982 resultados para histone H3 acetylation


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We have described that Galanin N-terminal fragment (1-15) [GAL(1-15)] is associated with depressive effects and also modulates the antidepressant effects induced by the 5-HT1A receptor (5-HT1AR) agonist 8-OH-DPAT. The aim of this study is to analyze the ability of GAL(1-15) to modulate 5-HT1AR at the autoreceptor and postsynaptic receptor level in rats by using quantitative autoradiography. We analyzed the effect of intracerebroventricular GAL(1-15)-3nmol (n=6) or aCSF (n=6), 10 minutes, 2 and 5 hours after the injection, on the binding characteristics of the 5-HT1AR agonist [H3]-8-OH-DPAT in sections of the Dorsal Raphe (DR) and Dorsal Hippocampus, specifically CA1 and Dentate Gyrus (DG). Student’s t-test was used to compare the experimental groups. GAL(1-15) produced a time-dependent effect on the binding of [H3]-8-OH-DPAT. In CA1 and DG, a significant increase in the KD and Bmax was observed, by 90%(p<0.05), at 10 minutes and 2 hours after injection. However, 5 hours after GAL(1-15) the only significant change remaining was the increase in Bmax at the DG. The coinjection of the GALR2 antagonist M871 blocked significantly the effects induced by GAL(1-15) in both areas. In DR, 2 hours after injection GAL(1-15) only produced a decrease in the Bmax by 20%(p<0.05). These results indicate that GAL(1-15) interacts with 5-HT1AR at the receptor level in DR and Dorsal Hippocampus. Therapeutic strategies based on these results could be developed for the treatment of depression disorders. This work has been supported by Junta de Andalucia CVI646 and Spanish Ministry of Economy PSI2013-44901-P.


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Normal skeletal muscle metabolism is essential for whole body metabolic homoeostasis and disruptions in muscle metabolism are associated with a number of chronic diseases. Transcriptional control of metabolic enzyme expression is a major regulatory mechanism for muscle metabolic processes. Substantial evidence is emerging that highlights the importance of epigenetic mechanisms in this process. This review will examine the importance of epigenetics in the regulation of muscle metabolism, with a particular emphasis on DNA methylation and histone acetylation as epigenetic control points. The emerging cross-talk between metabolism and epigenetics in the context of health and disease will also be examined. The concept of inheritance of skeletal muscle metabolic phenotypes will be discussed, in addition to emerging epigenetic therapies that could be used to alter muscle metabolism in chronic disease states.


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SAHA is a class I HDAC/HDAC6 co-inhibitor and an autophagy inducer currently undergoing clinical investigations in breast cancer patients. However, the molecular mechanism of action of SAHA in breast cancer cells remains unclear. In this study, we found that SAHA is equally effective in targeting cells of different breast cancer subtypes and tamoxifen sensitivity. Importantly, we found that down-regulation of survivin plays an important role in SAHA-induced autophagy and cell viability reduction in human breast cancer cells. SAHA decreased survivin and XIAP gene transcription, induced survivin protein acetylation and early nuclear translocation in MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. It also reduced survivin and XIAP protein stability in part through modulating the expression and activation of the 26S proteasome and heat-shock protein 90. Interestingly, targeting HDAC3 and HDAC6, but not other HDAC isoforms, by siRNA/pharmacological inhibitors mimicked the effects of SAHA in modulating the acetylation, expression, and nuclear translocation of survivin and induced autophagy in MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cancer cells. Targeting HDAC3 also mimicked the effect of SAHA in up-regulating the expression and activity of proteasome, which might lead to the reduced protein stability of survivin in breast cancer cells. In conclusion, this study provides new insights into SAHA's molecular mechanism of actions in breast cancer cells. Our findings emphasize the complexity of the regulatory roles in different HDAC isoforms and potentially assist in predicting the mechanism of novel HDAC inhibitors in targeted or combinational therapies in the future.


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L’acétylation est une modification post-traductionnelle des protéines essentielles. Elle est impliquée dans bon nombre de processus cellulaires importants comme la régulation de la structure de la chromatine et le recrutement de protéines. Deux groupes d’enzymes, soient les lysines acétyltransférases et les lysines désacétylases, régulent cette modification, autant sur les histones que sur les autres protéines. Au cours des dernières années, de petites molécules inhibitrices des désacétylases ont été découvertes. Certaines d’entre elles semblent prometteuses contre diverses maladies telles le cancer. L’acide valproïque, un inhibiteur de deux des trois classes des désacétylases, a un effet antiprolifératif chez plusieurs organismes modèles. Toutefois, les mécanismes cellulaires sous-jacents à cet effet restent encore méconnus. Ce mémoire met en lumière l’effet pH dépendant de l’acide valproïque sur différentes voies cellulaires importantes chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Il démontre que ce composé a la capacité d’inhiber la transition entre les phases G1 et S par son action sur l’expression des cyclines de la phase G1. De plus, il inhibe l’activation de la kinase principale de la voie activée suite à un stress à la paroi cellulaire. L’acide valproïque occasionne également un arrêt dans la réplication de l’ADN sans y causer de dommage. Il s’agit là d’un effet unique qui, à notre connaissance, n’est pas observable avec d’autres agents qui inhibent la progression en phase S.


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L’acétylation est une modification post-traductionnelle des protéines essentielles. Elle est impliquée dans bon nombre de processus cellulaires importants comme la régulation de la structure de la chromatine et le recrutement de protéines. Deux groupes d’enzymes, soient les lysines acétyltransférases et les lysines désacétylases, régulent cette modification, autant sur les histones que sur les autres protéines. Au cours des dernières années, de petites molécules inhibitrices des désacétylases ont été découvertes. Certaines d’entre elles semblent prometteuses contre diverses maladies telles le cancer. L’acide valproïque, un inhibiteur de deux des trois classes des désacétylases, a un effet antiprolifératif chez plusieurs organismes modèles. Toutefois, les mécanismes cellulaires sous-jacents à cet effet restent encore méconnus. Ce mémoire met en lumière l’effet pH dépendant de l’acide valproïque sur différentes voies cellulaires importantes chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Il démontre que ce composé a la capacité d’inhiber la transition entre les phases G1 et S par son action sur l’expression des cyclines de la phase G1. De plus, il inhibe l’activation de la kinase principale de la voie activée suite à un stress à la paroi cellulaire. L’acide valproïque occasionne également un arrêt dans la réplication de l’ADN sans y causer de dommage. Il s’agit là d’un effet unique qui, à notre connaissance, n’est pas observable avec d’autres agents qui inhibent la progression en phase S.


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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common, progressive neurodegenerative disease characterised by degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons, aggregation of α-synuclein and motor symptoms. Current dopamine-replacement strategies provide symptomatic relief, however their effectiveness wear off over time and their prolonged use leads to disabling side-effects in PD patients. There is therefore a critical need to develop new drugs and drug targets to protect dopaminergic neurons and their axons from degeneration in PD. Over recent years, there has been robust evidence generated showing that epigenetic dysregulation occurs in PD patients, and that epigenetic modulation is a promising therapeutic approach for PD. This article first discusses the present evidence implicating global, and dopaminergic neuron-specific, alterations in the methylome in PD, and the therapeutic potential of pharmacologically targeting the methylome. It then focuses on another mechanism of epigenetic regulation, histone acetylation, and describes how the histone acetyltransferase (HAT) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes that mediate this process are attractive therapeutic targets for PD. It discusses the use of activators and/or inhibitors of HDACs and HATs in models of PD, and how these approaches for the selective modulation of histone acetylation elicit neuroprotective effects. Finally, it outlines the potential of employing small molecule epigenetic modulators as neuroprotective therapies for PD, and the future research that will be required to determine and realise this therapeutic potential.


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Post translational modifications to metabolic enzymes regulate metabolism


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Corepressors play a crucial role in negative gene regulation and are defective in several diseases. BCoR is a corepressor for the BCL6 repressor protein. Here we describe and functionally characterize BCoR-L1, a homolog of BCoR. When tethered to a heterologous promoter, BCoR-L1 is capable of strong repression. Like other corepressors, BCoR-L1 associates with histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity. Specifically, BCoR-L1 coprecipitates with the Class II HDACs, HDAC4, HDAC5, and HDAC7, suggesting that they are involved in its role as a transcriptional repressor. BCoR-L1 also interacts with the CtBP corepressor through a CtBP-interacting motif in its amino terminus. Abrogation of the CtBP binding site within BCoR-L1 partially relieves BCoR-L1-mediated transcriptional repression. Furthermore, BCoR-L1 is located on the E-cadherin promoter, a known CtBP-regulated promoter, and represses the E-cadherin promoter activity in a reporter assay. The inhibition of BCoR-L1 expression by RNA-mediated interference results in derepression of E-cadherin in cells that do not normally express E-cadherin, indicating that BCoR-L1 contributes to the repression of an authentic endogenous CtBP target.


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Epigenetic modifiers are the proteins involved in establishing and maintaining the epigenome of an organism. They are particularly important for development. Changes in epigenetic modifiers have been shown be lethal, or cause diseases. Our laboratory has developed an ENU mutagenesis screen to produce mouse mutants displaying altered epigenetic gene silencing. The screen relies on a GFP transgene that is expressed in red blood cells in a variegated manner. In the orginal transgenic FVB mice expression occurs in approximately 55% of red blood cells. During the course of my Masters, I characterised four different Mommes (Modifiers of murine metastable epiallele), MommeD32, MommeD33, MommeD35 and MommeD36. For each Momme, I identified the underlying mutation, and observed the corresponding phenotype. In MommeD32 the causative mutation is in Dnmt1, (DNA methyltransferase 1). This gene was previously identified in the screen, as MommeD2, and the new allele, MommeD32 has a change in the BAH domain of the protein. MommeD33 is the result of a change at the transgene itself. MommeD35 carries a mutation in Suv39h1 (suppressor of variegation 3-9 homolog 1). This gene has not previously been identified in the screen, but it is a known epigenetic modifier. MommeD36 had the same ENU treated sire as MommeD32, and I found that it has the same mutation as MommeD32. These mutant strains provide valuable tools that can be used to further our knowledge of epigenetic reprogramming. An example being the cancer study done with MommeD9 which has a mutation in Trim28. By crossing MommeD9+/- mutant mice with Trp53+/- mice, it can be seen if Trim28 has an effect on the rate of tumour genesis. However no clear effect of Trim28 haploinsufficiency can be observed in Trp53+/- mice.


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The DNA damage response encompasses a complex series of signaling pathways that function to regulate and facilitate the repair of damaged DNA. Recent studies have shown that the repair of transcriptionally inactive chromatin, named heterochromatin, is dependent upon the phosphorylation of the co-repressor, Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) domain-associated protein (KAP-1), by the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) kinase. Co-repressors, such as KAP-1, function to regulate the rigid structure of heterochromatin by recruiting histone-modifying enzymes, such HDAC1/2, SETDB1, and nucleosome-remodeling complexes such as CHD3. Here, we have characterized a phosphorylation site in the HP1-binding domain of KAP-1, Ser-473, which is phosphorylated by the cell cycle checkpoint kinase Chk2. Expression of a nonphosphorylatable S473A mutant conferred cellular sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and led to defective repair of DNA double-strand breaks in heterochromatin. In addition, cells expressing S473A also displayed defective mobilization of the HP1-β chromodomain protein. The DNA repair defect observed in cells expressing S473A was alleviated by depletion of HP1-β, suggesting that phosphorylation of KAP-1 on Ser-473 promotes the mobilization of HP1-β from heterochromatin and subsequent DNA repair. These results suggest a novel mechanism of KAP-1-mediated chromatin restructuring via Chk2-regulated HP1-β exchange from heterochromatin, promoting DNA repair.


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Background IL-23 is a member of the IL-6 super-family and plays key roles in cancer. Very little is currently known about the role of IL-23 in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods RT-PCR and chromatin immunopreciptiation (ChIP) were used to examine the levels, epigenetic regulation and effects of various drugs (DNA methyltransferase inhibitors, Histone Deacetylase inhibitors and Gemcitabine) on IL-23 expression in NSCLC cells and macrophages. The effects of recombinant IL-23 protein on cellular proliferation were examined by MTT assay. Statistical analysis consisted of Student's t-test or one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) where groups in the experiment were three or more. Results In a cohort of primary non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tumours, IL-23A expression was significantly elevated in patient tumour samples (p<0.05). IL-23A expression is epigenetically regulated through histone post-translational modifications and DNA CpG methylation. Gemcitabine, a chemotherapy drug indicated for first-line treatment of NSCLC also induced IL-23A expression. Recombinant IL-23 significantly increased cellular proliferation in NSCLC cell lines. Conclusions These results may therefore have important implications for treating NSCLC patients with either epigenetic targeted therapies or Gemcitabine. © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.


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Malignant pleural mesothelioma is an aggressive thoracic malignancy associated with exposure to asbestos, and its incidence is anticipated to increase during the first half of this century. Chemotherapy is the mainstay of treatment, yet sufficiently robust evidence to substantiate the current standard of care has emerged only in the past 5 years. This Review summarizes the evidence supporting the clinical activity of chemotherapy, discusses the use of end points for its assessment and examines the influence of clinical and biochemical prognostic factors on the natural history of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Early-phase clinical trials of second-line and novel agents are emerging from an increased understanding of mesothelioma cell biology. Coupled with high-quality translational research, such developments have real potential to improve the outlook of patients at a time of increasing incidence.


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Gemcitabine is indicated in combination with cisplatin as first-line therapy for solid tumours including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), bladder cancer and mesothelioma. Gemcitabine is an analogue of pyrimidine cytosine and functions as an anti-metabolite. Structurally, however, gemcitabine has similarities to 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine (decitabine/Dacogen®), a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor (DNMTi). NSCLC, mesothelioma and prostate cancer cell lines were treated with decitabine and gemcitabine. Reactivation of epigenetically silenced genes was examined by RT-PCR/qPCR. DNA methyltransferase activity in nuclear extracts and recombinant proteins was measured using a DNA methyltransferase assay, and alterations in DNA methylation status were examined using methylation-specific PCR (MS-PCR) and pyrosequencing. We observe a reactivation of several epigenetically silenced genes including GSTP1, IGFBP3 and RASSF1A. Gemcitabine functionally inhibited DNA methyltransferase activity in both nuclear extracts and recombinant proteins. Gemcitabine dramatically destabilised DNMT1 protein. However, DNA CpG methylation was for the most part unaffected by gemcitabine. In conclusion, gemcitabine both inhibits and destabilises DNA methyltransferases and reactivates epigenetically silenced genes having activity equivalent to decitabine at concentrations significantly lower than those achieved in the treatment of patients with solid tumours. This property may contribute to the anticancer activity of gemcitabine.


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Introduction: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rapidly fatal malignancy that is increasing in incidence. The caspase 8 inhibitor FLIP is an anti-apoptotic protein over-expressed in several cancer types including MPM. The histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor Vorinostat (SAHA) is currently being evaluated in relapsed mesothelioma. We examined the roles of FLIP and caspase 8 in regulating SAHA-induced apoptosis in MPM. Methods: The mechanism of SAHA-induced apoptosis was assessed in 7 MPM cell lines and in a multicellular spheroid model. SiRNA and overexpression approaches were used, and cell death was assessed by flow cytometry, Western blotting and clonogenic assays. Results: RNAi-mediated FLIP silencing resulted in caspase 8-dependent apoptosis in MPM cell line models. SAHA potently down-regulated FLIP protein expression in all 7 MPM cell lines and in a multicellular spheroid model of MPM. In 6/7 MPM cell lines, SAHA treatment resulted in significant levels of apoptosis induction. Moreover, this apoptosis was caspase 8-dependent in all six sensitive cell lines. SAHA-induced apoptosis was also inhibited by stable FLIP overexpression. In contrast, down-regulation of HR23B, a candidate predictive biomarker for HDAC inhibitors, significantly inhibited SAHA-induced apoptosis in only 1/6 SAHA-sensitive MPM cell lines. Analysis of MPM patient samples demonstrated significant inter-patient variations in FLIP and caspase 8 expressions. In addition, SAHA enhanced cisplatin-induced apoptosis in a FLIP-dependent manner. Conclusions: These results indicate that FLIP is a major target for SAHA in MPM and identifies FLIP, caspase 8 and associated signalling molecules as candidate biomarkers for SAHA in this disease. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) form as a natural by-product of the normal metabolism of oxygen and play important roles within the cell. Under normal circumstances the cell is able to maintain an adequate homeostasis between the formation of ROS and its removal through particular enzymatic pathways or via antioxidants. If however, this balance is disturbed a situation called oxidative stress occurs. Critically, oxidative stress plays important roles in the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cancer. Epigenetics is a process where gene expression is regulated by heritable mechanisms that do not cause any direct changes to the DNA sequence itself, and disruption of epigenetic mechanisms has important implications in disease. Evidence is emerging that histone deacetylases (HDACs) play decisive roles in regulating important cellular oxidative stress pathways including those involved with sensing oxidative stress and those involved with regulating the cellular response to oxidative stress. In particular aberrant regulation of these pathways by HDACs may play critical roles in cancer progression. In this review we discuss the current evidence linking epigenetics and oxidative stress and cancer, using chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and non-small cell lung cancer to illustrate the importance of epigenetics on these pathways within these disease settings. © 2009 Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine/Blackwell Publishing Ltd.