936 resultados para cumulative impact assessment
This study evaluated how applicable European Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data are to assessing the environmental impacts of the life cycle of Brazilian triple superphosphate (TSP). The LCI data used for the comparison were local Brazilian LCI data, European LCI data in its original version from the ecoinvent database and a modified version of the European LCI data, which had been adapted to better account for the Brazilian situation. We compared the three established datasets at the level of the inventory as well as for their environmental impacts, i.e. at the level of Life Cycle Environmental Assessment (LCIA). The analysis showed that the European LCIs (both the original and the modified ones) considered a broader spectrum of background processes and environmental flows (inputs and outputs). Nevertheless, TSP production had in all three cases similar values for the consumption of the main raw materials. The LCIA results obtained for the datasets showed important differences as well. Therefore we concluded that the European data in general lead to much higher environmental impacts than the Brazilian data. The differences between the LCIA results obtained with the Brazilian and the European data can be basically explained by the methodological differences underlying the data. The small differences at the LCI level for selected inputs and outputs between the Brazilian and the European LCIs from ecoinvent indicate that the latter can be regarded as applicable for characterizing the Brazilian TSP.
In order to improve the ability to link chemical exposure to toxicological and ecological effects, aquatic toxicology will have to move from observing what chemical concentrations induce adverse effects to more explanatory approaches, that are concepts which build on knowledge of biological processes and pathways leading from exposure to adverse effects, as well as on knowledge on stressor vulnerability as given by the genetic, physiological and ecological (e.g., life history) traits of biota. Developing aquatic toxicology in this direction faces a number of challenges, including (i) taking into account species differences in toxicant responses on the basis of the evolutionarily developed diversity of phenotypic vulnerability to environmental stressors, (ii) utilizing diversified biological response profiles to serve as biological read across for prioritizing chemicals, categorizing them according to modes of action, and for guiding targeted toxicity evaluation; (iii) prediction of ecological consequences of toxic exposure from knowledge of how biological processes and phenotypic traits lead to effect propagation across the levels of biological hierarchy; and (iv) the search for concepts to assess the cumulative impact of multiple stressors. An underlying theme in these challenges is that, in addition to the question of what the chemical does to the biological receptor, we should give increasing emphasis to the question how the biological receptor handles the chemicals, i.e., through which pathways the initial chemical-biological interaction extends to the adverse effects, how this extension is modulated by adaptive or compensatory processes as well as by phenotypic traits of the biological receptor.
Currently, lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic are struggling with the problem of orphan works. In the impact assessment of its proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain permitted uses of orphan works, the Eurpean Commission mentions six possible ways of dealing with the problem. Three of the six (a statutory exception to copyright; extended collective licensing; an orphan-specific license granted by collecting societies) have each had their heyday during the past few years. This article examines how and why these changes in popularity occurred. In addition, it explains why a limitation on remedies would be the most adequate solution for the problem in Europe.
Radon plays an important role for human exposure to natural sources of ionizing radiation. The aim of this article is to compare two approaches to estimate mean radon exposure in the Swiss population: model-based predictions at individual level and measurement-based predictions based on measurements aggregated at municipality level. A nationwide model was used to predict radon levels in each household and for each individual based on the corresponding tectonic unit, building age, building type, soil texture, degree of urbanization, and floor. Measurement-based predictions were carried out within a health impact assessment on residential radon and lung cancer. Mean measured radon levels were corrected for the average floor distribution and weighted with population size of each municipality. Model-based predictions yielded a mean radon exposure of the Swiss population of 84.1 Bq/m(3) . Measurement-based predictions yielded an average exposure of 78 Bq/m(3) . This study demonstrates that the model- and the measurement-based predictions provided similar results. The advantage of the measurement-based approach is its simplicity, which is sufficient for assessing exposure distribution in a population. The model-based approach allows predicting radon levels at specific sites, which is needed in an epidemiological study, and the results do not depend on how the measurement sites have been selected.
Pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) in patients with bladder cancer varies widely in extent, technique employed, and pathological workup of specimens. The present paper provides an overview of the existing evidence regarding the effectiveness of PLND and elucidates the interactions between patient, surgeon, pathologist, and treating institution as well as their cumulative impact on the final postoperative lymph node (LN) staging. Bladder cancer patients undergoing radical cystectomy with extended PLND appear to have better oncologic outcomes compared to patients undergoing radical cystectomy and limited PLND. Attempts have been made to define and assess the quality of PLND according to the number of lymph nodes identified. However, lymph node counts depend on multiple factors such as patient characteristics, surgical template, pathological workup, and institutional policies; hence, meticulous PLND within a defined and uniformly applied extended template appears to be a better assurance of quality than absolute lymph node counts. Nevertheless, the prognosis of the patients can be partially predicted with findings from the histopathological evaluation of the PLND specimen, such as the number of positive lymph nodes, extracapsular extension, and size of the largest LN metastases. Therefore, particular prognostic parameters should be addressed within the pathological report to guide the urologist in terms of patient counseling.
The present paper introduces the topical area of the Polish-Swiss research project FLORIST (Flood risk on the northern foothills of the Tatra Mountains), informs on its objectives, and reports on initial results. The Tatra Mountains are the area of the highest precipitation in Poland and largely contribute to flood generation. The project is focused around four competence clusters: observation-based climatology, model-based climate change projections and impact assessment, dendrogeomorphology, and impact of large wood debris on fluvial processes. The knowledge generated in the FLORIST project is likely to have impact on understanding and interpretation of flood risk on the northern foothills of the Tatra Mountains, in the past, present, and future. It can help solving important practical problems related to flood risk reduction strategies and flood preparedness.
The Antarctic climate system varies on timescales from orbital, through millennial to sub-annual, and is closely coupled to other parts of the global climate system. We review these variations from the perspective of the geological and glaciological records and the recent historical period from which we have instrumental data (similar to the last 50 years). We consider their consequences for the biosphere, and show how the latest numerical models project changes into the future, taking into account human actions in the form of the release of greenhouse gases and chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere. In doing so, we provide an essential Southern Hemisphere companion to the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment.
Full mission report on an impact monitoring workshop held in Nampula with Helvetas and other implementing agencies of SDC Rural Development Programme, Northern Mozambique
Environmental quality monitoring of water resources is challenged with providing the basis for safeguarding the environment against adverse biological effects of anthropogenic chemical contamination from diffuse and point sources. While current regulatory efforts focus on monitoring and assessing a few legacy chemicals, many more anthropogenic chemicals can be detected simultaneously in our aquatic resources. However, exposure to chemical mixtures does not necessarily translate into adverse biological effects nor clearly shows whether mitigation measures are needed. Thus, the question which mixtures are present and which have associated combined effects becomes central for defining adequate monitoring and assessment strategies. Here we describe the vision of the international, EU-funded project SOLUTIONS, where three routes are explored to link the occurrence of chemical mixtures at specific sites to the assessment of adverse biological combination effects. First of all, multi-residue target and non-target screening techniques covering a broader range of anticipated chemicals co-occurring in the environment are being developed. By improving sensitivity and detection limits for known bioactive compounds of concern, new analytical chemistry data for multiple components can be obtained and used to characterise priority mixtures. This information on chemical occurrence will be used to predict mixture toxicity and to derive combined effect estimates suitable for advancing environmental quality standards. Secondly, bioanalytical tools will be explored to provide aggregate bioactivity measures integrating all components that produce common (adverse) outcomes even for mixtures of varying compositions. The ambition is to provide comprehensive arrays of effect-based tools and trait-based field observations that link multiple chemical exposures to various environmental protection goals more directly and to provide improved in situ observations for impact assessment of mixtures. Thirdly, effect-directed analysis (EDA) will be applied to identify major drivers of mixture toxicity. Refinements of EDA include the use of statistical approaches with monitoring information for guidance of experimental EDA studies. These three approaches will be explored using case studies at the Danube and Rhine river basins as well as rivers of the Iberian Peninsula. The synthesis of findings will be organised to provide guidance for future solution-oriented environmental monitoring and explore more systematic ways to assess mixture exposures and combination effects in future water quality monitoring.
The transfer coefficient of radon from water to air was investigated in schools. Kitchens, bathrooms and locker rooms were studied for seven schools in Maine. Simulations were done in water-use rooms where radon in air detectors were in place. Quantities measured were radon in water (270-24500 F) and air (0-80 q), volume of water used, emissivities (0.01-0.99) and ventilation rates (0.012-0.066A). Variation throughout the room of the radon concentration was found. Values calculated for the transfer coefficient for kitchens and baths were ranged from 9.6 x to 2.0 x The transfer coefficient was calculated using these parameters and was also measured using concentrations of radon in water and air. This provides a means by which radon in air can be estimated using the transfer coefficient and the concentration in the water in other schools and it can be used to estimate the dose caused by radon released from water use. This project was partially funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (grant #X828l2 101-0) and by the State of Maine (grant #10A500178). These are the first measurements of this type to be done in schools in the United States.
Hearing is extremely important for cetaceans because it is their “principal sense” (Weilgart, 2007) thus the harbor porpoise and other marine animals are highly dependent on sound for survival. This is why we should care about the impact of noise on animals like the harbor porpoise. Since sound travels so well in water, an explosion, sonar, boat noise, etc. can affect a very large area and thus many different species of marine mammals. Although military actions such as low frequency sonar have made recent news, noise has been affecting cetaceans, especially beaked whales, since at least 1991 (Weilgart, 2007). This study is an investigation of the possible impacts of artillery detonated on land on harbor porpoise hearing and covers some of the history of Fort Richardson, the legal and historical aspects and history of this type of concern, the science and physics of sound, marine mammal hearing and general biology of the harbor porpoise. Data were collected at the Fort Richardson Army base during June of 2007 by researchers from the University of Connecticut and the University of Rhode Island and will be used to determine the possible impacts that these detonations could have on the harbor porpoise.
Objective: To review published literature on the impact of restaurant menu labeling on consumer food choices.^ Method: To examine all relevant studies published on the topic from 2002 to 2012.^ Results: Sixteen studies were identified as relevant and suitable for review. These studies comprised of one systematic review, one health impact assessment, and fourteen research studies conducted at restaurants, cafeterias, and laboratories. Three of ten studies conducted at restaurants and cafeterias and two of four studies conducted at laboratories found positive effects of menu labeling on consumer food choices. Conversely, the systematic review identified for this review found that five out of six studies resulted in weakly positive effects. The health impact assessment estimated positive effects; however, the results of this assessment must be cautiously interpreted since the authors used simulated data.^ Conclusion: Overall, there is insufficient evidence to provide support for the majority of the types of menu labels identified in this review on consumer food choice.^
En general las metodologías utilizadas para la evaluación de impacto ambiental han empleado ponderaciones subjetivas, o mediciones de ciertos componentes en forma parcializada, en donde no se tiene en cuenta el territorio sobre el cual se desarrollan las acciones y los efectos. Esto hace que las EIA no sean ajustadas, tornándose más dificultoso aún en las evaluaciones relacionadas con temas de Ordenamiento Territorial, donde la complejidad está dada no solo por la cantidad de variables a incluir sino por el nivel de interacciones a considerar. A pesar de que no siempre es tenida en cuenta, la componente espacial es fundamental en toda EIA, no solo para describir el entorno en el que las acciones se realizan sino para el análisis y correlación de fenómenos que impactan en el territorio y el medio ambiente. En este trabajo se persigue: • Identificar indicadores geográficos posibles de incorporar en las EIA. • Medir en forma cuali y cuantitativa los indicadores seleccionados . • Utilizar geotecnologías como son los SIG y la Teledetección en dicha medición. La incorporación de indicadores geográficos en la EIA de temas tan complejos y comprometidos como los relacionados con el Ordenamiento Territorial se torna necesario debido a la propia naturaleza de ciertos fenómenos que requieren de un enfoque integral georeferenciado, con indicadores medidos en forma cualitativa o cuantitativa.
Esta monografía se enmarca en el manejo de los recursos hídricos en grandes redes de riego. En ella se describe el caso del río Mendoza, en la provincia homónima, el que fuera regulado en el año 2002. Este río nace en la Cordillera de los Andes, y presenta un importante arrastre de sólidos en suspensión, los que actualmente son retenidos en gran medida por el embalse Potrerillos. Las “aguas claras" que se erogan del embalse producen problemas erosivos, los que a su vez estarían ocasionando una mayor infiltración en los canales, y con ello un incremento en la recarga de acuíferos en ciertas zonas, así como problemas derivados del ascenso de la freática en otras. Se citan procesos ocurridos en otros distritos de riego frente a la regulación de los ríos, para concluir que el del río Mendoza es un caso susceptible de sufrir ciertos per-juicios, ya señalados en la Manifestación General de Impacto Ambiental del embalse Potrerillos, los que actualmente se están presentando en la red de riego. A partir de los estudios de sedimentología en el río Mendoza, se hace un análisis técnico de los fenómenos asociados al cambio de las características físicas del agua. Luego se describen los procesos erosivos, de acuerdo con la hidráulica clásica. Se define la Eficiencia de conducción (Ec), la infiltración en canales y su importancia en distintos distritos de riego, para luego mencionar los estudios realizados en el área del río Mendoza. Se analiza el desarrollo espacial que ha tenido el oasis, la escasa programación que tuvo su traza y la antigüedad de la misma. La descripción de los suelos permite concluir acerca de la importancia de su estructura y del papel que juegan las porciones finas, aún en minoría, que integran las distintas clases texturales con respecto a la Ec. Se describen los criterios con que se distribuye el agua en Mendoza, analizándose los caudales distribuidos actualmente, para relacionarlos con los niveles freáticos. Se mencionan además distintas acciones encaradas por la provincia para mitigar los efectos de las aguas claras. El análisis de los métodos utilizados para medir la Ec, permite apreciar el estado de la ciencia al respecto. Un análisis de las ventajas y de las desventajas de los distintos métodos, y de los resultados que con ellos se obtienen, permite concluir que el método de entradas y salidas es el que mejor se adapta en Mendoza, incluyendo además aspectos metodológicos de la medición. También se concluye en que la Ec. está insuficientemente evaluada; las fracciones finas de los suelos en muchos casos gravitan más que la textura frente a la Ec; por ello, se considera que el estudio de la Ec en las distintas áreas de manejo es necesario para entender los procesos de revenición y recarga de acuíferos, y que las pérdidas administrativas pueden gravitar más que la Ec. Se recomienda continuar con los trabajos de evaluación de Ec, al ser necesarios para todas las actividades en la cuenca; se desaconseja en este río el ajuste de modelos de predicción de Ec; las características de los suelos obligan a interpretar y aplicar con criterio la bibliografía internacional, pero aún así no se pueden hacer generalizaciones acerca de de la Ec en Mendoza.
El objetivo de la presente investigación es integrar criterios vinculados al hábitat en una herramienta de gestión que permita una mejor toma de decisión en cuanto a la selección de terrenos para viviendas de interés social; logrando así en un mediano y largo plazo una intervención más sostenible en el territorio. La localización de la vivienda social presenta un alto grado de complejidad para abordar su análisis debido a los diferentes actores y fuerzas que intervienen en la decisión de localización de los conjuntos habitacionales, esta multidimensionalidad está dada por lo social, lo económico – financiero, lo político – administrativo, lo legal – notarial y lo territorial - ambiental. La metodología utilizada es a través de un enfoque sistémico que permite contemplar las relaciones que se establecen entre los distintos elementos que conforman el sistema territorial. La Planilla de Evaluación de Impacto Territorial surge a partir de un proceso metodológico y se va ajustando con el tiempo a través de análisis de antecedentes, consulta a expertos, análisis bibliográfico y pruebas en territorio logrando una retroalimentación permanente. Esta herramienta se encuentra actualmente desarrollada y ha sido probada en numerosos terrenos priorizados por los Municipios ante el Instituto Provincial de la Vivienda de Mendoza para la obtención de créditos para la ejecución de conjuntos habitacionales de interés social. Los ejemplos presentados tratan de abarcar realidades territoriales diversas y a la vez típicas de las zonas más representativas del territorio: urbana consolidada, urbana a consolidar, centro de servicios y rural disperso.