930 resultados para false negative rate


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Background: We aimed to investigate the performance of five different trend analysis criteria for the detection of glaucomatous progression and to determine the most frequently and rapidly progressing locations of the visual field. Design: Retrospective cohort. Participants or Samples: Treated glaucoma patients with =8 Swedish Interactive Thresholding Algorithm (SITA)-standard 24-2 visual field tests. Methods: Progression was determined using trend analysis. Five different criteria were used: (A) =1 significantly progressing point; (B) =2 significantly progressing points; (C) =2 progressing points located in the same hemifield; (D) at least two adjacent progressing points located in the same hemifield; (E) =2 progressing points in the same Garway-Heath map sector. Main Outcome Measures: Number of progressing eyes and false-positive results. Results: We included 587 patients. The number of eyes reaching a progression endpoint using each criterion was: A = 300 (51%); B = 212 (36%); C = 194 (33%); D = 170 (29%); and E = 186 (31%) (P = 0.03). The numbers of eyes with positive slopes were: A = 13 (4.3%); B = 3 (1.4%); C = 3 (1.5%); D = 2 (1.1%); and E = 3 (1.6%) (P = 0.06). The global slopes for progressing eyes were more negative in Groups B, C and D than in Group A (P = 0.004). The visual field locations that progressed more often were those in the nasal field adjacent to the horizontal midline. Conclusions: Pointwise linear regression criteria that take into account the retinal nerve fibre layer anatomy enhances the specificity of trend analysis for the detection glaucomatous visual field progression.


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In this article, for the first time, we propose the negative binomial-beta Weibull (BW) regression model for studying the recurrence of prostate cancer and to predict the cure fraction for patients with clinically localized prostate cancer treated by open radical prostatectomy. The cure model considers that a fraction of the survivors are cured of the disease. The survival function for the population of patients can be modeled by a cure parametric model using the BW distribution. We derive an explicit expansion for the moments of the recurrence time distribution for the uncured individuals. The proposed distribution can be used to model survival data when the hazard rate function is increasing, decreasing, unimodal and bathtub shaped. Another advantage is that the proposed model includes as special sub-models some of the well-known cure rate models discussed in the literature. We derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes. We analyze a real data set for localized prostate cancer patients after open radical prostatectomy.


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We analyzed the effectiveness of linear short- and long-term variability time domain parameters, an index of sympatho-vagal balance (SDNN/RMSSD) and entropy in differentiating fetal heart rate patterns (fHRPs) on the fetal heart rate (fHR) series of 5, 3 and 2 min duration reconstructed from 46 fetal magnetocardiograms. Gestational age (GA) varied from 21 to 38 weeks. FHRPs were classified based on the fHR standard deviation. In sleep states, we observed that vagal influence increased with GA, and entropy significantly increased (decreased) with GA (SDNN/RMSSD), demonstrating that a prevalence of vagal activity with autonomous nervous system maturation may be associated with increased sleep state complexity. In active wakefulness, we observed a significant negative (positive) correlation of short-term (long-term) variability parameters with SDNN/RMSSD. ANOVA statistics demonstrated that long-term irregularity and standard deviation of normal-to-normal beat intervals (SDNN) best differentiated among fHRPs. Our results confirm that short-and long-term variability parameters are useful to differentiate between quiet and active states, and that entropy improves the characterization of sleep states. All measures differentiated fHRPs more effectively on very short HR series, as a result of the fMCG high temporal resolution and of the intrinsic timescales of the events that originate the different fHRPs.


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Photoprotection of the agarophyte red alga Gracilaria tenuistipitata against ultraviolet radiation (UVR) was investigated in algae submitted for 1 week to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 260 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) or PAR + UVR (UV-A, 8.13 W m(-2) and UV-B, 0.42 W m(-2)) under different nitrogen concentrations: 0, 0.1, and 0.5 mM of NO3-. Photosynthetic pigments decreased during the time of the experiment mainly under low nitrogen supply and UVR. Incubation under high nitrogen supply (0.5 mM) sustained the photosynthetic levels over time. In contrast, mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) increased up to eightfold in the presence of UVR and 0.5 mM NO3-. Under PAR + UVR, maximal quantum yield was positively correlated to MAA abundance, whereas under PAR no correlation was found. The photosynthetic yield of algae cultivated during seven days under PAR + UVR was less affected by a 30-min exposure of high UVR (16 W m(-2)) and fully recovered after transferring to low PAR irradiances, whereas algae kept under PAR were more affected by UV exposure and no full recovery was observed. Growth rates decreased after three days in the presence of UVR and under low nitrate supply. However, these rates were similar when compared with treatments of PAR and PAR + UVR after seven days, with the exception of samples in 0 mM NO3-, indicating that the acclimation after one week's exposure is related to nitrate supply. In conclusion, the lowest negative effect of UVR on photosynthesis and growth rate in high N-supply-grown algae could be explained by the stimulation of photoprotection mechanisms, such as accumulation of MAAs. Photostimulation of MAA accumulation by UVR under high N supply was observed in G. tenuistipitata even after 20 years in culture without the induction of this photomorphogenic light signal.


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Abstract Background A large number of probabilistic models used in sequence analysis assign non-zero probability values to most input sequences. To decide when a given probability is sufficient the most common way is bayesian binary classification, where the probability of the model characterizing the sequence family of interest is compared to that of an alternative probability model. We can use as alternative model a null model. This is the scoring technique used by sequence analysis tools such as HMMER, SAM and INFERNAL. The most prevalent null models are position-independent residue distributions that include: the uniform distribution, genomic distribution, family-specific distribution and the target sequence distribution. This paper presents a study to evaluate the impact of the choice of a null model in the final result of classifications. In particular, we are interested in minimizing the number of false predictions in a classification. This is a crucial issue to reduce costs of biological validation. Results For all the tests, the target null model presented the lowest number of false positives, when using random sequences as a test. The study was performed in DNA sequences using GC content as the measure of content bias, but the results should be valid also for protein sequences. To broaden the application of the results, the study was performed using randomly generated sequences. Previous studies were performed on aminoacid sequences, using only one probabilistic model (HMM) and on a specific benchmark, and lack more general conclusions about the performance of null models. Finally, a benchmark test with P. falciparum confirmed these results. Conclusions Of the evaluated models the best suited for classification are the uniform model and the target model. However, the use of the uniform model presents a GC bias that can cause more false positives for candidate sequences with extreme compositional bias, a characteristic not described in previous studies. In these cases the target model is more dependable for biological validation due to its higher specificity.


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The seroprevalence and geographic distribution of HTLV-1/2 among blood donors are extremely important to transfusion services. We evaluated the seroprevalence of HTLV-1/2 infection among first-time blood donor candidates in Ribeirão Preto city and region. From January 2000 to December 2010, 1,038,489 blood donations were obtained and 301,470 were first-time blood donations. All samples were screened with serological tests for HTLV-1/2 using enzyme immunoassay (EIA). In addition, the frequency of coinfection with hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Chagas disease (CD) and syphilis was also determined. In-house PCR was used as confirmatory test for HTLV-1/2. A total of 296 (0.1%) first-time donors were serologically reactive for HTLV-1/2. Confirmatory PCR of 63 samples showed that 28 were HTLV-1 positive, 13 HTLV-2 positive, 19 negative and three indeterminate. Regarding HTLV coinfection rates, the most prevalent was with HBV (51.3%) and HCV (35.9%), but coinfection with HIV, CD and syphilis was also detected. The real number of HTLV-infected individual and coinfection rate in the population is underestimated and epidemiological studies like ours are very informative.


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Hintergrund: Die Systembiopsie gilt als Goldstandard zum Nachweis eines Prostatakarzinoms, obwohl ein relevanter Anteil an Prostatakarzinomen nicht diagnostiziert wird. Wir wollten mit unserer Arbeit die Frage beantworten, ob mittels elastographisch gezielter Biopsien die Prostatakarzinom-Detektion im Vergleich zur Goldstandard-Systembiopsie verbessert werden kann. Material und Methode: 152 Patienten wurden in einer prospektiven Studie einer 12-fachen Prostata-Systembiopsie unterzogen. In Linksseitenlagerung wurde dabei aus jedem der vordefinierten 6 Prostatasegmente je 1 laterale und 1 mediale Stanze entnommen. Elastographisch suspekte Areale wurden zusätzlich gezielt biopsiert. Als statistisch signifikant wurde p<0,05 angenommen. Ergebnisse: Bei 62 der 152 Patienten (40,8%) wurde ein Prostatakarzinom diagnostiziert. Die Detektionsrate der Systembiopsie betrug 39,5% (60/152), die Detektionsrate der Elastographie 29,6% (45/152). Somit war die Systembiopsie der elastographisch gezielten Biopsie signifikant überlegen (p=0,039).Jedoch war die Wahrscheinlichkeit mit einer Prostatastanze ein Karzinomherd zu entdecken, für die elastographischen Biopsien 3,7-fach höher als für die Systembiopsien. Die Sensitivität der Elastographie betrug 72,6% und die Spezifität 66,6%. Der positive Vorhersagewert für die Elastographie war 60%, der negative Vorhersagewert 78%. Die Kombination von Systembiopsie und elastographisch gezielten Biopsien bot die höchste Detektionsrate. In der rechten Prostatahälfte (48%) verzeichneten wir doppelt so viele elastographisch falsch-positive Befunde wie in der linken Prostatahälfte (25%). Desweiteren fanden sich am häufigsten falsch-positive Befunde im Prostata-Apex (46%) und am seltensten in der Prostata-Basis (29%). Schlussfolgerung: In unserer Studie war die elastographisch gezielte Biopsie der Systembiopsie signifikant unterlegen (p=0,039). Die Kombination von Systembiopsie mit elastographisch gezielten Biopsien bot die höchste Detektionsrate und kann daher empfohlen werden. Die Auffälligkeiten in der Segment-bezogenen Auswertung und ein möglicher Einfluss der Patienten-Lagerung müssen durch weitere Studien überprüft werden.rn


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Acute type A aortic dissection is a serious emergency with a mortality rate of up to 40% within the first 24 h when left untreated. Surgical therapy needs to be initiated promptly. Due to this urgent situation, preoperative evaluation of the coronary arteries is not routinely performed in these patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of 64-slice computed tomography angiography (CTA) for postoperative coronary artery assessment in these patients. Ten consecutive patients with two or more cardiovascular risk factors were prospectively enrolled. Patients had type A aortic dissection treated surgically with a supracoronary graft of the ascending aorta. Performance of CTA to exclude significant stenosis (>50% lumen narrowing) and/or coronary artery dissection was compared with quantitative coronary angiography. A total of 147 segments were evaluated. Three segments (2%) were excluded from analysis. CTA correctly assessed one of three significant stenoses in three patients and correctly excluded coronary artery disease (CAD) in six of ten patients. One patient was rated false positive. Overall accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of CT for identifying coronary artery disease by segment was 98%, 33%, 99%, 50%, and 99%, respectively (P<0.05). By patient, it was 70%, 33%, 86%, 50%, and 75%, respectively. No coronary artery dissection was found. Noninvasive CTA may be a viable alternative to conventional angiography for postoperative coronary artery evaluation in patients with surgically treated type A aortic dissection and cardiovascular risk factors. An NPV of 99% should allow for reliable exclusion of CAD. Further studies with higher patient numbers are warranted.


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Those with learning disabilities (LDs) can be characterized as a minority group, and like most groups of minorities they face a distinct stigma by the larger population. While there iscurrently a lack of research in understanding LD stigma, it has become increasingly important given the push for inclusive classrooms settings. In this study it was hypothesized that regardlessof a participants’ gender, when participants were given a hypothetical description of a person that included information indicating that the individual has a LD, the participants would rate that individual less favorably. Results were consistent with the hypothesis. Participants perceived the hypothetical LD individual as being less attractive, less successful, less emotionally stable,and more open to new experiences when compared to those participants who were given the non-LD description. These results show a level of negative bias in our population towards those with LDs. It is hoped that this research will help address the goal of inclusion and equality for those with LDs and aid in finding ways to identify, address, and attenuate these stigmatizations within all aspects of our society.


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The α-hemoglobin-derived dodecapeptide RVD-hemopressin (RVDPVNFKLLSH) has been proposed to be an endogenous agonist for the cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB(1)). To study this peptide, we have raised mAbs against its C-terminal part. Using an immunoaffinity mass spectrometry approach, a whole family of N-terminally extended peptides in addition to RVD-Hpα were identified in rodent brain extracts and human and mouse plasma. We designated these peptides Pepcan-12 (RVDPVNFKLLSH) to Pepcan-23 (SALSDLHAHKLRVDPVNFKLLSH), referring to peptide length. The most abundant Pepcans found in the brain were tested for CB(1) receptor binding. In the classical radioligand displacement assay, Pepcan-12 was the most efficacious ligand but only partially displaced both [(3)H]CP55,940 and [(3)H]WIN55,212-2. The data were fitted with the allosteric ternary complex model, revealing a cooperativity factor value α < 1, thus indicating a negative allosteric modulation. Dissociation kinetic studies of [(3)H]CP55,940 in the absence and presence of Pepcan-12 confirmed these results by showing increased dissociation rate constants induced by Pepcan-12. A fluorescently labeled Pepcan-12 analog was synthesized to investigate the binding to CB(1) receptors. Competition binding studies revealed K(i) values of several Pepcans in the nanomolar range. Accordingly, using competitive ELISA, we found low nanomolar concentrations of Pepcans in human plasma and ∼100 pmol/g in mouse brain. Surprisingly, Pepcan-12 exhibited potent negative allosteric modulation of the orthosteric agonist-induced cAMP accumulation, [(35)S]GTPγS binding, and CB(1) receptor internalization. Pepcans are the first endogenous allosteric modulators identified for CB(1) receptors. Given their abundance in the brain, Pepcans could play an important physiological role in modulating endocannabinoid signaling.


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Stress corrosion cracking susceptibility was investigated for an ultra-fine grained (UFG) AI-7.5Mg alloy and a conventional 5083 H111 alloy in natural seawater using slow strain rate testing (SSRT) at very slow strain rates between 1E(-5) s(-1), 1E(-6) s(-1) and 1E(-7) s(-1). The UFG Al-7.5Mg alloy was produced by cryomilling, while the 5083 H111 alloy is considered as a wrought manufactured product. The response of tensile properties to strain rate was analyzed and compared. Negative strain rate sensitivity was observed for both materials in terms of the elongation to failure. However, the UFG alloy displayed strain rate sensitivity in relation to strength while the conventional alloy was relatively strain rate insensitive. The mechanical behavior of the conventional 5083 alloy was attributed to dynamic strain aging (DSA) and delayed pit propagation while the performance of the UFG alloy was related to a diffusion-mediated stress relaxation mechanism that successfully delayed crack initiation events, counteracted by exfoliation and pitting which enhanced crack initiation. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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One of the trauma surgeons' daily challenges is the balancing act between negative laparotomy and missed abdominal injury. We opted to characterize the indications that prompted a negative trauma exploratory laparotomy and the rate of missed abdominal injuries in an effort to optimize patient selection for laparotomy. At the Los Angeles County + University of Southern California Medical Center, negative laparotomies and missed injuries are consecutively captured and reviewed at the weekly mortality + morbidity (MM) conferences. All written reports of the MM meetings from January 2003 to December 2008 were reviewed to identify all patients who underwent a negative laparotomy or a laparotomy as a result of an initially missed abdominal injury. Over the 6-year study period, a total of 1871 laparotomies were performed, of which 73 (3.9%) were negative. The rate of missed injuries requiring subsequent laparotomy was 1.3 per cent (25 of 1871). The negative laparotomy rate and the rate of missed injuries did not vary significantly during the study period (2.8 to 4.7%, P = 0.875, and 0.7 to 2.9%, P = 0.689). Penetrating mechanisms accounted for the majority of negative laparotomies (58.9%). The primary indication for negative laparotomy was peritonitis (54.8%) followed by hypotension (28.8%) and suspicious computed tomographic scan findings (27.4%). The complication rate after negative laparotomy was 14.5 per cent, and of these, 10.1 per cent were directly related to the procedure. A low but steady rate of negative laparotomies and missed abdominal injuries after trauma remains. Negative laparotomies and missed abdominal injuries when they occur are still associated with significant complication rates and a prolonged length of stay.


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OBJECTIVES: This study sought to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of coronary binary in-stent restenosis (ISR) with angiography using 64-slice multislice computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) compared with invasive coronary angiography (ICA). BACKGROUND: A noninvasive detection of ISR would result in an easier and safer way to conduct patient follow-up. METHODS: We performed CTCA in 81 patients after stent implantation, and 125 stented lesions were scanned. Two sets of images were reconstructed with different types of convolution kernels. On CTCA, neointimal proliferation was visually evaluated according to luminal contrast attenuation inside the stent. Lesions were graded as follows: grade 1, none or slight neointimal proliferation; grade 2, neointimal proliferation with no significant stenosis (<50%); grade 3, neointimal proliferation with moderate stenosis (> or =50%); and grade 4, neointimal proliferation with severe stenosis (> or =75%). Grades 3 and 4 were considered binary ISR. The diagnostic accuracy of CTCA compared with ICA was evaluated. RESULTS: By ICA, 24 ISRs were diagnosed. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 92%, 81%, 54%, and 98% for the overall population, whereas values were 91%, 93%, 77%, and 98% when excluding unassessable segments (15 segments, 12%). For assessable segments, CTCA correctly diagnosed 20 of the 22 ISRs detected by ICA. Six lesions without ISR were overestimated as ISR by CTCA. As the grade of neointimal proliferation by CTCA increases, the median value of percent diameter stenosis increased linearly. CONCLUSIONS: Binary ISR can be excluded with high probability by CTCA, with a moderate rate of false-positive results.


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Determination of chloride concentration in sweat is the current diagnostic gold standard for Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Nanoduct(R) is a new analyzing system measuring conductivity which requires only 3 microliters of sweat and gives results within 30 minutes. The aim of the study was to evaluate the applicability of this system in a clinical setting of three children's hospitals and borderline results were compared with sweat chloride concentration. Over 3 years, 1,041 subjects were tested and in 946 diagnostic results were obtained. In 95 children, Nanoduct(R) failed (9.1% failure rate), mainly due to failures in preterm babies and newborns. Assuming 59 mmol/L as an upper limit of normal conductivity, all our 46 CF patients were correctly diagnosed (sensitivity 100%, 95% CI: 93.1-100; negative predicted value 100% (95% CI: 99.6-100) and only 39 non CF's were false positive (39/900, 4.3%; specificity 95.7%, 95%CI: 94.2-96.9, positive predicted value 54.1% with a 95%CI: 43.4-65.0). Increasing the diagnostic limit to 80 mmol/L, the rate fell to 0.3% (3/900). CF patients had a median conductivity of 115 mmol/L; the non-CF a median of 37 mmol/L. In conclusion, the Nanoduct(R) test is a reliable diagnostic tool for CF diagnosis: It has a failure rate comparable to other sweat tests and can be used as a simple bedside test for fast and reliable exclusion, diagnosis or suspicion of CF. In cases with borderline conductivity (60-80 mmol/L) other additional methods (determination of chloride and genotyping) are indicated.


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Heart rate variability (HRV) and cardiorespiratory coordination, i.e. the temporal interplay between oscillations of heartbeat and respiration, reflect information related to the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between spectral measures of HRV and measures of cardiorespiratory coordination. In 127 subjects from a normal population a 24 h Holter ECG was recorded. Average heart rate (HR) and the following HRV parameters were calculated: very low (VLF), low (LF) and high frequency (HF) oscillations and LF/HF. Cardiorespiratory coordination was quantified using average respiratory rate (RespR), the ratio of heart rate and respiratory rate (HRR), the phase coordination ratio (PCR) and the extent of cardiorespiratory coordination (PP). Pearson's correlation coefficient r was used to quantify the relationship between each pair of the variables across all subjects. HR and HRR correlated strongest during daytime (r = 0.89). LF/HF and PP showed a negative correlation to a reasonable degree (r = -0.69). During nighttime sleep these correlations decreased whereas the correlation between HRR and RespR (r = -0.47) as well as between HRR and PCR (r = 0.73) increased substantially. In conclusion, HRR and PCR deliver considerably different information compared to HRV measures whereas PP is partially linked reciprocally to LF/HF.