951 resultados para crimes against the stock exchanges
O intenso intercâmbio entre os países, resultante do processo de globalização, veio acrescer importância ao mercado de capitais. Os países em desenvolvimento procuram abrir as suas economias para receber investimentos externos. Quanto maior for o grau de desenvolvimento de uma economia mais ativo será o seu mercado de capitais. No entanto, tem-se verificado uma tendência de substituição de enfoque económico, que antes era mais dirigido ao planeamento empresarial para metas mais ligadas ao meio ambiente. O mercado de capitais é um sistema de distribuição de valores mobiliários cujo objectivo é proporcionar liquidez a títulos emitidos pelas empresas, com a finalidade de viabilizar o processo de capitalização desses papéis. O mercado de capitais é composto pelas bolsas de valores, sociedades corretoras e outras instituições financeiras que têm autorização da Comissão de Valores dos Mercados Mobiliários (CMVM). O mercado bolsista insere-se no mercado de capitais. Nesses mercados, é importante conseguir conjuntamente a maximização dos recursos (retornos) e minimização dos custos (riscos). O principal objectivo das bolsas de valores é promover um ambiente de negociação dos títulos e dos valores mobiliários das empresas. Muitos investidores têm a sua própria maneira de investir, consoante o perfil que cada um tem. Além do perfil dos investidores, é também pertinente analisar a questão do risco. Vaughan (1997) observa que, nos dias atuais, a questão da administração do risco está presente na vida de todos. Este trabalho tem o propósito de demonstrar a necessidade da utilização de ferramentas para a seleção de ativos e para a mensuração do risco e do retorno de aplicações de recursos financeiros nesses activos de mercados de capitais, por qualquer tipo de investidor, mais especificamente na compra de ações e montagem de uma carteira de investimento. Para isso usou-se o método de Elton e Gruber, analisou-se as rentabilidades, os riscos e os índices de desempenho de Treynor e Sharpe. Testes estatísticos para os retornos das ações foram executados visando analisar a aleatoriedade dos dados. Este trabalho conclui que pode haver vantagens na utilização do método de Elton e Gruber para os investidores propensos a utilzar ações de empresas socialmente responsáveis.
La violence conjugale est un phénomène criminel fréquent au Québec. En 2008, les infractions commises en contexte conjugal représentaient plus de 20 % des crimes contre la personne signalés à la police (Ministère de la Sécurité publique, 2010). L’intervention policière et judiciaire en contexte conjugal est complexe, notamment en raison du lien unissant l’agresseur et la victime. Bien que le pouvoir discrétionnaire des intervenants judiciaires en contexte conjugal ait été grandement limité au cours des dernières décennies, ceux-ci bénéficient toujours d’une certaine latitude dans leur décision de poursuivre, ou non, différentes étapes du processus judiciaire. Au fil du temps, plusieurs études se sont intéressées aux éléments influençant la prise de décision en contexte conjugal. Cependant, celles-ci ne portent généralement que sur une seule étape du processus et certains facteurs décisionnels n’ont jamais été testés empiriquement. C’est notamment le cas des éléments liés aux stéréotypes de la violence conjugale. Certains auteurs mentionnent que les incidents qui ne correspondent pas au stéréotype de l’agresseur masculin violentant une victime qualifiée d’irréprochable et d’innocente font l’objet d’un traitement judiciaire plus sommaire, mais ces affirmations ne reposent, à notre connaissance, sur aucune donnée empirique. Cette étude tente de vérifier cette hypothèse en examinant l’impact de ces éléments sur cinq décisions policières et judiciaires. À partir d’une analyse de contenu quantitative de divers documents liés au cheminement judiciaire de 371 incidents commis en contexte conjugal sur le territoire du Centre opérationnel Nord du Service de police de la Ville de Montréal en 2008, la thèse examine l’utilisation du pouvoir discrétionnaire dans le traitement judiciaire de ces incidents. Elle comporte trois objectifs spécifiques. Le premier objectif permet la description du cheminement judiciaire des incidents commis en contexte conjugal. Nos résultats indiquent que ceux-ci font l’objet d’un traitement plus punitif puisqu’ils font plus fréquemment l’objet de procédures à la cour que les autres types de crimes. Cette judiciarisation plus systématique pourrait expliquer le faible taux de condamnation de ceux-ci (17,2 %). Le second objectif permet la description des principales caractéristiques de ces incidents. La majorité implique des gestes de violence physique et les policiers interviennent généralement auprès de conjoints actuels. La plupart des victimes rapportent la présence de violences antérieures au sein du couple et le tiers veulent porter plainte contre le suspect. Finalement, 78 % des incidents impliquent un agresseur masculin et une victime féminine et 14,29 % des victimes sont soupçonnées d’avoir posé le premier geste hostile ou violent lors de l’incident. Le dernier objectif permet l’identification des principaux éléments associés aux décisions prises en contexte conjugal. Les résultats confirment l’hypothèse selon laquelle les incidents n’impliquant pas un agresseur masculin et une victime féminine ou ceux dont les policiers soupçonnent la victime d’avoir posé le premier geste hostile ou violent font l’objet d’un traitement judiciaire plus sommaire. En outre, la majorité des facteurs décisionnels étudiés perdent de leur influence au cours du processus judiciaire et les décisions prises précédemment influencent fortement les décisions subséquentes. Finalement, le désir de porter plainte de la victime n’influence pas directement les décisions des intervenants judiciaires.
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar comparativamente as informações socioambientais divulgadas pelas companhias latino-americanas nos seus relatórios. Foi efetuada uma análise de conteúdo das informações socioambientais divulgadas por uma amostra de 226 organizações, no período de 2004 a 2009, segregadas por país, empresa, setor e ano. Foram utilizadas as diretrizes voluntárias da Global Reporting Initiative como escopo para analisar o conteúdo dos relatórios anuais, relatórios de sustentabilidade e Formulários 20F, disponibilizados pelas organizações, nos seus websites ou nas bolsas de valores em que negociam suas ações. A maioria das companhias de capital aberto na região não disponibiliza informações socioambientais nos seus relatórios anuais ou em relatórios específicos sobre o tema. No âmbito das multinacionais que operam na América Latina e que foram selecionadas para este estudo, percebeu-se maior concentração dessas na Argentina, Chile e Peru e foram as companhias que mais divulgaram informações socioambientais nos relatórios analisados nesses países. Entre os países latino-americanos, verificou-se que o nível de aderência às diretrizes voluntárias de divulgação de informações socioambientais é baixo, mas as companhias estabelecidas no Brasil são as que têm maior e melhor nível de aderência a tais diretrizes. O referencial teórico indicou as várias influências históricas que contribuíram para esse resultado, como a organização e adesão do setor empresarial à questão socioambiental, além do apoio de ONGs que se especializaram em difundir o tema. O Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social, além de outras entidades, como IBASE e GIFE, exerceram e exercem importante papel na difusão e profissionalização das ações socioambientais das companhias brasileiras. Nos demais países, o assunto ainda é incipiente, apesar de haver várias instituições locais voltadas para a participação empresarial na elaboração e divulgação de relatórios voltados para o tema, o assunto começou a ser amplamente divulgado há poucos anos. As companhias que compuseram a amostra deste trabalho estão entre as de maior porte dos seus respectivos países. No caso do Brasil e do México, a indústria local tem sua maneira própria de elaborar ações socioambientais, bem como, divulgá-las em relatórios específicos. Quanto à evolução e forma de divulgação de informações socioambientais, tem-se o relatório anual como o principal canal utilizado pelas companhias para destacar tais informações, seguido do relatório de sustentabilidade, divulgado como parte do relatório anual, ou como uma publicação específica.
Nesse trabalho são observadas as características preferencias dos gestores de fundos mútuos estrangeiros ao selecionar ações na América Latina. O objetivo foi verificar a hipótese de que esses gestores preferem companhias que possuam características que geram grande visibilidade, ou seja, que reduzam a assimetria de informação, uma das possíveis explicações para a existência do home bias. Para isso, foram observadas as posições dos fundos mútuos a partir das listas de acionistas das companhias listadas nas bolsas dos países da amostra em três períodos diferentes (junho de 2008, 2009 e 2010). A análise revela que essa classe de investidores prefere companhias que possuam atributos que ampliem seu contato com mercados internacionais, tais quais, a listagem internacional, maior cobertura de analistas e que façam parte de setores exportadores, reforçando a ideia de que a assimetria de informação reduz a capacidade de seleção de ativos por parte dos participantes de mercado e, portanto, justificando a teoria do home bias. O estudo ainda compara as preferências dos gestores estrangeiros com gestores domiciliados na América Latina e mostra evidências de que os gestores de fundos mútuos domésticos possuem maior dispersão de investimentos nas companhias listadas e, consequentemente, possuem preferências diferentes daquelas observadas para os gestores estrangeiros.
The quarrel, in this study, tells about the language as social practical in the daily of Parnamirim State Prison that is integrated to the Rio Grande do Norte Penitentiary System - SISPERN, destined for men in fulfilment of penalty privative of freedom, in closed regimen. For the accomplishment of the research, the delimited objectives had been to analyze the language repertoires created in the prisional daily, trying to identify how it´s turned into distinct forms of resistance to the mechanisms of control in penitentiary system; to investigate which are the language repertoires created from the new sociability forms developed among prisoners and identify how the language repertoires are expressed in the daily prisional on relations/exercises of power not-institutionalized. In the methodological aspect, the study is in a qualitative boarding, that has as main instrument the interview. The inquiry was possible by means of using instruments for data collection, like as: the direct comment in the prisional daily duly registered as researcher´s ethnographical procedure, the analysis of interns´ cadastre handbooks and the application of half-structuralized interview, to the subjects of the research. The construction and understanding of the study object had been based on authors who argue on the arrest, as: Foucault, Goffman, Carvalho Filho and, in particular was searched the theorical referencial that approaches the language in a social and cultural perspective: Orlandi, Manfred, Bastos and Candiotto, amongst others. Beyond the normative endorsement of the Brazilian legislation, through the Law of Criminal Execution, of the Criminal Code and the Federal Constitution of the country and the legal apparatus in state scope. Still in the research methodological perspective, after the collection the data had been submitted to an analysis of the speech from Foucalt´s theory and in the Orlandi´s perspective, being also qualitative and quantitative. The results had evidenced that the social and juridical profile of the population in the site inquired is not different of others Brazilian prisons, composed for men, in its majority, with age band between 21 and 30 years old, prisoners for practicing crimes against the patrimony, against life, amongst others, and, in special, criminal recidivists. It evidenced, still, that the daily prisional of PSP is characterized for a sociocultural diversity expressed in the relations of power not institutionalized, that contributes for the formation and division of the groups, each one using a set of language codes/ repertoires sustentation. Therefore, the language, in the daily prisional, is one of the ways to understand the singularity of the sociability relations and as social practicing mediated by relations/exercises of power and antagonistic interests, in which each group aims first of all, their own interests. It represents the complexity of the social relations, in the prisional space, with diverse effects, in function of the situation and the moment. The language in the arrest, beyond the communication function, assumes and represents central element for the sociability human being, contributes for its changings and it´s configured as one of the resistance forms of prisoners against the controling, disciplining and monitoring mechanisms of penitentiary system
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Theoretical studies of the problems of the securities markets in the Russian Federation incline to one or other of the two traditional approaches. The first consists of comparing the definition of "valuable paper" set forth in the current legislation of the Russian Federation, with the theoretical model of "Wertpapiere" elaborated by German scholars more than 90 years ago. The problem with this approach is, in Mr. Pentsov's opinion, that any new features of the definition of "security" that do not coincide with the theoretical model of "Wertpapiere" (such as valuable papers existing in non-material, electronic form) are claimed to be incorrect and removed from the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The second approach works on the basis of the differentiation between the Common Law concept of "security" and the Civil Law concept of "valuable paper". Mr. Pentsov's research, presented in an article written in English, uses both methodological tools and involves, firstly, a historical study of the origin and development of certain legal phenomena (securities) as they evolved in different countries, and secondly, a comparative, synchronic study of equivalent legal phenomena as they exist in different countries today. Employing the first method, Mr. Pentsov divided the historical development of the conception of "valuable paper" in Russia into five major stages. He found that, despite the existence of a relatively wide circulation of valuable papers, especially in the second half of the 19th century, Russian legislation before 1917 (the first stage) did not have a unified definition of valuable paper. The term was used, in both theoretical studies and legislation, but it covered a broad range of financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, government bonds, promissory notes, bills of exchange, etc. During the second stage, also, the legislation of the USSR did not have a unified definition of "valuable paper". After the end of the "new economic policy" (1922 - 1930) the stock exchanges and the securities markets in the USSR, with a very few exceptions, were abolished. And thus during the third stage (up to 1985), the use of valuable papers in practice was reduced to foreign economic relations (bills of exchange, stocks in enterprises outside the USSR) and to state bonds. Not surprisingly, there was still no unified definition of "valuable paper". After the beginning of Gorbachev's perestroika, a securities market began to re-appear in the USSR. However, the successful development of securities markets in the USSR was retarded by the absence of an appropriate regulatory framework. The first effort to improve the situation was the adoption of the Regulations on Valuable Papers, approved by resolution No. 590 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, dated June 19, 1990. Section 1 of the Regulation contained the first statutory definition of "valuable paper" in the history of Russia. At the very beginning of the period of transition to a market economy, a number of acts contained different definitions of "valuable paper". This diversity clearly undermined the stability of the Russian securities market and did not achieve the goal of protecting the investor. The lack of unified criteria for the consideration of such non-standard financial instruments as "valuable papers" significantly contributed to the appearance of numerous fraudulent "pyramid" schemes that were outside of the regulatory scheme of Russia legislation. The situation was substantially improved by the adoption of the new Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to Section 1 of Article 142 of the Civil Code, a valuable paper is a document that confirms, in compliance with an established form and mandatory requisites, certain material rights whose realisation or transfer are possible only in the process of its presentation. Finally, the recent Federal law No. 39 - FZ "On the Valuable Papers Market", dated April 22 1996, has also introduced the term "emission valuable papers". According to Article 2 of this Law, an "emission valuable paper" is any valuable paper, including non-documentary, that simultaneously has the following features: it fixes the composition of material and non-material rights that are subject to confirmation, cession and unconditional realisation in compliance with the form and procedure established by this federal law; it is placed by issues; and it has equal amount and time of realisation of rights within the same issue regardless of when the valuable paper was purchased. Thus the introduction of the conception of "emission valuable paper" became the starting point in the Russian federation's legislation for the differentiation between the legal regimes of "commercial papers" and "investment papers" similar to the Common Law approach. Moving now to the synchronic, comparative method of research, Mr. Pentsov notes that there are currently three major conceptions of "security" and, correspondingly, three approaches to its legal definition: the Common Law concept, the continental law concept, and the concept employed by Japanese Law. Mr. Pentsov proceeds to analyse the differences and similarities of all three, concluding that though the concept of "security" in the Common Law system substantially differs from that of "valuable paper" in the Continental Law system, nevertheless the two concepts are developing in similar directions. He predicts that in the foreseeable future the existing differences between these two concepts will become less and less significant. On the basis of his research, Mr. Pentsov arrived at the conclusion that the concept of "security" (and its equivalents) is not a static one. On the contrary, it is in the process of permanent evolution that reflects the introduction of new financial instruments onto the capital markets. He believes that the scope of the statutory definition of "security" plays an extremely important role in the protection of investors. While passing the Securities Act of 1933, the United States Congress determined that the best way to achieve the goal of protecting investors was to define the term "security" in sufficiently broad and general terms so as to include within the definition the many types of instruments that in the commercial world fall within the ordinary concept of "security' and to cover the countless and various devices used by those who seek to use the money of others on the promise of profits. On the other hand, the very limited scope of the current definition of "emission valuable paper" in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation entitled "On the Valuable Papers Market" does not allow the anti-fraud provisions of this law to be implemented in an efficient way. Consequently, there is no basis for the protection of investors. Mr. Pentsov proposes amendments which he believes would enable the Russian markets to become more efficient and attractive for both foreign and domestic investors.
Os investidores institucionais, tais como os fundos de pensão, são entidades que administram recursos de numerosos grupos de pessoas, e que, por isso, tendem a gerir grandes carteiras de investimento e a ter incentivos para se tornar bem informados. Por isso, espera-se que eles sejam bons representantes da classe de investidores sofisticados, ou bem informados, e que o aumento de sua presença no mercado de capitais melhore a velocidade do ajuste do preço, contribuindo para evitar ineficiências do mercado, como, por exemplo, a anomalia dos accruals (Sloan, 1996), que é um atraso na revisão dos preços diante da informação sobre a magnitude dos accruals do lucro. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar, em diversos países, o impacto da participação de investidores institucionais sobre a anomalia dos accruals. São formuladas quatro hipóteses: (i) a proporção de informações sobre o desempenho futuro da empresa refletida no preço de sua ação é positivamente relacionada com o percentual de participação societária dos investidores institucionais; (ii) quanto maior for o percentual da participação societária de investidores institucionais, maior será a qualidade do lucro; (iii) quanto maior for a value relevance do lucro, maior será a anomalia dos accruals; e (iv) quanto maior for a participação societária dos investidores institucionais, menor será a anomalia dos accruals. Para se atingir os objetivos, a bibliografia sobre investidores institucionais, investidores sofisticados e anomalia dos accruals é analisada e cotejada com a literatura sobre value relevance e qualidade do lucro, em especial com o de Dechow e Dichev (2002). A pesquisa empírica utiliza dados de empresas não financeiras listadas nas bolsas de valores da Alemanha, do Brasil, da Espanha, dos Estados Unidos, da França, da Holanda, da Itália, do Reino Unido e da Suíça, e cobre o período de 2004 a 2013. A amostra contempla entre 2.314 e 4.076 empresas, totalizando entre 15.902 e 20.174 observações, a depender do modelo estimado. São realizadas regressões com dados em painel, uma abordagem de equações aparentemente não relacionadas (Seemingly Unrelated Regression - SUR) e a aplicação do teste de Mishkin (1983). Constata-se que nos Estados Unidos e na Itália os investidores institucionais são mais bem informados que os demais, e que na Alemanha, nos Estados Unidos, na França e no Reino Unido eles exercem um papel de monitoramento, pressionando por lucros de qualidade superior. Não se constata, porém, relação positiva entre value relevance do lucro e anomalia dos accruals, nem entre participação de investidores institucionais e esta anomalia. O estudo enriquece a discussão sobre o mercado ser eficiente a longo prazo, mas apresentar anomalias no curto prazo; enfatiza a importância de o investidor ser capaz de converter informações em previsão e avaliação; discute o vínculo entre o papel de monitoramento dos investidores institucionais e a qualidade do lucro; e avalia a relação entre a atuação destes investidores e o prices lead earnings.
Manuscript volume in various hands containing three general sections: satirical poems about Harvard tutors, a section of "last words & dying" speeches of Harvard tutors, and a copy of the Book of Harvard."
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
We study the potential consequences of a hypothetical trade boycott against Catalan products organized by some sectors of the Spanish society mainly for political reasons. A symmetric trade boycott would have two effects: a reduction of Catalan exports to Spain and a partial process of import substitution in Catalonia. In order to quantify the economic impact of the boycott, we compare the "actual" Catalan economy, as described in the input-output table for 2005, with a "simulated" Catalan economy that takes into account the effects of a boycott on the trade exchanges between Catalonia and Spain.
We estimate the response of stock prices to exogenous monetary policy shocks usinga vector-autoregressive model with time-varying parameters. Our evidence points toprotracted episodes in which, after a a short-run decline, stock prices increase persistently in response to an exogenous tightening of monetary policy. That responseis clearly at odds with the "conventional" view on the effects of monetary policy onbubbles, as well as with the predictions of bubbleless models. We also argue that it isunlikely that such evidence be accounted for by an endogenous response of the equitypremium to the monetary policy shocks.
Stocks added to (deleted from) the Russell 2000 and the S&P 600 indexes experience positive (negative) abnormal returns following the announcement. However, researchers disagree on whether these abnormal returns are permanent or temporary and offer competing explanations. I address this controversy by examining market reactions for firms that are added to or deleted from the FTSE Small Cap index (the main testing sample) and the S&P/TSX SmallCap index (the comparison sample). For the main testing sample, all stocks except pure additions, experience a permanent price change that is accompanied by a permanent change in liquidity. However, for the comparison sample, abnormal returns over the announcement period fully reverted within 30 days. In further examination of stock liquidity for the main testing sample, sample stocks experience permanent change in liquidity. Taken together, the observed results support the price pressure and liquidity hypotheses.