950 resultados para hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin
The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) encoded latent membrane protein (LMP1) plays a crucial role in the long-term persistence of this virus within the cells of the immune system. Not only is this protein critical for the transformation of resting B cells by EBV, it also displays pleiotropic effects on various cellular proteins expressed in the host cell. These include up-regulation of expression of B cell activation antigens, adhesion molecules and various components of the antigen processing pathway. Here we discuss how LMP1 acts like an expression 'switch' which, depending on the stage of EBV infection, manoeuvres various pathways that either modulate the immune system towards or against its survival.
Trace element concentrations and combined Sr- and Nd-isotope compositions were determined on stromatolitic carbonates (microbialites) from the 2.52 Ga Campbellrand carbonate platform (South Africa). Shale-normalised rare earth element and yttrium patterns of the ancient samples are similar to those of modern seawater in having positive La and Y anomalies and in being depleted in light rare earth elements. In contrast to modem seawater (and microbialite proxies), the 2.52 Ga samples lack a negative Ce anomaly but possess a positive Eu anomaly. These latter trace element characteristics are interpreted to reflect anoxic deep ocean waters where, unlike today, hydrothermal Fe input was not oxidised, and scavenged and rare earth elements were not coprecipitated with Fe-oxyhydroxides. The persistence of a positive Eu anomaly in relatively shallow Campbellrand platform waters indicates a dramatic reversal from hydrothermally dominated (Archaean) to continental erosion-dominated (Phanerozoic) rare earth element flux ratio. The dominant hydrothermal input is also expressed in the initial Sr- and Nd-isotope ratios. There is collinear variation in Sr-Nd systematics, which range from primitive values (Sr-87/Sr-86 of 0.702386 and epsilon (Nd) of +2.1) to more evolved crustal ratios. Mixing calculations show that the range in trace element ratios (e.g., Y/Ho) and initial isotope ratios is not a result of contamination by trapped sediment, but that the chemical band isotopic variation reflects carbonate deposition in an environment where different water masses mixed. Calculated Nd flux ratios yield a hydrothermal input into the 2.52 Ga oceans one order of magnitude larger than continental input. Such a change in flux ratio most likely required substantially reduced continental inputs, which could, in turn, reflect a plate tectonic causation (e.g., reduced topography or expansion of epicontinental seas). Copyright (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Despite the importance of congenital viral infections in both veterinary and human medicine, only limited experimental work has been carried out to elucidate the mechanisms involved in transplacental virus infections. To further an understanding of fetal infection with pestiviruses, the distribution of bovine pestivirus in the uterine and fetal tissues of ewes in early pregnancy, following a natural route of infection, was investigated. On the 18th day of pregnancy, nine ewes were inoculated by the intranasal route with 1 X 10(5) 50% tissue culture infective doses of an Australian isolate of noncytopathic bovine pestivirus (bovine viral diarrhea virus genotype 1). All ewes were ovariohysterectomized at approximately 100 hours postinfection. Samples from the reproductive tract and conceptus were examined histologically and tested for bovine pestivirus by nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry and for interferon-tau mRNA expression by nonnested RT-PCR. Although no histopathologic changes were observed in the maternal or fetal tissues, virus was detected in the reproductive tract of all nine ewes and in all of the conceptuses examined. Al; the time of surgery, only two of the nine ewes were demonstrably viremic. This study demonstrates that bovine pestivirus can spread from a natural site of infection to the ovine fetus within 4 days in the absence of maternal immunity and despite the presence of interferon expression in the reproductive tract.
This article examines the current status of fetal pulse oximetry (FPO) as a means of intrapartum assessment of fetal wellbeing. FPO has been developed to a stage where it is a safe and accurate indicator of intrapartum fetal oxygenation. In general, sliding the FPO sensor along the examiner's fingers and through the cervix, to lie alongside the fetal cheek or temple is easy The recent publication of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of FPO versus conventional intrapartum monitoring has validated its use to reduce caesarean section rates for nonreassuring fetal status. An Australian multicentre RCT is currently underway. Maternal satisfaction rates with FPO are high. FPO may be used during labour when the electronic fetal heart rate trace is nonreassuring or when conventional monitoring is unreliable, such as with fetal arrhythmias. If the fetal oxygen saturation (FSpO(2)) values are < 30%, prompt obstetric intervention is indicated, such as fetal scalp blood sampling or delivery FSpO(2) monitoring should not form the sole basis of intrapartum fetal welfare assessment. Rather, the whole clinical picture should be considered.
Involvement of nerve tissue may contribute to the persistence of pain following a whiplash injury. This study aimed to investigate responses to the brachial plexus provocation test (BPPT) in 156 subjects with chronic whiplash associated disorder (WAD) with and without associated arm pain and 95 asymptomatic control subjects. The range of elbow extension (ROM) and visual analogue scale (VAS) pain scores were measured. Subjects with chronic WAD demonstrated significantly less ROM and higher VAS scores with the BPPT than the asymptomatic subjects (P
A concern for progress is central to the public agendas of modern societies. Political actors compete with one another mainly with regard to their respective claims to bring about a better future, particularly in the economic and technological spheres. The focus on progress has, however, deeper roots which date back to the aspirations of the Enlightenment. Around that time, the belief arose that systematic improvements are made possible by the structural features of modern society and culture, improvements that will gradually release humanity from much of the suffering characterising its historical past. This article argues the persistence of a culture of progress, rather than easing suffering, in fact enhances and mobilises it for the pursuit of superficial forms of gain. It is also claimed the attempt by Habermas' critical theory to develop a broader and more satisfactory conception of progress fails to address this problem. The article suggests an alternative and more fundamental critique of progressive ideas is required. It reflects upon these abstract theoretical questions in connection with the concrete example of the 'adolescent crisis' and the role ideas of progress play within it.
OBJECTIVE - To assess the timing of fetal growth spurt among pre-existing diabetic pregnancies (types 1 and 2) and its relationship with diabetic control. To correlate fetal growth acceleration with factors that might influence fetal growth. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - This retrospective study involved all pregestational diabetic pregnancies delivered at a tertiary obstetric hospital in Australia between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1999. Pregnancies with major congenital fetal anomalies, multiple pregnancies, small-for-gestational-age pregnancies (90th centile for gestation) were compared with babies with normal birth weights. RESULTS- A total of 101 diabetic pregnancies were included. Diabetic mothers, who had LGA babies, had significantly higher prepregnancy body weight and BMI (P < 0.05). There were no differences in maternal age or parity among the two groups. There were also no differences in the first-, second-, and third-trimester HbA(1c) levels between the two groups. The abdominal circumference z-scores were significantly higher for LGA babies from 18 weeks and thereafter. The differences increased progressively as the gestation advanced. Maximum difference was noted in the third trimester (30-38 weeks). CONCLUSIONS - Fetal growth acceleration in LGA fetuses of diabetic mothers starts in the second trimester, from as early as 18 weeks. In this study, glucose control did not appear to have a direct effect on the incidence of LGA babies, and such observation might result from the effects of other confounding factors.
Objectives To assess the detection rate of congenital fetal malformations and specific problems related to routine ultrasound screening in women with pre-existing diabetes. Methods A retrospective study was carried out to assess the performance of routine ultrasound screening in women with pre-existing diabetes (Types 1 and 2) within a tertiary institution. The incidence, type and risk factors for congenital fetal malformations were determined. The detection rate of fetal anomalies for diabetic women was compared with that for the low-risk population. Factors affecting these detection rates were evaluated. Results During the study period, 12 169 low-risk pregnant women and 130 women with pre-existing diabetes had routine ultrasound screening performed within the institution. A total of 10 major anomalies (7.7%) and three minor anomalies (2.3%) were present in the fetuses of the diabetic women. Central nervous system and cardiovascular system anomalies accounted for 60% of the major anomalies. Peri-conceptional hemoglobin A 1 c of more than 9% was associated with a high prevalence of major anomalies (14311000). Women who had fetuses with major anomalies bad a significantly higher incidence of obesity (78% vs. 37%; P < 0.05). Ultrasound examination of these diabetic pregnancies showed high incidences of suboptimal image quality (37%), incomplete examinations, and repeat examinations (17%). Compared to the 'low-risk' non-diabetic population from the same institution, the relative risk for a major congenital anomaly among the diabetic women was 5.9-fold higher (95% confidence interval, 2.9-11.9). The detection rate for major fetal anomalies was significantly lower for diabetic women (30% vs. 73%; P < 0.01), and the mean body mass index for the diabetic group was significantly higher (29 vs. 23 kg/m(2); P < 0.001). Conclusion The incidence of congenital anomalies is higher in diabetic pregnancies. Unfortunately, the detection rate for fetal anomalies by antenatal ultrasound scan was significantly, worse than that for the low-risk population. This is likely to be related to the maternal body habitus and unsatisfactory examinations. Methods to overcome these difficulties are discussed.
Recently, regulating mechanisms of branching morphogenesis of fetal lung rat explants have been an essential tool for molecular research. The development of accurate and reliable segmentation techniques may be essential to improve research outcomes. This work presents an image processing method to measure the perimeter and area of lung branches on fetal rat explants. The algorithm starts by reducing the noise corrupting the image with a pre-processing stage. The outcome is input to a watershed operation that automatically segments the image into primitive regions. Then, an image pixel is selected within the lung explant epithelial, allowing a region growing between neighbouring watershed regions. This growing process is controlled by a statistical distribution of each region. When compared with manual segmentation, the results show the same tendency for lung development. High similarities were harder to obtain in the last two days of culture, due to the increased number of peripheral airway buds and complexity of lung architecture. However, using semiautomatic measurements, the standard deviation was lower and the results between independent researchers were more coherent
Regulating mechanisms of branchingmorphogenesis of fetal lung rat explants have been an essential tool formolecular research.This work presents a new methodology to accurately quantify the epithelial, outer contour, and peripheral airway buds of lung explants during cellular development frommicroscopic images. Methods.Theouter contour was defined using an adaptive and multiscale threshold algorithm whose level was automatically calculated based on an entropy maximization criterion. The inner lung epithelium was defined by a clustering procedure that groups small image regions according to the minimum description length principle and local statistical properties. Finally, the number of peripheral buds was counted as the skeleton branched ends from a skeletonized image of the lung inner epithelia. Results. The time for lung branching morphometric analysis was reduced in 98% in contrast to themanualmethod. Best results were obtained in the first two days of cellular development, with lesser standard deviations. Nonsignificant differences were found between the automatic and manual results in all culture days. Conclusions. The proposed method introduces a series of advantages related to its intuitive use and accuracy, making the technique suitable to images with different lighting characteristics and allowing a reliable comparison between different researchers.
Recently, regulating mechanisms of branching morphogenesis of fetal lung rat explants have been an essential tool for molecular research. The development of accurate and reliable segmentation techniques may be essential to improve research outcomes. This work presents an image processing method to measure the perimeter and area of lung branches on fetal rat explants. The algorithm starts by reducing the noise corrupting the image with a pre-processing stage. The outcome is input to a watershed operation that automatically segments the image into primitive regions. Then, an image pixel is selected within the lung explant epithelial, allowing a region growing between neighbouring watershed regions. This growing process is controlled by a statistical distribution of each region. When compared with manual segmentation, the results show the same tendency for lung development. High similarities were harder to obtain in the last two days of culture, due to the increased number of peripheral airway buds and complexity of lung architecture. However, using semiautomatic measurements, the standard deviation was lower and the results between independent researchers were more coherent.
To determine the precision and agreement of the hemoglobin (Hb) measurements in capillary and venous blood samples by the HemoCue® and an automated counter. Hb was determined by both equipaments in blood samples of 29 pregnant women. The HemoCue® showed low repeatability of Hb measurements in duplicate in capillary (CR=0.53 g/dL, CV=13.6%) and venous blood (CR=0.53 g/dL, CV=13.6%). Hb measurements in capillary blood were higher than those in venous blood (12.4 and 11.7 g/dL, respectively; p<0.05). There was high agreement between Hb in capillary blood by the HemoCue® and in venous blood by the counter (r icc=0.86; p<0.01), and also between the diagnosis of anemia by both equipments (k=0.81; p<0.01). The HemoCue® seems to be more appropriate for capillary blood and require training of the measurers.
A ressonância magnética fetal é um método eficaz na avaliação pré-natal da morfologia normal do cérebro e no diagnóstico de patologias do sistema nervoso central, sendo um importante complemento clínico à ecografia. O cerebelo é uma das estruturas menos afetadas em casos de restrição de crescimento fetal, tornando-se um bom indicador na avaliação do desenvolvimento fetal e da idade gestacional. Deste modo, a avaliação biométrica fetal é fundamental no diagnóstico pré-natal do desenvolvimento cerebral. Objetivo – Avaliação do diâmetro transversal do cerebelo (estrutura anatómica de referência do sistema nervoso central) do feto e posterior comparação com um estudo internacional reconhecido nesta matéria. Material e métodos – A amostra foi constituída por 84 gestantes que realizaram ressonância magnética fetal numa clínica de imagiologia médica da região Centro. A medição considerada para a avaliação do desenvolvimento fetal foi o diâmetro transversal do cerebelo. Resultados – Os resultados obtidos para o diâmetro transversal do cerebelo por ressonância magnética fetal vieram a demonstrar a ausência de diferenças médias estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05) em função do número de semanas de gestação, face aos valores teóricos aferidos no estudo de Garel. Conclusão – Com base nos resultados obtidos, para o diâmetro transversal do cerebelo podemos concluir que o parâmetro analisado é coerente com a publicação de Catherine Garel – Le développement du cerveau foetal atlas IRM et biometrie.
OBJECTIVE To assess the prevalence of anemia and associated factors in older adults. METHODS The prevalence and factors associated with anemia in older adults were studied on the basis of the results of the Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento (SABE – Health, Welfare and Aging) study. A group of 1,256 individuals were interviewed during the third wave of the SABE study performed in Sao Paulo, SP, in 2010. The study included 60.4% females; the mean age of the participants was 70.4 years, and their average education was 5.3 years. The dependent variable was the presence of anemia (hemoglobin levels: 12 g/dL in women and 13 g/dL in men). Descriptive analysis and hierarchical logistic regression were performed. The independent variables were as follows: a) demographics: gender, age, and education and b) clinical characteristics: self-reported chronic diseases, presence of cognitive decline and depression symptoms, and body mass index. RESULTS The prevalence of anemia was 7.7% and was found to be higher in oldest adults. There was no difference between genders, although the hemoglobin distribution curve in women showed a displacement toward lower values in comparison with the distribution curve in men. Advanced age (OR = 1.07; 95%CI 0.57;1.64; p < 0.001), presence of diabetes (OR = 2.30; 95%CI 1.33;4.00; p = 0.003), cancer (OR = 2.72; 95%CI 1.2;6.11; p = 0.016), and presence of depression symptoms (OR = 1.75; 95%CI 1.06;2.88; p = 0.028) remained significant even after multiple analyses. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of anemia in older adults was 7.7% and was mainly associated with advanced age and presence of chronic diseases. Thus, anemia can be an important marker in the investigation of health in older adults because it can be easily diagnosed and markedly affects the quality of life of older adults.
OBJECTIVE Determine the coverage rate of syphilis testing during prenatal care and the prevalence of syphilis in pregnant women in Brazil. METHODS This is a national hospital-based cohort study conducted in Brazil with 23,894 postpartum women between 2011 and 2012. Data were obtained using interviews with postpartum women, hospital records, and prenatal care cards. All postpartum women with a reactive serological test result recorded in the prenatal care card or syphilis diagnosis during hospitalization for childbirth were considered cases of syphilis in pregnancy. The Chi-square test was used for determining the disease prevalence and testing coverage rate by region of residence, self-reported skin color, maternal age, and type of prenatal and child delivery care units. RESULTS Prenatal care covered 98.7% postpartum women. Syphilis testing coverage rate was 89.1% (one test) and 41.2% (two tests), and syphilis prevalence in pregnancy was 1.02% (95%CI 0.84;1.25). A lower prenatal coverage rate was observed among women in the North region, indigenous women, those with less education, and those who received prenatal care in public health care units. A lower testing coverage rate was observed among residents in the North, Northeast, and Midwest regions, among younger and non-white skin-color women, among those with lower education, and those who received prenatal care in public health care units. An increased prevalence of syphilis was observed among women with < 8 years of education (1.74%), who self-reported as black (1.8%) or mixed (1.2%), those who did not receive prenatal care (2.5%), and those attending public (1.37%) or mixed (0.93%) health care units. CONCLUSIONS The estimated prevalence of syphilis in pregnancy was similar to that reported in the last sentinel surveillance study conducted in 2006. There was an improvement in prenatal care and testing coverage rate, and the goals suggested by the World Health Organization were achieved in two regions. Regional and social inequalities in access to health care units, coupled with other gaps in health assistance, have led to the persistence of congenital syphilis as a major public health problem in Brazil.