939 resultados para mathematical equation correction approach
The goal of this paper is to present an approximation scheme for a reaction-diffusion equation with finite delay, which has been used as a model to study the evolution of a population with density distribution u, in such a way that the resulting finite dimensional ordinary differential system contains the same asymptotic dynamics as the reaction-diffusion equation.
In this work we study, in the framework of Colombeau`s generalized functions, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation with a given initial condition. We have obtained theorems on existence of solutions and in some cases uniqueness. Our technique is adapted from the classical method of characteristics with a wide use of generalized functions. We were led also to obtain some general results on invertibility and also on ordinary differential equations of such generalized functions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Approximate Lie symmetries of the Navier-Stokes equations are used for the applications to scaling phenomenon arising in turbulence. In particular, we show that the Lie symmetries of the Euler equations are inherited by the Navier-Stokes equations in the form of approximate symmetries that allows to involve the Reynolds number dependence into scaling laws. Moreover, the optimal systems of all finite-dimensional Lie subalgebras of the approximate symmetry transformations of the Navier-Stokes are constructed. We show how the scaling groups obtained can be used to introduce the Reynolds number dependence into scaling laws explicitly for stationary parallel turbulent shear flows. This is demonstrated in the framework of a new approach to derive scaling laws based on symmetry analysis [11]-[13].
In [H. Brezis, A. Friedman, Nonlinear parabolic equations involving measures as initial conditions, J. Math. Pure Appl. (9) (1983) 73-97.] Brezis and Friedman prove that certain nonlinear parabolic equations, with the delta-measure as initial data, have no solution. However in [J.F. Colombeau, M. Langlais, Generalized solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations with distributions as initial conditions, J. Math. Anal. Appl (1990) 186-196.] Colombeau and Langlais prove that these equations have a unique solution even if the delta-measure is substituted by any Colombeau generalized function of compact support. Here we generalize Colombeau and Langlais` result proving that we may take any generalized function as the initial data. Our approach relies on recent algebraic and topological developments of the theory of Colombeau generalized functions and results from [J. Aragona, Colombeau generalized functions on quasi-regular sets, Publ. Math. Debrecen (2006) 371-399.]. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We study the existence and stability of periodic travelling-wave solutions for generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony and Camassa-Holm equations. To prove orbital stability, we use the abstract results of Grillakis-Shatah-Strauss and the Floquet theory for periodic eigenvalue problems.
This paper examines the relationships among per capita CO2 emissions, per capita GDP and international trade based on panel data sets spanning the period 1960-2008: one for 150 countries and the others for sub-samples comprising OECD and Non-OECD economies. We apply panel unit root and cointegration tests, and estimate a panel error correction model. The results from the error correction model suggest that there are long-term relationships between the variables for the whole sample and for Non-OECD countries. Finally, Granger causality tests show that there is bi-directional short-term causality between per capita GDP and international trade for the whole sample and between per capita GDP and CO2 emissions for OECD countries
In this paper we describe our system for automatically extracting "correct" programs from proofs using a development of the Curry-Howard process. Although program extraction has been developed by many authors, our system has a number of novel features designed to make it very easy to use and as close as possible to ordinary mathematical terminology and practice. These features include 1. the use of Henkin's technique to reduce higher-order logic to many-sorted (first-order) logic; 2. the free use of new rules for induction subject to certain conditions; 3. the extensive use of previously programmed (total, recursive) functions; 4. the use of templates to make the reasoning much closer to normal mathematical proofs and 5. a conceptual distinction between the computational type theory (for representing programs)and the logical type theory (for reasoning about programs). As an example of our system we give a constructive proof of the well known theorem that every graph of even parity, which is non-trivial in the sense that it does not consist of isolated vertices, has a cycle. Given such a graph as input, the extracted program produces a cycle as promised.
Durante a análise sísmica de estruturas complexas, o modelo matemático empregado deveria incluir não só as distribuicões irregulares de massas e de rigidezes senão também à natureza tridimensional da ecitação sísmica. Na prática, o elevado número de graus de liberdade involucrado limita este tipo de análise à disponibilidade de grandes computadoras. Este trabalho apresenta um procedimento simplificado, para avaliar a amplificação do movimento sísmico em camadas de solos. Sua aplicação permitiria estabelecer critérios a partir dos quais avalia-se a necessidade de utilizar modelos de interação solo-estrutura mais complexos que os utilizados habitualmente. O procedimento proposto possui as seguientes características : A- Movimento rígido da rocha definido em termos de três componentes ortagonais. Direção de propagação vertical. B- A ecuação constitutiva do solo inclui as características de não linearidade, plasticidade, dependência da história da carga, dissipação de energia e variação de volume. C- O perfil de solos é dicretizado mediante um sistema de massas concentradas. Utiliza-se uma formulação incremental das equações de movimento com integração directa no domínio do tempo. As propriedades pseudo-elásticas do solo são avaliadas em cada intervalo de integração, em função do estado de tensões resultante da acção simultânea das três componentes da excitação. O correcto funcionamento do procedimento proposto é verificado mediante análises unidimensionais (excitação horizontal) incluindo estudos comparativos com as soluções apresentadas por diversos autores. Similarmente apresentam-se análises tridimensionais (acção simultânea das três componentes da excitação considerando registros sísmicos reais. Analisa-se a influência que possui a dimensão da análise (uma análise tridimensional frente a três análises unidimensionais) na resposta de camadas de solos submetidos a diferentes níveis de exçitação; isto é, a limitação do Princípio de Superposisão de Efeitos.
Using the Pricing Equation, in a panel-data framework, we construct a novel consistent estimator of the stochastic discount factor (SDF) mimicking portfolio which relies on the fact that its logarithm is the ìcommon featureîin every asset return of the economy. Our estimator is a simple function of asset returns and does not depend on any parametric function representing preferences, making it suitable for testing di§erent preference speciÖcations or investigating intertemporal substitution puzzles.
Using the Pricing Equation in a panel-data framework, we construct a novel consistent estimator of the stochastic discount factor (SDF) which relies on the fact that its logarithm is the "common feature" in every asset return of the economy. Our estimator is a simple function of asset returns and does not depend on any parametric function representing preferences. The techniques discussed in this paper were applied to two relevant issues in macroeconomics and finance: the first asks what type of parametric preference-representation could be validated by asset-return data, and the second asks whether or not our SDF estimator can price returns in an out-of-sample forecasting exercise. In formal testing, we cannot reject standard preference specifications used in the macro/finance literature. Estimates of the relative risk-aversion coefficient are between 1 and 2, and statistically equal to unity. We also show that our SDF proxy can price reasonably well the returns of stocks with a higher capitalization level, whereas it shows some difficulty in pricing stocks with a lower level of capitalization.
It is well known that cointegration between the level of two variables (labeled Yt and yt in this paper) is a necessary condition to assess the empirical validity of a present-value model (PV and PVM, respectively, hereafter) linking them. The work on cointegration has been so prevalent that it is often overlooked that another necessary condition for the PVM to hold is that the forecast error entailed by the model is orthogonal to the past. The basis of this result is the use of rational expectations in forecasting future values of variables in the PVM. If this condition fails, the present-value equation will not be valid, since it will contain an additional term capturing the (non-zero) conditional expected value of future error terms. Our article has a few novel contributions, but two stand out. First, in testing for PVMs, we advise to split the restrictions implied by PV relationships into orthogonality conditions (or reduced rank restrictions) before additional tests on the value of parameters. We show that PV relationships entail a weak-form common feature relationship as in Hecq, Palm, and Urbain (2006) and in Athanasopoulos, Guillén, Issler and Vahid (2011) and also a polynomial serial-correlation common feature relationship as in Cubadda and Hecq (2001), which represent restrictions on dynamic models which allow several tests for the existence of PV relationships to be used. Because these relationships occur mostly with nancial data, we propose tests based on generalized method of moment (GMM) estimates, where it is straightforward to propose robust tests in the presence of heteroskedasticity. We also propose a robust Wald test developed to investigate the presence of reduced rank models. Their performance is evaluated in a Monte-Carlo exercise. Second, in the context of asset pricing, we propose applying a permanent-transitory (PT) decomposition based on Beveridge and Nelson (1981), which focus on extracting the long-run component of asset prices, a key concept in modern nancial theory as discussed in Alvarez and Jermann (2005), Hansen and Scheinkman (2009), and Nieuwerburgh, Lustig, Verdelhan (2010). Here again we can exploit the results developed in the common cycle literature to easily extract permament and transitory components under both long and also short-run restrictions. The techniques discussed herein are applied to long span annual data on long- and short-term interest rates and on price and dividend for the U.S. economy. In both applications we do not reject the existence of a common cyclical feature vector linking these two series. Extracting the long-run component shows the usefulness of our approach and highlights the presence of asset-pricing bubbles.
The thesis at hand adds to the existing literature by investigating the relationship between economic growth and outward foreign direct investments (OFDI) on a set of 16 emerging countries. Two different econometric techniques are employed: a panel data regression analysis and a time-series causality analysis. Results from the regression analysis indicate a positive and significant correlation between OFDI and economic growth. Additionally, the coefficient for the OFDI variable is robust in the sense specified by the Extreme Bound Analysis (EBA). On the other hand, the findings of the causality analysis are particularly heterogeneous. The vector autoregression (VAR) and the vector error correction model (VECM) approaches identify unidirectional Granger causality running either from OFDI to GDP or from GDP to OFDI in six countries. In four economies causality among the two variables is bidirectional, whereas in five countries no causality relationship between OFDI and GDP seems to be present.
This paper estimates the elasticity of substitution of an aggregate production function. The estimating equation is derived from the steady state of a neoclassical growth model. The data comes from the PWT in which different countries face different relative prices of the investment good and exhibit different investment-output ratios. Then, using this variation we estimate the elasticity of substitution. The novelty of our approach is that we use dynamic panel data techniques, which allow us to distinguish between the short and the long run elasticity and handle a host of econometric and substantive issues. In particular we accommodate the possibility that different countries have different total factor productivities and other country specific effects and that such effects are correlated with the regressors. We also accommodate the possibility that the regressors are correlated with the error terms and that shocks to regressors are manifested in future periods. Taking all this into account our estimation resuIts suggest that the Iong run eIasticity of substitution is 0.7, which is Iower than the eIasticity that had been used in previous macro-deveIopment exercises. We show that this lower eIasticity reinforces the power of the neoclassical mo deI to expIain income differences across countries as coming from differential distortions.
In this paper we study the question of debt sustainability from a risk management perspective. The debt accumulation equation for any country involves variables that are stochastic and closely intertwined. When these aspects are taken into consideration the notion of debt sustainability is expanded to studying the stochastic properties of the debt dynamics. We illustrate the methodology by studying the Brazilian case. We find that even though the debt could be sustainable in the absence of risk, there are paths in which it is clearly unsustainable. Furthermore, we show that properties of the debt dynamics are closely related to the spreads on sovereign dollar denominated debt.