycaemic action in hepatic, pancreatic, renal and muscle tissue. Using a validated experimental model of diabetes mellitus in rats, we ascertained whether this syndrome itself affected the serum activities of these enzymes over a 53-day period. Levels of hepatic enzymes AST, ALT and ALP were higher in the streptozotocin (STZ)diabetic rats (group D), but were controlled by insulin therapy (group DI). AMS was reduced in group D and unchanged in group DI rats. Proteinuria was detected 1 day after STZ administation and partially controlled by insulin (group DI); its early presence in group D rats, and the lack of any change in serum ACE in this group, indicates that proteinuria is the better marker for microangiopathy. Microscopic examination of liver, kidney, heart and skeletal muscles (soleus and extensor digitorum longus) revealed various alterations in group D rat tissues, which were less pronounced in group DI. The liver, pancreas and kidney tissue-damage was consistent with the altered serum levels of AST, ALT, ALP and AMS and proteinuria. We conclude that: (i) rigorous control is required when these serum-enzyme levels are used as indicators of tissue toxicity in experimental diabetes, and (ii) LD, CK and bilirubin serum levels, which are unaffected by diabetes, can be used when testing effects of xenobiotics on tissues.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)