964 resultados para discriminants of number fields
In hybrid and electric vehicles, passengers sit very close to an electric system of significant power, which means that they may be subjected to high electromagnetic fields. The hazards of long-term exposure to these fields must be taken into account when designing electric vehicles and their components. Among all the electric devices present in the power train, the electronic converter is the most difficult to analyze, given that it works with different frequencies. In this paper, a methodology to evaluate the magnetic field created by a power electronics converter is proposed. After a brief overview of the recommendations of electromagnetic fields exposure, the magnetic field produced by an inverter is analyzed using finite element techniques. The results obtained are compared to laboratory measurements, taken from a real inverter, in order to validate the model. Finally, results are used to draw some conclusions regarding vehicle design criteria and magnetic shielding efficiency.
Son numerosos los expertos que predicen que hasta pasado 2050 no se utilizarán masivamente las energías de origen renovable, y que por tanto se mantendrá la emisión de dióxido de carbono de forma incontrolada. Entre tanto, y previendo que este tipo de uso se mantenga hasta un horizonte temporal aún más lejano, la captura, concentración y secuestro o reutilización de dióxido de carbono es y será una de las principales soluciones a implantar para paliar el problema medioambiental causado. Sin embargo, las tecnologías existentes y en desarrollo de captura y concentración de este tipo de gas, presentan dos limitaciones: las grandes cantidades de energía que consumen y los grandes volúmenes de sustancias potencialmente dañinas para el medioambiente que producen durante su funcionamiento. Ambas razones hacen que no sean atractivas para su implantación y uso de forma extensiva. La solución planteada en la presente tesis doctoral se caracteriza por la ausencia de residuos producidos en la operación de captura y concentración del dióxido de carbono, por no utilizar substancias químicas y físicas habituales en las técnicas actuales, por disminuir los consumos energéticos al carecer de sistemas móviles y por evitar la regeneración química y física de los materiales utilizados en la actualidad. Así mismo, plantea grandes retos a futuras innovaciones sobre la idea propuesta que busquen fundamentalmente la disminución de la energía utilizada durante su funcionamiento y la optimización de sus componentes principales. Para conseguir el objetivo antes citado, la presente tesis doctoral, una vez establecido el planteamiento del problema al que se busca solución (capítulo 1), del estudio de las técnicas de separación de gases atmosféricos utilizadas en la actualidad, así como del de los sistemas fundamentales de las instalaciones de captura y concentración del dióxido de carbono (capítulo 2) y tras una definición del marco conceptual y teórico (capítulo 3), aborda el diseño de un prototipo de ionización fotónica de los gases atmosféricos para su posterior separación electrostática, a partir del estudio, adaptación y mejora del funcionamiento de los sistemas de espectrometría de masas. Se diseñarán y desarrollarán los sistemas básicos de fotoionización, mediante el uso de fuentes de fotones coherentes, y los de separación electrostática (capítulo 4), en que se basa el funcionamiento de este sistema de separación de gases atmosféricos y de captura y concentración de dióxido de carbono para construir un prototipo a nivel laboratorio. Posteriormente, en el capítulo 5, serán probados utilizando una matriz experimental que cubra los rangos de funcionamiento previstos y aporte suficientes datos experimentales para corregir y desarrollar el marco teórico real, y con los que se pueda establecer y corregir un modelo físico– matemático de simulación (capítulo 6) aplicable a la unidad en su conjunto. Finalmente, debido a la utilización de unidades de ionización fotónica, sistemas láseres intensos y sistemas eléctricos de gran potencia, es preciso analizar el riesgo biológico a las personas y al medioambiente debido al impacto de la radiación electromagnética producida (capítulo 7), minimizando su impacto y cumpliendo con la legislación vigente. En el capítulo 8 se planteará un diseño escalable a tamaño piloto de la nueva tecnología propuesta y sus principales modos de funcionamiento, así como un análisis de viabilidad económica. Como consecuencia de la tesis doctoral propuesta y del desarrollo de la unidad de separación atmosférica y de captura y concentración de dióxido de carbono, surgen diversas posibilidades de estudio que pueden ser objeto de nuevas tesis doctorales y de futuros desarrollos de ingeniería. El capítulo 9 tratará de incidir en estos aspectos indicando líneas de investigación para futuras tesis y desarrollos industriales. ABSTRACT A large number of experts predict that until at least 2050 renewable energy sources will not be massively used, and for that reason, current Primary Energy sources based on extensive use of fossil fuel will be used maintaining out of control emissions, Carbon Dioxide above all. Meanwhile, under this scenario and considering its extension until at least 2050, Carbon Capture, Concentration, Storage and/or Reuse is and will be one of the main solutions to minimise Greenhouse Gasses environmental effect. But, current Carbon Capture and Storage technology state of development has two main problems: it is a too large energy consuming technology and during normal use it produces a large volume of environmentally dangerous substances. Both reasons are limiting its development and its extensive use. This Ph Degree Thesis document proposes a solution to get the expected effect using a new atmospheric gasses separation system with the following characteristics: absence of wastes produced, it needs no chemical and/or physical substances during its operation, it reduces to minimum the internal energy consumptions due to absence of mobile equipment and it does not need any chemical and/or physical regeneration of substances. This system is beyond the State of the Art of current technology development. Additionally, the proposed solution raises huge challenges for future innovations of the proposed idea finding radical reduction of internal energy consumption during functioning, as well as regarding optimisation of main components, systems and modes of operation. To achieve this target, once established the main problem, main challenge and potential solving solutions (Chapter 1), it is established an initial starting point fixing the Atmospheric Gasses Separation and Carbon Capture and Storage developments (Chapter 2), as well as it will be defined the theoretical and basic model, including existing and potential new governing laws and mathematical formulas to control its system functioning (Chapter 3), this document will deal with the design of an installation of an operating system based on photonic ionization of atmospheric gasses to be separated in a later separation system based on the application of electrostatic fields. It will be developed a basic atmospheric gasses ionization prototype based on intense radioactive sources capable to ionize gasses by coherent photonic radiation, and a basic design of electrostatic separation system (Chapter 4). Both basic designs are the core of the proposed technology that separates Atmospheric Gasses and captures and concentrates Carbon Dioxide. Chapter 5 will includes experimental results obtained from an experimental testing matrix covering expected prototype functioning regimes. With the obtained experimental data, theoretical model will be corrected and improved to act as the real physical and mathematical model capable to simulate real system function (Chapter 6). Finally, it is necessary to assess potential biological risk to public and environment due to the proposed use of units of intense energy photonic ionization, by laser beams or by non–coherent sources and large electromagnetic systems with high energy consumption. It is necessary to know the impact in terms of and electromagnetic radiation taking into account National Legislation (Chapter 7). On Chapter 8, an up scaled pilot plant will be established covering main functioning modes and an economic feasibility assessment. As a consequence of this PhD Thesis, a new field of potential researches and new PhD Thesis are opened, as well as future engineering and industrial developments (Chapter 9).
La creación de esta aplicación web empresarial surge con la necesidad de optimizar el tiempo en el proceso de creación de una campaña publicitaria de email marketing. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es automatizar el proceso de validación de los campos de un formulario web. Un formulario web [6] es un documento digital en el que los usuarios introducen sus datos personales como nombre, apellido, dirección, documento de identidad, entre otros. Estos datos posteriormente serán procesados y almacenados en un base de datos para luego ser enviados al anunciante. El proceso de validación se refiere a la programación del formulario web en la parte del cliente usando tecnologías web como JavaScript y HTML5, para controlar que los datos introducidos por el usuario en el formulario, sean correctos. Cada campo de un formulario web tiene una validación específica que depende de varios factores, como son el país de lanzamiento de la campaña y el campo a validar. De esta forma dependiendo del tipo de validación se genera un fichero JavaScript con todas las validaciones de dicho formulario. Una de las finalidades de este trabajo es que cualquier usuario de la empresa pueda programar un formulario web, sin tener conocimientos previos de programación, ya que la programación se realiza de forma transparente al usuario. Este es un resumen básico de la aplicación web, sin embargo se debe tener en cuenta una serie de requisitos y parámetros para hacerlo más eficiente y personalizable dependiendo de las necesidades del producto final de cada campaña publicitaria. Todos estos aspectos se explicaran en detalle en los siguientes apartados. Este trabajo se realizó en el corporativo Media Response Group, para la empresa Canalmail S.L, situada en Alcobendas, supervisado por los tutores profesionales Daniel Paz y Jorge Lázaro Molina y por el tutor académico Rafael Fernández Gallego de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.---ABSTRACT---The creation of this enterprise Web application arises from the need to optimize the time in the process of creating an online advertising campaign. The main objective of this work is to automate the process of validating fields in a web form. A web form [6] is a digital document that users enter data such as name, surname, address, ID number among others. These data will subsequently be processed and stored in a database and then be sent to the client. These data will subsequently be processed and stored in a database and then be sent to the advertiser. This validation process refers to programming the online form on the client‟s side using web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML5 to control that the data entered by the user in this form are correct. Each field in a web form has a specific validation that depends on several factors; like being a nationwide launch of the campaign and validating data, thus depending on the type of validation a JavaScript file is generated with all validation web form. This file is integrated into the web form by calling the service. One purpose of this work is that any business user can program a web form, without prior knowledge of web programming, since programming is transparent to the user. This is a basic summary of the web application; however we must consider a number of requirements and parameters to make it more efficient and customizable depending on the needs of the end product of each advertising campaign. All these aspects are explained in detail in the following sections. This work was performed in the corporate Media Response Group, for the company Canalmail S.L, located in Alcobendas, supervised by professional tutors Daniel Paz and Jorge Lázaro Molina and PhD Assistant Lecturer at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Rafael Fernández Gallego.
Energía termosolar (de concentración) es uno de los nombres que hacen referencia en español al término inglés “concentrating solar power”. Se trata de una tecnología basada en la captura de la potencia térmica de la radiación solar, de forma que permita alcanzar temperaturas capaces de alimentar un ciclo termodinámico convencional (o avanzado); el futuro de esta tecnología depende principalmente de su capacidad para concentrar la radiación solar de manera eficiente y económica. La presente tesis está orientada hacia la resolución de ciertos problemas importantes relacionados con este objetivo. La mencionada necesidad de reducir costes en la concentración de radiación solar directa, asegurando el objetivo termodinámico de calentar un fluido hasta una determinada temperatura, es de vital importancia. Los colectores lineales Fresnel han sido identificados en la literatura científica como una tecnología con gran potencial para alcanzar esta reducción de costes. Dicha tecnología ha sido seleccionada por numerosas razones, entre las que destacan su gran libertad de diseño y su actual estado inmaduro. Con el objetivo de responder a este desafío se desarrollado un detallado estudio de las propiedades ópticas de los colectores lineales Fresnel, para lo cual se han utilizado métodos analíticos y numéricos de manera combinada. En primer lugar, se han usado unos modelos para la predicción de la localización y la irradiación normal directa del sol junto a unas relaciones analíticas desarrolladas para estudiar el efecto de múltiples variables de diseño en la energía incidente sobre los espejos. Del mismo modo, se han obtenido analíticamente los errores debidos al llamado “off-axis aberration”, a la apertura de los rayos reflejados en los espejos y a las sombras y bloqueos entre espejos. Esto ha permitido la comparación de diferentes formas de espejo –planos, circulares o parabólicos–, así como el diseño preliminar de la localización y anchura de los espejos y receptor sin necesidad de costosos métodos numéricos. En segundo lugar, se ha desarrollado un modelo de trazado de rayos de Monte Carlo con el objetivo de comprobar la validez del estudio analítico, pero sobre todo porque este no es preciso en el estudio de la reflexión en espejos. El código desarrollado está específicamente ideado para colectores lineales Fresnel, lo que ha permitido la reducción del tiempo de cálculo en varios órdenes de magnitud en comparación con un programa comercial más general. Esto justifica el desarrollo de un nuevo código en lugar de la compra de una licencia de otro programa. El modelo ha sido usado primeramente para comparar la intensidad de flujo térmico y rendimiento de colectores Fresnel, con y sin reflector secundario, con los colectores cilíndrico parabólicos. Finalmente, la conjunción de los resultados obtenidos en el estudio analítico con el programa numérico ha sido usada para optimizar el campo solar para diferentes orientaciones –Norte-Sur y Este-Oeste–, diferentes localizaciones –Almería y Aswan–, diferentes inclinaciones hacia el Trópico –desde 0 deg hasta 32 deg– y diferentes mínimos de intensidad del flujo en el centro del receptor –10 kW/m2 y 25 kW/m2–. La presente tesis ha conducido a importantes descubrimientos que deben ser considerados a la hora de diseñar un campo solar Fresnel. En primer lugar, los espejos utilizados no deben ser plano, sino cilíndricos o parabólicos, ya que los espejos curvos implican mayores concentraciones y rendimiento. Por otro lado, se ha llegado a la conclusión de que la orientación Este-Oeste es más propicia para localizaciones con altas latitudes, como Almería, mientras que en zonas más cercanas a los trópicos como Aswan los campos Norte-Sur conducen a mayores rendimientos. Es de destacar que la orientación Este-Oeste requiere aproximadamente la mitad de espejos que los campos Norte-Sur, puediendo estar inclinados hacia los Trópicos para mejorar el rendimiento, y que alcanzan parecidos valores de intensidad térmica en el receptor todos los días a mediodía. Sin embargo, los campos con orientación Norte-Sur permiten un flujo más constante a lo largo de un día. Por último, ha sido demostrado que el uso de diseños pre-optimizados analíticamente, con anchura de espejos y espaciado entre espejos variables a lo ancho del campo, pueden implicar aumentos de la energía generada por metro cuadrado de espejos de hasta el 6%. El rendimiento óptico anual de los colectores cilíndrico parabólicos es 23 % mayor que el rendimiento de los campos Fresnel en Almería, mientras que la diferencia es de solo 9 % en Aswan. Ello implica que, para alcanzar el mismo precio de electricidad que la tecnología de referencia, la reducción de costes de instalación por metro cuadrado de espejo debe estar entre el 10 % y el 25 %, y que los colectores lineales Fresnel tienen más posibilidades de ser desarrollados en zonas de bajas latitudes. Como consecuencia de los estudios desarrollados en esta tesis se ha patentado un sistema de almacenamiento que tiene en cuenta la variación del flujo térmico en el receptor a lo largo del día, especialmente para campos con orientación Este-Oeste. Este invento permitiría el aprovechamiento de la energía incidente durante más parte del año, aumentando de manera apreciable los rendimientos óptico y térmico. Abstract Concentrating solar power is the common name of a technology based on capturing the thermal power of solar radiation, in a suitable way to reach temperatures able to activate a conventional (or advanced) thermodynamic cycle to generate electricity; this quest mainly depends on our ability to concentrate solar radiation in a cheap and efficient way. The present thesis is focused to highlight and help solving some of the important issues related to this problem. The need of reducing costs in concentrating the direct solar radiation, but without jeopardizing the thermodynamic objective of heating a fluid up to the required temperature, is of prime importance. Linear Fresnel collectors have been identified in the scientific literature as a technology with high potential to reach this cost reduction. This technology has been selected because of a number of reasons, particularly the degrees of freedom of this type of concentrating configuration and its current immature state. In order to respond to this challenge, a very detailed exercise has been carried out on the optical properties of linear Fresnel collectors. This has been done combining analytic and numerical methods. First, the effect of the design variables on the ratio of energy impinging onto the reflecting surface has been studied using analytically developed equations, together with models that predict the location and direct normal irradiance of the sun at any moment. Similarly, errors due to off-axis aberration, to the aperture of the reflected energy beam and to shading and blocking effects have been obtained analytically. This has allowed the comparison of different shapes of mirrors –flat, cylindrical or parabolic–, as well as a preliminary optimization of the location and width of mirrors and receiver with no need of time-consuming numerical models. Second, in order to prove the validity of the analytic results, but also due to the fact that the study of the reflection process is not precise enough when using analytic equations, a Monte Carlo Ray Trace model has been developed. The developed code is designed specifically for linear Fresnel collectors, which has reduced the computing time by several orders of magnitude compared to a wider commercial software. This justifies the development of the new code. The model has been first used to compare radiation flux intensities and efficiencies of linear Fresnel collectors, both multitube receiver and secondary reflector receiver technologies, with parabolic trough collectors. Finally, the results obtained in the analytic study together with the numeric model have used in order to optimize the solar field for different orientations –North-South and East-West–, different locations –Almería and Aswan–, different tilts of the field towards the Tropic –from 0 deg to 32 deg– and different flux intensity minimum requirements –10 kW/m2 and 25 kW/m2. This thesis work has led to several important findings that should be considered in the design of Fresnel solar fields. First, flat mirrors should not be used in any case, as cylindrical and parabolic mirrors lead to higher flux intensities and efficiencies. Second, it has been concluded that, in locations relatively far from the Tropics such as Almería, East-West embodiments are more efficient, while in Aswan North- South orientation leads to a higher annual efficiency. It must be noted that East-West oriented solar fields require approximately half the number of mirrors than NS oriented fields, can be tilted towards the Equator in order to increase the efficiency and attain similar values of flux intensity at the receiver every day at midday. On the other hand, in NS embodiments the flux intensity is more even during each single day. Finally, it has been proved that the use of analytic designs with variable shift between mirrors and variable width of mirrors across the field can lead to improvements in the electricity generated per reflecting surface square meter up to 6%. The annual optical efficiency of parabolic troughs has been found to be 23% higher than the efficiency of Fresnel fields in Almería, but it is only around 9% higher in Aswan. This implies that, in order to attain the same levelized cost of electricity than parabolic troughs, the required reduction of installation costs per mirror square meter is in the range of 10-25%. Also, it is concluded that linear Fresnel collectors are more suitable for low latitude areas. As a consequence of the studies carried out in this thesis, an innovative storage system has been patented. This system takes into account the variation of the flux intensity along the day, especially for East-West oriented solar fields. As a result, the invention would allow to exploit the impinging radiation along longer time every day, increasing appreciably the optical and thermal efficiencies.
This paper deals with the prediction of velocity fields on the 2415-3S airfoil which will be used for an unmanned aerial vehicle with internal propulsion system and in this way analyze the air flow through an internal duct of the airfoil using computational fluid dynamics. The main objective is to evaluate the effect of the internal air flow past the airfoil and how this affects the aerodynamic performance by means of lift and drag forces. For this purpose, three different designs of the internal duct were studied; starting from the base 2415-3S airfoil developed in previous investigation, basing on the hypothesis of decreasing the flow separation produced when the propulsive airflow merges the external flow, and in this way obtaining the best configuration. For that purpose, an exhaustive study of the mesh sensitivity was performed. It was used a non-structured mesh since the computational domain is three-dimensional and complex. The selected mesh contains approximately 12.5 million elements. Both the computational domain and the numerical solution were made with commercial CAD and CFD software, respectively. Air, incompressible and steady was analyzed. The boundary conditions are in concordance with experimental setup in the AF 6109 wind tunnel. The k-e model is utilized to describe the turbulent flow process as followed in references. Results allowed obtaining velocity contours as well as lift and drag coefficients and also the location of separation and reattachment regions in some cases for zero degrees of angle of attack on the internal and external surfaces of the airfoil. Finally, the selection of the configuration with the best aerodynamic performance was made, selecting the option without curved baffles.
Conductive nanoparticles, especially elongated ones such as carbon nanotubes, dramatically modify the electrical behavior of liquid crystal cells. These nanoparticles are known to reorient with liquid crystals in electric fields, causing significant variations of conductivity at minute concentrations of tens or hundreds ppm. The above notwithstanding, impedance spectroscopy of doped cells in the frequency range customarily employed by liquid crystal devices, 100 Hz?10 kHz, shows a relatively simple resistor/capacitor response where the components of the cell can be univocally assigned to single components of the electrical equivalent circuit. However, widening the frequency range up to 1 MHz or beyond reveals a complex behavior that cannot be explained with the same simple EEC. Moreover, the system impedance varies with the application of electric fields, their effect remaining after removing the field. Carbon nanotubes are reoriented together with liquid crystal reorientation when applying voltage, but barely reoriented back upon liquid crystal relaxation once the voltage is removed. Results demonstrate a remarkable variation in the impedance of the dielectric blend formed by liquid crystal and carbon nanotubes, the irreversible orientation of the carbon nanotubes and possible permanent contacts between electrodes.
Application of electric fields tangent to the plane of a confined patch of fluid bilayer membrane can create lateral concentration gradients of the lipids. A thermodynamic model of this steady-state behavior is developed for binary systems and tested with experiments in supported lipid bilayers. The model uses Flory’s approximation for the entropy of mixing and allows for effects arising when the components have different molecular areas. In the special case of equal area molecules the concentration gradient reduces to a Fermi–Dirac distribution. The theory is extended to include effects from charged molecules in the membrane. Calculations show that surface charge on the supporting substrate substantially screens electrostatic interactions within the membrane. It also is shown that concentration profiles can be affected by other intermolecular interactions such as clustering. Qualitative agreement with this prediction is provided by comparing phosphatidylserine- and cardiolipin-containing membranes.
A recurrent theme in the organization of vertebrate visual cortex is that of receptive fields with an associated "silent" opponency component. In the middle temporal area (area MT), a cortical visual area involved in the analysis of retinal motion in primates, this opponency appears in the form of a region outside the classical receptive field (CRF) that in itself gives no response but suppresses responses to motion evoked within the CRF. This antagonistic motion surround has been described as very large and symmetrically arrayed around the CRF. On the basis of this view, the primary function of the surround has long been thought to consist of simple figure-ground segregation based on movement. We have made use of small stimulus patches to map the form and extent of the surround and find evidence that the surround inhibition of many MT cells is in fact confined to restricted regions on one side or on opposite sides of the CRF. Such regions endow MT cells with the ability to make local-to-local motion comparisons, capable of extracting more complex features from the visual environment, and as such, may be better viewed as intrinsic parts of the receptive field, rather than as separate entities responsible for local-to-global comparisons.
Na atual conjuntura, no que se refere à energia renovável, o etanol é um dos principais, se não o mais importante, produto brasileiro. Proveniente da fermentação de açúcares, processo conhecido há séculos, tem se tornado o carro chefe do país como garantia de voz ativa nas discussões energéticas pelo mundo afora. Porém, atualmente, o setor sucroalcooleiro está passando por um momento de cautela devido à queda de produtividade e longevidade dos canaviais ao longo dos últimos anos ocasionados principalmente pela mecanização da colheita e plantio da cana-de-açúcar. Cabe ressaltar que as perdas de produção podem ser ainda maiores diante da ausência do manejo varietal e de cuidados adequados em relação à sanidade de mudas utilizadas para a multiplicação de viveiros. Nesse sentido, nos últimos anos, o emprego da irrigação no cultivo da cana-de-açúcar associada a outras tecnologias de plantio, tais como formação de viveiros com mudas pré-brotadas, vem merecendo papel de destaque. Esse cenário obriga pesquisadores a buscar novas tecnologias para aumento de produtividade, longevidade dos canaviais e redução do custo por tonelada de cana produzida, tais como a produção de mudas sadias para formação de viveiros de cana-de-açúcar. Diante disso, a presente pesquisa teve por objetivo, submeter mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar, durante plantio de inverno, na região de Piracicaba, SP, sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação (10 mm; 20 mm; 30 mm e 40 mm), utilizando um sistema de irrigação por aspersão com alas móveis. Dessa forma, buscou-se determinar qual seria a melhor lâmina de irrigação, necessária para garantir o melhor índice de pegamento e alto vigor no estabelecimento e desenvolvimento das mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar para a região de Piracicaba-SP. Foram feitas avaliações periódicas (não destrutivas), tais como: mortalidade das mudas; clorofila total na folha; tamanho da muda; índice de área foliar; número de perfilhos brotados por metro; percentual de falha no canavial. Além de avaliações periódicas (destrutivas), tais como: avaliação do tamanho da raiz; massa seca da raiz; massa seca da parte aérea e número de perfilhos totais. As análises estatísticas das lâminas de irrigação foram realizadas pelo método de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Diante dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que a lâmina de 10 mm possibilitou os melhores índices de pegamento e proporcionou um índice superior a 97,8% de sobrevivência de mudas. Também, observou-se uma estreita relação entre o índice de mortalidade no plantio de inverno das mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar com o manejo da irrigação, a qual nos primeiros dias após plantio foi fundamental para o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento das mudas. Cabe ressaltar que em caso da adoção de outro manejo de irrigação, com lâminas maiores, nessas condições experimentais, possivelmente haveria perdas de água, cujo fato nos dias atuais não é o ideal tendo em vista a busca por economia e manejo racional da água.
This case study describes the analysis of the Visitor Photo Study, a study in which visitors to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science documented their visit through pictures. The origins, implementation, and findings of the Visitor Photo Study are considered within the contexts of the fields of Community-Based Research (Strand, Marullo, Cutforth, Stoecker, & Donohue, 2003b), Visual Studies (Marshall & Rossman, 2011; Pink, 2007), and Visitor Studies (Visitor Studies Association, 2012). This study considers the extent to which the principles and elements of each of these fields were present in the Visitor Photo Study, which elements were not fully realized or were missing from the study, and ways in which the Visitor Photo Study extends each of these fields. The value of this type of analysis and implications for museums, faculty, and students are also discussed.
We perform a detailed modelling of the post-outburst surface emission of the low magnetic field magnetar SGR 0418+5729. The dipolar magnetic field of this source, B=6×1012G estimated from its spin-down rate, is in the observed range of magnetic fields for normal pulsars. The source is further characterized by a high pulse fraction and a single-peak profile. Using synthetic temperature distribution profiles, and fully accounting for the general-relativistic effects of light deflection and gravitational redshift, we generate synthetic X-ray spectra and pulse profiles that we fit to the observations. We find that asymmetric and symmetric surface temperature distributions can reproduce equally well the observed pulse profiles and spectra of SGR 0418. None the less, the modelling allows us to place constraints on the system geometry (i.e. the angles ψ and ξ that the rotation axis makes with the line of sight and the dipolar axis, respectively), as well as on the spot size and temperature contrast on the neutron star surface. After performing an analysis iterating between the pulse profile and spectra, as done in similar previous works, we further employed, for the first time in this context, a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo approach to extract constraints on the model parameters from the pulse profiles and spectra, simultaneously. We find that, to reproduce the observed spectrum and flux modulation: (a) the angles must be restricted to 65° ≲ ψ + ξ ≲ 125° or 235° ≲ ψ + ξ ≲ 295°; (b) the temperature contrast between the poles and the equator must be at least a factor of ∼6, and (c) the size of the hottest region ranges between 0.2 and 0.7 km (including uncertainties on the source distance). Lastly, we interpret our findings within the context of internal and external heating models.
In this study, a methodology based in a dynamical framework is proposed to incorporate additional sources of information to normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series of agricultural observations for a phenological state estimation application. The proposed implementation is based on the particle filter (PF) scheme that is able to integrate multiple sources of data. Moreover, the dynamics-led design is able to conduct real-time (online) estimations, i.e., without requiring to wait until the end of the campaign. The evaluation of the algorithm is performed by estimating the phenological states over a set of rice fields in Seville (SW, Spain). A Landsat-5/7 NDVI series of images is complemented with two distinct sources of information: SAR images from the TerraSAR-X satellite and air temperature information from a ground-based station. An improvement in the overall estimation accuracy is obtained, especially when the time series of NDVI data is incomplete. Evaluations on the sensitivity to different development intervals and on the mitigation of discontinuities of the time series are also addressed in this work, demonstrating the benefits of this data fusion approach based on the dynamic systems.
Policy-makers often fret about the low number of university graduates in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Proposed solutions often focus on providing better information for students and parents about the employability or average wages of different fields to emphasise that STEM professions pay. This paper argues that, from a personal point of view, students are actually making rational decisions, if all benefits and costs are factored into the equation. The authors conclude, therefore, that public policy needs to change the incentives to induce students to enter these fields and not just provide information about them.
Ukraine’s deposits of unconventional gas (shale gas, tight gas trapped in non-porous sandstone formations, and coal bed methane) may form a significant part of Europe’s gas reserves. Initial exploration and test drilling will be carried out in two major deposits: Yuzivska (Kharkiv and Donetsk Oblasts) and Oleska (Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk Oblasts), to confirm the volume of the reserves. Shell and Chevron, respectively, won the tenders for the development of these fields in mid 2012. Gas extraction on an industrial scale is expected to commence in late 2018/ early 2019 at the earliest. According to estimates presented in the draft Energy Strategy of Ukraine 2030, annual gas production levels may range between 30 billion m3 and 47 billion m3 towards the end of the next decade. According to optimistic forecasts from IHS CERA, total gas production (from both conventional and unconventional reserves) could reach as much as 73 billion m3. However, this will require multi-billion dollar investments, a significant improvement in the investment climate, and political stability. It is clear at the present initial stage of the unconventional gas extraction project that the private interests of the Ukrainian government elite have played a positive role in initiating unconventional gas extraction projects. Ukraine has had to wait nearly four decades for this opportunity to regain its status of a major gas producer. Gas from unconventional sources may lead not only to Ukraine becoming self-sufficient in terms of energy supplies, but may also result in it beginning to export gas. Furthermore, shale gas deposits in Poland and Ukraine, including on the Black Sea shelf (both traditional natural gas and gas hydrates) form a specific ‘European methane belt’, which could bring about a cardinal change in the geopolitics and geo-economics of Eastern and Central Europe over the next thirty years.
The Itremo region in Central Madagascar comprises a deformed metasedimentary sequence (Itremo Group) that has undergone greenschist to lower amphibolite facies metamorphism. During a first phase of deformation (D1) Itremo Group sediments were deformed into a fold-and-thrust belt and transported toward the E to NE on top of migmatitic gneisses rocks of Anatananarivo block. A second phase of deformation (D2) affected both the fold-and-thrust belt and structurally underlying units, and formed large-scale N-S trending folds with steeply dipping axial planes. A Late Neoproterozoic Th–U–Pb XRF monazite age (565±17 Ma) dates the emplacement of a granite that truncates first-phase structures in the Itremo Group, and indicates that the fold-and-thrust belt formed prior to ≈565 Ma. Th–U–Pb electron microprobe dating was applied to elongated monazites that lie within the first-phase foliation of Itremo Group metapelites. The detrital cores of zoned monazites reveal two distinct age populations at ∼2000 and 1700 Ma, the latter age giving a maximum depositional age for the Itremo Group. Statistical analysis of ages determined from the rims of zoned monazites and from unzoned monazites indicates three Late Proterozoic–Early Paleozoic monazite growth events at about 565–540, 500 and 430 Ma. The oldest age population is contemporaneous within error, with the intrusion of the dated granite. The two younger age populations are found both in the Th–U–Pb and Ar–Ar data; together with the perturbation of the Rb–Sr system we interpret both ages as due to alteration related to fluid circulation events, possibly connected to the emplacement of pegmatite fields in Central Madagascar. Syn-D1 tectonic growth of contact metamorphism minerals such as andalusite has been observed locally in metapelites along the margin of Middle Neoproterozoic (≈800 Ma) granites, suggesting that D1 in the Itremo Group is contemporaneous with the intrusion of granites at ≈800 Ma. The N-S trending D2 folds are associated with ≈E-W shortening during the final assembly of Gondwana in Late Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian times.